人教PEP版八年级英语上册-Unit 3 综合水平测试

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人教PEP版八年级英语上册-Unit 3 综合水平测试

Unit 3 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) 听力材料:1.Do you study English harder than your brother? 2.Who is your best friend? 3.Do your sister and you look the same? 4.Who do you think should get the job? 5.Is Tom shorter than Sam? (C)1.A.Yes,I am. B.No,he isn't. C.Yes,I do. (A)2.A.Peter. B.The skirt. C.Geography. (B)3.A.Yes,we are different. B.No,I'm taller than her. C.No,we are the same. (B)4.A.The dog. B.Jim. C.The newspaper. (C)5.A.Yes,they are. B.No,she doesn't. C.Yes,he is. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) 听力材料:6.W:Are you as outgoing as your brother,Paul? M:No,I'm much quieter than him. 7.W:I spent 30 dollars on my shoes.What about you? M:Oh,my shoes are 7 dollars cheaper than yours. 8.M:Why do you want to buy a green skirt?I think the red one is better. W:This year red isn't as popular as green. 9.W:Is your friend Peter good at singing? M:Yes,he is.But my brother can sing better than him. 10.M:Jenny,your history teacher is really funny. W:Yeah!Because of this I like him very much. (A)6.Who is more outgoing? A.Paul's brother. B.Paul. C.Paul's sister. (B)7.How much are the boy's shoes? A.30 dollars. B.23 dollars. C.37 dollars. (A)8.What color is more popular this year? A.Green. B.Red. C.Blue. (B)9.What is the boy's friend good at? A.Playing tennis. B.Singing. C.Dancing. (A)10.Why does Jenny like her history teacher? A.Because he is funny. B.Because he is friendly. C.Because his classes are interesting. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12两个小题。 听力材料:M:Hi,Anna.Is Eliza your sister? W:No.She is my cousin. M:Oh,you look the same.How old are you? W:I'm thirteen years old.I'm one year younger than Eliza. (C)11.Who is Eliza? A.Anna's sister. B.Anna's friend. C.Anna's cousin. (C)12.How old is Eliza? A.12 years old. B.13 years old. C.14 years old. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15三个小题。 听力材料:W:Dale,is the basketball game next Friday? M:Yes.But we still need one more player.Wendy,who do you think is the right man, Bruce or Eric? W:Well,I think Bruce is. M:Why? W:Bruce is much taller and he runs more quickly. M:But Eric is also very talented! W:Yes,but Eric is shorter and a little heavier. M:Maybe you're right. (A)13.When is the basketball game? A.Next Friday. B.Next Saturday. C.Next Sunday. (C)14.What does Bruce look like? A.He is short. B.He is heavy. C.He is tall. (B)15.Who will be the right man to play the basketball game? A.Dale. B.Bruce. C.Eric. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) 听力材料: My name is Lisa.I'm an American girl.I'm 14 years old.I like making friends.I have many friends.Jill is one of them.She is from Canada.She is the same age as me.But she is much taller than me.We both like tennis,but Jill plays it better than me.I'm more outgoing than Jill.I'm better at physics than her,too.Sometimes,I go to the movies with my classmates.But Jill doesn't like to do that.She likes to stay at home and listen to music. (B)16.How old is Lisa? A.12. B.14. C.15. (C)17.Where is Jill from? A.America. B.Australia. C.Canada. (A)18.What do Lisa and Jill both like? A.Tennis. B.Soccer. C.Baseball. (A)19.Who is more outgoing? A.Lisa. B.Jill. C.Jill's cousin. (B)20.How often does Lisa go to the movies? A.Every day. B.Sometimes. C.Never. 笔试部分 (100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1分,共计 10分) (C)21.—Hey,Jack!Do you know ________ girl with glasses over there? —Yes!She's my cousin Lucy.She's ________ outgoing girl. A.a;the B.the;a C.the;an D.a;an (C)22.—Is Jim's bike similar ________ yours? —No,his bike is quite different ________ mine. A.from;from B.from;to C.to;from D.to;to (C)23.—How can I get any ________ about the old town? —Why not use the Internet? A.competition B.grades C.information D.price (D)24.Our parents love us very much ________ they hardly ever say,“I love you.” A.however B.or C.so D.though (A)25.—Hi,Jim!Did you go to Linda's party last night? —Yes.________ my brother and I went there and we had fun. A.Both B.All C.None D.Either (A)26.—________ way is ________ from Zhengzhou to Beijing,by plane or by high speed train? —Of course,by plane. A.Which;faster B.Which;good C.What;great D.What;well (C)27.To ________ the basketball game , Dave and his players spend lots of time practicing in the sports club every day. A.touch B.order C.win D.reach (B)28.—Do you like Sam? —No,I don't.He only thinks about himself and never ________ others. A.looks like B.cares about C.puts up D.shouts at (C)29.—Many boy students think math is ________ geography. —I agree.I'm not good at geography. A.much difficult than B.as difficult as C.less difficult than D.more difficult than (B)30.—That's your new bike,________? —Yes,it was a birthday gift from my uncle. A.is it B.isn't it C.is that D.isn't that 六、完形填空。(每小题 1分,共计 10分) I have two good friends,Wang Jun and Zhou Bing.Wang Jun is my classmate.He is similar to me in some ways.__31__ of us are shy and quiet,and we never talk __32__.At school,Wang works harder than me and he can always get good __33__ in exams.Last week he went to an English __34__.He did so well that he __35__ first prize (奖) in the end. Zhou Bing came to our school two years ago.He's __36__ and funny.When we play games together,he always jokes (说笑话) and laughs.When he does something funny,he __37__ it with me.But sometimes he is careless (漫不经心的).Yesterday he __38__ my cup.I thought he would say sorry to me.But he just shook hands (握手) with me,saying,“We are friends.Don't __39__ it too much.I'll buy you a new one.”Zhou is very different __40__ me, isn't he? (A)31.A.Both B.All C.Either D.None (B)32.A.clearly B.loudly C.truly D.quietly (C)33.A.food B.sleep C.grades D.jobs (D)34.A.club B.class C.school D.competition (A)35.A.won B.touched C.gave D.asked (C)36.A.quiet B.serious C.outgoing D.hardworking (B)37.A.fights B.shares C.leaves D.plays (C)38.A.used B.bought C.broke D.found (D)39.A.feel like B.shout at C.find out D.care about (A)40.A.from B.with C.as D.on 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2分,共计 30分) A 汈汈汈汈汈 Mike I like to mak e frie nds. Vict or is one of my best frie nds. He is as outg oing as me. We beca me frie nds whe n I was ten year s old. We both like spor ts very muc h.W e play tenn is thre e time s a wee k and play bas ketb all twic e a wee k. Monica I'm a little quie t.M y best frie nd Gra ce is diffe rent fro m me. She is very outg oing and fun ny.S he likes goin g to part ies and dan cing very muc h.Sh e likes swin g dan ce best. Tara My best frie nd is Lisa .She is very outg oing and frie ndly .I'm simi lar to her. We beca me frie nds thre e year s ago. Lisa is also har dw orki ng.S he stud ies bett er than me and she alwa ys help s me with my mat h. Eric My best frie nd is Ben. He is two year s olde r than me. He is quie t.He is goo d at dra win g.He join ed an art club a wee k ago. I'm diffe rent fro m him. I'm outg oing and I like sing ing and swi mmi ng. (B)41.When did Mike and Victor become friends? A.When Victor was ten years old. B.When Mike was ten years old. C.Three years ago. D.Ten years ago. (D)42.From the above information,we know Lisa ________. A.likes swing dance best B.plays basketball twice a week C.is good at drawing D.is good at math (B)43.Eric's best friend Ben ________. A.is two years younger than him B.joined an art club a week ago C.likes singing and swimming D.is the same as Eric (C)44.________ are quiet according to the above information. A.Mike and Monica B.Victor and Ben C.Monica and Ben D.Monica and Tara (A)45.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Mike and Victor play tennis three times a week. B.Grace doesn't enjoy dancing at all. C.Tara is different from Lisa. D.Eric is a quiet boy. B A small boy tried to move a heavy box out of his room.The box was much bigger than the boy.He tried his best to move it,but the box would not move at all.After resting (休息) for a short time,the boy tried to move it again.He pushed (推) very hard,but he couldn't even move the box a bit.He was too tired to go on,and he lost_heart. The boy's father came home from work around that time.He stopped to watch what his son did.The father asked the boy,“Son,did you try your best and do everything you can?” “Yes,I did!” the boy cried. “No,” his father said quietly,“you didn't.You didn't ask me to help you.” Asking for help isn't a weakness (弱点).At some point,even the best of us need help.It's important to know when to ask for help and why you need it.Never be afraid to ask others for help when you're in trouble (困境). (A)46.What did the boy try to move out of his room? A.A large heavy box. B.A small heavy box. C.Two heavy boxes. D.Two big boxes. (D)47.The boy tried to do the thing ________. A.with his parents B.with his father C.with his friends D.all by himself (B)48.The underlined phrase means “________” in Chinese. A.增强信心 B.失去信心 C.心跳加速 D.心力衰竭 (B)49.The father wanted his son to ________. A.find a right way to push B.ask someone for help C.stop doing everything D.move something else first (C)50.What can we learn from the passage? A.People feel sad when they're in trouble. B.People should always ask others for help. C.People shouldn't be afraid to ask others for help. D.It's possible (可能的) for anyone to get into trouble. C There is a new student in my class this term.His name is Jack.Jack is tall and has short curly hair.And he sits next to me.At first, he didn't talk to anyone.He always played basketball alone (单独地) after class.Most of us thought he was not an outgoing boy. A month later,he started to talk with others.And sometimes he told jokes to make us laugh.I knew that he played basketball well.So I asked him to teach me.With his help,I got much better at basketball.And I found he was really different from me.He is more outgoing and funnier than me,but he isn't as hardworking as me.So I always get better grades.We both love music and we often share our CDs.Now we are in the school basketball club and we go there together twice a week. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 51.What does Jack look like? He_is_tall_and_has_short_curly_hair. 52.What is Jack good at? He_is_good_at_(playing)_basketball. 53.Who is more hardworking,Jack or the writer? The_writer. 54.What do they often share with each other? CDs. 55.How often do they go to the basketball club? Twice_a_week. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1分,共计 10分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.Don't you think food is necessary (必要的) for life? 57.Doing sports helps make the heart (心脏) strong. 58.Please don't touch (触摸) the flowers.You can just look at them. 59.Let's share (分享) the pizza with other kids. 60.Please don't laugh and be serious (严肃的) for a minute.Here is a piece of important news for you. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Mark is as hardworking (hardworking) as his brother. 62.I truly (true) want to know what you think of me. 63.There is an old saying (say),“Time is money.” 64.If you can exercise once a week,that's better (good) than nothing. 65.Molly plays basketball better than her classmates.She's a talented (talent) player. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2分,共计 10分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.事实上,我五分钟前就到达火车站了。 Infact,I arrived at the train station five minutes ago. 67.作为一名小学教师,我能做些什么呢? As a primaryschool teacher,what can I do? 68.你可以出去,只要你能在 11点前回来就行。 You can go out aslongas you can be back before 11 o'clock. 69.陈巧是我的好朋友,她总能帮我展现最好的一面。 Chen Qiao is my good friend and she always helps to bringout the best in me. 70.他昨天把手臂摔断了,现在还在医院里。 He broke his arm yesterday,and now he is still in hospital. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2分,共计 10分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hi,Bill.Who do you like better,Ms. Brown or Ms. Smith? B:Well,it's hard to say.71.__B__ A:Really?Can you tell me what they're like? B:Sure.72.__F__ She is like our friends after class. A:That sounds good.Is she as outgoing as Ms. Smith? B:No,she isn't.73.__A__ A:Does Ms. Brown teach as well as Ms. Smith? B:Yes,she does.74.__C__ A:Are there any other differences between them? B:Yes.75.__E__ However,she doesn't play pingpong as well as Ms. Smith. A:I see. A.Ms. Smithismoreoutgoingthanher. B.Ithinkthey'requitedifferentfromeachother. C.Shealwaysteachesusinaninterestingway. D.Ms. SmithhasshorterhairthanMs. Brown. E.Ms. BrownrunsfasterthanMs. Smith. F.Ms. BrownisfriendlierthanMs. Smith. G.Whojumpshigher,Ms. BrownorMs. Smith? 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1分,共计 10分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 talent,photo,often,share,but,because,outgoing,luck,young,touch My good friend Mary is my cousin.She is three years 76.younger than me.I am fourteen years old and she is eleven now.She is taller than me.She is very friendly and 77.outgoing,so she has many friends.She is 78.talented in music and wants to be a singer when she grows up. When she was six years old,she started to learn singing.She wants to be a great singer, 79.but she says it's difficult.She practices singing every day.She 80.often sings in shows and I enjoy listening to her songs.We talk about everything together and we always 81.share something interesting with each other.My favorite saying is “A true friend reaches for your hand and 82.touches your heart”.Mary is a friend like this. Mary is very busy 83.because she also studies photography (摄影) in her free time.She takes lots of 84.photos.They are all very wonderful.I am 85.lucky that I have so good a friend. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10分) 一个月前你很高兴结识了一位新朋友,通过和他/她相处你发现了你们之间的异同。你 迫不及待地想和你的网友 Dave分享此事。请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文并通过 QQ发给 Dave。 提示:1.What's your new friend's name? 2.In what ways are you similar? 3.In what ways are you different? 要求:70词左右,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Hi,Dave!I am happy to say that I made a new friend a month ago. Her_name_is_Liu_Li.She_is_similar_to_me_in_some_ways.We_are_both_talented_in_ music.Both_of_us_like_caring_for_others_and_we_are_both_good_listeners.But_we_have_s ome_differences.She_often_wears_cooler_clothes_than_me.At_school , she_is_not_as_hardworking_as_I , but_she_is_more_popular_than_me_because_she_is_funnier_than_me.Also , she_likes_to_do_some_reading_in_her_free_time,but_I_like_climbing_mountains.

