译林版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 2 Let’s play sports

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译林版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 2 Let’s play sports

Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Mr Black likes w ( 散步 ) after supper. 2. Daniel is r ( 确实 ) good at Maths. 3. His mother plays t ( 网球 ) very well. 4. Children like playing s ( 运动 ) . 5. He can have three b ( 碗 ) of rice for lunch. alking eally ennis ports owls 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. — Little Tom can dance very well. —Oh, ________( real)? really 7. Would you like to go __________ (swim) with us? swimming 8. My mother enjoys ________ (watch) TV every day. watching 9. Sally goes to the reading room many ________ (time) a week. times 10 . — What about ________ ( have) a picnic this afternoon ? — Good idea! having 三、单项选择。 11. —______ your mother like ______ shopping ? —No, she doesn’t. A. Is; go B . Does; go C. Is; going D . Does; going D 12. ______ like football best. But ______ favourite sport is table tennis. A. You; me B . Your; me C. You; my D . Your; my C 13 . [ 巢湖炀镇期末 ]Linda wants ______ basketball with her friends after school. A. to play B . playing C. plays D . play A 14 . Wang Ling’s English is good, so she_____ English. A. isn’t good at B . is good on C. is bad at D . is good at D 15 . —Millie, thank you for your help. — _____ A. That’s right . B . You’re welcome. C. Good job . D. That’s it. B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 桑迪擅长打排球。 Sandy ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ . is good at playing volleyball 17. 他们通常骑自行车去上学。 They usually ________ ________ school ________ ________. go to by bike 18 . 你最喜爱的运动是什么,西蒙 ? What is your _________ _________ , Simon ? favourite sport 19 . 他们每个星期都去游泳。 They _________ _________ every week . go swimming 20 . 安迪喜欢每天早晨读英语。 Andy _________ _________ English _________ _________. likes reading every morning 五、补全对话 ( 两项多余 ) 。 A. I like playing tennis. B. Do you often go swimming? C. I am in Class 4, Grade 7. D. Bye-bye. E. Are you good at swimming? F. I don’t like swimming. G. Good morning. Nick : Good morning,Millie. Millie : _____21 What class are you in? Nick : _____ 22 What about you? G C A. I like playing tennis. B. Do you often go swimming? C. I am in Class 4, Grade 7. D. Bye-bye. E. Are you good at swimming? F. I don’t like swimming. G. Good morning. Millie : I am in Class 1, Grade 7. Oh, we are in different classes. Nick : ______23 Do you want to play with me? Millie : I don’t like tennis. I am good at swimming. A A. I like playing tennis. B. Do you often go swimming? C. I am in Class 4, Grade 7. D. Bye-bye. E. Are you good at swimming? F. I don’t like swimming. G. Good morning. Nick : _____24 Millie : Yes, I do. I often swim after school. Do you often play tennis? Nick : Yes. I play it every day. B A. I like playing tennis. B. Do you often go swimming? C. I am in Class 4, Grade 7. D. Bye-bye. E. Are you good at swimming? F. I don’t like swimming. G. Good morning. Millie : Oh, it’s time to have classes. Goodbye. Nick : _____ 25 D 安徽译林版七年级上 课时 2 Reading I Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Jack is a new m ( 成员 )of his school football club . 2. My sister doesn’t go to work. She has a lot of f . ( 空闲 ) time . 3. I h ( 希望 )Simon can play well in the next match . 4. Do you know those p ( 运动员 )on the playground( 操场 )? 5. Everyone should have a d ( 梦想 ). ember ree ope layers ream 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. He _________(study) Chinese every day. studies 7. We all want _________ (go) to Shanghai this weekend. to go 8. How is your father? Please say hello to _________ (he) for me. him 9. Ben plays basketball very _________ (good). well 10. Playing football can make children _________ (happy). happy 三、单项选择。 11. [ 合肥金湖中学期中 ]—Let’s go to the playground and play football this Sunday. — _____. A. Of course B . You’re welcome C. Good idea D . Thank you C 12. [ 马鞍山和县期末 ]I want _____ chicken for supper. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eats B 13. _____ you _____ from China? A. Does; come B. Do; comes C. Are; come D. Do; come D 14. Mr Wu often runs in the morning. So he looks very _____ . A. polite B. helpful C. strong D. long C 15. These girls are _____ volleyball players. They all play volleyball _____ . A. good; well B. good; good C. well; good D. well; well A 16. When my father has spare time( 空闲时间 ), he enjoys _____ . A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading D 17. The mother _____ angrily at her naughty( 淘气的 ) daughter. A. tastes B. smells C. looks D. watches C 18. Jack loves playing basketball. He _____ his school basketball team. A. plays with B. play with C. plays for D. play for C 19. Christmas is coming! I hope my mother _____ me a nice bike that day. A. to buy B. buy C. buys D. buying C 【 点拨 】 句意为“圣诞节要到了!我希望我的妈妈在那天给我买一个漂亮的自行车。” hope 可以构成短语 hope to do sth. ,意为“希望做某事”,但不能构成 hope sb. to do sth. ; hope 后也可以接从句,根据从句主语 my mother 可知,从句谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故选 C 。 20. All of us hope that our dreams can _____ . A. come out B. come true C. come on D. come back B 【 点拨 】 come out 出版 ; come true 实现 ; come on 快点 ; come back 返回。句意为“我们所有的人都希望我们的梦想成真”。根据句意可知答案为 B 。 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 21. 我热爱运动 , 而且我非常喜欢游泳。 I ________ ________ and I ________ ________ ________ ________. love sports like swimming very much 22. 李明是我们学校篮球队的一名新成员。 Li Ming________ ________ ________ ________ of our school basketball team. is a new member 23. 格林先生网球打得很好。 Mr Green ________ ________ ________ ________ . plays tennis very well 24. 我希望我的梦想能够成真。 I ________ my dream can ________ ________ . hope come true 25. 李凡来自山东 , 但是现在居住在成都。 Li Fan ________ ________ Shandong, but now he ________ ________ Chengdu. comes from lives in 五、按要求完成句子。 26. How about playing tennis? (改为同义句) _________ _________ playing tennis? What about 27. I like some sports. (改为一般疑问句) _______ you _______ _______ sports? Do like any 28 . I play football three times a week. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ do you play football a week ? How many times 29 . We like playing volleyball. (改为否定句) We _______ _______ playing volleyball . don’t like 30 . My favourite sport is swimming . (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ your favourite sport? What is 六、完形填空。 Most American families like to have a holiday in the summer . Summer is a good ______31 for holiday. 31 . A. Sunday B . season C . sea D . June B It is often ______32 during the months of July and August. Children don’t go to _____33 during the two months . 32. A. warm B. cool C . cold D . hot 33 . A. family B . school C. classroom D . house D B Some people like to ______34 at home during their holidays. They walk in the garden, ______ 35 their friends , read books or watch TV. 34. A. stay B . live C . go D. come 35 . A. visits B. visiting C. visit D . visited A C Many families take their lunch ______36 a park. Because there are many trees and _______37 lakes. 36. A. from B . to C . at D . on 37 . A. friendly B . long C. glad D. nice B D If they live near the ______38, they often go to the beach . There they can fish, swim or ______ 39 the sun . 38. A. sea B . house C . school D . park 39 . A. enjoys B . enjoying C. enjoy D . to enjoy A C Some people like to visit other cities and they usually use cameras( 照相机 )to take many beautiful _____40. 40. A. photos B . books C . balls D . clothes A 课时 3 Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 一、英汉互译。 1. my favourite football player__________________ 2. play basketball very well___________________ 3. play in the next World Cup___________________ 4. like football very much___________________ 我最喜爱的足球运动员 篮球打得很好 参加下一届世界杯 非常喜欢足球 5. 看上去强壮 ___________________ 6. 使他高兴 ___________________ 7. …… 的一名新成员 ___________________ 8. 实现;成真;成为现实 ___________________ look strong make him happy a new member of come true 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 9. There are 30 _____________(member) in the Music Club. members 10. Jim wants __________ (play) table tennis with his friends. to play 11. Lin Shuhao is one of the best basketball __________ (play) in the NBA. players 12. Joan plays the guitar very __________ (good). well 13. Watching TV can make children __________ (happy). happy 三、单项选择。 14. [ 芜湖期末 ]—Who is the boy in a red coat? — He is Tom. He is _____ eleven-year-old boy from England. A. an B. a C. the D. / A 15. In my free time, I enjoy ____ music. It makes me ____ . A. listening to; happily B. listening; happy C. listening to; happy D. listening; happily C 16. —Why can’t your father play with you, Jim? —Because he ____ free. A. has B. is C. isn’t D. doesn’t have C 17. — ____Tom in the English Club? —Yes, but he ____ go there very often. A. Does; doesn’t B . Does; isn’t C. Is; does D . Is; doesn’t D 18 . The baby is crying. I don’t know what can ____ him happy. A. lets B . make C. makes D . to let B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 19. 我希望你能来看我们。 I ________ you can ________ and ________ us . hope come see 20. 汤姆是你们学校篮球俱乐部的一名新成员吗? Is Tom ________ ________ ________ of your school basketball club ? a new member 21 . 露西也喜欢跳舞。它使她苗条。 Lucy also ________ ________ . It ________ ________ ________. likes dancing makes her slim 22. 我几乎没有任何空闲时间与我的家人团聚。 I hardly have any _________ _________ to get together with my family. free time 23. 我当演员的梦想将会实现。 My dream of becoming an actor will _________ _________. come true 五、按要求完成句子。 24. The kangaroo lives in Australia. (改为一般疑问句) __________ the kangaroo __________ in Australia? Does live 25. They want to play in the next World Cup . (改为 否定句) They _______ _______ to play in the next World Cup . don’t want 26 . Amy likes the football star David Beckham best. ( 改为 同义句) David Beckham is _______ _______ _______ _______. Amy’s favourite football star 27 . His father looks strong . (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ his father _______ ? How does look 28 . The music makes me happy. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ happy ? What makes you 六、完形填空。 I am American. ______29 name is Ron. I am eleven . 29. A. My B. His C. Her D . Its A I _____30 two friends. They’re _____ 31. _____ 32 names are Kate and Susan. 30 . A. am B . do C . have D . has 31. A. them B . brothers C. sisters D . friend 32 . A. Their B . My C. Her D . Our C C A _____33 all like sports. I _____ 34 soccer . Kate likes _____ 35, too . 33. A. She B . We C . He D . It 34 . A. am B . like C . likes D . don’t 35 . A. volleyball B . baseball C. tennis D . soccer B B D Susan likes basketball. She _____36 three basketballs. We _____ 37 basketball after school . It _____ 38 us happy . 36. A. is B . have C . has D . are 37 . A. plays B . play C. are play D . do play 38 . A. makes B . make C . let D . is C A B 课时 4 Grammar 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 一、语法专练:用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. His father ______________( not work) in a school. He works on a farm. 2. Jane __________ ( want) to go to the park on Sunday. 3. __________ your parents __________ ( read) newspapers every morning? 4. Jack is a good boy. He _________ ( study) very hard at school . doesn’t work wants Do read studies 5. Many people _________ (drive) their cars to work every day. 6. Andy is not from China but he _________ (speak) Chinese very well. 7. There _________ (be) a pair of glasses on the desk. drive speaks is 8. My sister often _________ (teach) me English. 9. Amy _____________ (not have) lunch at home on weekdays. 10. Her mother usually _________ (watch) TV after supper. teaches doesn’t have watches 二、单项选择。 11. [ 合肥五十中期中 ] _____ Daming _____ a nice watch ? A. Is; have B . Is; has C. Do; has D . Does; have D 12. [ 合肥金湖中学质量检测 ]There ____ a cup and two books on the desk. A. is B . are C . have D . has A 13 . [ 中考 · 安徽 ]Before the sun ____ , we need to get to the top of the mountain. A. set B . sets C. is setting D . will set B 【 点拨 】 句意:太阳落山前,我们需要到达山顶。从句主语 the sun 为第三人称单数,故选 B 。 14. [ 中考 · 北京 ]Bill likes reading. He _____ picture books with his dad every evening. A. read B . reads C. is reading D . has read B 【 点拨 】 根据 every evening 可知应该使用一般现在时,主语 He 是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故选 B 。 15 . The Greens _____ a nice car and Mr Green’s brother _____ a nice jeep. A. have; have B . has; has C. have; has D . has; have C 三、用所给词的适当形式补全短文。 After class, I always 16 _________ (do) my homework for an hour. After that I 17 _________(play) basketball or football with some of my friends in the playground. The teachers 18 ____________ (not watch) our games, but many students 19 _________ (like) to watch them. don’t watch do play like In our school, some students 20 ________ (be) good at sports, but others 21 ________ (be not). My friend Linda 22 _________ (enjoy) reading, so she usually 23 _______ (go) to the Reading Club. Do you 24 _________ (love) reading or sports? Do you often 25 ________ (do) some reading at school? goes aren’t enjoys do love are 四、完形填空。 Jim is a middle school student now . He’s very _____26 to come to the new school. 26. A. beautiful B . sorry C. happy D . late C He_____ 27 many new teachers and friends . _____ 28 are all very friendly( 友好的 ) . 27. A. have B . there is C. there are D . has 28 . A. They B . He C . We D . Their A D He often gets up at 7:00 in the morning. ______29 he eats breakfast at 7:20. He usually comes to school at 7:40. 29. A. Then B . After C. When D . Again A Classes _____30 at 8:00. He has Maths, Chinese, English lessons _____ 31 8:00 to 11:00 . 30. A. begins B . begin C. have D . has 31 . A. at B . from C . about D . in B B In the afternoon, he has other lessons _____32 Music, Art, PE and Computer . 32. A. like B. are like C. likes D . is like A He often plays ____33 his classmates after 5:00. He likes playing football . He eats dinner at 6:30 . 33 . A. and B . to C . with D . of C Usually he doesn’t ____34 TV in the evening. He does his homework. He goes to bed at about 9:20. He ____ 35 his day very much . 34. A. look B . read C . see D . watch 35 . A. works B . starts C. studies D . enjoys D D 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. I like playing table t ( 乒乓球 ) very much. 2 . What e ( 其他 ) do you need? 3. There are a l ( 许多 ) of books in the bookshop. 4. I don’t know how to have f ( 乐趣 ) at weekends. 5. It m ( 使 ) me feel happy. ennis lse ot un akes 二、单项选择。 6 . [ 芜湖市期末 ]—I think our history teacher teaches us _____. — Yes, but he hasn’t come today. He doesn’t feel _____ . A. good, well B . well, well C. good, good D . well, good B 7. [ 含山海口初级中学月考 ] _____ Mike _____ a baseball ? A. Does; has B . Does; have C. Do; has D . Do; have B 【 点拨 】 句意:迈克有一个棒球吗?此句的主语 Mike 为第三人称单数,故助动词用 does ,谓语动词要用原形,故选 B 。 8. Which word has the sound /ɒ/? A. hot B . no C. does D . do A 9 . _____ weekends , Jill enjoys talking _____ her friends . A. At; with B . In; with C. In; to D . On; at A 10 . We have fun _____ our bicycles to the beach. A. to ride B . riding C. ride D . rides B 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 11. My brother __________ to be an English teacher. walk, enjoy, be, like, hope hopes 12. Let’s ________ to the supermarket. It’s not far. walk, enjoy, be, like, hope walk 13. Guo Degang ________ good at telling jokes( 讲笑话 ). walk, enjoy, be, like, hope is 14. My classmates ________ playing football after school. walk, enjoy, be, like, hope enjoy 15. Does Joe ________ to listen to music? walk, enjoy, be, like, hope like 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 在周末你经常做什么? _________ _________ you often _________ at weekends ? What do do 17 . 音乐使我感到快乐。 Music makes me _________ _________ . feel happy 18. 她想要看许多书。 She wants to _______ _______ _______ books. read lots of 19 . 我喜欢打乒乓球。你喜欢什么运动? I like _______ _______ _______ . _______ _______ do you like ? playing table tennis What sport 20 . 阅读令人愉快。我读了许多有趣的书。 Reading is _______ . I read _______ _______ _______ interesting books. fun a lot of 课时 6 Task & Self-assessment 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. How many players are there in a football t ( 队 ) ? 2. They have a basketball m ( 比赛 ) this afternoon . 3. Zhang Hua is my h ( 英雄 ) . He always helps his friends. 4. They often t ( 谈话 ) about interesting films in the classroom. 5. What e ( 其他 ) do you want? atch ero alk lse eam 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. Jackie Chan and Jay Chou are my _________ ( hero). heroes 7. I think swimming is ____________ (interest). interesting 8. Reading books makes ____________ (I) feel very happy. me 9. How many ____________ (member) are there in a volleyball team? members 10. Is your uncle a basketball ____________ (play)? player 三、单项选择。 11. —May I have a look at your photos? — _____. Here you are. A. I’m afraid not B . Of course C. I think so D . Thank you B 12. [ 蚌埠期末改编 ]Lang Ping is my favourite player . She is my _____. A. fan B . player C. sister D . hero D 13 . Many _____ my students like maths. A. out B . of C . from D . by B 14 . [ 中考 · 河北 ]Gary is the best singer in my class . No one else _____ so well. A. sings B . sang C. will sing D . is singing A 15 . Li Ming and his father often _____ football and play it at weekends. A. look after B . talk about C. come from D . look at B 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 你经常去公园吗 ? _________ you often _________ _________ the park? Do go to 17. 莉莉不喜欢玩电脑游戏。 Lily ________ ________ ________ computer games. doesn’t like playing 18. 林洁擅长画画。她在美术俱乐部。 Lin Jie is good at _________. She _________ in the art_________. drawing is club 19 . 你经常和朋友一起打篮球吗? _________ you often _________ basketball _________ friends? Do play with 20 . 你是学生会的成员吗 ? _________ you a _________ of the Students’ Union? Are member 写作素养提升练 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 在本单元我们将学习更多的关于运动的知识 , 例如谈论你最喜爱的运动 , 运动让人身心愉悦 , 让我们动起来! 安徽译林版七年级上 根据下面的要点提示 , 写一篇 70 词左右的英语短文 , 可适当发挥。要点如下: Kate 是一个美国女孩。她个子高挑,擅长运动。她喜欢游泳,但排球是她最喜欢的运动。她是学校排球队的优秀队员,在放学后她总是与她的同学一起在操场上打排球。她的父母都是学校的体育老师,他们一家人经常谈论有关运动方面的事情。他们都喜欢运动。 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 介绍姓名 , 籍贯 Kate, an American girl 2 外貌: tall and slim 3 介绍特长 good at sports 4 介绍爱好 swimming and playing volleyball 5 课余活动 after school: play volleyball with classmates Kate is an American girl. She is tall and slim. She is good at sports. She likes swimming, but she likes playing volleyball best. She is a good member of her school volleyball team. After school, she always plays volleyball with her classmates in the playground. Her parents are both PE teachers at her school. They often talk about sports. They all like sports. 【 精彩范文 】 1. I love sports. 2. I like...very much. 3. I enjoy… 4. ...is my favourite sport. 5. ...is my favourite...player/star. 6. I like walking/swimming… 7. I like playing football/basketball/volleyball/tennis... 8. I often play...with... …make(s) me happy/feel great. 9. It is fun. 根据下面的要点提示,写一篇 70 词左右的英语短文,可适当发挥。要点如下: 14 岁的 Tom ,来自英国,是一名中学生。他个子不高但很强壮。他喜爱运动和音乐 , 最擅长打乒乓球。他是学校乒乓球俱乐部成员 , 周末他经常与朋友们一起打乒乓球、看电视上的球赛。运动使他很快乐! ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Tom is an English boy. He is 14 years old. He is not tall but very strong. In his free time, he likes sports and music and his favourite sport is table tennis. He can play it very well. He is also a member of the school table tennis club. He often plays table tennis with his friends on weekends. They also talk about table tennis and watch table tennis matches on TV. Sports make him happy and strong. 中考考点专练 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 我们一周去上学很多次。 We go to school _________ _________ a week. 2. 声音在水中的传播速度是在空气中的四倍。 Sound travels _________ _________ faster in water than in air. 3. 到我做运动的时间了。 _________ _________ _________ me to play sports. many times four times It’s time for 单项 选择。 1 . [ 中考 · 南京 ]Some people enjoy ______ out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea. A. to send B . send C . sending D . sent C 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词。句意:一些人喜欢在海上旅行的时候用漂流瓶送出信息。此处用到固定搭配 enjoy doing sth. ,表示“喜欢做某事”。故选 C 。 2 . [ 中考 · 黔南州 ]Welcome you all to China and enjoy ______ here . A. yourself B . yourselves C. themselves D . himself B 【 点拨 】 考查反身代词的用法。句意:欢迎你们所有人来到中国,希望你们在这里过得愉快。 all 表示三者或者三者以上“全部都”,所以 you 指的是“你们”,故“玩得愉快”要用 enjoy yourselves 。故选 B 。 单项选择。 1 . How about ______ an ice cream? A. having B . has C . to have D . have A 【 点拨 】 句意:吃冰激凌怎么样? about 为介词,后面常跟名词、代词或动词 -ing 形式。故选 A 。 2. — What about ____the movie Dangal ( 《 摔跤吧 ! 爸爸 》 ) after school? —Sounds like a good idea. A. watch B . to watch C. watching D . watches C 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 放学后去看电影 《 摔跤吧!爸爸 》 怎么样? —— 听起来是个好主意。 what about 用于向对方提建议,后跟动词的 -ing 形式。故选 C 。 一、单项选择。 1. [ 模拟 · 涡阳实验中学 ] —Maybe you can catch the last bus. — _____. If not, I’ll have to walk home. A. Good job B . Just so-so C. Not at all D . I hope so D 【 点拨 】 Good job 干得不错 ; Just so-so 如此而已 ; Not at all 不客气 ; I hope so 希望如此。根据题干 “If not, I’ll have to walk home. ” 可知,“我”希望能赶上最后一班车。故选 D 。 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. 我希望成为你的朋友。 I _________ _________ _________ your friend . 3. 我希望我可以成为一个像我父亲一样的医生。 I ________ ________ ________ ________ a doctor like my father . hope to be hope I can be 4 . 我们希望如此。 We ________ ________ . hope so 单项选择。 1. [ 中考 · 广东 ]—Would you mind my turning up the TV? The New Year concert has just begun . — ____. Just go ahead. A. Please don’t B . Better not C. I’m afraid not D . Of course not D 2. [ 中考 · 安徽 ]—May I do some sports after finishing my homework? — _____. It is good for your health. A. I hope not B . Sorry, you can’t C. Of course D . Yes, I’d love to C 一、单项选择。 1 . We have ____ homework to do every day. A. lot of B . a lot C. a lot of D . a lots of C 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. 山上有许多树。 There are _________ _________ trees on the hill. 3. 许多失物从未被认领。 _________ _________ _________ lost property( 财物 ) is never claimed( 认领 ). lots of A lot of 一、单项选择。 1. _____, Millie goes to school by bus. A. Sometime B . Some times C. Sometimes D . Some time C 【 点拨 】 句意为:有的时候米莉乘坐公共汽车去上学。 sometime 意为“某个时候” ; some times 意为“许多次” ; sometimes 意为“有时” ; some time 用作名词词组,意为“一段时间”。只有 C 符合题意。 二、用 sometime, some time, sometimes 填空。 2. Come to see us ____________. 3. We often live in the country for _________ _________ in summer. 4. He _________ writes to me. sometime some time sometimes 根据 汉语意思完成句子。 1. 她的许多邻居来自北京。 __________ __________ her neighbours are from Beijing . 2. 我妈妈的很多朋友是她的同班同学。 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ are her classmates. Many of Many of my mother’s friends 用 good 或 well 填空。 1. He is _________ at English. 2. She is very _________ , so she can go to school. 3. Bill plays basketball very _________ . 4. The flower smells _________ . good well well good

