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Revision( 复习课 ) What does he do? 一.四会单词的复习。 worker postman pilot coach head teacher sea gym reporter use quickly factory worker postman businessman police officer fisherman scientist pilot coach 1. worker 2. postman 3. pilot 4. coach 5. sea 6 . head teacher 7 . gym 8 . reporter 9 . use 1 0 . quickly 一分钟熟记的单词 Game 1 默写单词 规则:学生在一 分钟内默写出刚才熟记的单词,多写多对获胜。 快速回顾记忆! PK What does he /she do? He /She is a/an.... 2.询问你同伴家人的职业。(2分钟) What does your father/mother do? He/She is a /an… Where does he/she work ? He/She works in/at/on … How does he/she go to work? He/She goes to work … . 能力提升 What does your father do? He is a postman . He work s in a post office . He go es to work by car . How does he go to work? Where does he work ? She is a teacher . She work s at school . She go es to work by bike . What does your mother do? Where does she work? How does she go to work? He is a doctor . He work s in a hospital . He go es to work by subway . What does your uncle do? Where does he work? How does he go to work? Challenge yourselves! 3 分题 2 分题 Fun Time ! 4 分题 PK 翻译: 1 . 保持健康 2.在大海 3.努力工作 4.健康的生活 5.在澳大利亚 stay healty at sea work hard healthy life in Australia 1. 你父亲的职业是什么? How does your uncle go to work ? What does your father do ? 2. 你叔叔怎么去上班? 翻译 pilot gym worker postman coach sea 单词的重认及拼写 A test 当堂检测,拓展延伸 Fill in the blanks . - __ _ _ does your uncle do ? - He ____ a coach . What is Fill in the blanks . - ___ _ _ does your father work ? - He ___ _ _ in a gym . Where works Fill in the blanks . - ___ _ _ does your aunt go to work ? - She ____ to work by bus . How goes 选择填空。 1. Ann is a fisheman,and she works ___ sea. A. on B. at C. in D. of 2. Zip is good_____ football . A. on B. in C. at D. near 3. Robin wants to be a scientist ____ Wu Yifan's grandfather. A. like B. liking C. likeing D. likes 4. He sees lots of ____ everyday. A. fish B. fishes C. fishs D. fishing 写出下面单词的职业名词形式: work ______ teach ______ play ______ sing _______ write ______ drive _____ dance _____ clean ______ work er write r teach er driv e r play er sing er dance r cleane r 按要求填空 1. country   ( 复数) _________ 2. work ( 三单)     _______ 3. teach(职业名词)  _______         4. fisherman ( 对应词 )   ___ __ _________ 5. postman ( 复数 )  _ ____ _ ___      countr ies work s fisher wo man teach er posem e n 三、对划线部分提问: He is a writer . _____ ______ he _____? (2) She workes at a university. _____ ______ she _____ ? (3) My father goes to work by car . _____ _____ your father _____ _____ _____ ? 【 达标检测,大显身手 】 What does do Where does do How does go to work 四、选择正确的单词填空。 (1) My mother is a _________ (writes, writer). (2) Lily’s brother is a __________(drives, driver). (3) I am a _________ (singer, sing). I like __________ (singing, singer). (4) What ______ (do ,does ) she do? She is a student. 【 达标检测,大显身手 】 writer driver singing singer does 五、选择适当的词填空: hospital school picture store driver bike This is a __________ of my family. My father is a doctor. He works in a _________ near my home. My mother is a teacher. She works in a middle __________.She goes to work by ______ every day. My aunt works at a __________. She sells books. My aunt is a _________.He has a beautiful car. 【 达标检测,大显身手 】 driver picture hospital school bike store Wanted (招聘) 高 薪 聘 请 “ 小 管 家 ” Try to be a little writer! 争当小作家 Wanted (招聘) 高 薪 聘 请 “ 小 管 家 ” My Family Hello! My name is_______. My mother is a/an _______ . My father is a/an _______. And I want to be a/an ______. I love my family ! Summary : 一 . 能默写本单元重要单词 二 . 重点句型及答语 1.A: What does your father do? B : He is a fisherman . 2. A: Where does he work? B: He work s at sea . 3.A: How does he go to work? B: He go es to work by bike . 4.I’m going to be a businessman . My father is a businessman . Goodbye!

