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十堰市 2020 年中考英语试题及答案 1.—We have ________ unusual Senior High School Entrance Examination this year. —Yes. It’s one month later than before. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.—What's your favorite ______? —Journey to the West. The monkey King can make 72 changes to his shape and size. A.color B.book C.food D.bag 3.—I am hungry now. I come to school ______ breakfast this morning. —You should get up early. A.of B.to C.at D.without 4.—We are in times of difficulty at present. —As long as we pull together, success must belong to ______. A.us B.we C.our D.ours 5.—______ you please take the dog for work? —OK, but I have to fold the clothes first. A.Must B.Should C.Could D.May 6.—What would you like, juice or coffee? —______. I just want a glass of water. A.Both B.Neither C.Either D.None 7.—Super brain is a hit TV show recently. Which competitor do you like best? —I think Zhao Jinhao is one of ______ competitors among them. A.smart B.smarter C.smartest D.the smartest 8.—Is Li Mei a teacher? —Yes, she is. She ______ at a village school. A.teaches B.is teaching C.taught D.will teach 9.—I called you yesterday afternoon, but you didn't pick up. —Sorry. I ______ an online class at that time. A.take B.took C.is taking D.was taking 10.—The last Beidou GEO-3 ______ into space successfully on June 23, 2020. —As Chinese, we feel proud of it. A.sends B.sent C.is sent D.was sent 11.—I can't hear clearly. Please ______ the radio a little. —Just one minute. I'll do it right away. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down 12.—Can you tell me ______? —Sure. He lives on …. A.what his job is B.what does he do C.where he lives D.where does he live 13.—We teenagers should look up to the people ______ have made great achievements to our country, like Yuan Longping. —I think so. A.who B.what C.which D.whose 14.—Hi, Wu Lei. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. —________. A.Good luck B.That’s great C.Best wishes D.Nice to see you again 15.—I wish you can get good grades this time! —______. A.Thank you. B.Don't say so. C.I'm afraid not. D.Yes, you are right. Five years ago, my father and I had a serious disagreement. But we haven't 16 it since then. We avoid seeing each other 17 we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But even then, we hardly spoke to each other. So last Tuesday, when I got home, I 18 myself I was going to tell my father I loved him. It's strange, but just making that 19 seemed to lift a heavy storm off my chest. I was so 20 that I could hardly sleep during the night. The next morning I went to 21 early. At 9:00 in the morning, I called my dad to ask 22 I could come over after work. He 23 . At 5:30 in the afternoon I was at my parents' house ringing the 24 , praying that dad would 25 the door. I was afraid if mum answered that I would 26 and tell her 27 . Luckily, Dad did answer the door. I didn't 28 any time—I took one step in the door and said, "Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you." Believe it or not, it seemed like a magic. Before my eyes, my father's face softened, the wrinkles (皱纹) seemed to 29 and he began to cry. He hugged me and said excitedly, "I LOVE YOU too, my dear son, but I've 30 been able to say it." Seeing this unforgettable sight, Mom walked by with tears in her eyes. So my message to all of you is this: Don't wait to do the things you know need to be done. What if I had waited to tell my dad? 16.A.remembered B.reached C.got D.solved 17.A.unless B.while C.as D.when 18.A.warned B.said C.told D.spoke 19.A.information B.decision C.instruction D.mistake 20.A.embarrassed B.moved C.surprised D.excited 21.A.museum B.market C.work D.sleep 22.A.what B.how C.whether D.why 23.A.disliked B.refused C.expected D.agreed 24.A.phone B.doorbell C.website D.car 25.A.answer B.reply C.leave D.shut 26.A.set up B.give up C.take up D.put up 27.A.instead B.rather C.yet D.still 28.A.take B.waste C.save D.spend 29.A.smile B.appear C.dance D.disappear 30.A.ever B.hardly C.never D.seldom Here are some superheroes in the fight against COVID-19 (新冠肺炎). Let's come close to them and remember them. Zhong Nanshan(1936.10—) He is one of the famous medical scientistsin the 21stcentury. Dr. Zhong Nanshan was the first to tell the public that the virus could be transmitted from person to person. He is agood doctor in the countrymen's eyes and respected by all Chinese people. Li Lanjuan (1947.09—) When COVID-19 broke out, she suggested that Wuhan should be locked down immediately to prevent the spread of the disease. She headed for Wuhan and took an active part in the battle. Now, she still receives patients every day. Wang Yong (1985.12—) As a delivery (快递) driver, he volunteered to support the medical staff in Wuhan during the epidemic (疫情). He tried his best to keep life going for the doctors and nurses. Time magazine has put on its cover, presenting the courage and hard work of common people. Li Wenliang (1985.10—2020.02) He is the first doctor to warn people how dangerous the virus could be at the end of last December, so people call him the "whistle-blower (吹哨人). Because of COVID-19, he lost his life on February 7 th, 2020. People across the country were sad to hear about his death. 31.Who is the oldest of the four people? A.Wang Yong. B.Zhong Nanshan. C.Li Lanjuan. D.Li Wenliang. 32.How many of them are doctors in the passage? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 33.When did Li Wenliang warn people the danger of the virus? A.At the end of last December. B.At the beginning of 2019. C.On January 25th, 2020. D.On February 7th, 2020. 34.What did Wang Yong do during the epidemic? A.He drew a cover for Time Magazine. B.He was busy with his own business. C.He wrote an article to Time magazine. D.He volunteered to support to the doctors and nurses to keep their life going. 35.Which statement is not true according to the passage? A.Wang Yong is a delivery driver. B.Li Wenliang died on February 7 th, 2020. C.Time magazine has put Li Lanjuan on its cover to praise the courage of Chinese people. D.Zhong Nanshan told the public that the virus could be transmitted from person to person. A well-known speaker started his speech by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200 people, he asked, “Who would like this $ 20 bill?” Hands started going up. He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you. But first let me do this.” He crumpled the bill. He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still, the hands of stayed in the air. “Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” He dropped it on the ground and started to grind(碾压) it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. “Who still wants it?” The hands did not move. “My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I do to the money, you will still want it because it is still worth $20.” “Sometimes we feel like we are worthless because we did something wrong or the situation is not good. But no matter what has happened, you will never lose your value and you are still priceless to those who love you. They care about you because you are special to them.” “The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are.” 36.How did the speaker start his speech? A.By hiding a $20 bill. B.By passing a $20 bill. C.By borrowing a $20 bill. D.By holding up a $20 bill. 37.What does the underlined word crumpled probably mean in the passage? A.揉搓 B.涂画 C.撕碎 D.剪开 38.The speaker put the bill high up in the air because he wanted to _________. A.change the value of the bill B.get more listeners to look at the bill C.make the listeners feel sorry for the bill D.show the listeners that the bill was worthless 39.It’s clear that _________. A.no one wanted the bill B.the speech was not interesting C.the speaker didn’t like money D.the speaker was good at making a speech 40.What did the speaker want to tell people with his speech? A.Keep cool when there is a problem. B.It doesn’t matter if you lose your value. C.The value of our lives lies in who we are. D.Money is not the most important thing in life. If you look at the top of your phone, you will usually see a little symbols that says 3G or 4G. The G means "generation" of your mobile network. But these symbols will become things of the past after 5G networks fully arrive. On March 30, Shanghai vice-mayor (副市长) Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on the Huawei Mate X Smartphone. Shanghai has also become the first city in our country to start testing 5G networks. More and more people started to learn about 5G because it has many advantages. 5G will let people download and upload the data (上传数据) faster than before. People can use it for many other things as well. For example, 5G will help to make self-driving cars safer. Today's self-driving test cars take time to send the information and the receiving instructions. They can't react in time. With the help of 5G, this can be greatly improved. People could also use 5G to power the Internet of Things (IOT 物联网). It's a large online network that connects all things and people. Fast Internet speed will be the key to developing this technology. 5G is on the way. It will lead us to a new world. Are you ready? How 41. Will Change The World Introduction 1. The G means "generation" of your mobile network. 2. On 42., Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on a HUAWEI Mate X Smartphone. 3. 43.has also become the first city in our country to start testing 5G networks. Advantages 1. It will let people download an uploaded data faster than before. 2. It will make self-driving cars 44.. 3. It can 45. all things and people. thank, five, take after, true, invention, beautiful, look after 46.May is the ________ month of a year. 47.We are so ________ for all the support we received. 48.Sam has to ________ his little sister while his mom is away. 49.Don't argue with your parents. They ________ care about you. 50.Tea is the most important drink in the world. It is an accidental ________. 51.你们多久上一次劳动课? ________ do you have a label class? 52.李梅很勤奋,她习惯于晨读。 Li Mei is hard-working and she ________ morning reading. 53.他去过子胥湖很多次。 He ________ to Zixu Lake many times. 54.如果你不戴口罩,就不允许上公交车。 If you ________ a mask, you will not be allowed to get on the bus. 55.这群年轻人对知识充满渴望。 This group of young men ________ knowledge. 56. “人间烟火味,最抚凡人心”,2020 年初,由于新冠肺炎的爆发,很多人都 不得不待在家里,而不能外出打工谋生。"地摊"如雨后春笋在各大城市涌现。假如你是 李华,在本周班会上将代表老师用英语通知学生参加一次摆地摊的体验活动。内容如下: 时间 周日晚上 7:00—9:00 本周 地点人民广场 内容 1. 出售报纸,饮料。 2. 出售旧物:书,玩具,自行车等。 3. 出售自制的蛋糕、卡片等。 你的想法和 建议 …… 参考词汇: roadside the standard 地摊 Renmin Square n. 人民广场 experience v.& n. 体验, 经历 meaningful adj. 有意义的 要求: 1. 必须包含所给的全部的要点及内容, 可适当发挥。 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。 3. 词数 80 至 100。开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 Fellow students, This year due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, many people have to stay at home and can't go outside to work to earn a living. Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 参考答案 1.B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——今年我们经历了一次不同寻常的中考。 ——是的。比以前晚了一个月。 考查冠词。A. a 不定冠词,表泛指,用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;B. an 不定冠词,表泛 指,用在以元音音素开头的单词前;C. the 定冠词,表特指;D. /零冠词。根据句意可知, 空格处应填入不定冠词表泛指,且空格后单词 unusual 以元音音素开头,故应用 an,故选 B。 2.B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——你最喜欢的书是什么?——《西游记》。美猴王可以改变 72 种形状和大小。 考查名词辨析。color 颜色;book 书;food 食物;bag 书包。根据答句中 Journey to the West, 结合选项,可知此处应填“书”,其它选项均语意不通,故答案选 B。 3.D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——我现在饿了。我今天早上没吃早饭就来上学了。——你应该早点起床。 考查介词辨析。of……的;to 到;at 在;without 没有。根据“I am hungry now”可知,我早 上没吃饭就来上学了。故选 D。 4.A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——我们目前正处于困难时期。——只要我们齐心协力,成功就一定属于我们。 考查代词用法。us 我们,人称代词宾格;we 我们,人称代词主格;our 我们的,形容词性 物主代词;ours 我们的,名词性物主代词。根据语境可知,成功一定属于我们,空格前 to 为介词,其后应接人称代词宾格 us 作宾语。故选 A。 5.C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——你能带狗去上班吗?——好的,但我得先把衣服叠好。 考查情态动词。Must 必须、一定;Should 应该;Could 能、能够,can 的过去式,也可以表 示委婉语气;May 可以。根据下文 OK, but I have to fold the clothes first. 好的,但我得先把 衣服叠好。可知上文是问“你能带狗去上班吗?”要填“could”,表示委婉语气,其它选项 语意不通,故答案选 C。 6.B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——你想要什么,果汁还是咖啡?——都不是。我只想要一杯水。 考查情景交际及代词用法。Both 两者都;Neither 两者中没有一个;Either 两者之一;None 一个也没有,表三者或以上。根据语境可知问句“你想要果汁还是咖啡”,可知在两者之中 选择;答语“我只想要一杯水”,可知果汁和咖啡两个都不选,故此处应用 neither 表两者 中没有一个。故选 B。 7.D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——《最强大脑》是最近热播的电视节目。你最喜欢哪个参赛者?——我认为赵金浩 是其中最聪明的参赛者之一。 考查最高级。smart 聪明的,原级;smarter 更聪明的,比较级;smartest 最聪明的,最高级; the smartest 最聪明的,最高级。本句为“one of the+最高级+名词复数”句式,即赵金浩是其 中最聪明的参赛者之一,故此处应用最高级,其前应加定冠词 the,即 the smartest。故选 D。 8.A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——李梅是一位老师吗?——是的,她是。她在一所乡村学校教书。 考查动词时态。teaches 一般现在时;is teaching 现在进行时;taught 一般过去时;will teach 一般将来时。根据句中 Yes, she is 可知,“李梅在乡村学校教书”这件事是她目前经常性、 习惯性的状态,应为一般现在时。故选 A。 9.D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——我昨天下午给你打电话,但你没接。——对不起,那时我正在上网课。 考查动词时态。take 一般现在时;took 一般过去时;is taking 现在进行时;was taking 过去 进行时。根据语境可知,我昨天正在做某事,所以你给我打电话没有接到,应用进行时态, 再根据 yesterday afternoon 可知,“上网课没接到电话”这件事发生在过去,故应为过去进 行时。故选 D。 10.D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——最后一次北斗 GEO-3 于 2020 年 6 月 23 日成功发射升空。——作为中国人,我 们感到自豪。 考查一般过去时的被动语态。sends 动词的第三人称单数;sent 一般过去时;is sent 一般现 在时的被动语态;was sent 一般过去时的被动语态。根据题干,可知主语是动作的承受者, 所以应用被动语态 be+过去分词;再由 on June 23, 2020.可知句子时态是一般过去时,主语 The last Beidou GEO-3 是单数,be 动词用 was,send 的过去分词是 sent;故答案选 D。 11.C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——我不能清晰地听到,请把收音机声音调高一点。——等一下,我马上就会做。 考查动词短语。turn on 打开;turn off 关上;turn up 调高;turn down 调低。根据“I can't hear clearly”可知此处表示“把声音调高”,用动词短语 turn up。故选 C。 12.C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——你能告诉我他住在哪里么?——当然可以,他住在…… 考查宾语从句。tell me 后面是宾语从句,用陈述句的语序,即主语+谓语动词,B 和 D 选项 的语序错误,排除 B 和 D。根据回答“he lives on”可知询问的是住在什么地方,宾语从句用 where 来引导,故选 C。 13.A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——我们青少年应该尊敬像袁隆平这样为国家做出巨大成就的人。——我也这样认为。 考查定语从句。who 在定语从句中指人,在句中作主语或宾语;what 不能引导定语从句; which 在定语从句中指物,在句中作主语或宾语;whose 在定语从句中指人或物,在句中作 定语。根据语境可知,我们应该尊重像袁隆平这样的人,先行词 people 指人,且从句缺少 主语,故应用 who 来引导定语从句。故选 A。 14.D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——嗨,吴磊。我们很久没见面了。 ——很高兴再见到你。 考查情景交际。A. Good luck 祝你好运;B. That’s great 那太棒了;C. Best wishes 给你最美好 的祝福;D. Nice to see you again 很高兴再见到你。根据上文 We haven’t seen each other for a long time 可知,此处是两人久别重逢,D 选项符合语境,故选 D。 15.A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——我希望你这次能取得好成绩!——谢谢你。 考查情景交际。Thank you. 谢谢你;Don't say so. 别这样说;I'm afraid not. 我恐怕不;Yes, you are right. 是的,你是对的。根据上文 I wish you can get good grades this time! 我希望你这次 能取得好成绩!可知,要回答“谢谢你”,其它选项语意不通,或不符合英语交际习惯;故 答案选 A。 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.C 【解析】 【分析】 文章大意:文章主要描述了作者和父亲发生争执,一直没有得到解决且互相不怎么说话。后 面作者主动承认错误,从中告诉我们,想做什么事,不要等待。 16. 句意:但从那以后我们一直没有解决它。 remembered 记得;reached 到达;got 得到;solved 解决。根据下文 We avoid seeing each other 我们避免见面,可知是一直没有得到解决,故答案选 D。 17. 句意:我们彼此避免见面,除非必须参加圣诞节聚会或其他家庭聚会。 unless 除非;while 在……期间;as 作为、如同;when 当……时候。根据 We avoid seeing each other ___2___ we had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. 前面说我们避免见面,后面应 该是除非我们不得不在圣诞节或其他家庭聚会上见面,故答案选 A。 18. 句意:我告诉自己我要告诉父亲我爱他。 warned 警告;said 说;told 告诉;spoke 说。根据 I ___3___ myself I was going to tell my father I loved him. 可知应该是告诉我自己我要告诉我父亲我爱他,故答案是选 C。 19. 句意:这很奇怪,但仅仅是做了这个决定似乎就解除了我心头的大风暴。 information 信息;decision 决定;instruction 说明;mistake 错误。根据上文告诉我自己我要 告诉我父亲我爱他,可知作者应是做了这样一个决定,因此是仅仅做这个决定就好像解除了 我的心头大风暴,故答案选 B。 20. 句意:我太激动了,晚上几乎睡不着。 embarrassed尴尬的;moved感动的;surprised惊奇的;excited兴奋的。根据后半句I could hardly sleep during the night. 晚上几乎睡不着,可知应该是很兴奋,故答案选 D。 21. 句意:第二天早上我很早就去上班了。 museum 博物馆;market 市场;work 工作;sleep 睡觉。根据下文 I could come over after work. 我下班后可以过来,可知应是很早就去上班了,故答案选 C。 22. 句意:我打电话给我父亲,问我下班后是否可以过去。 what 什么;how 怎样;whether 是否;why 为什么。根据 I called my dad to ask ___7___ I could come over after work. 可知是打电话给我父亲,问我下班后应该是否可以过来,故答案选 C。 23. 句意:他同意了。 disliked 不喜欢;refused 拒绝;expected 期待;agreed 同意。根据下文 I was at my parents' house ringing 我在我父母家房子按门铃,可知应该是父亲同意作者来,故答案选 D。 24. 句意:下午五点半,我来到父母家摁响了门铃。 phone 电话;doorbell 门铃;website 网页;car 汽车。根据下文 praying that dad would __10__ the door. 祈祷爸爸开门,可知应该是我在我父母家房子按门铃,故答案选 B。 25. 句意:我暗自祈祷父亲会应声开门。 answer 回答;reply 回复;leave 离开;shut 关闭。根据下文 I was afraid if mum answered,可 知应该是祈祷父亲开门,故答案选 A。 26. 句意:我担心是妈妈来开门,自己会放弃(向父亲说爱他)。 set up 建立;give up 放弃;take up 开始从事、占据;put up 收好。根据上文祈祷父亲开门, 这里应该是母亲开门,自己会放弃(向父亲说爱他),故答案选 B。 27. 句意:我担心是妈妈来开门,自己会放弃来代替向父亲说爱他。 instead 代替;rather 相当地;yet 也;still 仍然。根据上文祈祷父亲开门,这里应该是如果母 亲开门,自己会放弃来代替向父亲说爱他,故答案选 A。 28. 句意:我没有浪费任何时间。 take 拿;waste 浪费;save 节省;spend 花费。根据上文作者的忧虑,可知这里应该是一分钟 也没有浪费,直接表达作者的爱意,故答案选 B。 29. 句意:就在我眼前,父亲的脸变得温和起来,皱纹似乎也消失了,他哭了起来。 smile 笑;appear 出现;dance 跳舞;disappear 消失。根据 Before my eyes, my father's face softened, the wrinkles (皱纹) seemed to 在我眼前,我父亲的脸变温和,皱纹似乎……,结合选项,可 知应该是消失了,故答案选 D。 30. 句意:他拥抱我,兴奋地说:“我也爱你,我亲爱的儿子,但这话我以前从来说不出口。” ever 曾经;hardly 几乎不;never 从不;seldom 极少。根据 I LOVE YOU too, my dear son, but I've __15__ been able to say it.由转折词 but 可知是父亲也爱作者,但父亲应该是以前从未说 过,故答案选 C。 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.C 【解析】 【分析】 本文介绍了为抗击新冠肺炎疫情做出贡献的四位英雄的信息。 31. 细节理解题。根据 Zhong Nanshan(1936.10﹣﹣),Li Lanjuan (1947.09﹣﹣),Wang Yong (1985.12﹣﹣),Li Wenliang (1985.10﹣2020.02)可知,钟南山院士年龄是最大的。故选 B。 32. 细节理解题。根据“Zhong Nanshan:He is a good doctor in the countrymen's eyes.”“Li Lanjuan :Now,she still receives patients every day.”“Li Wenliang :He is the first doctor to warn people how dangerous the virus could be at the end of last December”可知,文中一共提到 了三位英雄是医护人员,分别是:钟南山院士;李兰娟院士;李文亮医生。故选 C。 33. 细节理解题。根据表格最后一栏“He is the first doctor to warn people how dangerous the virus could be at the end of last December”可知,他在去年 12 月份就警告人们病毒的危险性。故 选 A。 34. 细节理解题。根据第三栏“He tried his best to keep life going for the doctors and nurses”可知, 在疫情期间,王勇尽最大努力使医护人员的生活可以正常继续下去。故选 D。 35. 推理判断题。根据表格第三栏“As a delivery(快递)driver”可知,王勇是一名快递员,故 A 选项正确;根据最后一栏“he lost his life on February 7th, 2020,”可知,李文亮医生在 202 年 2 月 7 日去世,故 B 选项正确;根据第三栏“Time magazine has put on its cover, presenting the courage and hard work of common people”可知,时代杂志将王勇作为封面来鼓 励努力工作的普通人,故 C 选项错误;根据第一栏“Dr.Zhong Nanshan was the first to tell the public that the virus could be transmitted from person to person”可知,钟南山院士是第一个告 诉公众病毒会人传人,故 D 选项正确。故选 C。 36.D 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.C 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者通过一场演讲告诉人们一个道理:生命的价值不在于我们做了什么 或认识谁,而在于我们是谁。 36. 题意:演讲者是如何开始演讲的? 细节理解题。根据原文 A well-known speaker started his speech by holding up a $20 bill 可知, 一位著名的演讲者举着一张 20 美元的钞票开始了自己的演讲。D 选项 By holding up a $20 bill“通过举着一张 20 美元的钞票”符合题意,故选 D。 37. 题意:文中画线单词“crumpled”的意思可能是? 词句猜测题。根据原文 He crumpled the bill. He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still, the hands of stayed in the air 可知,他把钞票揉皱了,但是人们还是想要这张钞票。画线单词“crumpled” 此处有“揉皱”之意。A 选项“揉搓”符合题意,故选 A。 38. 题意:演讲者把纸币高举在空中,因为他想________。 推理判断题。根据原文 A well-known speaker started his speech by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200 people, he asked, “Who would like this $ 20 bill?”可知,演讲者把纸币高举在空中, 因为他想让在场的 200 听众都看到这张钞票。B 选项 get more listeners to look at the bill“让 更多的听众看到钞票”符合题意,故选 B。 39. 题意:很明显________。 推理判断题。通读全文可知,演讲者通过一张钞票,就教会了人们一个道理:生命的价值不 在于我们做了什么或认识谁,而在于我们是谁。由此可推断,他是一位非常善于演讲的演讲 者。D 选项 the speaker was good at making a speech“演讲者很擅长演讲”符合题意,故选 D。 40. 题意:演讲者想用他的演讲告诉人们什么? 细节理解题。根据原文 The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are 可知,生命的价值不在于我们做了什么或认识谁,而在于我们是谁。C 选项 The value of our lives lies in who we are“生命的价值在于我们是谁”符合题意,故选 C。 41.5G 42.March 30/ March 30th 43.Shanghai 44.safer 45.connect 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了 5G 网络的优势及前景。 41.根据最后一段“5G is on the way. It will lead us to a new world”及全文内容可知,本文主 要介绍了 5G 网络的优势,给世界带来的改变。故答案为 5G。 42.根据第二段“On March 30, Shanghai vice-mayor (副市长) Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on the Huawei Mate X Smartphone”可知,3 月 30 日,上海市副市长吴清在华为 Mate X 智能手机上首次进行 5G 视频通话。故答案为 March 30/ March 30th。 43.根据第二段“Shanghai has also become the first city in our country to start testing 5G networks”可知,上海也成为我国第一个开始测试 5G 网络的城市。故答案为 Shanghai。 44.根据第三段“5G will help to make self-driving cars safer”可知,5G 将有助于使自动驾驶 汽车更安全。故答案为 safer。 45.根据倒数第二段“It's a large online network that connects all things and people”可知,它 可以连接所有的人物和事物。connect 连接,动词,句中 can 为情态动词,其后应接动词原 形。故答案为 connect。 46.fifth 47.thankful 48.look after 49.truly 50.invention 【解析】 【分析】 46. 句意:五月是一年中的第五个月。 根据空后的 month of a year 及空前的 May 可知,空处是表达第五个月,结合所提供单词可 知,应该用 five 的序数词形式 fifth。故填 fifth。 47. 句意:我们非常感谢我们所得到的所有支持。 根据空前的 are 及空后的“for all the support we received”可知,此处是表达“对……感 谢”be thankful for,结合所提供单词可知,此处应该用 thank 的形容词形式 thankful。故填 thankful。 48. 句意:山姆的妈妈不在的时候,他必须照顾他的妹妹。 根据空后的“while his mom is away”可知,此处是表达“照顾他的妹妹”,根据空前的 has to 可知,此处应该用动词原形。故填 look after。 49. 句意:不要和你父母争论。 他们真的很关心你。 根据空后的 care about you 可知,空处应该用副词来修饰实义动词,结合所提供单词可知, 此处是表达“真的”很关心你,所以空处应该用形容词 true 的副词形式 truly。故填 truly。 50. 句意:茶是世界上最重要的饮料。 这是一个偶然的发明。 根据空前的 an accidental 可知,空处应该是可数名词单数形式;根据前面“Tea is the most important drink in the world”可知,空处应该是表达一个偶然的“发明”invention。故填 invention。 51.How often 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 根据汉语可知,英语表达中缺少“多久一次”,结合所学知识可知,“多久一次”how often 用于句首大写,构成特殊疑问句。故填 How often。 52.is/ gets used to 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 通过中英文句子对照可知,英文句子中缺少“习惯于”的表达;“习惯于”be/ get used to, 动词短语;根据汉语句意“李梅很勤奋,她习惯于晨读”和语法可知,句子时态要用一般现 在时,主语是第三人称复数,系动词用 is;实义动词用第三人称单数形式;故答案为 is/ gets used to。 53.has been 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 根据汉语及英语对照可知,英语表达中缺少“去过”;根据所学可知,“去过某地”应该是 have/has been to sp,主语是 he,所以用 has been to。故答案为 has been。 54.don't wear 【解析】 【详解】 本句为 if 引导的条件状语从句,适合“主将从现”原则。根据语意可知,如果你不戴口罩, 从句应为否定句,wear 戴,动词。主句为一般将来时,从句应为一般现在时,从句主语 you 为第二人称,在谓语前加 don't 表示否定,谓语动词 wear 用其原形。故答案为 don't wear。 55.are thirsty for 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 根据句意可知,本句应该用一般现在时;根据汉语“充满渴望”可知,此处用短语 be thirsty for,结合主语 This group of young men 是复数,所以应该用 are thirsty for。故填 are thirsty for。 56.Follow students, This year, due to the inspact of COVID-19 outbreak, many people have to stay at home and can't go outside to work to earn a living. Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities. This Sunday evening our class plans to experience this activity. Here is the information you need to know. The activity will last for two hours. We'd better arrive at Renmin Square at 7 p.m. We will sell different kinds of things such as newspapers and drinks. We can also sell some old things including books, toys and bikes. Besides, if you are good at DIY, I think cakes and cards made by hand will be popular. As for the money we get, I suggest that we can give it away to the people in need. Hope you can take an active part in it. Through the activity, we can not only get some social experience but also spend a meaningful night. 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 1.题干解读:该题属于材料写作。要求以李华的身份,在班会上代表老师用英语通知学生参 加一次摆地摊的体验活动。写作时注意问题信息要写齐全。 2.例文点评:例文采用三段式,第一大段总体说班级要组织地摊体验活动;第二大段陈述组 织地摊体验活动的时间及具体要求;第三大段陈述从这次活动中的收获及想法。本文结构清 晰,段落分明。用第一人称来进行写作分析,时态主要以一般现在时为主。 3.高分亮点: 短语:stay at home,earn a living,had better do sth,different kinds of,be good at,give away, take an active part in,not only…but also…。 句型:1.现在完成时 Roadside Stands have sprung up in many big cities. 2. 条件状语从句 Besides, if you are good at DIY, I think cakes and cards made by hand will be popular. 3.宾语从句 I suggest that we can give it away to the people in need.

