初中英语八年级上册Unit7Willpeopleha课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语八年级上册Unit7Willpeopleha课件 人教新目标版

Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第五课时 Section B (3a~ 4)——单元写作清 本单元的话题是“未来的生活”,针对该话题,常见的考查角度是要求学生预测 未来的科技发展、环境变化、工作和生活方式的改变等。文章多为记叙文,时态 多用一般将来时(will+动词原形),人称方面以第一人称为主。写作时可以对未 来生活做出合理想象,注意层次要清晰,语言要简练。 1.I want to be a(n)... when I grow up. 2.They are usually like human servants. 3.I will probably live in... 4.What will the future be like? 5.There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. 6.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 请根据下面提示的信息,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,介绍自己10年之后的变 化。 提示:1.Time:In ten years 2.Age: 24 3.Job: teacher 4.Workplace: Beijing 5.Things will do:have an apartment; have a housework robot;travel around the world ______________________________________________________________________ 作文提纲: ―→ ―→I will be... I will work... I will have... There will be... ―→ 实用参考词汇及句型: 1.十年后 ________________________ 2.在将来 ________________________ 3.我自己的公寓 ________________________ 4.环游世界 ________________________ 5.精彩得多 ________________________ 6.我家将会有一个机器人。 ________________________ a robot in my house. in ten years in the future my own apartment travel around the world much more wonderful There will be In ten years, I will be 24 years old. I will be a teacher. I will work in Beijing because it is a big and beautiful city. I really love it. I will have my own apartment.There will be a robot in my house.And it will be able to do all the housework for me. So I will have lots of free time. I will travel around the world because I like traveling very much. I'm sure I will have a much more wonderful life in ten years. 以下提示内容是你对自己15年后的设想。请根据所给的提示内容,以“My Life in Fifteen Years”为题写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一下15年后的你。 提示:1.Looks:tall, short hair 2.Job:teacher 3.Place:Peking University 4.Hobby:reading and swimming 5.Family:... My Life in Fifteen Years ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ My Life in Fifteen Years In 15 years, I will be much taller than now, but I still have short straight hair. I will be a teacher in Peking University. I think it will be a good job to work with students. I can also read more books in the library. I like swimming. I will have a swimming pool in my house. I will have a lovely and clever child like me. I believe I will have a happy life in fifteen years.

