中考英语 本知识聚焦 九全 Units 13141

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中考英语 本知识聚焦 九全 Units 13141

第21讲 九年级Units 13-14 1 . advantage ( n. ) → ___________ ( n . 反义词 ) 缺点;不利条件 2 . harm( n .& v . )→________ ( adj .) 有害的→ ________ ( adj .) 无害的 3 . law ( n .)→_______ ( n .) 律师 4 . cost ( v .& n . )→ _____ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) 花费 , 花费;价钱 5 . care( v .& n . )→ ______ ( adj .) 体贴人的 6 . we( pron .) → ___ ( pron .) 我们 ( 宾格 )→ ____ ( 形容词性物主代词 ) 我们的→ _____ ( 名词性物主代词 ) 我们的→ _________ ( 反身代词 ) 我们自己 7 . fish( n .) → __________ ( n .) 渔民;钓鱼的人 disadvantage harmful harmless lawyer cost caring us our ours ourselves fisherman 8 . congratulate( v .)→ ___________( n .) 祝贺 9 . thank( v .)→ ________ ( adj .) 感谢;感激 10 . thirst( n .)→ ______ ( adj .) 口渴的;渴望的 11 . instruct ( v .)→ _________ ( n .) 指示;命令 12 . overcome ( v .) → _________ ( 过去式 )→_________ ( 过去分词 ) 克服;战胜 congratulation thankful thirsty instruction overcame overcome 1 . play a part ___ doing sth.  参与做某事 2 . make a ________  起作用;有影响 3 . be ________to  对 …… 有害 4 . the food _____  食物链 5 . at the ____ (of sth.)  在 ( …… ) 顶部或顶端 6 . take ____ in  参加 7 . _____ off  关掉 8 . ____ for  付费;付出代价 9 . take ______  采取行动 10 . ______ away  扔掉;抛弃 in difference harmful chain top part turn pay action throw 11 . put sth.to ________  好好利用 12 . pull... _____  拆下;摧毁 13 . bring ____  恢复;使想起;归还 14 . in a ____  连续几次地 15 . look _____ at  回首 ( 往事 ) ;回忆;回顾 16 . make a _____  弄得一团糟 ( 一塌糊涂 ) 17 . _____ one's cool  沉住气;保持冷静 18 . ___ by   ( 时间 ) 逝去;过去 19 . ______ in  信任;信赖 20 . ____ of all  首先 good use down back row back mess keep go believe first 21 . be ______ for  渴望;渴求 22 . be _______ to sb.  对某人心存感激 23 . ahead ___  在 …… 前面 24 . _____ with  连同;除 …… 以外还 25 . be _________ for  对 …… 有责任;负责任 26 . ______  出发;启程 27 . ______ from  分离;隔开 thirsty thankful of along responsible set out separate 1 . We __________ to save the earth. 我们正尽力拯救地球。 2 . The river __________ clean. 河水过去很干净。 3 . The air is badly ________ .空气被严重污染。 4 . Everyone in this town should ____________cleaning it up !这个城镇上的每个人都应该参与到清扫垃圾中来! 5 . So together , our actions can _______________ and _______a better future !我们齐心协力就能改善环境 , 创造美好未来! are trying used to be polluted play a part in make a difference lead to 6 . She lives in a house in the UK that she _____ herself ______rubbish. 她住在英国 , 房子是她自己用废弃物建造而成的。 7 . Who told someone to ___________from running ?谁说在跑步时要休息一下? 8 . She helped you to _________the answers yourself ___________ difficult they were. 无论多难她都帮你 , 让你自己找出答案。 9 . _________ her , I put in more ______and my exam scores doubled. 因为她 , 我更加努力从而使我的考试分数翻了一倍。 10 . I'm trying _______ myself _____ .我在尽力保持冷静。 11 . I am _______________going to senior high school. 我正期待进入高中。 built out of take a break work out no matter how Because of efforts to keep cool looking forward to 12 . I can't believe _________the time went by !真难以相信时光流逝地如此快! 13 . You were all so ______ energy and ________knowledge. 你们都是如此地精力充沛 , 渴望知识。 14 . You've all ________ so much and I'm so ________ you. 你们已经长大了 , 我为你们感到极其骄傲。 15 . I hope you'll remember the important people in your lives _____helped and _________ you. 我希望你会记得在你生活中曾经帮助和支持过你的重要的人。 16 . As you _______on your new journey , you shouldn't forget ______ you ________ .在你们新的旅行启程之际 , 不应忘了你们来自何处。 how fast full of thirsty for grown up proud of who supported set out where came from 谈论污染和环境保护 ( Talk about pollution and environmental protection ) 1 . We are trying to save the earth. 2 . The river used to be so clean. 3 . The air is badly polluted. 4 . No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. 5 . We should help save the sharks. 分享过去的记忆和经历 6 . —What happened in Grade 7 that was special? — Our team won the school basketball competition. 7 . — How have you changed since you started junior high school? — I've become much better at speaking English. 8 . — How do you think things will be different in senior high school? — I think that I'll have to study much harder for exams. 展望未来 ( Look ahead to the future ) 9 . —What are you looking forward to? —I'm looking forward to going to senior high school. 1 . 复习动词的时态和语态 ( 现在进行时、一般现在时的被动语态、现在完成时 )( 见本书 P 137 、 140 ) 2 . 情态动词 ( 见本书 P 135 ) 3 . used to 4 . 复习一般过去时、现在完成时、一般将来时、一般现在时、现在进行时、宾语从句 ( 见本书 P 137 、 149 ) 情态动词 1 . —Shall we take a taxi to the Children's Palace? —No , we ____ . It's not far from here. (2014 , 本溪 , 10 题 ) A . needn't     B . shouldn't   C . mustn't     D . can't 2 . —Dad , must I stay at home the whole day? —No , you ____ . You ________ go out after lunch , if you like. (2014 , 营口 , 9 题 ) A . mustn't ; can B . shouldn't ; must C . needn't ; may D . mustn't ; need C A 词汇类 3 . —I'm really ____ before the competition. —Don't worry.Surely you are the best. (2015 , 葫芦岛 , 7 题 ) A . happy B . patient C . nervous D . careful 4 . —How did you improve your spoken English? —I often talked with friends in English and listened to English songs ____ . (2015 , 铁岭 , 6 题 ) A . in time B . by accident C . from now on D . from time to time C D 5 . —Our teacher with us often ____ games after class. —Your teacher is so nice ! (2015 , 营口 , 11 题 ) A . play B . played C . is playing D . plays 6 . Sports can help students to relax their bodies and ____ their pressure. (2014 , 抚顺 , 13 题 ) A . give away B . put away C . take away D . blow away 7 . My friends are going to different schools , but I hope we will ____ with each other. (2014 , 大连 , 8 题 ) A . go back B . grow up C . have a word D . stay in touch D C D 情景交际 8 . —How was your last weekend? —____ . It rained all the weekend.I had to stay at home. (2016 , 丹东 , 37 题 ) A . Pretty good B . Terrible C . Not bad D . Great 9 . —We've passed the Driver's License Examination! —____ (2015 , 朝阳 , 35 题 ) A . Congratulations! B . No problem! C . I'm afraid so! D . Thanks a lot ! B A ► afford 【 典例在线 】 We couldn't afford a car years ago. 几年前我们买不起汽车。 The poor parents can't afford to buy some new clothes. 这对贫穷的父母买不起新衣服。 【 拓展精析 】 afford 动词 , 意为 “ 买得起;承担得起 ( 后果 ) ” , 其后直接接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语 , 常和情态动词 can , could 或 be able to 连用。 【 活学活用 】 1 ) We have some money but we can't afford ____ a car like that.                  A . buy B . bought C . have bought D . to buy D ► cost 【 典例在线 】 The book costs 20 yuan . 这本书的价格是 20 元。 The bike cost me 350 yuan . 这辆自行车花了我 350 元钱。 The total cost is $3 , 000. 总费用是 3000 美元。 【 拓展精析 】 cost 作动词 , 意为 “ 花费 ” , 其过去式和过去分词都为 cost 。引导的句子中 , 主语通常是物 , 常用于结构 “ 物+ costs/cost +人+金钱 ” 中。 cost 也可作名词 , 意为 “ 花费;价钱 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 2) 这个字典花了她五美元。 This dictionary ______ her five dollars. cost ► Wang Tao hopes to set up a “ metal art ” theme park to show people the importance of environmental protection. 王涛希望建立一个 “ 金属艺术 ” 主题公园向人们展示环境保护的重要性。 【 典例在线 】 We're planning to set up a new company. 我们正在筹划组建一个新公司。 They will set up the new machine this afternoon. 今天下午他们将要安装新机器。 He set up a good example to all of us. 他给我们大家树立了一个好榜样。 【 拓展精析 】 set up 为 “ 动词+副词 ” 短语 , 意为 “ 建立 , 创立;安装;安排;树立 ” 等。 【 活学活用 】 1)Eton College in England was ____ in 1440 by King Henry Ⅵ to give free education to poor students. A . cleaned up B . set up C . fixed up D . cheered up B ► As you set out on your new journey , you shouldn't forget where you came from. 在新的旅行启程之际 , 不应忘了你来自何处。 【 典例在线 】 When we set out on this project , we know it could be difficult. 我们开始着手这个项目时就知道它很难。 After a threeday rest , the travelers set out again. 这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。 【 拓展精析 】 set out on sth. 意为 “ 开始进行新的或重要的事情 ” 。 set out 固定短语 , 意为 “ 出发 ” 。 【 注意 】 out 其他相关短语: run out 被用尽; put out 扑灭; give out 分发;公布; hand out 分发;派送; work out 解决;算出; come out 出版;出现;出来;结果是 【 活学活用 】 2 ) 他明天一大早就动身去旅行。 He will __________ a journey early in the next morning. 3)Another new fiction by Hanhan is being printed and it will soon ____ . A . come out B . set out C . see out D . work out set out on A ► none , no one 【 典例在线 】 Although you've all worked very hard over the last three years , none of you did it alone. 虽然在过去的三年你们都努力学习 , 但你们并不是孤军奋战。 None of them are/is for the plan. 他们当中没有一个人同意这项计划。 — How many books are there in the bag ?书包里有多少本书? — None. 一本也没有。 I found no one/nobody in the house. 我发现没有人在家里。 — Who is in the room ?谁在房间里? — No one./Nobody. 没有人。 【 拓展精析 】 none 既可指人又可指物 , 意为 “ 没有任何人或物;一个也没有 ” , 后可与 of 短语连用。作主语时 , 谓语动词用单复数形式均可。常用来回答 how many 或 how much 引导的问句。 no one = nobody 意为 “ 没有人 ” , 常用于指人 , 不能指物 , 不能与 of 短语连用 , 作主语时 , 谓语动词用单数形式。常用来回答 who 引导的问句。 【 活学活用 】 1 ) — Don't be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again , will you? — No , I won't.I know that ____ of us are perfect after all. (2016 , 滨州 ) A . none B . neither C . each D . all 2) — How many birds can you see in the tree? —____ . All the birds have flown away. A . None B . No one C . Nothing D . A few A A ► one , that , it 【 典例在线 】 — Do you have a pen ?你有一支钢笔吗? — Yes , I have one. 是的 , 我有一支。 He was the only one of the boys who was given a prize. 他是这些孩子中唯一受到奖励的。 That hat you bought is bigger than that I bought. 你买的那顶帽子比我买的大。 I can't find my hat.I don't know where I put it. 我找不到我的帽子。我不知道把它放在哪儿了。 【 拓展精析 】 one 单独使用时 , 表示泛指。指同类中的另一个事物 , 常常代替带有不定冠词 a/an 的名词。既可代替人 , 也可代替物 , 但只能代替可数名词 , 其复数形式为 ones 。若 one 前有定语修饰 , 其前可带冠词。 that 可以代替 “ the +单数名词 ” , 用于特指。主要用于两种东西对比 , 其复数形式为 those 。常用来代替物 , 不能用来代替人。 it 代替上文中提到的事物本身 , 表示特指。即可代替单数可数名词 , 也可代替不可数名词。 【 活学活用 】 3) — Hello , Linda speaking.Who's ____ ? —Hello , this is Martin. A . it B . one C . that D . this 4)I find ____ necessary to learn about the customs of a country before you go there. A . that B . this C . it D . one C C 一、单项选择。 1 . Her mother cannot afford ____ her a new dress. A . buy B . to buy C . buying D . bought 2 . These two skirts____ 200 yuan.I liked them very much. A . paid B . cost C . spent D . took 3 . — Is Miss Green in the office? — No , she ____to the library. (2014 , 武汉 ) A . goes B . had gone C . has gone D . would go B B C 4 . —Look at the picture , what will happen in 2048? — Many houses ____ under the sea. (2015 , 随州 ) A . will build B . built C . will be built D . are building 5 . —I have passed my English test. —____ . I believe that you are great. A . You did it B . Good idea C . That's OK D . Congratulations C D 二、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 6 . 做完饭后 , 你别忘了关掉煤气。 Don't forget to _________the gas after you finish cooking. 7 . 无论你有多忙 , 也不要忘了家人。 ___________ busy you are , don't forget your family. 8 . 我们应该采取措施去保护野生动物。 We should ___________ to protect the wild animals. 9 . 我们不能只回顾过去 , 我们应当展望未来。 We can't only ____________ the past , we should look ahead to the future. 10 . 我认为父母应该对子女的行为负责任。 I think parents should _______________their children's behavior. turn_off No_matter_how take_actions look_back_at be_responsible_for 三、阅读下面短文 , 将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。 How to keep the school memory ? 11. Our _ English _ teacher _ taught _ us _ a _ good _ way _ of _ remembering _ things — to make our own yearbook which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments.It's usually made at the end of the year. Last December , we began to make our yearbook.12. First , we _ chose _ the _ persons _ who _ had _ done _ something _ special. Then some students interviewed them.Finally our teacher helped us put the things together.We had our first yearbook. All of us put lots of love into making the yearbook.It is so wonderful that not only the students but also our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever. 11 . 我们英语老师教了我们一种记忆东西的好办法。 12 . 首先 , 我们选择那些曾做过一些特别事情的人。 写作典例之环境保护 ( 一 ) ( 2014 , 丹东 ) 保护环境 , 人人有责。请以 The Ways to Protect Our Environment 为题 , 从如何节电、节水、减少污染等方面提出五条建议。 要求:词数约 30 左右。 【 写作指导 】 本文要求就如何保护环境提出自己的建议 , 要从节电、节水、减少污染三方面提出五条建议。使用一般现在时即可。 【 范文欣赏 】 The Ways to Protect Our Environment We should recycle the water resource.For example , we can use the water which has been used to wash vegetables to water the flowers.When we are not using the shower , we'd better turn it off.When we leave the room , we should turn off the lights.We can plant trees and grass.It is better to walk or ride instead of driving. ( 二 ) (2013 , 朝阳 ) 近日 , 我市文明办开展 “ 厉行节约 , 反对浪费 ” 为主题的校园创建活动。请你写一篇英语短文 , 倡议你的同学们身体力行 , 与文明握手 , 与陋习告别!要点如下: 1 . 节约用水、用电、用纸; 2 . 就餐时 , 做到不浪费食物; 3 . 补充 1 ~ 2 条个人观点。 ( 如:绿色出行、减少白色污染等 ) 参考词汇: water taps 水龙头; white pollution 白色污染; electricity 电; reduce 减少 注意: 1. 词数 60 ~ 80 词。 ( 开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数 ) 2 . 内容必须包括所给要点 , 可适当发挥 , 使行文连贯。 【 写作指导 】 要求以 “ 厉行节约 , 反对浪费 ” 为主题写一篇小短文 , 倡导同学们身体力行 , 与文明握手 , 与陋习告别。基本要点已给出 , 可用一般现在时写作 , 分三段式从节约用水、用电、用纸 , 就餐不浪费 , 个人观点三方面入手 , 但在具体写作中可适当发挥。 【 范文欣赏 】 Now _ more _ and _ more _ people _ get _ to _ know _ the _ importance _ of _ saving.As _ students , it's our duty , too.In our daily life , we should save water , electricity and paper.We can turn off the water taps.Turn off the lights when we leave a room.We can use both sides of the paper.When we have meals , we shouldn't waste food.If possible , we'd better go to school on foot or by bike.Try to reduce white pollution.When we go shopping , take a bag instead of using plastic bags. Everybody _ should _ stop _ wasting _ as _ soon _ as _ possible.

