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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 导学号 58082285 1.At present the government is taking some measures to _strengthen__ (strength) the economy. 2.He has repeatedly _urged__ (urgent) the government to do something about it. 3.The government has introduced _protection__ (protect) for the local green agriculture. 4.Some people have made their suggestions _concerning__ (concern) the terms of the contract. 5.The guests made a _complaint__ (complain) that the fish was too small. 6.Among the members of the team those who are for the plan are in the _majority__ (major). 7.It is _evident__ (evidence) to all of you that he has made a mistake. 8.The child was wild with _fright__ (frighten) and began to scream. Ⅱ.完成句子 导学号 58082286 1.I want to avoid the rush-hour traffic _if_possible__. 如果可能的话,我想避开交通高峰期的车流。 2.The heavy rain _made_it_harder_for_them_to_get_there__ on time. 大雨使得他们按时到达那儿更加困难。 3.I pushed the car _with_all_my_strength__, but it didn't move at all. 我用尽全力推那辆车,可它根本就不动。 4._As_far_as_I_am_concerned__, I'm not against your plan. 就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。 5.The earthquake victims are _in_urgent_need_of__ medical supplies. 地震灾民迫切需要医疗品。 6.We should _cut_down__ the expenses and reduce the waste. 我们应该削减开支,减少浪费。 7.When he _was_caught_in__ the flood, the first person he thought of was his mother. 当他受困于洪水中时,他第一个想到的人是妈妈。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 Ⅲ.介、副词填空 导学号 58082287 1.The students were giving _out__ leaflets to everyone on the street. 2.Inflation is having a disastrous effect _on__ the economy. 3.It took me a long time to take _in__ what you were saying. 4.Our money is running out. We should cut _down__ expenses. 5.Please look _through__ your paper before you hand it in to avoid possible mistakes. Ⅳ.语法填空 导学号 58082288 根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Sandstorms _1.have_been__ (be) a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.Scientists have tried many ways _2.to_solve__(solve)this problem and in China,a mass campaign _3.has_been_started__(start)to help solve it. Sandstorms are strong,dry winds that carry sand.They are often _4.so__thick that you can't see the sun,and the wind is sometimes strong enough _5.to_move__(move)sand dunes. Northwest China is part of the sandstorm centre in Central Asia.Sandstorms begin in desert areas.Sandstorms sometimes affect Beijing.Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds _6.that/which__cover the city in a thick,brown-yellow dust. The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks _7.before__it arrives in Beijing,but the _8.strength__(strong)of the storm sometimes surprises people. The desert is only 250 kilometres away to the west of Beijing.In order to prevent it _9.coming__(come)nearer,the government has planted more than 30 billion trees and plans _10.to_continue__(continue)planting for the next five years. Ⅴ.话题写作 导学号 58082289 用本模块所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。 1 . More and more people have realised that air pollution _has_a_bad_effect_on_their_health__ and _complained_about_it___. 越来越多的人已经意识到大气污染对他们的健康有着不良影响,并因此而抱怨。 2.Protecting the environment_has_become_a_major_concern_of_society__. 保护环境已成为社会的一个主要关注点。 3.Pollution_is_a_big_challenge_of_the_environment_protection___. 污染对环境保护来说是个巨大的挑战。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 4._It_is_urgent_to_strengthen__people's awareness of the environment protection. 加强人们的环境保护意识是当务之急。 5._As_far_as_I_am_concerned__ , getting it changed is a slow process.But we_are_confident_ that_we_can_make_it__. 依我看,改变这种情况会是一个缓慢的过程,但我们有信心能够成功。 组篇公式:加入适当的过渡词 _Now_more_and_more_people_have_realised_that_air_pollution_has_a_bad_effect_ on_their_health_and_complained_about_it.Protecting_the_environment_has_become_a_ major_concern_of_society.However , pollution_is_a_big_challenge_of_the_environment_protection.It_is_urgent_ to_strengthen_people's_awareness_of_the_environment_protection.As_far_as_I_am_co ncerned , getting_it_changed_is_a_slow_process.But_we_are_confident_that_we_can_make_it.__

