八年级上英语课件课时2 Reading I_牛津译林版 (1)

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八年级上英语课件课时2 Reading I_牛津译林版 (1)

安徽译林版八年级上 课时2 Reading I 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 基础巩固练 提示:点击 进入习题 5 11 12 13 14 答案呈现 D A C D makes smiling to answer fitted singer voice knock sweet anytime bored 15 B 答案呈现 16 17 18 in need look cute give seats to 19 try my best to 20 says a bad word about 21 22 23 A C D 24 B 25 B 基础巩固练 26 27 28 A A C 29 B 30 D 能力提升练 答案呈现能力提升练 31 32 33 D B B 34 Two years ago. 35 36 She usually wears jeans and a T shirt or a sweater. It is by the lake. 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. What a beautiful v (嗓音) he has! 2. We should k (敲) on the door before going into the office. 3. The singer has a s (甜美的) voice, so many people like her. oice nock weet 4. He is helpful and he is ready to help others a . (任何时候). 5. He is funny. I never feel b (无聊的) with him. nytime ored 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. What ___________(make) David look so smart?makes 7. Our English teacher is friendly. We all like her __________ (smile) eyes.smiling 8. The boy is very clever. He is willing __________ (answer) all the questions in class. to answer 9. The uniform __________ (fit) her perfectly last year, but it is too small for her now. fitted 10. You’ll be a good __________ (sing) and dancer.singer 三、单项选择。 11. [ 中考·苏州] The flying squirrel (松鼠) might be one of ______ animals you could meet during the trip. A. strange B. stranger C. strangest D. the strangest D 12. [ 中考· 北部湾经济区]—Why is Mike so popular in your class? —Because he always tells jokes. He is ______. A. humorous B. polite C. honest D. friendly A 13. —How ______is the girl’s father? —About 1.85 ______. A. tall; metre B. highly; metre C. tall; metres D. highly; metres C 14. Jim is generous. He always shares his toys _____ his friends A. to B. in C. at D. with D 15. We don’t feel _____ when we are in his class. His class is not _____. A. bored; bored B. bored; boring C. boring; boring D. boring; bored B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 患难见真情。 A friend ________ ________ is a friend indeed.in need 17. 莉莉的圆脸使她看上去很可爱。 Lily’s round face makes her ________ ________ .look cute 18. 你经常在公交车上给别人让座吗? Do you often ________ ________ ________ others on the bus? give seats to 19. 当我朋友不高兴时,我会尽力帮助他们。 When my friends are sad, I will ________ ________ ________ ________ help them. try my best to 20. 他从来不说别人的坏话。 He never ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ others. says a bad word about 五、完形填空。 Cindy and Anna were best friends. Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not ______21 on what to do. 21. A. agree B. live C. depend D. tryA One day they decided to play in the garden near their school. “Come on. Let’s play chess,” Anna said. “I don’t want to play chess,” Cindy replied. “We always do what you want to do, Cindy. It’s my turn to make a _______22 ,” Anna said. She was getting a little unhappy and _______ 23, leaving Cindy alone. 22. A. promise B. project C. decision D. dialogue 23. A. went over B. went on C. went by D. went away C D Cindy was very angry. ______24 she got home, she found she still had Anna’s notebook in her schoolbag. “Well, I’m not giving it back to her today. I’m too mad at (对……生气) her,” Cindy thought. 24. A. Because B. After C. Unless D. IfB The next day at school, their teacher Mrs. Stone ___25 their notebooks. But Anna didn’t have hers, and she looked _____26. 25. A. gave away B. asked for C. handed in D. paid for 26. A. worried B. normal C. proud D. relaxed B A Cindy knew she should tell Mrs. Stone that she had the notebook, but she was ______27 mad at Anna. 27. A. still B. never C. usually D. almost A When it was time for lunch, Cindy finally told Mrs. Stone the ______28. 28. A. chance B. method C. truth D. ruleC “Thank you for being ______29, Cindy. I’m sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook,” said Mrs.Stone. 29. A. patient B. honest C. active D. quietB Later, Mrs. Stone asked the two girls together and talked with them. Mrs. Stone helped them _____30 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity. They became best friends again. 30. A. describe B. explain C. guess D. realize D 六、阅读理解。[ 中考·南京] 31. What did Mike Isaac and the writer visit Sunshine Elementary School for? A. For environment protection. B. For wildlife protection. C. For good manners in school. D. For topics of the newspaper. 请同学们看《点拨训练》第3页原文。 D 【点拨】根据原文第一段中句子For the topics of our newspaper next month, we visited Sunshine Elementary School on May 10.可知答案。 32. What may cause people to be mad at one another in Andrew Vargas’s opinion? A. Losing more oxygen. B. Speaking in a loud voice. C. Cutting down more trees. D. Hunting tigers for medicine. B 【点拨】根据Andrew Vargas所在的第三个框中句子I think everyone should use a calm voice. When people are loud, it causes them to be mad at one another.可知 答案。 33. Who talked about health? A. Joslyn Frace. B. Jayden Mitchell. C. Andrew Vargas. D. Joseph Truong. B 【点拨】根据JAYDEN MITCHELL所在的第二个框中 句子Not everyone is healthy, so we should have more exercise.可知答案。 七、 任务型阅读。 34. When did the writer know Kate?(不超过5 个词) __________________________________________ 请同学们看《点拨训练》第3页原文。 Two years ago. 【点拨】根据原文第一段中句子Her name is Kate. We first met each other two years ago.可知答案。 35. What does Kate usually wear?(不超过10 个词) _________________________________________She usually wears jeans and a Tshirt or a sweater. 【点拨】根据原文第一段中句子I usually see her wearing jeans and a Tshirt or a sweater.可知答案。 36. Where is the summer house? (不超过5 个词) _________________________________________It is by the lake. 【点拨】根据原文第三段中句子Sometimes in summer, I go with her and her family to their summer house by the lake.可知答案。

