江苏省南京市泰州市2020届高三第四次联合模拟考试英语试题 Word版含解析

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江苏省南京市泰州市2020届高三第四次联合模拟考试英语试题 Word版含解析

- 1 - 2020 届高三第四次联合模拟考试英语 第Ⅰ卷(客观题,共 85 分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 What will the woman do after her meeting? A. Meet the man. B. Prepare for the party. C. Tell Mr. Peterson about the party. 【答案】C 【解析】 【原文】M: Don’t you agree that it would be a good idea to inform Mr. Peterson of the party? W: I’ll be sure to do so after my meeting. 2.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 Who is the woman? A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A saleswoman. 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】W: Hi, Karim. Do you still want to buy my car? M: Sure. I can give you the money tomorrow. W: Oh, that’s great. I need the money this week. I have to pay my college fees for next year. M: No problem. 3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 What was the weather like on John’s holiday? A. Cold. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. 【答案】A - 2 - 【解析】 【原文】W: How was your holiday, John? M: We had a good time, but the weather was awful. We didn’t have one sunny day! W: Oh, dear, a week in the rain, poor you. M: Well, that’s the funny thing. It never actually rained. It was just freezing. We thought it might even snow. 4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 How do small shop owners feel about the future? A. Optimistic. B. Concerned. C. Uninterested. 【答案】B 【解析】 【原文】W: So what changes are happening in the town center? M: Well, they are building a new supermarket. I suppose many small shops are worried about the future. W: Why? M: Because supermarkets are cheaper than small shops. 5.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 What does the woman think of Gina’s behavior? A. Annoying. B. Acceptable. C. Normal. 【答案】A 【解析】 【原文】W: I went out with Gina to a restaurant last night. She was on her mobile phone during dinner talking to her friends. M: That wasn’t polite, was it? W: No, it wasn’t. The meal was delicious but I’ll never go out with her again. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 - 3 - 6. What was the purpose of the concert? A. To attract governments’ attention to education. B. To collect money for poor children. C. To save some sick children. 7. What do the speakers agree? A. Governments should do something for poor children. B. Children should make a living by themselves. C. Famous singers should help poor children. 【答案】6. B 7. A 【解析】 【原文】M: Hi, Helen! How was the concert last night? W: Wonderful indeed. Many famous singers sang at the concert. It was called: Saving the Children”. M: What does it mean? W: The concert was held for collecting money for poor children all over the world. Many children in the world don’t have enough food and can’t go to school. M: That’s quite true, but I think it is more necessary for governments to do something about the problem. W: I agree with you. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 8. Why does the woman recommend Easyspeak Electronics? A. It is near the man’s house. B. It offers a sale until the weekend. C. It provides good technical assistance. 9. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Take his old phone to the shop. B. Write down his phone number. C. Check the functions of new phones. - 4 - 【答案】8. B 9. A 【解析】 【原文】M: My cell phone is so old. Every time I try to make a call, it stops working. I need to go shopping today for a new one. W: You should go to Easyspeak Electronics where I bought my last cell phone. They offer a really good service, and the most important is that they have a sale on until this weekend. M: Thanks for the suggestion. I have many questions on the functions of the cell phones. W: When you visit there, make sure you take your old cell phone with you. They’ll move your phone number and contents into the new phone. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 10. What are the speakers discussing? A. Where to travel. B. What kind of transport to take. C. How to solve the traffic problems. 11. Why does the man suggest taking the streetcar? A. It is cheap. B. It is less crowded. C. It won’t be stuck in a traffic jam. 12. How will the speakers go to the harbor? A. By underground. B. By bike. C. By bus. 【答案】10. B 11. C 12. B 【解析】 【原文】W: I heard a new museum opens today in the other end of town. I want to visit it. Will you go with me? M: OK. Let’s take a streetcar here. W: So why are you interested in going by streetcar? M: Well, because it always keeps moving, even when there’s heavy traffic. So at least we’ll get there quite quickly. - 5 - W: I think I’d rather go by underground, really. M: I don’t fancy that. For one thing, it’s summer, so it’s going to be really hot down there. And for another, it gets too crowded. W: So what about going on the bus, then? I know it’s slow, but it’s cheap. M: Actually, what I’d most like to do is sail down the river. W: That’s a good idea. We can ride to the harbor on our bikes, put them on the boat and be in the other end of town in half an hour. M: Right, that’s sorted, then! 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 13. What does the man do? A. A tour guide. B. A hotel clerk. C. A travel agent. 14. What does the man say about the bed-sitting room? A. It can’t provide enough beds. B. Its price is a bit too high. C. It is close to the beach. 15. When does the conversation probably take place? A. In May. B. In July. C. In September. 16. What does the woman have to do before phoning the man again? A. Consult her parents. B. Prepare a travel schedule. C. Have a talk with her friends. 【答案】13. C 14. C 15. A 16. C 【解析】 【原文】M: Can I help you? W: Yes. I know it’s rather late for a reservation, but we are three friends, and we’d like to travel to Greece in July. M: Where would you like to stay? W: We’ve been told Mykonos is one of the best islands there. Would that be possible? M: Quite difficult in July. Anyway, how long would like to stay? - 6 - W: Two weeks. And, um… we cannot spend more than £100 a day. M: For that price you won’t have many choices, I’m afraid. But let me find out. If you could arrange to make it in late June, I might have a bed-sitting room for £75. It could provide 3 single beds, and it’s 5 minutes’ walk from the main beach. W: What’s the name of the beach? M: Super Paradise. W: Just fancy! My parents went there on their honeymoon and they still keep advising people to go there! I need to talk it over with my friends, though. M: Well, talk with your friends, come to an agreement and give me a ring again. Remember we only have a month left, so you need to make up your mind today or tomorrow! W: I will, thank you. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 17. What does the speaker mainly talk about? A. A website. B. A social problem. C. An advertisement. 18. How does the FreeRice game help end hunger? A. By buying food. B. By giving money. C. By donating rice. 19. How many levels of difficulty does the FreeRice game have? A. 20. B. 48. C. 55. 20. What is the biggest danger the World Food Program has faced? A. Transportation is in bad condition. B. The advertisers stop paying for food. C. The cost to secure food aid has increased a lot. 【答案】17. A 18. B 19. C 20. C 【解析】 【原文】W: Whoever thought learning new words could feel socially responsible? A website called FreeRice.com is an English vocabulary game. It explains its purpose like this:”For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice through the United Nations World Food Program to help end hunger.” Internet businessman John Breen created FreeRice in October. The United Nations World - 7 - Food Program does not really get rice. The donations are given in the form of money. Advertisers whose names appear with the links at the bottom of the game pay for the rice. Words are presented with four choices of answers. Players click on the one that best explains the word. Now, the FreeRice game has fifty-five levels of difficulty. Players rarely get past level forty-eight. Jennifer Parmelee is a World Food Program spokeswoman in Washington. She says cash donations help the agency to buy food locally and transport it quickly to where it is needed. Over the last nine months, though, the cost to secure food aid has increased fifty-five percent. Jennifer Parmelee says this is the biggest danger the World Food Program has faced in its forty-year history. She says creative projects like FreeRice are badly needed right now. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.The singer was admitted in 2013 and did not get a diploma from the university when he graduated in 2018, as he did not meet the ________. A. promise B. challenges C. requirements D. request 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位歌手于 2013 年被录取,由于他不符合要求,他于 2018 年毕业时未获得大学文凭。A. promise 承诺;B. challenges 挑战;C. requirements 要求, 必要条件; D. request 请求,要求。request 指非常正式,有礼貌的请求或恳求,多指担心 因种种原因对方不能答应的意思。 requirement 而强调根据实际需求或纪律或法律等提出的 要求。由常识可知,大学生需要满足大学的相关规定和要求才能获得毕业证书,因此选择 requirements 合乎句意的需要。故选 C 。 22.It was some time before the door opened ________ his ring. A. on account of B. in view of C. with regard to D. in response to - 8 - 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:他按门铃后过了一段时间,门才打开。A. on account of 因为,由于;B. in view of 考虑到,鉴于;C. with regard to 关于,对于;D. in response to 回应。开门是对他按门铃的回应,因此选择 in response to 合乎句意的需要。故选 D 。 23.Foreign leaders were wondering how it was that the Chinese government could ________ the spread of the virus so quickly and effectively. A. defend B. accelerate C. contain D. assure 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:外国领导人想知道,中国政府是如何能够如此迅速有效 地遏制病毒的传播的。A. defend 防护;B. accelerate 加速;C. contain 遏制(……的势力、 扩张、影响),防止……蔓延;D. assure 确保。根据“the spread of the virus so quickly and effectively.”可知,这里指迅速有效地遏制病毒的传播。故选 C。 24.Enjoying a funny comedy or reading some jokes will _____ your negative feelings and make you feel much better. A. drive away B. put away C. give out D. put out 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:欣赏有趣的喜剧或阅读一些笑话会带走你的负面情绪, 并使你感觉更好。A. drive away 驶离,驱走;B. put away 收起来;C. give out 放出,发 出;D. put out 扑灭。根据 and 后面的内容可知,欣赏有趣的喜剧或阅读一些笑话会使你感 觉更好,即这样做,赶走了你的负面情绪,选择 drive away 合乎句意的需要。故选 A。 25.He sold his house for twice ________ he paid for it so he did well out of the deal. A. how B. what C. that D. which 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查名词性从句。句意:他把房子卖了,价钱是买价的两倍,所以他在这笔交易中 赚了很多钱。从句动词 pay 后缺少宾语,且指物,所以用连接词 what 引导。故选 B。 - 9 - 26.Sometimes it is wise not to ________ rumors as they will fade away with time passing. A. share B. start C. circulate D. counter 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时候不去抨击谣言是明智的,因为它们会随着时间的 流逝而消逝。A. share 分享;B. start 开始;C. circulate 流传;D. counter 反击,抗 衡。由后半部分“as they will fade away with time passing”可知,因为它们会随着时 间的流逝而消逝。由此可见,对于谣言不需要做出任何反击。故选 D。 27.I saw a man shouting at a driver, ________ the car is blocking the street. A. whose B. of whom C. of which D. whom 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我看见一个人对着司机大喊大叫,因为司机的车堵在街上。 本句为非限定定语从句,先行词为 a driver,指人,在从句作 the car 的定语,所以用介词 of +关系代词 whom。the car of whom = whose car。故选 B。 28.By the time the police arrived, the old man ________ dead already, with a gun in his hand. A. was found B. had found C. found D. has been found 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:警察赶到时,发现老人死了,手里拿着枪。根据主句可知, 主句动作不强调已经完成,只是说明某个时候的状况,且主句是 be 的系表形式或者是表示像 know, find, believe 等表示认知的持续性动词,往往用一般时态。结合从句“By the time the police arrived,”时态可以判断,用一般过去时。句中主语 the old man 与动词 find 之间 为被动关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故选 A。 29.A total number of 172 people are now in hospital for treatment, of them 24 seriously ________. A. being injured B. injured C. having injured D. to be injured - 10 - 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:目前共有 172 人在医院接受治疗,of them 24 seriously ________为独立主格结构做伴随状语,其中 24 人严重受伤。24 后省略名词 people,与 injure 之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词,相当于 and of them 24 seriously are injured 。故 选 B。 30.The man took out a knife and made a mark ____ his sword was dropped, confusing the passengers on board. A. from where B. what C. on which D. where 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这名男子拿出一把刀,在剑掉的地方做了个记号,让舟上的 乘客迷惑不解。分析句子可知,先行词为 mark 在,____ his sword was dropped 在句中作地 点状语,所以关系副词用 where 引导。故选 D。 31.____ then what I know now, I would have made different decisions. A. Should I know B. I knew C. I did know D. Had I known 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查 If 条件句中的虚拟语气和倒装。句意:如果我之前知道我现在知道的事情,我 可能会做出不同的决定。分析句意可知,这是 If 引导的条件句,从句“____ then what I know now”表达的是“如果我之前知道我现在知道的事情”,这是对过去的一种假设,从句谓语动 词需用过去完成时 had known。分析句子可知,If 在句中被省略,if 引导的条件句中,如果 if 被省略,从句需进行部分倒装,将助动词 had 提前。故选 D。 【点睛】If 条件句是高中语法的常考知识点,主要考核虚拟语气和倒装。学生在遇到 If 条件 句的题型,首先需要判断主从句是否表达的是一种虚拟假设。如果确定了是虚拟语气,需要 再分析是对过去,现在还是将来的虚拟假设,从而对主从句谓语动词时态进行变化。此外, 还要特别留意 If 条件句中 if 是否被省略,如果 if 被省略,从句需进行部分倒装。本题中 If 引导的从句“____ then what I know now”表达的是“如果我之前知道我现在知道的事情”, 这是对过去的一种假设,从句谓语动词需用过去完成时 had known。另外,本题中的 If 在句 - 11 - 中被省略,从句需进行部分倒装,将助动词 had 提前。故选 D。 32.Thompson’s business was originally ________ in size, but in recent years he has expanded it by opening scores of chain stores across the country. A. modest B. grand C. full D. handsome 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:汤普森的生意起初规模不大,但近年来他在全国各地 开了几十家连锁店,把生意做大了。A. modest 适度的;不太大的;B. grand 重大的;C. full 完全的;D. handsome 英俊的。根据后句转折“but in recent years he has expanded it by opening scores of chain stores across the country.”可知,起初汤普森的生意规模不 太大。故选 A。 33.—Hopefully, China’s economic power is likely to increase in the years to come. —Well, trust me, more and more foreigners ________ employment here. A. seek B. are seeking C. will have sought D. will be seeking 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查时态。句意:——希望中国的经济实力在未来几年有望增强。——嗯,相信我, 会有越来越多的外国人来这里找工作。根据句中时间状语 in the years to come 可知用将来 时态,这里表示“越多的外国人来这里找工作”这一动作要在将来某一时间开始,并且一直 持续下去。所以用将来进行时态。故选 D。 34.Beijing has abandoned setting a specific GDP target for this year and shifted its policy priority to ensuring employment, people’s livelihoods and the ________ of businesses. A. survival B. proposal C. approval D. arrival 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:北京已放弃为今年设定具体的 GDP 目标,并将政策重点 转向确保就业、民生和企业生存。A. survival 生存;B. proposal 建议;C. approval 同意; D. arrival 到达。根据“Beijing has abandoned setting a specific GDP target for this - 12 - year and shifted its policy priority”可知,不设具体的 GDP 目标的目的是转换政策重 点,确保就业、民生和企业生存。故选 A。 35.—I lost five pounds just after a week on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try. —Right, _____. I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion. A. You have my words B. I don’t buy it C. You’ve sold it to me D. I just can’t help it 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——按照这个新食谱,我只用一星期就瘦了五磅,这绝对值 得一试。——我完全信你,为了参加学校的聚会,我一定要保持好身材。A. You have my words 我向你保证;B. I don’t buy it 我不信;C. You’ve sold it to me 我完全信你;D. I just can’t help it 我就是没办法。根据“I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion.”可知此处表示“我完全信你”,故 C 项正确。 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 One spring, two friends and I sought permission to plant a garden. Our school was located in the downtown area of a large city. There wasn’t___36___of a backyard.___37___ , it was our garden, a stone-covered dirt parking lot with no extra space. However, we carefully___38___taking into account the area that received the best sunshine. The three of us___39___the headmaster with our plan for a small area to plant some squash, tomatoes and cucumbers. The only real ___40___ involved was to rent a rake(耙), a pickax(丁字镐), and a hoe(锄头). However,___41___ the headmaster’s permission would still be difficult. We will never forget his ___42___ to our request. With a slightly bored tilting (偏斜) of his head, he ___43___ replied, “ You are wasting your time. Nothing will ever grow there! But go ahead ___44___ you still want to.” We had received permission___45___ ! So what if it wasn’t enthusiastic? We rented tools, raked four inches of stones into neat walls ___46___ the garden, raised the - 13 - pickax and ___47___what must have been a former waste area. A gardener dream-dark, rich soil just sitting there___48___ to be discovered. We looked at each other, repeating together: “Ah, nothing will grow there.” As you might have___49___ by now, things did grow there in our garden. Have you ever ___50___ that way about your life-Nothing will grow there… Have you felt ___51___ about your life’s progress? Worried about crop failure? Disappointed that nothing good ever seems to ___52___ ? Don’t believe that “Nothing will grow there”. It’s never too ___53___ to be who you might have been. You may not always see the ___54___ for growth, but it is there. All the rich soil you need may be left just ___55___ the surface, but can only be discovered after you begin digging. 36. A. more B. little C. much D. less 37. A. Suddenly B. Now C. Again D. Actually 38. A. carried out B. laid out C. gave out D. made out 39. A. greeted B. ignored C. approached D. lectured 40. A. cost B. reward C. bargain D. bonus 41. A. allowing B. getting C. granting D. adopting 42. A. promise B. tease C. response D. result 43. A. warmly B. coldly C. readily D. hesitantly 44. A. if B. unless C. even if D. as if 45. A. at most B. at least C. at first D. at last 46. A. separating B. setting C. establishing D. outlining 47. A. carved B. landed C. struck D. smoothed 48. A. waiting B. staring C. glancing D. lying 49. A. wished B. guessed C. liked D. planned 50. A. lost B. made C. followed D. felt 51. A. discouraged B. excited C. puzzled D. awkward 52. A. go up B. bring up C. come up D. pile up - 14 - 53. A. hard B. easy C. early D. late 54. A. potential B. foundation C. vision D. strategy 55. A. beyond B. beneath C. above D. off 【答案】36. C 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. D 51. A 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. B 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章讲述了作者在花园里种菜的故事,论述了做回自己永远都不 晚的观点。 【36 题详解】 考查固定搭配。句意:那里算不上有后院。A. more 更多的;B. little 小的;C. much 大量 的;D. less 次要的。not much of 算不上,称不上,是固定搭配,根据上文可知,这里是城 市,可以推测算不上有后院。故选 C 项。 【37 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:实际上,这是我们的花园,石头覆盖的泥土停车场,没有多余的 空间。A. Suddenly 突然;B. Now 现在;C. Again 再一次;D. Actually 事实上。根据前一 句话,以及所填空后面都在说其实那个地方很荒芜,因此是顺承关系,应填 actually 事实上。 故选 D 项。 【38 题详解】 考查动词词组辨析。句意:然而,我们仔细规划了能接收到最好的阳光的地区。A. carried out 实施;B. laid out 规划;设计;C. gave out 放弃;D. made out 辨认出。根据文章内容可 知作者想要在花园种菜,所以仔细规划能接收到最好阳光的地区。故选 B 项。 【39 题详解】 考查固定搭配。句意:我们三个人带着我们的计划去找校长,打算在一小块地方种些南瓜、 西红柿和黄瓜。A. greeted 问候;B. ignored 忽视;C. approached 接近;D. lectured 授 课。approach sb. about/with sth.表示为某事同某人打交道,是固定搭配。此处是为了在 花园种菜去询问校长。故选 C 项。 【40 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:唯一真正的成本是租一个耙,一把丁字镐,和一个锄头。A. cost - 15 - 花费; B. reward 奖励;C. bargain 讨价还价;D. bonus 奖金。根据后面给的是租用的各种 农具,因此这里是唯一真正的成本。故选 A 项。 【41 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,得到校长的许可仍然很困难。A. allowing 允许;B. getting 得到;C. granting 准许;D. adopting 收养。根据后面校长说的话可以推测得到校长的允许 并不是简单的事。故选 B 项。 【42 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们永远不会忘记他对我们请求的答复。A. promise 许诺;B. tease 戏弄;C. response 回答;D. result 结果。根据后文 permission 许可,以及后面的 replied, 可以推测,这里是校长的回应。故选 C 项。 【43 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他微微倾斜他的头,冷冷地回答道:“你这是在浪费你的时间。” A. warmly 温暖地;B. coldly 冷漠地;C. readily 准备好地;D. hesitantly 怀疑地。根据 校长歪着头说这只是浪费时间,可以推断,校长并不看好他们,故是冷漠地说。故选 B 项。 【44 题详解】 考查条件状语从句引导词。句意:但如果你们还想,就去吧。A. if 如果;B. unless 除非; C. even if 即使;D. as if 好像。由 if 引导的条件状语从句表示在某种条件下某事很可能 发生。这里是条件状语从句“如果你们还是想做的话,就做吧”。故选 A 项。 【45 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们终于得到了许可! A. at most 至多;B. at least 至少;C. at first 最初;D. at last 最后。根据前面说得到校长的允许并不是简单的事,校长不认可的 态度,以及感叹号,可知,这里是“最终我们得到了允许”。故选 D 项。 【46 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们租了一些工具,把四英寸长的石头耙成整齐的围墙,勾勒出 花园的轮廓,举起镐,敲击着这块从前可能是荒地的地方。A. separating 分离;B. setting 放置; C. establishing 建立;D. outlining 画……的轮廓。所填空的逻辑主语是六英寸的 石头做成的墙,以及宾语是花园可知,这里是用墙显现出花园的轮廓。故选 D 项。 【47 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们租了一些工具,把四英寸长的石头耙成整齐的围墙,勾勒出 花园的轮廓,举起镐,敲击着这块从前可能是荒地的地方。A. carved 雕刻;B. landed 降落; - 16 - C. struck 撞击;D. smoothed 缓和。后面 pickax 的是锄头,我们举起了锄头,把锄头重重 地锤在了原来是空地或者费地的地方,我们的花园梦等待着我们发现。故选 C 项。 【48 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个园丁的梦想,只是坐在那里等待肥沃的黑土壤被发现。A. waiting 等待;B. staring 盯着;C. glancing 瞥一眼;D. lying 平躺。根据我们是在实现 造花园的梦想可知,这里应该是等待肥沃的黑土壤被发现。故选 A 项。 【49 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你现在可能已经猜到了,我们的园子里确实长了些东西。A. wished 希望;B. guessed 猜测;C. liked 喜欢;D. planned 计划。by now 到目前为止,以及后面 说最后有东西长出来了,可知,这里是我想你读到现在应该猜到。故选 B 项。 【50 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你是否曾有过这样的感觉——在那里什么也长不出来……你是否 对生活的进步感到沮丧? A. lost 遗失;B. made 制造;C. followed 跟随;D. felt 感到。 根据 that 后面是 way,特指像前面作者造花园的心境,以及下面的句子再次出现 felt,可知, 这里是“你在生活中也经历过那种心境吗?” 故选 D 项。 【51 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你是否曾有过这样的感觉——在那里什么也长不出来……你是 否对生活的进步感到沮丧? A. discouraged 灰心的;B. excited 激动的;C. puzzled 困惑的; D. awkward 尴尬的。根据这里讲的是 nothing will grow there 此类受挫的经历,可知是对 生活的进步感到沮丧。故选 A 项。 【52 题详解】 考查动词词组辨析。句意:因为没有什么好东西出现而感到失望? A. go up 增长;B. bring up 提出;C. come up 出现;D. pile up 堆放起来。根据句意可知这里是没什么好事发生。come up 可以表示发生、出现。故选 C 项。 【53 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:做回自己,永远都不晚。A. hard 努力的;B. easy 容易的;C. early 早的;D. late 晚的。根据前面在分享自己被他人否定,心灰意冷的经历,可知,这里 是告诉大家做自己永远都不会迟。故选 D 项。 【54 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可能不总是看到增长的潜力,但它是存在的。A. potential 潜 - 17 - 能;B. foundation 基础;C. vision 视力;D. strategy 策略。see the potential for…看 到……的可能,是固定结构。故选 A 项。 【55 题详解】 考查介词辨析。句意:你所需要的肥沃土壤可能就在地表之下,但只有在你开始挖掘之后才 能发现。A. beyond 超过;B. beneath 在……之下;C. above 在……之上;D. off 偏离。根 据后面挖了之后才会出现可知,这里是埋在地下,因此是 beneath。故选 B 项。 【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要 遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,第 10 小题, 根据前面说得到校长的允许并不是 简单的事,校长不认可的态度,以及感叹号,可知,这里是“最终我们得到了允许”。故选 D 项。 第三部分:阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Understanding the context for the Ebola outbreak: What went right, what went wrong, and how we can all do better. Like no other event in recent history, the 2014 Ebola outbreak has made clear the fragility of existing health systems. While responding to the current epidemic is critical, we also have an opportunity to learn lessons to prevent the next global health catastrophe, create partnerships across borders - 18 - and disciplines, and demonstrate our commitment to value all human lives. This four-week course provides the context in which to understand the Ebola outbreak-why now, and why did so many people suffer and die? The course lays out the global governance structure -what was the global response supposed to look like, and where did it fail? The course will feature experts and scholars who will focus on cultivating a better understanding of the Ebola epidemic and implications for future health systems to ensure that the world is more effective in preventing the next epidemic . 56. What can we learn from the text? A. Learners will learn to attend patients with epidemic effectively. B. Learners should pay extra fee to gain a verified certificate. C. Learners should spend no more than 10 hours during the whole course. D. Learners will follow a fixed schedule and should be good at English. 57. The course is designed to _________. A. prevent the next pandemic B. understand the 2014 Ebola C. improve health systems D. provide academic support 【答案】56. B 57. A 【解析】 本文是应用文。介绍了一门持续四周的有关埃博拉疫情的公共健康课程,包括课程的内容, 设置目的,时间安排,课程语言、获取证书等。 【56 题详解】 细节理解题。根据表格中 CREDIT 部分的 Audit for free. Add a Verified Certificate for $49 可知想要得到一个认证证书需要额外支付$49,故选 B。 【57 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段 The course will feature experts and scholars who will focus on cultivating a better understanding of the Ebola epidemic and implications for future health systems to ensure that the world is more effective in preventing the next epidemic .可知该课程将以专家和学者为特色,他们将致力于更好地理解埃博拉疫 情及其对未来卫生系统的影响,以确保世界更有效地预防下一次疫情。即本课程旨在预防下 一次埃博拉大流行,故选 A。 - 19 - B Choosing a name for a child is often a headache for parents, but new research shows that picking well could be more crucial than previously thought. Academics have found that your first name actually changes the way you look. For example, someone called ‘Bob’ is expected by society to have a rounder and happier face than a man called ‘Tim’. That expectation eventually leads ‘Bobs’ to become more social, while ‘Tims’ may appear thinner and reserved. The connection may be linked to the “bouba-kiki” effect which suggests that across languages, rounder and smoother objects are labelled with rounded ‘bouba’ sounds, while thinner pointed objects have ‘kik’ sounds. Likewise ‘Winstons’ are believed to be feeling blue, while ‘Marys’ are considered to be moral, both traits which may change appearance, and over time, change face shape. And a woman named ‘Katherine’ is considered to be more serious and dependable than a girl named ‘Bonnie’. Such cultural expectations may encourage ‘Katherines’ to be more studious and academic, which could gradually influence the development of facial muscles, perhaps through increased concentration. “Prior researches have shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look,” said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “For instance, people are more likely to imagine a person named Bob to have a rounder face than a person named Tim. We believe these stereotypes can, over time, affect people’s facial appearance.” To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see whether it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces. In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 percent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20-25 percent accurate) even when nationality, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for. “Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one’s facial appearance,” said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo. - 20 - 58. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about? A. How your name sounds simply counts. B. Your name may tell how you look. C. Social expectations determine your name. D. It’s important to concentrate on facial muscles. 59. What can we learn from the eight studies? A. Most of the participants match the name with the face correctly. B. The findings are contradictory to those of the previous research. C. They are based on the data from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. D. The findings are similar to those of the previous research. 60. According to Dr Ruth Mayo, one’s facial appearance is basically affected by ___________. A. social expectations B. the experience of their life C. their parents’ preference D. the meaning of their names 【答案】58. B 59. D 60. A 【解析】 本文是说明文。研究人员发现,你的名字所附带的社会成见会影响并逐渐改变你的容貌。 【58 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第二段 Academics have found that your first name actually changes the way you look. 得知学者们发现,事实上你的名字能改变你的长相,可以判断出你的名字会 表明你的容貌。故选 B。 【59 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后两段“Prior researches have shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look,” said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 该研究的首席作者、来自耶路撒冷希 伯莱大学的约拿•齐维布纳博士说:“先前的研究显示,和名字相关的文化成见一直存在,这 其中就包括叫某个名字的人应该长什么样。”To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see whether it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces. In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 percent accurate) - 21 - at matching the name to the face than random chance 为了弄清楚脸型是否和名字有关联, 研究人员开展了 8 项研究,看陌生人能否只靠看脸就能准确把脸和名字对上号。在每个实验 中,即便是在种族、年龄和其他社会经济变量可控制的情况下,参与者的配对准确率 (40%) 比随机配对的准确率(20-25%)明显更高。可以推断出 8 项研究的结果和先前的研究结果一样, 都表明脸型和名字有关联。故选 D。 【60 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段"Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one's facial appearance," said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo.得知共同作者露丝•马由博士说:“总而言之,这些发现告诉我们,容貌可以代表 社会对某些特定名字人的期待。通过这种方式,社会标签可能会对一个人的容貌造成影响。” 故选 A。 C Encouraging life to bloom in the middle of a desert is no easy task. But one company, The National Advisor Bureau, in the United Arab Emirates has come up with a unique plan to provide drinking water for the state’s citizens. The firm intends to pull icebergs from Antarctica to the gulf coast in order to harvest its billions of gallons of fresh water. One iceberg could provide enough for one million people over five years, according to the company. And the scheme could begin as early as the start of 2018. The firm’s director says they have already travelled the transportation route and used simulators to check the practicality of the scheme, according to reports in Gulf News. Speaking to the site about what he is calling the UAE Iceberg Project, Abdullah Mohammad Shehi said: “we predict that it will take up to one year to tow (拖拉) an iceberg to UAE.” We have made the technical and financial plan. Towing is the best method. We will start the project in beginning of 2018. “We want it mainly for the water. It could also be good for tourism and the weather.” The UAE is one of the most dry countries and one of the top 10 most water-scarce in the world, due to its extremely dry climate, which receives less than four inches (100 mm) of rainfall per year. Despite that, it consumes more water than double the - 22 - global national average, putting the country at severe risk of droughts over the next 25 years. An average iceberg contains more than 20 billion gallons of water, according to the Abu Dhabi-based company. They take a long time to melt as 80 percent of their mass is underwater, while the white ice above reflects sunlight, reducing its heat. Upon arrival at a specially constructed processing facility, workers will “mine” the icebergs for their water supplies. Blocks of ice will be sliced and placed in giant tanks, before being filtered and processed. “This is the purest water in the world”, Mr Al Shehi added. He also claims the iceberg’s presence could provide a more moist micro-climate in the area, perhaps even prompting rainfall. And the project may prove a boost for tourism if it proves a success, with people travelling to see the unusual sight of an iceberg off the coast of the Arabian Gulf. 61. What is the main purpose of The National Advisor Bureau’s scheme? A. To boost tourism and ease financial burden in UAE. B. To save endangered wildlife and boost tourism in UAE. C. To make drinking water accessible to the people in UAE. D. To get the purest water in the world for the citizens in UAE. 62. What does the underlined word simulator in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. A type of mining tool to carve out the iceberg. B. An electronic device to create and store energy. C. A vehicle to transport the iceberg from Antarctica. D. A piece of equipment to test potential conditions. 63. Which of the following helps slow down the melting of iceberg during transportation? A. The special electronic devices to keep the iceberg frozen. B. The time of processing iceberg before being transported. C. Much of the iceberg lying under water with ice above reflecting light. D. The floating of the iceberg in the seawater with a more moist micro-climate. 64. What is the author’s attitude towards the plan? A. Favorable. B. Cautious. C. Ambiguous. D. - 23 - Disapproving. 【答案】61. C 62. D 63. C 64. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了为了解决水资源短缺问题,阿联酋的一家公司计划从南极运 送冰川,以获取淡水共当地民众引用。 【61 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“But one company, The National Advisor Bureau, in the United Arab Emirates has come up with a unique plan to provide drinking water for the state’s citizens. The firm intends to pull icebergs from Antarctica to the gulf coast in order to harvest its billions of gallons of fresh water.”可知,但是,阿 拉伯联合酋长国的国家顾问局公司提出了一项独特的计划,为该国公民提供饮用水。该公司 打算将冰山从南极洲拉到墨西哥湾沿岸,以获取数十亿加仑的淡水。所以阿联酋的 The National Advisor Bureau 公司计划将南极的冰川运到中东海湾,从中获得大量淡水来解决当 地民众饮水问题。故选 C 项。 【62 题详解】 词句猜测题。根据文章第二段“The firm’s director says they have already travelled the transportation route and used simulators to check the practicality of the scheme, according to reports in Gulf News.”可知,公司经理表示他们已经行驶过运输路线并且 使用 simulator 核实了这个项目的可行性。故推出是用一种测试潜在条件的设备来核实了这 个项目的可行性。所以故划线词义的意思是“一种测试潜在条件的设备”。选 D 项。 【63 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“They take a long time to melt as 80 percent of their mass is underwater, while the white ice above reflects sunlight, reducing its heat.” 可知,在拖行过程中冰川有 80%的部分是在水下的,而且上面的白冰反射光线,转移了温度, 使得融化的过程放缓,所以冰川不易融化。故选 C 项。 【64 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段“He also claims the iceberg’s presence could provide a more moist micro-climate in the area, perhaps even prompting rainfall. And the project may prove a boost for tourism if it proves a success, with people travelling to see - 24 - the unusual sight of an iceberg off the coast of the Arabian Gulf.”可知,冰川的 出现会为当地提供更湿润的气候,甚至会带来降雨,同时如果成功还可以带动旅游业的发展。 因此作者对这项计划持支持的态度。故选 A 项。 【点睛】推理判断题是指在理解原文字面意思的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节 的暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得到文章的深层意义和隐含意义的过程。如第 4 小题, 询问作者对这个项目的态度?根据最后一段“He also claims the iceberg’s presence could provide a more moist micro-climate in the area, perhaps even prompting rainfall. And the project may prove a boost for tourism if it proves a success, with people travelling to see the unusual sight of an iceberg off the coast of the Arabian Gulf.” 可知,冰川的出现会为当地提供更湿润的气候,甚至会带来降雨,同时如果成功还可以带动 旅游业的发展。因此作者对这项计划持支持的态度。故选 A 项。 D For more than three decades, Deirdre Taylor only knew the firefighter who saved her life through the black-and-white photos on the front page of the New York Daily News, on Dec. 30, 1983. She was only 4 then, a blond, wide-eyed toddler pictured in the paper in the arms of the firefighter, Eugene Pugliese, who had just carried her out of her burning apartment building. Taylor, now a registered nurse in Alexandria, Virginia, kept the Daily News article for years. She wished as she got older that she could find Pugliese and thank him-a desire that intensified after she became an emergency room nurse, as she learned how rare it was to hear back from patients she encountered on the worst days of their lives. But she hadn’t lived in New York since the fire, and didn’t know where to start. She periodically searched his name on Google, finding nothing. Finally, in March, Taylor thought she may have one last chance to find him. With her family’s support, she decided to move from Virginia to New York for eight weeks to work in an overwhelmed Manhattan emergency room- trying to help save the lives of coronavirus patients, while searching for the man who saved hers. “When I was packing my bags, I packed the Daily News article with me, ____①____ “ Taylor, 40, said, “and I told myself that one of the things I’m going to accomplish - 25 - while I’m here is track him down, or track a family member down, and just say thank you. “ Pugliese, 75, had never had someone track him down to say thank you before, he said. For decades, the Daily News front-page article hung in his office. How could he forget Deirdre? “I've had her picture on my wall for 24 years,” he said. He remembers the day clearly. It began when a man came running up yelling that there was a fire. Pugliese rushed to the burning building, where thick smoke was pouring out of a sixth-floor apartment. He went into and found it engulfed in flames. Taylor’s mother was crying, “My baby! My baby!” Pugliese remembered. He quickly helped her out of the room before returning on his hands and knees, crawling through the burning studio and blinding smoke for about six feet, when he felt the child. She was unconscious. He carried her to the living room, where he gave her mouth-to-mouth breath to bring her back. He rushed down the six flights of stairs to get her to an ambulance, when to Pugliese’s relief, she woke up and started to cry. “ _____②____ I was just in the right place at the right time,” Pugliese said. Pugliese later received a medal for Taylor’s rescue, in a ceremony that is among his most prized memories. Taylor’s first two weeks in New York were overwhelming, as she and her colleagues dealt with patient after patient struggling to breathe. During her time off, she tried on one occasion to go to the firehouse where Pugliese worked, only to find a sign on the door discouraging visitors due to covid-19. But finally, last week, Taylor caught a break. A group of firefighters came to the ER to deliver the medical staff pizzas for dinner, to show their appreciation. Taylor explained to them that she was trying to find a likely retired fireman from Ladder No. 20, and did they have any suggestions on how to start? One of the firemen gave her a phone number to connect her with the fire chief. “Oh, Gene?” the chief told her. “He stops by the firehouse all the time.” “ _____③____ “ Taylor said, “I couldn’t believe it. I really didn’t think he was still going to be around. I really thought I was going to hit a dead end.” He said, “Yeah, I have his phone number in my cellphone.” - 26 - The chief phoned Pugliese right away. Less than an hour later, Taylor’s phone rang. “It’s Gene Pugliese,” he said. “I’m the firefighter who rescued you that day.” Finally, Taylor told him what she had been meaning to say. Taylor said she could only describe the moment as surreal. Pugliese asked if her hair was still blond. It was. He told her the story of the fire, and she told him the story of her life afterward. They learned they had plenty in common. Both were die-hard Yankees fans. Both spent time in the military. After the call, Pugliese said, “ ____④____ I cried for the rest of the day.” 65. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 implies ___________. A. it is impossible to receive the feedback from the one you helped. B. it is not urgent to find Pugliese because of Taylor’s busy work. C. it is precious to receive the feedback from the one you helped. D. it is Taylor’s responsibility to save the lives of coronavirus patients. 66. Why did Pugliese hang the Daily News picture on his wall for 24 years? A. He was a responsible firefighter. B. He has a long-lasting memory. C. The rescue took him much effort. D. The rescue was the highlight of his career. 67. In which blank can we put the sentence “My heart literally skipped a beat” ? A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④ 68. How did Pugliese feel after their talk on the phone? A. He felt sad but relieved. B. He felt delighted and moved. C. He felt shocked and grateful. D. He felt excited but awkward. 69. What is likely to happen after the call? A. Pugliese and Taylor may meet in person. B. Taylor may award Pugliese a medal for his rescue. C. Pugliese and Taylor may work together to fight the virus. D. Pugliese and Taylor may lose touch again due to the virus. 70. What can be the best title for the passage? - 27 - A. A Brave Hero B. A Dedicated Nurse C. A Debt of Gratitude D. An Incredible Coincidence 【答案】65. C 66. D 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述一位童年时,遇火灾获救的女孩,用多年时间寻找救命恩人的故 事。女孩后来成为护士,继续救助病人,而她也最终在纽约寻找到当年救她的消防员。 【65 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“She wished as she got older that she could find Pugliese and thank him-a desire that intensified after she became an emergency room nurse,” 可知,当 Taylor 成为一名急救室护士后,经常见到濒危的病人,她要寻找自己救命恩人的愿 望更加强烈了。从而猜测,因为她知道从你帮助过的人那里得到反馈是很宝贵的。故选 C。 【66 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第五段“Pugliese, 75, had never had someone track him down to say thank you before, he said. For decades, the Daily News front-page article hung in his office. How could he forget Deirdre? “I've had her picture on my wall for 24 years,” he said.”可知,Pugliese 之前从未遇到过被人如此执着的感谢一事,他也认为自 己永远不会忘记救过的那个女孩,《每日新闻》的头版文章一直挂在他的办公室墙上。可以推 断 Pugliese 十分珍视当时这件事,视之为职业生涯中的高光时刻。故选 D。 【67 题详解】 推理判断题。代入文中划线四处,题目中插入句 My heart literally skipped a beat(我的 心几乎停止了跳动),此句表现一种激动欣喜的心情,唯有 ③ 后“couldn’t believe”可 与之呼应。故选 C。 【68 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段两人电话里愉快的交谈和最后一段“After the call, Pugliese said, “I cried for the rest of the day.””可知,通过电话之后,Pugliese 哭了一整天。可以推断 Pugliese 在电话后的心情一定是高兴和感动。ACD 中皆有负面情绪, 故选 B。 【69 题详解】 推理判断题。此题可用排除法。A. Pugliese and Taylor may meet in person. Pugliese 和 Taylor 因为在电话里交谈得很愉快,所以两人通电话之后可能会见面;B. Taylor may award - 28 - Pugliese a medal for his rescue. Taylor 并没有必要也没有权力奖励一块奖牌;C. Pugliese and Taylor may work together to fight the virus. Pugliese 是消防员,不会治病;D. Pugliese and Taylor may lose touch again due to the virus.两人已经取得电话联系, 后期再失联可能性不大。故选 A。 【70 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,文章讲述一位童年时遇火灾获救的女孩用多年时间寻找救 命恩人的故事,女生后来成为护士,继续救助病人,而她也最终在纽约寻找到当年救她的消 防员。文章围绕“寻找救命恩人,表达感激之情”展开,所以“A Debt of Gratitude(感激 的债)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选 C。 第Ⅱ卷非客观题(共 35 分) 第四部分:任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意: 每个空格只填 1 个单词。 请将答案写在答题卷上相应题号的横线上。 Driverless cars used to be the sort of thing you’d see in sci-fi films, but in 2020 they’re becoming a reality. Autonomous car technology is already being developed by the likes of Lexus, BMW and Mercedes, and we’ve even tested Tesla’s driverless Autopilot system on UK roads. Across the Atlantic, Google is developing its automated technology in the wild, and Apple is rumoured to be working with BMW on its own-probably automated-car. Fully-driverless tech is still at an advanced testing stage, but partially automated technology has been around for the last few years. Executive saloons like the BMW 7 Series feature automated parking, and can even be controlled remotely. With so much investment and interest in driverless technology, it’s easy to assume that self-operating cars are likely to happen soon, but they’re much further away than we might think. Before driverless vehicles go to market widely, manufacturers must deal with a range of technical and ethical challenges, and prevent the biggest threat to autonomous technology: humans. The human problem Humans present problems for autonomous cars as both drivers and pedestrians, and dealing with our unpredictable behaviour represents a significant challenge for the - 29 - technology. The Google Car is one of the most experienced autonomous vehicles. Even so, its interaction with human drivers has given rise to the exposure of one of driverless cars’ main weaknesses. The first injury involving the Google Car wasn’t due to a fault in its system, but human-error. While correctly waiting at traffic lights, Google’s self-driving car was hit by an inattentive driver and, in spite of its sophisticated array (复杂精密的数组) of sensors, there was little it could do to avoid the incident. Luckily, the accident only resulted in minor injury for a few of the passengers, but it’s a reminder that autonomous cars are at risk when surrounded by human road users. Despite their sophisticated systems, self-driving cars currently have no plan B for human road users. Human drivers are able to interact with each other and make allowances, but also make countless, small mistakes when driving-mistakes to which current self-driving cars simply can’t adapt. Dealing with pedestrians The way human drivers interact with pedestrians raises difficult moral and ethical questions for car manufacturers-with implications. Autonomous cars need to understand the way pedestrians behave, while also imitating the behaviour they’d expect from a human driver. “Everyone has a knowledge of how a human being is going to react, because we are all human beings,” says computer ethics commentator Ben Byford. “So if you walk out in front of a car, and presumably the car driver knows you’re there, they’re going to react in a certain way.” “ If I walked out in front of a Google car travelling at 60mph, I have no real knowledge of how the vehicle will behave, so I’m effectively putting myself in danger.” How ___71___ away are we from autonomous cars? Background information ● Autonomous car technology has been ___72___ in some famous car manufacturers. ● Partially automated technology has been in ___73___ for the last - 30 - few years. ● Before our roads are ___74___ with driverless vehicles, manufacturers have a lot of things to do. ___75___ about the autonomous technology The human problem ● The Google car’s accident has ___76___ one of driverless cars’ weaknesses. ● ___77___ the sophisticated array of sensors, Google’s self-driving car could do little to avoid the accident. ● With no alternative plan, self-driving cars cannot have a good ___78___ with human drivers. Dealing with pedestrians ___79___ human drivers who know pedestrians well, autonomous cars have difficulty in ____80____ their behavior, thus putting pedestrians in danger. 【答案】71. far 72. tested/developed 73. use/ application/existence 74. flooded/ crowded 75. Concerns/Worries 76. exposed 77. Despite 78. interaction 79. Unlike 80. understanding/knowing/ predicting 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了我们离自动驾驶汽车还有多远(在自动驾驶汽车投入使用之前, 我们还有很长的路要走)。 - 31 - 【71 题详解】 考 查 固 定 短 语 。 通 读 全 文 , 特 别 是 根 据 第 三 段 中 的 “it’s easy to assume that self-operating cars are likely to happen soon, but they’re much further away than we might think.”可知,人们很容易认为自动驾驶汽车可能很快就会出现,但它们离我们想 象的要远得多,由此可知,本文主要介绍的是我们离自动驾驶汽车还有多远,how far away 表示“有多远”,故填 far。 【72 题详解】 考查动词。根据第一段中的“Autonomous car technology is already being developed by the likes of Lexus, BMW and Mercedes, and we’ve even tested Tesla’s driverless Autopilot system on UK roads.”可知,雷克萨斯、宝马和梅赛德斯等知名公司开发已经开 发了自动驾驶技术,我们甚至在英国公路上测试了特斯拉的无人驾驶自动驾驶系统,此处需 要填动词作谓语,并与前面的“has been”构成现在完成时的被动语态,因此填过去分词, 故填 tested/developed。 【73 题详解】 考查名词。根据第二段“Fully-driverless tech is still at an advanced testing stage, but partially automated technology has been around for the last few years. Executive saloons like the BMW 7 Series feature automated parking, and can even be controlled remotely.”可知,完全自动驾驶技术仍处于高级测试阶段,但部分自动驾驶技术在过去几年 中已经出现,像宝马 7 系这样的行政轿车具有自动停车功能,甚至可以远程控制,由此可知, 部分自动驾驶技术在过去几年中一直存在(应用/使用),作介词 in 的宾语用名词,故填 use/ application/existence。 【74 题详解】 考查固定短语。根据第三段中的“Before driverless vehicles go to market widely, manufacturers must deal with a range of technical and ethical challenges”可知, 在自动驾驶汽车广泛进入市场之前,制造商必须应对一系列技术上和道德上的挑战,be crowded/ flooded with 表示“挤满、充满”,故填 crowded/ flooded。 【75 题详解】 考查名词。根据 The human problem 部分的内容以及 Dealing with pedestrians 部分的内容 可知,对于自动驾驶技术,人们最担心的是自动驾驶汽车无法适应人为错误和不能正确地对 行人做出反应,作主语用名词,故填 Concerns/Worries。 - 32 - 【76 题详解】 考查动词。根据第五段中的“The Google Car is one of the most experienced autonomous vehicles. Even so, its interaction with human drivers has given rise to the exposure of one of driverless cars’ main weaknesses.”可知,谷歌汽车是最有经验的自动驾驶 汽车之一,尽管如此,它与人类司机的互动暴露了无人驾驶汽车的一个主要弱点,紧接着就 举了谷歌汽车的第一次出事故的例子,此处缺少动词作谓语,“has”表明用的是现在完成时, 此处需要填过去分词,故填 exposed。 【77 题详解】 考查介词。根据第五段中的“in spite of its sophisticated array (复杂精密的数组) of sensors, there was little it could do to avoid the incident.”可知,“尽管谷歌的 自动驾驶汽车有一系列精密的传感器,但它几乎无法避免发生事故(对避免事故几乎无能为 力),despite 是介词,表示“尽管”,故填 Despite。 【78 题详解】 考查名词。根据第六段中的“Human drivers are able to interact with each other”可 知,人类的驾驶员能够相互交流,而自动驾驶汽车却不能,作动词 have 的宾语用名词,故填 interaction。 【79 题详解】 考查介词。根据倒数第二段中的““Everyone has a knowledge of how a human being is going to react, because we are all human beings,” says computer ethics commentator Ben Byford. “So if you walk out in front of a car, and presumably the car driver knows you’re there, they’re going to react in a certain way.””可知,计算机伦理评论 员本·拜福德说:“人类知道一个人将如何反应,因为我们都是人,如果你走到一辆车前面, 人类驾驶员会根据你的位置做出反应,而自动驾驶汽车则不能”,由此可知,与熟悉行人的 人类驾驶员不同,自动驾驶汽车很难了解行人的行为, 此处需要填介词,表示“与……不同、 不像”,故填 Unlike。 【80 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。根据倒数第二段中的““Everyone has a knowledge of how a human being is going to react, because we are all human beings,” says computer ethics commentator Ben Byford. “So if you walk out in front of a car, and presumably the car driver knows you’re there, they’re going to react in a certain way.””可知,计算机伦 - 33 - 理评论员本·拜福德说:“人类知道一个人将如何反应,因为我们都是人,如果你走到一辆 车前面,人类驾驶员会根据你的位置做出反应,而自动驾驶汽车则不能”,由此可知,与熟 悉行人的人类驾驶员不同,自动驾驶汽车很难理解(了解/预测)行人的行为,have difficulty in doing 表示“做某事有困难”,故填 understanding/knowing/ predicting。 第五部分:书面表达(满分 25 分) 81.请阅读下面文字, 并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。 There’s no doubt that work deadlines can be stressful. When you have too many, you can feel overcome. And nearing deadlines encourages last-minute dashes for the finish line, like when students pull ‘all-nighters’ in an attempt to achieve weeks’ worth of essay writing in a handful of hours. Yet there’s no question deadlines can serve a positive psychological function-after all, without them, many students might never even finish their work. You can see evidence for the power of deadlines in the ‘real world’, too. For instance, in 2015, when the US National Science Foundation dropped its usual twice-yearly deadlines for grant submissions in geoscience, as part of an attempt to help the overburdened system, the effect was dramatic. Annual submissions fell by 59% without the pressure of a deadline and it seems that many scientists lacked the urgency and motivation to deliver their applications. As new research findings shed light on the psychology of deadlines, we can learn ways that deadlines can be used to increase focus and boost perseverance. 【写作内容】 1. 用约 30 个单词概括上文信息的主要内容; 2. 谈谈设置”截止日期”的重要性; 3. 就 如何确保在”截止日期”内完成任务提出你的建议( 不少于两点) 。 【写作要求】 1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整, 语言规范, 语篇连贯, 词数适当。 - 34 - ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ 【答案】To meet deadlines, people have to work with every fibre of their being, feeling stressed and pressured. However, deadlines can function positively and powerfully, proved by the 2015 example. Deadlines have great influence on our work. For one thing, part of the motivating power of deadlines has to do with our goal. To realize our goal, we are willing to burn the midnight oil to get the work done more efficiently. For another, deadlines can help keep us in focus and advance our work. Without deadlines, we might find our targets and priorities postponed indefinitely, creating a feeling that we are simply drifting along, lacking in work enthusiasm. Here are my suggestions on how best to tackle the problem. Firstly, draw up a schedule and ensure everything goes according to it. If not, adjust it in time. Secondly, stay focused on your schedule and pace your efforts. Now, get down to your work today and you will surely complete it before the deadline and gain an unexpected harvest. 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇读写任务。题干中“写作内容”中,很清晰地列出了写作时需要包含的三方面的内 容。首先是总结文章内容,其次是谈谈“截止日期”的重要性以及就如何确保在“截止日期” 内完成任务提出你的建议。第二三部分是文章写作时的重点,也是同学们需要自己发挥的部 分。 【详解】第一步:总结文章概要。由第二段中的 Yet there’s no question deadlines can serve a positive psychological function(但毫无疑问,截止日期可以起到积极的心理作用)可 知,这篇文章主要讲述了虽然截止日期会给人带来压力,但截止日期具有积极的心理功能。 范文第一段就是总结的这篇文章的中心,However 与文中的 yet 呼应,前边一句是对第一段中 心的总结,后一句是对后边两段内容的总结。其中的 positively 与 powerfully 与文章中心 句中的 positive 呼应。 第二步:谈谈设置“截止日期”的重要性。文章最后一句“we can learn ways that deadlines - 35 - can be used to increase focus and boost perseverance(我们能够发现截止日期能被用 来提高注意力,增强毅力。)”给我们写这一段提供了方向,我们可以从如何提高注意力与增 强毅力两方面来谈。例如范文中前半部分主要写 part of the motivating power of deadlines has to do with our goal(截止日期的激发作用与目标有关),我们可以关注目标,提升战 斗力。后半部分主要写 deadlines can help keep us in focus and advance our work(截 止日期能让我们集中于目标,继续保持前进)。这两部分与文章最后一句中的两个方向吻合。 第三步:就如何确保在“截止日期”内完成任务提出你的建议。既然截止日期与日期有关, 我们就是需要做出计划,按照计划执行即可。倒数第二段中的两个建议也就是要我们做出计 划,严格执行。 第四步:列提纲 (重点词组) work with every fibre of their being(绷紧神经工作);have great influence on…(对…… 有重要影响);has to do with…(与……有关);are willing to…(愿意);burn the midnight oil to…(熬夜去做……);keep us in focus(让我们保持注意力);pace your effort(调 整好你的努力)等。 第五步:遣词造句:同学们在写作时不能逐句翻译,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,同 时要点表述要完整,文章要通顺,准确使用时态和语态。 第六步:连句成文:写作时要适当使用连词、过渡词和插入语,使文章浑然一体。同时恰当 而合理地使用一些高级词汇和句型,如定语从句等,以提高文章档次。 【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符 合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了较多句式,如:第一段第一句使用了不定式作目的状语与 现在分词作状语;第二段最后一句也使用了现在分词作状语;第三段第一句使用了倒装句; 第三段第三句使用了 if 引导的条件状语从句的省略句。此外本文还使用了一些高级词汇,如 work with every fibre of their being;have great influence on…;has to do with…; are willing to…;burn the midnight oil to…;keep us in focus;pace your effort 等。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、 层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。 - 36 -

