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综合检测(必修2)‎ 第一部分 略 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A ‎(2019·辽宁实验中学检测)‎ Soft winds blew throughout the Windy City today. We welcomed the winds, as it was another hot day in Chicago. The wind blew, bringing us some coolness and making the weather not that hot. But it was a beautiful summer day with a blue sky.‎ Chicago is a great city for eating, and we have enjoyed tasting the different foods. Last night, we tried one of the city's most famous foods: deepdish pizza. Chicago claims credit for the rich and cheesy thickcrust pizza, covered with a sweet tomato sauce. We topped it with olives and green peppers.‎ We were touring the city, mainly looking for delicious local foods. Today, we enjoyed a Polish specialty at lunch: Pierogis, an Eastern European dumplinglike dish, filled with foods like potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, cabbage and meat. Polish immigrants started settling in Chicago in the 1850s, and the city has one of the largest Polish communities in the U.S.‎ We took a break from exploring the city to talk with some of you! Ashley and Caty logged onto the Internet for an ontheroad version of TALK2US. We spoke to an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan, and a graduate student in India.‎ Meanwhile, Adam searched for some locations around the city to shoot some videos. He chose a spectacular spot: Navy Pier, Chicago's mostvisited attraction. The winds from Lake Michigan keep visitors cool, and the view of the Chicago skyline never fails to impress. In fact, the view made all of us head_over_heels! Our time in Chicago has come to an end. Tomorrow, the true journey begins, as we pass through Illinois and into Missouri via Route 66. Springfield, the home of Abe Lincoln, and St. Louis, the “gateway to the West”, wait for us.‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了作者在芝加哥的旅游经历。‎ ‎21.Why did the author and her companions like the soft winds?‎ A.It brought warmth to them.‎ B.It left the sky blue and beautiful.‎ C.It improved the quality of the air.‎ 16‎ D.It made them feel comfortable.‎ 答案:D 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的The wind blew, bringing us some coolness and making the weather not that hot.可知,微风会使他们感到舒适。‎ ‎22.What did the author and her companions mainly do in Chicago?‎ A.They enjoyed famous local foods.‎ B.They visited Polish communities.‎ C.They studied the history of the city.‎ D.They explored for foreign customs.‎ 答案:A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的We were touring the city, mainly looking for delicious local foods.可知,寻找当地的美食是他们的主要目的,故A项正确。‎ ‎23.The author and her companions stayed online ________.‎ A.sharing their travel plan with strangers B.asking for information on foreign foods C.communicating with strangers abroad D.learning about different cultures in the world 答案:C 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的Ashley and Caty logged onto the Internet for an ontheroad version of TALK2US. We spoke to an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan, and a graduate student in India.可知,作者和同事是为了和国外的陌生人交流。‎ ‎24.The underlined part “head over heels” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by ________.‎ A.bored         B.relaxed C.fascinated D.disappointed 答案:C 解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的The winds from Lake Michigan keep visitors cool, and the view of the Chicago skyline never fails to impress. In fact, the view made all of us head over heels!可知,来自Michigan湖上的微风使人凉爽,the Chicago skyline的风景给人留下印象。事实上这些美景让我们着迷,由此可知C项正确。‎ B ‎(2019·河北唐山模拟)‎ I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of 16‎ ‎ her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.‎ War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming, “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.‎ The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬) under her covers, sobbing. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart.‎ Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn't notice Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”‎ Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn't always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。作者与室友的生活习惯迥异,冲突在所难免。后来在室友伤心之时,作者用实际行动表达了自己的关心,两人终于和好。作者也从中懂得了一个道理:让步、整理房间和坚持是处理室友关系的关键。‎ ‎25.What made Kate so angry one evening?‎ A.She couldn't find her books.‎ B.She heard the author shouting loud.‎ C.She got the news that her grandma was ill.‎ D.She saw the author's shoes beneath her bed.‎ 答案:D 解析:细节理解题。从第二段中的“...I heard her screaming, ‘Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!’ Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me.”可知,室友生气是因为作者乱放鞋子。‎ ‎26.The author tidied up the room most probably because ________.‎ A.she was scared by Kate's anger B.she hated herself for being so messy 16‎ C.she wanted to show her care D.she was asked by Kate to do so 答案:C 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart.”可知,作者整理房间是想对室友的悲伤表达出自己的关心。故选C项。‎ ‎27.What might be the best title for the story?‎ A.My Friend Kate B.Hard Work Pays Off C.How to Be Organized D.Learning to Be Roommates 答案:D 解析:标题归纳题。在文章最后作者表达了自己叙述这个故事的意图:懂得了与室友相处的关键。所以D项“Learning to Be Roommates”适合做标题,故选D项。‎ C ‎(2019·天津耀华中学月考)‎ World No Tobacco Day is celebrated each 31st of May. The aim is to bring attention to the growing use of tobacco and its deadly effects. The World Health Assembly established the event in 1987. This year, special attention is being given to the harmful effects of tobacco marketing to women and girls.‎ The WHO says the tobacco industry has increasingly directed its marketing campaigns at women and girls. Study shows that women currently represent about twenty percent of smokers while tobacco use among girls is increasing. Data collected from 151 countries show that about seven percent of young girls now smoke. That compares with twelve percent of boys. In some countries, however, the rates are almost equal.‎ Almost 170 countries have signed an agreement called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control which calls on those governments to ban tobacco advertising to the fullest to protect women. The agreement seeks to reduce the demand and supply of tobacco products. This year marks the fifth anniversary since the treaty went into effect. Up to now, eighty percent of the signers have banned the sale of tobacco products to young people. Seventy percent have required health warnings on tobacco products.‎ Events are planned in a number of countries to mark World No Tobacco Day. Many of the events are aimed at persuading people, especially the young, not to start smoking. Others aim to educate people about the many health benefits of giving up 16‎ ‎ smoking.‎ The World Health Organization says tobacco kills nearly five and a half million people a year and has become a top cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that so far in the world one billion people smoke. More than eighty percent of tobacco users live in low and middle income countries. The WHO estimates that tobacco use caused one hundred million deaths in the twentieth century. If current rates continue, that number could reach one billion in this century.‎ 吸烟危害健康,而某些烟草企业又把目标对准了妇女和女孩。为了抵制这种危害,世界卫生组织发起了一年一度的“禁烟日”活动。‎ ‎28.The following about World No Tobacco Day is true except ________.‎ A.it was started by the World Health Assembly B.it is celebrated in May every other year C.it warns people of the dangers of smoking D.it is meant to protect women and girls 答案:B 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“World No Tobacco Day is celebrated each 31st of May.”可知,B项叙述错误,every other year每隔一年;其他选项内容均符合原文。故选B。‎ ‎29.According to WHO, tobacco industry is to blame because ________.‎ A.it has managed to increase sales of tobacco among women B.it has hired more women and girls to help with the advertisement C.it sells its tobacco at a lower price to women and girls D.it only collects data from more than 151 countries 答案:A 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The WHO says the tobacco industry has increasingly directed its marketing campaigns at women and girls.”可知,烟草企业设法增加在妇女和女孩中的销售量,所以它应该受到谴责。故选A。‎ ‎30.Framework Convention is made to ________.‎ A.increase tobacco production B.protect women from the dangers of smoking C.improve the way of tobacco advertising D.estimate the demand of tobacco products 答案:B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Almost 170 countries have signed an agreement 16‎ ‎ called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control which calls on those governments to ban tobacco advertising to the fullest to protect women.”可知答案为B。‎ ‎31.What has happened five years after the agreement came into being?‎ A.The sale of tobacco to the young is banned in most of the signers.‎ B.Eighty percent of the signers have printed warnings on tobacco products.‎ C.Seventy percent of the signers are persuading old people not to start smoking.‎ D.Few signers have told people the advantage of giving up smoking.‎ 答案:A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“This year marks the fifth anniversary since the treaty went into effect. Up to now, eighty percent of the signers have banned the sale of tobacco products to young people.”可知答案为A。‎ D ‎(2019·西安高新一中模拟)‎ A new phone app uses shaking from smartphones to warn people about earthquakes. The new app is called MyShake, which is the work of four researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.‎ Smartphones are equipped with accelerometers (加速器). MyShake uses phone accelerometers to measure seismic (地震的) activity. It has been programmed to know the difference between normal activity and earthquake movement. The software developers say their app is right 93 percent of the time. A smartphone sends seismic information to the app developers. If the developers receive several warnings from one area, it recognizes that an earthquake may be taking place or will take place soon. Using information sent from the app, the network then judges the location and strength of the quake in real time. MyShake can record 5.0 earthquakes at distances of 10 kilometers or less.‎ MyShake uses very little power, according to its developers. Only when seismic activity is sensed by the app does it become active and sends data to the network. The app works best when your phone is resting on a flat surface, like a table.‎ The developers hope that MyShake can add to information collected by the US Geological Survey. That US agency has created the Earthquake Early Warning System, also known as the EEW. The EEW has used sensors for measuring quakes in many areas. In places where no such equipment exists, MyShake may be the only method of early quake detection (发现). The app also shows ways to stay safer during an 16‎ ‎ earthquake. The developers say it will become more effective as more people use it.‎ The developers say they hope to add a feature that will warn people about a possible tsunami (海啸) after an earthquake.‎ 本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种新的手机应用程序,这种手机应用程序能通过智能手机上的感应器识别地球表面的震动,提醒人们地震的发生。‎ ‎32.The new app ________.‎ A.is a kind of accelerometer B.feels earthquakes through smartphones C.is developed by the US Geological Survey D.predicts possible tsunami after an earthquake 答案:B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一个句子“A new phone app uses shaking from smartphones to warn people about earthquakes.”可知,这款新的手机应用程序,能够通过手机的振动,来提醒人们地震的发生。‎ ‎33.What is the second paragraph mainly talking about?‎ A.How MyShake works.‎ B.What seismic activity is.‎ C.Why MyShake is developed.‎ D.When accelerometers record earthquakes.‎ 答案:A 解析:段落大意题。第二段讲述MyShake的工作原理。故选A。‎ ‎34.We can infer that MyShake ________.‎ A.does not work when the smartphone is in the pocket B.sleeps while there is no shaking of the earth's surface C.guides people how to survive when many people use it at the same time D.recognizes an earthquake when it receives the information from other sensors 答案:B 解析:推理判断题。由第三段中“Only when seismic activity is sensed by the app does it become active and sends data to the network.”可知,只有当地震活动被MyShake感知到后该应用程序才会被激活并向网络发送数据。由此可推断地球表面没有震动时,MyShake是处于休眠状态的,故B项陈述正确。‎ ‎35.The new app developers hope to ________.‎ A.use the information by the US Geological Survey to better MyShake B.unite the US Geological Survey to combine the EEW and MyShake 16‎ C.help the EEW detect earthquakes somewhere D.improve the EEW 答案:C 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“In places where no such equipment exists, MyShake may be the only method of early quake detection (发现).”可知,研发者希望这款手机应用程序能为美国地质调查局提供信息。在没有安置地震早期预警设备的地区,MyShake可以作为地震早期检测的唯一工具。故选C项。‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎(2019·安徽江淮十校联考)‎ Life getting you down? Learn to bounce back ‎“That which does not kill us makes us stronger,” Nietzsche said. There are a number of ways that can get us through tough times, help us to bounce back and make us happier. __36__‎ Find something you can control.‎ ‎__37__ But taking small, positive steps in any area of our life can have a ripple effect, enabling us to move forward in the problem area.‎ ‎__38__‎ As a species, we tend to focus on what's wrong rather than what's right. But we can benefit a lot from paying attention to what's going right. Psychologists have shown consciously focusing on these good things helps to increase our experience of positive emotions.‎ Check your thinking.‎ ‎__39__ Leading psychologist Martin Seligman found that the way we interpret the causes of everyday setbacks can have a significant impact on our ability to cope and our physical health. He also showed we can learn more resilient (有弹性的) thinking styles.‎ Distract yourself.‎ When we are immersed in a problem, it is hard to think creatively about ways to deal with it. It often helps to take time out from the things you are worrying about. __40__ Not only does this give us a break from what we're doing and our worries, it's also great for our minds.‎ A.Always do something that is right.‎ 16‎ B.It's true that there are lots of things we can't control.‎ C.An effective way of taking time out is exercise.‎ D.Next time you are feeling stressed or stuck, give them a try.‎ E.Focus on what's right.‎ F.Next time something goes wrong for you, pause for a moment.‎ G.The way we think can destroy our own resilience.‎ 有时候生活中的诸多因素会给人们带来压力,让人心情沮丧。但是在困难的时候有很多方法可以帮助我们恢复原有的精神,让我们更加快乐。‎ ‎36.D 解析:上文提到了有很多方法可以帮助我们渡过难关,帮我们重新振作,让我们更加快乐,而下文则是对这些方法的介绍,D项的内容可以起到承上启下的作用,故选D项。‎ ‎37.B 解析:本段标题是建议人们找一些自己可以控制的事情做,从中获得信心,再根据后句的转折可知B项符合语境,故选B项。‎ ‎38.E 解析:根据本段中的focus on, pay attention to等关键信息,尤其是第一句话可以判断选E项。‎ ‎39.G 解析:根据段落小标题和下文内容可知本段讨论的是思维方式对人的影响,故选G项。‎ ‎40.C 解析:前句内容是建议人们要学会从忧虑中走出来,后句提到这样做的好处,由此判断C项符合语境。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎(2019·重庆巴蜀中学第一次质检)‎ I was touched so much. A while back, my threeyearold son and I settled back for his goodnight __41__. We lay down in his little bed and he said, “Daddy, when I get big can I live with you?” I __42__ him he could live with me any time he wanted to.‎ A moment later he said, “When you die you're going to feel __43__ on your face and it will be me touching you.” Then he __44__, “I will kiss you.” He moved over, kissed me. I was aware of tears suddenly welling up in my eyes. I didn't want to explain __45__ I was crying; as I opened my eyes to look at him, he was already __46__.‎ I spent some time looking at him, __47__ the minute and wondering about the depth of the __48__ I'd had. It occurred to me that I didn't remember having much of this 16‎ ‎ kind of __49__ time with my father, and that this was a time that would be __50__ shortlived. This time of __51__ that forms a threeyearold's life, would soon be __52__. What will remain, however, will be the __53__ of this short while reoccurring in my mind nonstop. It made all of the difficult __54__ of being a father worthwhile.‎ Sometimes, being a committed father can feel like you're __55__ the doorkeeper, driver, and __56__ in the house. Then you will have “a __57__”, one like this in which your child expresses absolute, pure, and __58__ love for you.‎ When your kids have __59__ home and you look back at these years, all of these will be strung together to __60__ the memories of their lives with you.‎ 和孩子在一起的温馨时刻让作者感慨万千,作者认为作为父亲应该珍惜这个时刻,因为它很短暂。‎ ‎41.A.manner         B.process C.routine D.service 答案:C 解析:根据空前的“his goodnight”和空后的“We lay down in his little bed”以及常识可知,此处指父亲给儿子睡前道晚安这一惯例(routine)。‎ ‎42.A.warned B.reminded C.assured D.convinced 答案:C 解析:此处指作者向儿子保证(assured)只要他想,他随时可以和作者住在一起。warn警告;remind提醒;convince使……信服,均不符合语境。‎ ‎43.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 答案:A 解析:根据“it will be me touching you”可知,这里表示有某种不确定的东西,所以用something。‎ ‎44.A.admitted B.promised C.shouted D.concluded 答案:B 解析:根据语境可知,此处指作者的儿子向自己承诺(promised)道,“我会吻你”。‎ ‎45.A.how B.why C.whether D.when 答案:B 解析:‎ 16‎ 作者意识到自己突然热泪盈眶,但是不想解释自己为什么(why)哭了。此处why引导宾语从句,表示原因。‎ ‎46.A.silent B.upset C.asleep D.calm 答案:C 解析:根据上文settled back for his goodnight...可知此处指他已经睡着(asleep)了。‎ ‎47.A.enjoying B.searching C.checking D.expecting 答案:A 解析:根据下文,作者认为这样的时刻很短暂,故此处指作者很享受这个时刻,故用enjoying强调这个时刻的美好。‎ ‎48.A.sight B.idea C.feeling D.view 答案:C 解析:儿子说出的那些话,作者会很有感触,故用feeling。‎ ‎49.A.gentle B.historic C.magical D.simple 答案:A 解析:作者刚刚和儿子在一起的那一幕是温馨的,作者开始回忆自己和父亲是否也曾有过这样温馨的时刻。gentle“温柔的”,符合语境。‎ ‎50.A.possibly B.originally C.extremely D.frequently 答案:C 解析:由下文的“shortlived”“would soon be”“short while”可知,作者认为这样的时刻极其短暂。extremely“极度,极其”。‎ ‎51.A.cleverness B.truth C.innocence D.care 答案:C 解析:根据空后的定语从句“that forms a threeyearold's life”可知,此处指三岁孩童生命中的这种天真(innocence)。‎ ‎52.A.valued B.shaped C.changed D.gone 答案:D 解析:上文中“shortlived”“forms a threeyearold's life...”和下文中“this short while”都是提示,故此处指这样的时刻很快就消失了(gone)。‎ 16‎ ‎53.A.effect B.scene C.result D.mark 答案:B 解析:那样的时刻消失了,留下只能是不断浮现在作者脑海中的这一短暂时刻的画面。scene“景象”,符合语境。‎ ‎54.A.work B.dream C.reality D.career 答案:A 解析:此处指和孩子在一起度过的美好时刻让作为父亲所做的所有困难的工作(work)都变得值得了。work “工作”,符合语境。‎ ‎55.A.just B.even C.still D.also 答案:A 解析:有时候做一个尽心尽力的父亲会让你觉得自己只是(just)家里的看门人、司机和……just “仅仅,只是”,符合语境。‎ ‎56.A.teacher B.waiter C.cleaner D.customer 答案:C 解析:根据空前的“doorkeeper, driver”和空后的“in the house”可知,此处选cleaner。‎ ‎57.A.record B.course C.period D.moment 答案:D 解析:然后,你会碰到这样一个时刻。这里用moment和上文作者与儿子之间的温馨时刻呼应。‎ ‎58.A.unconditional B.insignificant C.sufficient D.inaccessible 答案:A 解析:此处表达的是孩子对父亲的爱,从“absolute, pure”可看出应用unconditional“无条件的”与之并列。insignificant微不足道的;sufficient足够的;inaccessible难以达到的,均不符合语境。‎ ‎59.A.missed B.organized C.left D.returned 答案:C 16‎ 解析:根据下文的“look back at these years”“the memories of their lives with you”可知,这里指孩子长大后离开(left)家。‎ ‎60.A.make up B.contribute to C.consist of D.count on 答案:A 解析:根据空前的will be strung together可知,此处指所有和孩子在一起的这些温馨时刻会串在一起,组成(make up)美好的回忆。contribute to是……的原因之一;consist of由……构成;count on依赖,均不符合语境。‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎(2019·太原市模拟)‎ Once upon a time a psychology professor walked around on a stage while __61__ (teach) stress management principles to an auditorium __62__ (fill) with students.‎ As she raised a glass of water, __63__ a smile on her face, the professor asked, “How heavy is this glass of water __64__ I'm holding?”‎ Students shouted out __65__ (answer) ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds.‎ She replied, “From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the __66__ (heavy) it feels to me.”‎ As the class __67__ (nod) their heads in agreement, she continued, “Your stresses and worries in life are __68__ (absolute) like this glass of water.”‎ It's important to remember to let go of your stresses and worries. No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all __69__ (you) burdens down.‎ If you still feel the weight of yesterday's stress, it's __70__ strong sign that it's time to put the glass down.‎ ‎61.teaching 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处是一个状语从句,其完整句子为while she was teaching。professor和teach之间是主动关系,故用现在分词teaching。‎ ‎62.filled 解析:考查非谓语动词。fill sth. with用……填充;sth. be filled with充满。auditorium和fill之间是被动关系,故此处应用过去分词。‎ ‎63.with 解析:考查介词。with意为“带有”。此处是with的复合结构“with+宾语+宾语补足语”,介词短语作宾语补足语。‎ ‎64.that/which 解析:考查定语从句。this glass of water是先行词,that/which引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。‎ 16‎ ‎65.answers 解析:考查名词复数。根据名词后面的定语ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds可知此处应用复数。‎ ‎66.heavier 解析:考查形容词的比较级。此处是“the+比较级,the+比较级”这个句型。故应用heavy的比较级heavier。‎ ‎67.nodded 解析:考查时态。本文的主要时态是用一般过去时,故此处用nod的过去式nodded。‎ ‎68.absolutely 解析:考查副词。此处在句中作状语,应用副词。‎ ‎69.your 解析:考查代词。修饰名词burdens应用形容词性物主代词。‎ ‎70.a 解析:考查冠词。sign是可数名词,此处是泛指,故应用不定冠词。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎(2019·广东实验中学模拟考试)‎ This morning, I got an email from the library. It said the book I reserved was ready to be picking up. Because I had always been waiting to read it so at that moment I was very exciting. Outside the library, I saw the man driving around the small parking lot, try to find a parking space. He head for the disabled parking space, the only one that was free. He got off his car with a pile of library book to return. Seeing that I offered to return them to him. He thanked me and jumped quick in his car and drove off, keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.‎ 答案与解析 16‎ ‎1.第二句中picking→picked 考查被动语态。此处是不定式的被动形式,动词用过去分词。故picking改为picked。‎ ‎2.第三句中去掉so 考查连词。英语中连词because和so不能同时出现,只能用一个。故去掉so。‎ ‎3.第三句中exciting→excited 考查形容词。exciting“令人兴奋的”,修饰物;excited“兴奋的”,修饰人。此处修饰I用excited,故exciting改为excited。‎ ‎4.第四句中第二个the→a 考查冠词。此处指我看到一个人在停车场周围,是第一次提到不是特指,故the改为a。‎ ‎5.第四句中try→trying 考查非谓语动词。句中try的主语和句子主语一致,都是a man,此处作目的状语用现在分词形式,故try改为trying。‎ ‎6.第五句中head→headed 考查动词时态。文中描述的是过去发生的事用的是过去时,此处也用过去时,故head改为headed。‎ ‎7.第六句中book→books 考查名词复数。此处由a pile of修饰,名词用复数。故book改为books。‎ ‎8.第七句中第二个to→for 考查介词。此处指我为他还书,表示“为”,故to改为for。‎ 16‎ ‎9.第八句中quick→quickly 考查副词。此处修饰动词jumped用副词,指迅速跳上车。故quick改为quickly。‎ ‎10.第八句中在someone后加who 考查定语从句。句中包含定语从句,先行词是someone,指人,此处缺少引导词。先行词在定语从句中作主语,用who引导,故someone后加who。‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎(2019·北京师范大学第二附属中学月考)‎ 假如你是李华,你的外教Brown先生酷爱摄影。暑假里你看到“The World”杂志有个摄影展,希望他能参加。请根据下列要点,给已经回英国度假的Brown先生写一封信,词数100左右。‎ 要点:‎ ‎1.摄影展主题:帮助他人;‎ ‎2.摄影展举办日期:9月15日—10月15日;‎ ‎3.截稿日期:9月10日;‎ ‎4.投稿地址:theworldphotoshow@sina.com。‎ Dear_Brown,_‎ How_are_you?_Are_you_still_enjoying_your_holiday_in_the_UK?_Now_I_have_good_news_for_you.‎ A_magazine_called_The_World_will_host_a_photography_show_from_September_15th_to_October_15th._I_really_hope_you_can_take_part_in_it_because_you_are_an_excellent_photographer._What_is_more,_the_theme_of_this_photography_show_is:_Helping_others._And_the_deadline_of_all_the_contributions_is_September_10th._Would_you_please_send_your_photos_to_theworldphotoshow@sina.com?_Good_luck!‎ Looking_forward_to_your_reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 16‎

