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第 6 课时 Units 3—4( 八上 ) 第一篇  教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 · 名词 1.postman →       ( pl. )  2.birth →      ( n. ) 生日   3.thirst →      ( adj. ) 口渴的   · 动词 4.celebrate →       ( n. ) 庆祝 ; 庆贺   5.wonder →      ( adj. ) 极好的   6.live →      ( adj. ) 充满活力的   →      ( adj. ) 活着的 ; 在世的   postmen   birthday   thirsty celebration   wonderful   lively living 词 汇 拓 展 7.breathe →       ( 过去式 / 过去分词 )  →      ( 现在分词 )  8.enter →      ( n. ) 进入 ; 入口   9.interview →      ( n. ) 采访者   10.enjoy →       ( adj. ) 令人愉快的 11.cross →       ( prep. ) 穿过   12.choose →       ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  →       ( n. ) 选择 breathed breathing   entrance interviewer enjoyable   across chose chosen choice 词 汇 拓 展 13.blow →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  *blow out 吹熄 , 吹灭 14.complete →       ( adv. ) 完全地   15.buy →      ( 过去式 / 过去分词 )  16.freeze →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  blew blown completely bought froze frozen 短语归纳 · 名词短语 1. __________________________ 中秋节   · 形容词短语 2.        迷路   3.         忙于做某事   4.         被用来   5. __________________________ 用 …… 装饰   · 动词短语 6.         聚会   7.        试穿   8.         与 …… 保持联系   9.         把 …… 加入 ……   10.        关掉   11.        许愿   Mid-Autumn Festival   be/get lost be busy doing sth.   be used for be decorated with get together try on   stay in touch with … add … to …   turn off   make a wish 短语归纳 12.        吹灭   13.        听起来像   14.        患流感   15.        走过 ; 路过   16.        向左拐   17.         与 …… 比较   18.         更喜欢   19.         与 …… 聊天   · 其他短语 20.         面对面地   21.         例如   22.         时尚   23.         在 …… 顶上   24.         在对面   25.         太 …… ( 以至于 ) 不能 ……   blow out   sound like   have the flu go past/by   turn left   compare with prefer to   chat with face to face such as   in fashion   on the top of across from   too … to … 写作积累 · 节日庆祝 / 祝福 1.If you can ' t      a family celebration, don ' t         it.  如果你不能参加家庭的庆祝活动 , 不要担心。 2.In the US they celebrate Thanksgiving _________________________ of November.  在美国他们在十一月份的第四个星期四来庆祝感恩节。 3.The Mid-Autumn Festival          on August 15 in the lunar calendar. ( 人们 ) 在农历八月十五庆祝中秋节。 4.Best          you      your thirteenth birthday.  在你十三岁生日之际把最好的祝福送给你。 worry about on the fourth Thursday attend is celebrated wishes to on 写作积累 · 礼物描述 5.The jacket      me very      .  这件夹克对我来说非常合身。 6.I think he's       size      Brian.  我认为他和布莱恩的尺寸一样。 well the same fits as 写作积累 · 问路与方位 7.Can you tell me          the movie theatre? 你能告诉我去电影院的路吗 ?  8.         this street.        at the second crossing.  沿着这条路走 , 在第二个十字路口右转。 9.          the bookstore, there's a beautiful park.  书店的对面有一个美丽的公园。 Go down/along Turn right the way to Across from 语法链接 1. 名词所有格。 [ 详见 P074, 专题 ( 一 )] 2.when 引导的时间状语从句。 [ 详见 P122, 专题 ( 十三 )] 3.because 引导的原因状语从句。 [ 详见 P122, 专题 ( 十三 )] 核心考点聚焦 ❶ wonder   v. 想知道 【 题 1 】— I wonder      .  — Someone who can make me a better person. A.when you often meet your friends B.how you make your friends happy C.who you want to make friends with D.where you spend weekends with friends 随堂达标小测 C 核心考点聚焦 【 题 2 】 (1)The world's longest cross-sea bridge — the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as “ one of the seven__________ (wonder) of the modern world ” by some people.  (2) — To my surprise, that robot can drive a car. — I've never seen such a       (wonder) robot, either.  随堂达标小测 wonders wonderful 核心考点聚焦 【 归纳拓展 】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ sound/listen/hear 【 题 3 】 (1) — It's reported that self-driving cars are expected to change the way we move around. — That sounds      .  A.bad B.badly C.great D.greatly (2)The boy didn't sleep well because of the      from the factory.  A.voice B.noise C.time D.sound (3) — He      his dad when he said that.  — Like father like son. A.sounded like B.heard of C.listened to D.heard from 随堂达标小测 B C A 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析 1 】 词条 意义 固定搭配 sound 听起来 后面 常跟形容词作表语。 sound like … 听起来像…… listen 听。强调动作或提醒对方注意 listen to … 听…… hear 听到 , 听见。强调听的 结果 hear of … 听说…… hear from … 收到……的来信 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事 ( 强调过程 ) hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事 ( 强调进行 ) 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析 2 】 词条 意义 例句 sound ( 各种 ) 声 音 ; 响声 Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播的速度快。 noise 噪声 ; 吵闹声 Don't make any noise. The kids are sleeping. 别吵 , 孩子们正在睡觉。 voice 嗓音 ; 说话 声 ; 歌唱声 She often speaks in a low voice. 她经常低声说话。 核心考点聚焦 ❸ across/through/over 【 题 4 】— Look, there is a cute bird, Mum. — It flew into our kitchen      the window just now, Alex.  A.across B.through C.above D.under 随堂达标小测 B 【词义辨析】 词条 用法 across 强调从某个表面的一边到另一边 , 如过马路、过海、过河等 through 指从立体空间内部穿过 , 如过隧道 , 穿过森林、窗户等 over 侧重越过某种障碍物 , 与表面不接触。如越过山脉、墙等 核心考点聚焦 【 图解助记 】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ turn on/turn off/turn up/turn down 【 题 5 】 (1)Don't forget to      the lights when they are not in use!  A.turn over B.turn off C.turn up D.turn on (2) — I'd like to buy a new oven. — The ones over there sell well.You can      one by one to have a try.  A.turn on it B.turn it on C.turn on them D.turn them on (3) — The baby is sleeping. Please      the radio.  — Sorry, I'll do it right now. A.turn up B.turn down C.turn on D.turn over 随堂达标小测 B D B 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析】 词条 含义 turn on 打开 turn off 关掉 turn up 调大 ( 音量 ); 出现 turn own 调小 ( 音量 ); 拒绝 (1)turn on/off 表示“打开 / 关闭 ( 电源、电灯、水龙头等” ; open/close 表示“打开 / 关上 ( 门窗、箱子、书本等 ) ”。 (2)turn into 变成  turn over 翻身 ; 翻转 turn around 转身 核心考点聚焦 ❺ be filled with/be full of/fill … with 【 题 6 】 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 (1)Your fascinating speech is f      with positive energy.  (2)What a creative boy he is! His mind is f      of strange ideas all the time.  随堂达标小测 illed ull 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 be filled with 意为“充满…… ; 装满……” , 强调动作 be full of 意为“充满 ; 装满” , 表示状态 fill … with 意为“用……充满 / 装满” , 为动词短语 The box is filled with sweets.=The box is full of sweets. 箱子里装满了糖果。 She filled her basket with flowers. 她在篮子里装满了鲜花。 核心考点聚焦 ❻ such as/for example 【 题 7 】 用 such as 或 for example 填空。 (1)Mark has been to many places of interest in China.        the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.  (2)Daniel likes playing computer games.        , he would rather play them at home than go out with friends.  随堂达标小测 Such as For example 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【词义辨析】 词条 含义及用法 such as 意为“例如 , 比如” , 用来列举同类人或事物中的“几个” , 其前一般用逗号和主句隔开 for example 意为“例如” , 用来列举同类人或事物中的“一个” , 多用作插入语 , 用逗号与其他成分隔开 , 可以位于句首、句中或句末 核心考点聚焦 ❼ It's never too late to start an album of family photos. 家庭照片的收集什么时候开始都不会太晚。 【 题 8 】 (1)She is      poor      afford the expensive suit.  A.so; that B.enough; to C.too; to D.such; that (2)It's not      to be friendly.You have to be a friend.Go and talk to Sam.  A.good enough B.late enough C.too good D.too late 随堂达标小测 C D 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 【 归纳拓展 】 (1) “ too … to …” 意为“太 …… ( 以至于 ) 不能 ……” ,too 后接形容词或副词 ,to 后接动词原形。“ too … to …” 结构表示否定意义。当 too 前面有表示否定意义的词 , 如 not, never, nothing 等时 , “ too … to …” 结构表示肯定意义。 (2) “ too … to …” 结构可与“ not … enough to do( 不够 …… 做 …… ) ”或“ so/such … that … ( 如此 …… 以至于 …… ) ”结构进行转换。 Tom is too young to go to school. =Tom isn't old enough to go to school. =Tom is so young that he can't go to school. 汤姆年龄太小 , 还不能去上学。 核心考点聚焦 Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 1. Look left and right to make sure it's safe before you go a      the street.  2. Look! A Guilin TV reporter is i       a sports star in the street.  3. That music s      very beautiful. I like it a lot.  4. My room is small; h      , it's comfortable.  5. The school will hold many activities to c       our country's 70th birthday.  随堂达标小测 cross nterviewing ounds owever elebrate 核心考点聚焦 Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My 18-year-old elder brother can take good care of      (he).  2. The folk customs make the festival more      (live) and interesting.  3. What a       (wonder) news report he made!  4. They are busy       (prepare) for the picnic on Sunday.  5. It will be a good      (choose) to take the high-speed train to Yancheng from Suqian next year.  随堂达标小测 lively wonderful preparing choice himself 核心考点聚焦 Ⅲ. 连词成句 1.painting, busy, are, you, pictures   .   2.red, are, boxes, where, the   .  3.beautiful, draws, dress, Kelly, a, what   ?  4.must, our, keep, clean and tidy, we, classroom   ?  5.flowers, let's, buy, our teacher, some   !   随堂达标小测 Are you busy painting pictures Where are the red boxes What a beautiful dress Kelly draws We must keep our classroom clean and tidy Let's buy our teacher some flowers

