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‎2019届高考英语一轮写作综合训练8‎ 第一节 完成句子 ‎ 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。‎ ‎1. Water, which seems so simple and common, is_______________________(使生命成为可能的东西).(make)‎ ‎2. The Summer Palace _______________________(被参观)by so many tourists that some of the relics are not well protected.(visit)‎ ‎3. _______________________(多么激动人心的消息啊)it is that China successfully launched Chang' e I,the lunar orbiter!(news)‎ ‎4. _______________________(考虑到各种情况),the plan John put forward seems to be more practical.(take)‎ ‎5. The baby was given up for adoption_______________________(刚出生).(immediately)‎ ‎6. It is_______________________(丢失他的新MP4) makes him look so upset. (lose)‎ ‎7. You don't have to feel thankful to me, for all I did was_______________________(说了我该说的).(say)‎ ‎8. A healthy diet should include a variety of food, _______________________(大部分富含)nutrients.(rich)‎ ‎ 9. Up into the sky _______________________(淡蓝色的烟升起)just now. (go)‎ ‎10. Xu Sanduo’s wonderful performance has inspired many people to believe that success and happiness in life_______________________(人人伸手可及).(reach)‎ ‎2019高考英语考前冲刺:书面表达高级句型锁定(1)‎ ‎1.我想我尽量少浪费你的时间。‎ 误:I think I’m going to waste your time as less as possible. 正:I think I’m going to take up your time as less as possible.  分析: “浪费你的时间”实际上是“占用你的时间”的委婉说法,并不是真的去“浪费”。waste是指实实在在的浪费,并且有故意浪费的意思。 ‎2. 有困难请找警察。‎ 误:Please look for the police if you have problems. 正:Please contact the police if you have problems. 分析: “找警察”不是“寻找警察”,而是“与警察取得联系”,故look for与find都不妥。‎ ‎3. 旅行能开阔我们的视野。‎ 误:Travel can open our horizon. 正:Travel can broaden our horizon. 分析: “开阔视野”在英语里应该是widen/broaden/expand sb.’s horizon,动词不能用open。‎ ‎4. 在没来这儿之前我已经学了三年英语了。‎ 误:I had learned English for three years before I didn’t come here.‎ 正:I had learned English for three years before I came here.‎ 分析:很明显,错句受了汉语思维的影响。“在没来这儿之前”和“在来这儿之前”在汉语里都是对的,而英语里用before I came。He had left before I came.我还没到他就走了。或:他在我来之前就已离开了。Take the book before I change my mind.在我没改变主意之前,把书拿走吧。‎ ‎5. 他的足球玩得非常好,没有人能够赢他。‎ 误:He plays football very good, no one can win him. 正:He plays football so well that no one can beat him. 分析:汉语中的因果关系非常明确,用英语表达时,要用so...that来表达此逻辑关系。win是指在比赛或战斗中“赢得或获得胜利”,其宾语多为表示比赛、战斗、奖品等的名词;beat一般用于比赛中打败或战胜对手,其宾语一般是人。‎ ‎6.——你弄到足球比赛的票没有? ‎——没有,票价太贵了。‎ 误:—Have you got a ticket for the football match? ‎—No, the price is too expensive.‎ 正:—Have you got a ticket for the football match? ‎—No, the price is too high.‎ 分析:在英语表达中,修饰the price用high或low。‎ ‎7. 他生病了,这使他这几天的精神状态非常糟糕。 ‎ 误:His being ill makes his spirit state very poor these days. 正:His being ill makes his state of mind very poor these days.‎ 分析:英语中表示“精神状态”用state of mind,而不是spirit state。‎ ‎8. 他们出发晚了,到达机场时只剩下几分钟的时间。 ‎ 误:They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to leave.  正:They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to spare.‎ 分析:money/time to spare是习惯用法。‎ ‎9. 最近我的胃经常出问题。‎ 误:Recently I often had problems with my stomach. 正:Recently I often had trouble with my stomach.‎ 分析:表示人的身体等部位出现了问题/不舒服时不用problem而用trouble。‎ ‎10. 警察正在那座房子里搜查罪犯。‎ 误:The police were searching the criminal in that house. 正:The police were searching the house for the criminal. 分析: “在房子里搜查罪犯”指的是“搜查房子找罪犯”,地道的表达应该是“search the house for the criminal”。‎ ‎11.我想电脑已经关了,但我最好还是去看一下。‎ 误:I think the computer has been turned off, but I’d better go and see.‎ 正:I think the computer has been turned off, but I’d better go and make sure.‎ 分析: “go and see”是典型的中式翻译,make sure则是“弄清楚,弄明白”的意思。‎ ‎12. 门口有个告示牌,上面写着“禁止吸烟”。‎ 误:There is a sign at the gate, writing “No smoking”. 正:There is a sign at the gate, reading “No smoking”. 分析:门口的告示牌应该是我们看到的内容,所以要用reading或saying。 ‎13. 他不能接受这份工作的原因是他要照顾他的母亲。 ‎ 误:The reason why he couldn’t accept the job was because he had to take care of his mother.‎ 正:The reason why he couldn’t accept the job was that he had to take care of his mother. ‎ 分析: “the reason why...is that...”意思是“……的原因是……”。why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句。多数人容易受汉语思维影响选用because。‎ ‎14. 我会使用电脑,但若一谈到修理它们,我就一窃不通了。 误:I can use the computer, but when I talk about repairing them, I know nothing. ‎ 正:I can use the computer, but when it comes to repairing them, I know nothing.‎ 分析: “when it comes to...”为习惯用语,意为 “一谈到,涉及到……”。‎ ‎15. 他是我最不想见的一个人。‎ 误:He is the person I don’t want to see very much. 正:He is the last person that I want to see.‎ 分析:the last person/thing最不想见的人/物。‎ ‎16.This is the last thing I would never want to do. 这是我最不愿做的一件事情。‎ 辨析:“the last + n +to do; the last + n.+定语从句”中的 last的意思为“least willing/likely”,译为“最不愿意,最不可能”。‎ ‎ He’s the last man I want to see. 他是我最不想见的人。 ‎ He is the last person to tell a lie.他是最不可能撒谎的人。 ‎ She’s the last woman I want to sit next to at dinner.‎ 她是我在宴会上最不愿与之挨着坐的女人。‎ ‎***************************************结束 第二节:写作 假如你是李华,准备邀请你的美国朋友Peter来中国观看2019年北京奥运会。请根据提 示写一封邀请信。‎ ‎ 1.北京奥运举世瞩目;2.欢迎来观看;‎ ‎ 3.北京新貌;4.感受“新北京,新奥运。”‎ 注意:1.词数: 100左右;‎ ‎ 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎ 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。‎ Dear Peter,‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎1.what makes life possible/ something that makes life possible ‎2. has been visited ‎3.What exciting news ‎4. Everything taken into consideration/ Taking everything into consideration ‎5. immediately after birth/ immediately it was born ‎6.losing his new MP4 that ‎7.(to) ,say what I should/ought to ‎8.most of which is rich in ‎9.went some light blue smoke ‎10. are within everyone’s reach或are within the reach of everyone writing ‎ The 2019 Olympic Games,which draw the worlds attention,are coming on. The event is so splendid that I sincerely invite you to visit Beijing at this special moment.‎ ‎ Great changes have taken place in Beijing. The people here are ready to welcome friends.‎ from all over the world. The beautiful scenery,wide roads,many newly built buildings and stadiums will make a deep impression on you. When you come here,I'll show you around Beijing‎ as a guide and well watch the wonderful Olympic events. From these,you will truly understand the slogan”New Beijing,Great Olympics”.‎ ‎ I think this will be an experience you'll value forever.‎ ‎ I'm looking forward to your coming.‎ ‎**********************************************************结束

