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‎2010英语高考考纲词汇详解 ‎1. accurate a. 正确无误的,精确的   ‎ ‎ Is your watch accurate or not? 你的手表准不准?   ‎ ‎ I have to hand in an accurate report of what happened early tomorrow morning.   ‎ 明天一早我就要交上一份关于发生的一切的准确报告。   ‎ ‎2. adapt v. 修改,改编, 使适合   ‎ ‎ Her husband adapted an old tractor motor to his boat.   ‎ 她丈夫把一台旧拖拉机的马达装到小船上了。   ‎ ‎ This novel has been adapted for TV from Korean.这本小说已经由韩语改编为电视节目。   ‎ ‎3. adult n. 成年人   ‎ ‎ This is a game designed for adults only.这是个只为成年人设计的游戏。   ‎ ‎ She can't wait to become an adult.她急于长大成人。   ‎ ‎4. advantage n. ①优点 ②好处   ‎ ‎①Will you make lists of the advantages and the disadvantages?   ‎ ‎ 你能列表分别说明这些优点和缺点吗?   ‎ ‎ What are the advantages of the electric light? 电灯的优点有哪些?   ‎ ‎ ②It would be to your advantage to get experience in working abroad.   ‎ ‎ 你要是有去国外工作的经历将使你受益非浅。   ‎ Your good knowledge of English gave you advantage over the others.   ‎ ‎ 你的英文好使你有了其他人没有的长处。   ‎ ‎5. agent n. 代理人,经纪人   ‎ ‎ You'd better not believe that insurance agent.你最好别相信那个保险经纪人的话。   ‎ ‎ You can ask our agents in the  Middle East  for further information.   ‎ ‎ 要了解更多详情你可以联系我们在中东的代理人。   ‎ ‎6. aid n. ①援助 ②救护 ③辅助器具   ‎ ‎①The villagers have lived on government aid for years.村民们已经靠政府救助好几年了。   ‎ ‎ Nobody came to her aid when she was in trouble.她身陷困境但无人施援。   ‎ ‎②First aid, if given in time, can save a person's life.   ‎ 急救,如果实施及时是可以挽救人的生命的。   ‎ ‎ The students have been taught to know first aid.学生们被教会了急救。   ‎ ‎③The girl needs a hearing-aid.女孩需要一副助听器。   ‎ ‎ The patients have to breathe with the aid of oxygen masks.病人们必须借助氧气面罩呼吸。   ‎ ‎  v. 援助, 帮助   ‎ ‎ Our professor encouraged and aided us in our scientific research work.   ‎ 我们教授鼓励和帮助我们进行科学研究。   ‎ Aided by a passer-by, she managed to walk to the police station.   ‎ 在一位过路人的帮助下,她来到了警察局。   ‎ ‎7. apply v. 申请   ‎ ‎ I suggest you apply immediately in person.我建议你马上亲自前去申请。   ‎ ‎ Anybody can apply for Internet services through the telephone office.   ‎ ‎ 任何人都可以通过电话局申请互联网服务。   ‎ ‎8. appointment n. 约会   ‎ ‎ What time is your doctor's appointment? 你与医生的预约定在几点?   ‎ ‎ Please remind me of the appointment with the project manager.   ‎ ‎ 请到时提醒我与项目经理的约见。   ‎ ‎9. atmosphere n. ①大气 ②气氛   ‎ ‎① Something must be done to stop polluting the atmosphere of our earth.   ‎ 必须采取行动来制止污染我们地球的大气层。   ‎ The spaceship crashed when it went through the atmosphere.   ‎ 宇宙飞船在穿越大气层的时候坠毁了。   ‎ ‎② The atmosphere in the meeting room changed as soon as she walked in.   ‎ 她一走进去会议室的气氛就变了。   ‎ The atmosphere over our dinner was warm and friendly.我们用餐时的气氛热情友好。   ‎ ‎10. attach v. 附上,使隶属   ‎ ‎ The map is attached to the wall by a nail.地图被用钉子固定在墙上。   ‎ ‎ Are you studying at a middle school attached to   Beijing   University  ?   ‎ ‎ 你是在北京大学的一所附属中学读书吗?   ‎ ‎11. audience n. 观众, 听众   ‎ ‎ Her speech drew a large audience.她的演讲吸引了很多听众。   ‎ ‎ The singer called for a member of the audience to join him on stage.   ‎ 歌手请一位观众上台跟他一起表演。   ‎ ‎12. available a. 可用的,可得到的    ‎ Sorry, madam, those boots are not available in your size.   ‎ ‎ 抱歉,夫人,但这里的靴子没有适合你穿的号码。   ‎ ‎ Is the doctor available now? 现在医生有空吗?   ‎ ‎13. award n. 奖品, 奖励   ‎ ‎ The award went to an Indian director.一位印度导演夺得该项奖。   ‎ ‎ She showed us the awards she had won for her scientific research work.   ‎ 她给我们看了她因为她所做的科学研究工作而获得的奖项。   ‎ ‎14. bar n. ①条 ②(长方)块,棒,横木   ‎ ‎ ①Mother found a bar of soap in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房找到一条肥皂。   ‎ Would you like a bar of chocolate? 你要吃块巧克力吗?   ‎ ‎②The criminal was placed behind prison bars.罪犯被关在监牢里。   ‎ ‎ If the temperature of the metal bar is high, will the expansion be great?   ‎ 若是金属条的温度很高,其膨胀会非常剧烈吗?   ‎ ‎15. benefit n. 利益,好处    ‎ ‎ I've done it for her benefit.我那样做是为她好。   ‎ ‎ The new change of the terms will be of great benefit to everyone.   ‎ 这学期的新变化将对大家都有利。   ‎ v. ①有益于 ②获益   ‎ ‎①The library has benefited the whole town.图书馆对全镇上的人有益。   ‎ ‎ Such foolish behavior will not benefit your case.这样愚蠢的举动对你的案子没有好处。   ‎ ‎ ②Who would be more likely to benefit from your death? 你要是死了谁将受益?   ‎ ‎ The young man hasn't benefited from the experience.   ‎ 那个年轻人虽然有此经历但却没有长进。   ‎ ‎16. blank n. 空格,空白(处)   ‎ ‎ Write your full name in the blank, please.请在空格处写上你的全名。   ‎ ‎ Fill in the blanks with proper words.用合适的词汇填空。   ‎ ‎ When I tried to remember her name, my mind was a complete blank.   ‎ ‎ 当我试图记起她的名字时,我的大脑一片空白。   ‎ a. ①空的 ②茫然无表情的   ‎ ‎①Please write your name and number in the blank space at the top of the paper.   ‎ 请在试卷上部的空白处写下你的姓名和号码。   ‎ ‎ May I have some blank pages? 可以给我些白纸吗?   ‎ ‎ ② I mentioned your name, but the secretary looked blank.   ‎ ‎ 我提到了你的名字,但秘书似乎目无表情。   ‎ ‎ We tried to explain again, but he just gave us a blank look.   ‎ ‎ 我们还要再作解释,但是他只是毫无表情地看了我一眼。   ‎ ‎17. comment n. 评论   ‎ ‎ I asked him if he had any comments about the project.我问他对该项目有何评论。   ‎ ‎ She refused to make a comment on the incident.她拒绝就那个事件发表看法。   ‎ ‎18. conclusion n. ①结论 ②结束   ‎ ‎ ①How could they draw different conclusions from the same facts?   ‎ ‎ 他们怎么会从同样的事实得出不同的结论呢?   ‎ ‎ I've come to the conclusion that it was unwise to follow her advice.   ‎ ‎ 我已经得出结论,照她的建议做不是明智之举。   ‎ ‎ ②The conclusion of the movie was exciting.电影的结尾很扣人心弦。   ‎ ‎ The debate didn't come to a conclusion until midnight.直到半夜辩论才结束。   ‎ ‎19. confuse v. 混淆,使弄错,使迷惑   ‎ ‎ I was confused by all the noise.那些噪音把我搞得晕头晕脑的。   ‎ ‎ Don't confuse Australia with Austria.别把澳大利亚跟奥地利混了。   ‎ ‎ The sisters look so alike that almost everybody confuses them.   ‎ ‎ 那两姊妹长得非常相象因此几乎每个人都会把她们搞混。   ‎ ‎20. crime n.(法律上的)罪,犯罪   ‎ ‎ Anyone who does a crime must expect to be punished.任何人只要犯罪就只有等待惩罚。   ‎ It's the job of our police to prevent crime.我们的警察的职责就是阻止犯罪。   ‎ ‎21. diagram n. 图表,图样   ‎ ‎ Diagrams are often used in his essays.他的论文中经常用到图表。   ‎ ‎ What can we infer from the above diagram? 我们能从上面的图表中推断出什么来呢?   ‎ ‎22. dial vt.拨(电话号码)   ‎ ‎ Is it you who dialed the office number? 是你拨打办公室的电话了吗?   ‎ ‎ Sorry, but you dialed the wrong number.抱歉,你拨错号码了。   ‎ ‎23. doll n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃   ‎ ‎ Our daughter is playing with her baby doll on the living-room floor.   ‎ ‎ 我们女儿在卧室的地板上玩布娃娃。   ‎ ‎ How dirty you've got your doll! 你看你把你的玩具娃娃弄得多脏了!   ‎ ‎24. emergency n. 紧急情况或状态   ‎ ‎ Press the button in an emergency.紧急情况就按这个按钮。   ‎ ‎ Everyone managed to leave the cinema by the emergency exit.   ‎ 每个人都从紧急出口撤出了电影院。   ‎ ‎25. environment n. 环境   ‎ ‎ Now everybody has come to realize the importance of protecting the environment.   ‎ 现在每个人都认识到了保护环境的重要性了。   ‎ ‎ Good parents should provide a loving environment for their children.   ‎ ‎ 好的父母应该为孩子提供一个爱意融融的环境。   ‎ ‎26. evidence n. 证明   ‎ ‎ Have you had evidence that the killer was a woman? 你有证据表明凶手是女的吗?   ‎ ‎ He couldn't show us any evidence for his statement. 他不能提供支持他的说法的任何证明。   ‎ ‎27. exchange n. ①交换,掉换 ②交流   ‎ ‎ ①She gave me a smile in exchange for my help.我帮了她一忙博得了她的莞尔一笑。   ‎ ‎ I'd like to take this green pen for an exchange.我愿意换成这支绿钢笔。   ‎ ‎ ②There was a frank exchange of opinions between both sides.双方坦诚地交换了意见。   ‎ ‎ Carl is an exchange teacher.卡尔是位出国交流的老师。   ‎ ‎28. guilty a. ①有罪的,犯罪的 ②自觉有罪的   ‎ ‎①He is a guilty man.他是个有罪的人。   ‎ The man was declared guilty.那人被判有罪。   ‎ ‎②I feel guilty about having to tell a lie.我为说了谎而感到内疚。   ‎ I feel guilty about not having written to you sooner.我因为没有尽快给您写信感到愧疚。   ‎ ‎29. hamburger n. 汉堡包   ‎ Children like hamburgers.孩子们喜欢吃汉堡包。   ‎ Hamburger is a pop fast food in America.汉堡包是美国的一种快餐食品。   ‎ ‎30. harm n. 伤害, 损害   ‎ ‎ She means no harm to you by telling you the truth.她只是告诉你实话,并无恶意。   ‎ ‎ Smoking does great harm to your health.吸烟对人身体极其有害。   ‎ v. 伤害, 损害   ‎ ‎ There was a fire in their street last night but most of the houses weren't harmed at all.   ‎ 昨天晚上他们住的街上失火了,但大多数房子未受损害。   ‎ ‎ The old Buddhist wouldn't harm a fly.那个老佛教徒不愿意伤害一只苍蝇。   ‎ ‎31. illegal a. 违法的,非法的   ‎ ‎ It's illegal to park your jeep here.你把吉普车停在这里是违法的。   ‎ ‎ They were regarded as illegal immigrants and then sent back.   ‎ ‎ 他们被认定是非法移民而遣返回来了。   ‎ ‎32. influence n. 影响   ‎ The heroic deed has a great influence on the little boy.   ‎ 这个英雄事迹对这个小男孩的影响很大。   ‎ She has a strange influence over the prisoner.她对那名囚犯有种奇妙的影响。   ‎ ‎  v. 影响   ‎ Don't let me influence your own decision.别让我影响你自己的决定。   ‎ ‎ The parents will influence the children a lot.父母会极大地影响孩子。   ‎ ‎33. inform vt. 告诉, 通知   ‎ The headmaster informed the students that they could have two-day off at the weekend.   ‎ 校长通知学生这个周末放假两天。   ‎ ‎ We will inform you if we get something further.我们有了进一步的消息会通知你的。   ‎ ‎34. intelligence n. 聪明才智,理解力   ‎ ‎ He was eager to know the result of the intelligence test.他急于知道智力测验的结果。   ‎ ‎ Use your intelligence in your work.干活时要多动脑子。   ‎ ‎35. jazz n. 爵士音乐,爵士舞曲   ‎ Which one do you prefer,traditional jazz or modern jazz?   ‎ ‎ 传统爵士乐和现代爵士乐你更喜欢哪个?   ‎ Jazz has a long history in America.爵士乐在美国有很久远的历史了。   ‎ ‎36. link v. 连接, 联系   ‎ All the towns in this area are linked together by the new road.    ‎ 这条新修的马路把这个地区的所有的城镇都连接起来了。   ‎ The two twins walked with the arms linked together.这对双胞胎相互挽着手臂走。   ‎ ‎37. liquid n. 液体   ‎ ‎ If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough.   ‎ ‎ 要是你加入太多液体混合液的浓度就不够。   ‎ Water is a liquid.水是一种液体。   ‎ ‎  a. 液体的   ‎ Liquid gold can be made into different shapes.液态金可制成不同的形状。   ‎ The boy had been operated on and had to take only liquid food.   ‎ 男孩做了手术只能吃流质食物。   ‎ ‎38. moral a. 道德的   ‎ ‎ He refused to join the army on moral grounds because he thought it was wrong to kill people.   ‎ 他以道德为依据拒绝参军,因为他认为杀人是不对的。   ‎ What right do you have to make moral judgments about me?   ‎ 你有什么权力对我作道德上的评价?   ‎ n. 寓意,道德启示   ‎ The moral of the short story is that crime doesn't pay.那个短篇故事的寓意是犯罪得不偿失。   ‎ I think the moral of this text is ‘Better late than never'.   ‎ 我认为课文给我们的启示是迟做总比不做好。   ‎ ‎39. mourn vt. 哀痛,哀悼   ‎ ‎ The young mother was mourning her baby's death.年轻的母亲在为孩子的死而伤心。   ‎ ‎ We have no need to mourn the passing of the steam train.   ‎ 我们没有必要为蒸汽火车的停止使用感到惋惜。   ‎ ‎40. original a. ①原先的,最初的 ②独特的, 新颖的 ③原版的,非抄袭的   ‎ ‎① The house ought to be returned to its original owner.房子应该物归原主。   ‎ It's amazing that you still have the original wood floor.   ‎ 你还保留着原来的木地板真令人吃惊。   ‎ ‎② Who thought of the original idea? 是谁想出这个独出心裁的主意的?   ‎ What an original T-shirt you are wearing today! Where did you get it?   ‎ 你今天穿的T恤衫真是与众不同。哪里买的?   ‎ ‎③ He has a good collection of original paintings of Picasso.   ‎ 他收藏了好多张毕加索的原创画作。   ‎ I don't think the drawing is original.我看这幅画不是原件。   ‎ ‎  n. 原作,原件   ‎ ‎  Will you give me back the original and keep a copy only?   ‎ 你把原件还我只保留一张复印件好吗?   ‎ ‎  I have read some English novels in the original.我读过几本原版英文小说。   ‎ ‎41. outer a. 外部的,外面的   ‎ They painted the outer wall of that castle green.他们把城堡的外墙漆成绿色。   ‎ The outer space is still an unknown world to us.外太空对我们来说还是个未知的世界。   ‎ ‎42. phrase n. 短语, 习惯用语   ‎ ‎ Today's homework is to remember the phrases we learned today.   ‎ 今天的作业就是把今天所学的短语记住。   ‎ ‎ Did you notice that some of the English phrases were hard to translate into Chinese?   ‎ 你注意到一些英语短语是很难翻译成汉语的了吗?   ‎ ‎43. primary a. 初等的, 初级的   ‎ ‎ Her first job was working as a teacher in a primary school.她的第一份工作是在小学任教。   ‎ ‎ As far as I can see, the disease is still in its primary stage.我看这病尚处于初期阶段。   ‎ ‎44. province n. 省   ‎ ‎ How many provinces are there in your country? 你们国家有几个省?   ‎ ‎ My husband and I are from the same province.我丈夫和我是同一个省的人。   ‎ ‎45. remark n. 陈述, 话, 议论   ‎ ‎ Such were his remarks at the get-together.这就是他在聚会上说的话。   ‎ ‎ Can you make a few remarks on this subject? 对这一话题您作何评论?   ‎ ‎46. rocket n. 火箭   ‎ ‎ It's believed that we Chinese invented the rocket.人们相信是我们中国人发明了火箭。   ‎ ‎ A new type of rocket shot into the air with the spacecraft in which he traveled.   ‎ 一种新型的火箭跟他所乘的飞船一起升入空中。   ‎ ‎47. salad n. 色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜)   ‎ ‎ Mother is preparing a salad.妈妈在做色拉。   ‎ ‎ The fruit salad is the first dish at the dinner.水果色拉是大餐的第一道菜。   ‎ ‎48. scare v. 使害怕,使吃惊   ‎ ‎ The terrible noise scared me.可怕的声音吓坏了我。   ‎ ‎ They lighted a fire to scare off the wolves.他们点了一堆火来吓跑狼群。   ‎ ‎49. section n. ①段 ②部分 ③部门   ‎ ‎ ①Is there a section on accident at work in your report?   ‎ ‎ 你的报告里有讲工作中的意外事故的段落吗?   ‎ ‎ I'm going through the sports section.我在看报纸的体育版。   ‎ ‎ ②Yellow lines divide the field into sections.几道黄线把场地分隔成几部分。   ‎ ‎ The bridge was made in sections and fitted together.   ‎ 这座桥梁是先做成几部分然后组装起来的。   ‎ ‎ ③Her father used to work at the information section.她爸爸过去在情报部门干。   ‎ ‎ He was appointed to work in the accounting section.他被分派到会计室上班。   ‎ ‎50. sex n. 性,性别   ‎ ‎ Everybody is welcome, regardless of age or sex.欢迎大家,无论男女老少都欢迎。   ‎ ‎ Junior students become more curious about sex.初中学生对性更加好奇。   ‎ ‎51. sincerely ad. 真诚地   ‎ ‎ I think you're outstanding and I mean that most sincerely.   ‎ ‎ 我认为你很突出而且我说这话也是实心实意的。   ‎ ‎ He signed his name with "Yours sincerely" at the bottom of the letter.   ‎ ‎ 他在信的底端写下了"你的诚挚的"并签了名字。   ‎ ‎52. stream n. 小河, 溪流   ‎ ‎ It's better to walk along the small stream running through the woods.   ‎ ‎ 最好还是沿着这条流过树林的小溪走。   ‎ ‎ We often go boating down the stream.我们经常划船顺着那条小河而下。   ‎ ‎53. survive v. 幸免于难   ‎ ‎ Fortunately she survived the terrible accident.幸运的是她在那次严重事故中幸免于难。   ‎ ‎ Both parents were killed in the fire, but the child survived.   ‎ 父母都被火烧死了而孩子幸免于难。   ‎ ‎54. temple n. 庙宇,寺院   ‎ ‎ Did you go to visit the Buddhist temple? 你去参观那座佛寺了吗?   ‎ ‎ The old temple dates from the Tang Dynasty.那座古庙的历史可以追溯到唐朝。   ‎ ‎55. tennis n. 网球   ‎ ‎ Would you like to play tennis with me this weekend? 周末愿意去跟我打网球吗?   ‎ ‎ My parents bought me a new tennis racket on my birthday.   ‎ ‎ 我生日那天我爸妈给我买了只新网球拍。   ‎ ‎56. topic n. 题目,话题   ‎ ‎ Is it a suitable topic for a school debate? 用这来做学校辩论赛的题目是否合适?   ‎ ‎ The topic of our conversation today is not my favorite.我们今天所谈的话题不是我最喜欢的。   ‎ ‎57. tradition n. 传统,习惯   ‎ ‎ People play practical jokes on April Fools' Day by tradition.   ‎ ‎ 人们习惯在愚人节开一些无伤大雅的玩笑。   ‎ ‎ Is it a tradition that women get married in red in your country?   ‎ ‎ 你们国家有妇女结婚时穿红衣服的传统吗?   ‎ ‎58. whistle n. 口哨,口哨声   ‎ ‎ The dog rushed out at his whistle.一听到他的口哨声小狗就冲出去了。   ‎ ‎ He gave a soft whistle of astonishment.他吃惊地轻轻吹了声口哨  ‎

