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Unit2 重要知识点 ‎【welcome】‎ 1. have to &must ‎[have to]:“必须,不得不”,强调客观上的需要,有人称,时态的变化(三单has to,过去式had to,将来时will have to),其否定形式为don't/doesn’t/didn’t have to,表示“不必”‎ ‎[must]:“必须”,强调主观意愿和看法,无人称,时态和数的变化,其否定形式为mustn't,表示“禁止,不允许”‎ 2. It's like watching TV,but there are fewer advertisements.它(上学)就像看电视,只不过广告少一些。‎ ‎①like prep.像... +名词/代词/v-ing ‎②few-fewer +可名复 ‎③few ;a few;little;a little区别 3. British n.英国人 the British=British people=Englishman ‎ adj.英国的 British people 4. vacation 可数名词/不可数名词 “假期”(英:holiday)‎ ‎ on vacation在度假 take a vacation度假 winter/summer vacation寒假/暑假 5. fall n秋天(英:Autumn);瀑布 ‎ vi.落下;跌倒 ‎6.movie n.(可数) 电影(英:film)‎ ‎ go to a movie/go to the movie看电影 6. Shall we go together?‎ ‎“Shall we do......?” 提建议的句型 ‎ ‎➡ 肯定回答:Why not?/OK./Of course./All right.‎ ‎【提建议的句型】‎ Let’s do sth.‎ You'd better do sth.(你最好做某事)‎ How/What about doing sth?‎ Why not do sth?‎ Why don’t you do sth?‎ Will/Would/Could you please do sth?(请你做下某事好吗?)‎ 7. practise vi/vt. 练习,训练 practise (doing) sth (英:practise)‎ ‎ n.练习 (英:practice)‎ ‎【reading】‎ 1. in year 8在八年级 (英:in Grade 8)‎ 在...年级:美 in Year +基数词 in the +序数词+year ‎ 英 in Grade +基数词 in the+序数词+grade 2. mix vt.混合 ➡mixed adj.混合的 ➡mixture n.混合物 3. Among all my subjects,I like French best.‎ ‎①like...best=favourite ‎②France n.法国 ➡ French ①n.法语 ②adj法国的 Frenchman法国人 4. Learning foreign language is fun.‎ ‎①learning foreign language 5‎ ‎ 动名词短语,起名词作用(指学外语这件事),后面的谓语动词用单数。‎ ‎②foreign adj.外国的 foreign language外语 ‎ ‎ foreigner n.外国人 1. during prep.在...期间 during the week 2. borrow ....from...借入 lend...to...借出 keep持有 3. bring in带来,引进 bring “拿来,带来”,强调从别处带某人/某物来到说话人所在地 take “拿走,带走”,强调使人/物离开说话人所在地 carry “携带,搬运”,强调某物从甲地移至乙地,带着物体随身移动但无固定方向 get/fetch “去取来,去拿来”,多用于口语,指去去了动词又返回来这一往返过程 4. end ①n.末端,尽头 ‎ the end of... 在...末尾 ‎ at the end of... 在...的末尾/尽头 ‎ in the end最后,终于 ‎ ②vt/vi.结束 end with... 以...结束 ‎ The party ended with a song.聚会以一首歌结束。‎ 5. discuss vt.讨论 discuss sth with sb和某人讨论某事 ‎ discussion n.讨论 have a discussion 6. in class在课堂上 in the class在班级里 7. ‎[seem]①主语+seem(to be)+adj.‎ ‎ ②主语+seem to do ‎ ③It seems that从句 8. offer ①vt.主动提出,自愿给予 offer sb sth=offer sth to sb为某人提供某物 可接双宾语的常见动词:一带(bring,)两给(give,offer)两传递(pass,hand),‎ 借(lend)送(send)展示(show)写(write)双宾。‎ ‎ offer to do sth主动提出做某事 ‎ ②n.提供,提议,提出,出价 9. 初中阶段常见的以o结尾变复数加es的单词:英雄(hero)爱吃西红柿(tomato),土豆(potato)和芒果(mango)。‎ 10. win & beat 词条 含义 过去式 用法 win 获胜,赢得 won 宾语常是“比赛,战争,奖品”等名词,即race,match,game,competition,war,prize等 beat 打败,战胜 beat 宾语常是“竞争对手”,即指人或球队的名词或代词 11. by ①prep. “由/被....”Yesterday I heard a very beautiful piece of music by Beethoven.我昨天听了一首由贝多芬创作的非常美妙的曲子。‎ ‎ ②“在....旁,靠近”There is a small wooden house by the river.‎ ‎ ③“经过...的旁边”A girl went by me to the teachers’ office just now.‎ ‎ ④“(表示方法,手段等)靠,用,通过”Last summer I went to Beijing by air.‎ ‎ ⑤“被,由(被动语态中用来引出动作的执行者)”The building was designed by a student ten years ago.‎ ‎ ⑥“逐个”The children went into the cinema one by one.‎ ‎【grammar】‎ 1. fast&quickly&soon 5‎ fast 形容词,副词 指运动中的人或物体动作本身的速度快,强调自身速度快。‎ quickly 副词 指在较短时间内发生或完成,突出做事动作快。‎ soon 副词 指不久就发生某个动作或状况,表示所花时间短。‎ 1. far比较级➡further/farther further 可以表示距离上“较远,更远”;还可以表示程度上“进一步”,具有抽象意义 farther 表示长度或距离上“较远,更远”‎ 2. She draws better than any other student in my class.‎ ‎“比较级+than any other+可名单” 表示最高级(比较的对象要是同一范围的)‎ 3. ‎◎数量的比较 一、 两者数量的比较 1. 用“more... than. . .”结构表示 “...比...多”,more+可名复/不可名。‎ You have more books than I.你的书比我的多 I have more free time than you.我的空余时间比你的多。‎ ‎2.用“fewer/less... than..."结构表示“......比....少”,fewer+可名复 ,less+不可名。‎ Our school has fewer weeks off for the summer holiday than yours.我们学校比你们学校的暑假少放几个星期。‎ He spends less money on clothes than I.他在衣服上花的钱比我少。‎ 二、三者或三者以上的数量上的比较 ‎1.用“the most”表示“最多”,most+可名复/不可名 We study the most subjects of all.在所有人当中我们学习的科目最多。‎ I spend the most time doing my homework.我在做家庭作业上花的时间最多。‎ ‎2.用“the fewest/least" 表示“最少”,fewest+可名复,least+不可名。‎ Daniel drinks the least. juice among the three of us.丹尼尔在我们三个当中饮料喝得最少。‎ Who has the fewest friends of the three?三个人中谁的朋友最少?‎ 4. ‎◎副词的比较级和最高级 一、副词比较级和最高级的变化规则 ‎1.规则变化 副词的比较级和最高级的规则变化与形容词基本相同。‎ ‎2.不规则变化 well--better-- -best badly- -worse- worst much--more--most little--less-least far--father/ further- farthest/ furthest 二、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 ‎1.副词的比较级和最高级的用法与形容词基本相同。‎ Tom does his homework more carefully than I.汤姆做家庭作业比我认真。‎ Lucy draws the best of us all.露西在我们所有人当中画得最好。‎ ‎2.副词最高级前面的the可以省略,而形容词前面的the不可以省略。‎ The boy is the fastest in his class.这个男孩在他班上跑得最快。‎ The boy runs (the) fastest in his class.这个男孩在他班上跑得最快。‎ 5‎ ‎【Integrated skills&study skills&task】‎ 1. the number of...is....‎ ‎ a number of+可名复...are...‎ 2. spend vt.花费 过去式:spent 词条 主语 花费 常用结构 spend 人 时间/金钱 Sb+ spend(s)/spent +时间/金钱+on sth ‎ (in) doing sth cost 物 金钱 Sth + cost(s)/cost+sb+金钱 pay 人 金钱 Sb+pay(s)/paid +金钱+for sth take it 时间 It takes/took(sb)+时间+to do sth 3. wear vt.穿,戴 强调穿着的状态 wear+衣物 ‎ be in prep.强调穿着的状态 be in+衣物/颜色 ‎ put on 强调“穿,戴”的动作 ‎ dress 作动词时,宾语通常为人 dress sb ; dress oneself ‎4.Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.‎ ‎①have+一段时间+off “有...时间的假期”‎ ‎ have two weeks off 有两周的假期 ‎②off : fall off....从...掉下来 keep off 远离 turn off关掉 4. Half an hour for playing computer games and another half an hour for playing chess.‎ ‎►another ①adj.(不确定数目中的)“另外任何一个的”‎ ‎ ②代词 “另一个”If you don’t like this one,try another.‎ ‎ ③another+数词+名词 = 数词+more+名词 “还,再,又”‎ ‎•play chess下国际象棋 5. at most至多,不超过 ‎ = not more than 反义词组:at least 至少 6. 后缀 -ly ‎(1)“名词+后缀-ly”构成形容词 monthly每月的 friendly友好的 ‎(2)形容词+后缀-ly➡副词 careful-carefully ‎►形容词变副词的常见方法 ‎(1)大多数形容词在词尾加-ly, quick-quickly ‎(2)辅音字母+y结尾的,y➡i,+ly lucky-luckily ‎(3)le结尾的,去e再加y terrible-terribly ‎7.look through 浏览,快速查看;透过...看;翻查;翻找 look up抬头看;查阅 look out当心 look forward to盼望 look after照顾 look for寻找 look around环顾四周 7. at first 起初,首次 ‎ at last最后 8. I also keep writing in English about my daily life.‎ keep doing sth继续,重复做某事 5‎ daily life日常生活 daily每日的,日常的 形容词 指每天发生一次的,在句中作定语 everyday每天的,日常的 形容词 指日常发生的,无须特别关心的,只作定语 every day每天 副词短语 在句中作状语 1. finish school 放学;毕业 finish doing sth结束做某事 þ后接v-ingd的动词和短语 动词:完成(finish)练习(practise)考(consider)建议(suggest),喜欢(enjoy)错过(miss)别介意(mind)。‎ 短语:忙于(be busy)期盼(look forward to)要习惯(be used to),不禁(can’t help)放弃(give)想(feel like)继续(keep on)。‎ 2. ideal n.理想 We should struggle for our ideals.‎ ‎ adj.理想的 My ideal job is to be a doctor.‎ 3. need vt.需要 need sb/sth ‎ need (sb) to do sth ‎ sth need to be done ‎ 情态动词 “必须,必要” 常用于否定句或疑问句中,否定形式为“needn't”‎ ‎=don’t have to needn’t do sth不必做某事 ‎ n.需要 be in need ‎12.have fun=have a good/great/wonderful time; enjoy oneself have fun with sth ‎ have fun doing sth.‎ 4. 作文:我理想的学校生活 体裁 记叙文 话题 学校生活 时态 一般现在时 人称 第一人称 段落布局 开头:总述学校生活的情况 主体:具体叙述一些学校生活 结尾:对整篇文章进行整体概括,升华文章主题 句式链:‎ 1. My ideal school starts at...and finishes at...‎ 2. We have lots of time for...‎ 3. I have ...because I think ...is very interesting.‎ 4. Every Monday,I go to the...club.‎ 5. I hope I have...weeks off.‎ 6. We have an hour for...‎ ‎ ‎ 5‎

