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名词 考点一:可数名词及其单复数 1.  可数名词有 单数 和 复数 两种形式。可数名词 复数形式分 规则变化 和 不规则变化 。不规则 变化的名词有 tooth→teeth , mouse→mice , foot→feet , sheep→sheep 等。 2.  可数名词可以被 基数词 ( 如 one) 、 不定冠词 (a, an) 或 some, many, several, few, a few, a lot of, lots of, enough, plenty of, a number of 等 修饰。 3.  对可数名词的量 提问 时,要用 how many 。 4.  名词修饰名词时,若前面的名词是 man 和 woman , 变复数时 , 两个名词同时变复数 ( 如 a man doctor→two men doctors) ;如果是 其 他词 , 变复数时 ,只需 把后面的名词变为复 数形式 ( 如 a girl friend→two girl friends) 。 考点二:不可数名词 1.  常见的 修饰不可数名词 的词语有 some, much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of, enough, plenty of 等。 2.  表示不可数名词的量 时,通常要使 用 相应的 单 位词 ,如 piece, cup, bowl 等,复数形式常体现 在单位词上。 3.  对 不可数名词 的量 提问时 ,要 用 how much 。 【 中考链接 】 (    ) 1. —What a good ______ you’ve given me! Thanks a lot. —My pleasure. A. information     B. news      C. suggestion        D. advice (    ) 2. —How many ______ are there? —About fifty. A. tomatos      B. tomatoes    C. tomato C B (    ) 3. —______ people are there in your family? —Three. A. How often          B. How long   C. How many         D. How much    (    ) 4. There are fifty ______ in our school. They are all friendly to us. A. woman teachers      B. women teacher   C. woman teacher       D. women teachers C D (    ) 5. I saw some ______ and ______ dancing in the street the day before yesterday. A. Germen; Englishmen    B. Germans; Englishmans  C. Germans; Englishmen (    ) 6. David visited lots of ______ in the world. A. places of interesting      B. places of interest   C. place of interests       D. place of interesting C B 考点三:名词词义辨析 解题关键:通过分析具体的语境来辨析名词的词义。 【 中考链接 】 (    ) 1. —I want to go to different places, but I don’t know the ______. —A map is helpful, I think. A. price          B. time           C. way           D. ticket C (    ) 2. —What are you going to do when you grow up? —My ______ is to become an astronaut. A. hobby        B. dream        C. job             D. advice (    ) 3. John didn’t find much ______ about the accident. A. news         B. answer              C. article B A (    ) 4. —It’s said that a college student had a ______ to Tibet with 500 yuan for a month. —How surprising! Once you have an idea to go somewhere, do it! A. match B. travel    C. change (    ) 5. —I hear Mary has got a good job in a world’s top company. —Yes. Her good ______ experience helped her a lot. She once studied in one of the best colleges in China. A. travel    B. education C. life B B 考点四:名词所有格(’ s 所有格和 of 所有格 ) 1.  单数名词 和 不以 -s 结尾的复数名词 的所有格通 常 在词尾加’ s ; 以 -s 结尾的复数名词 的所有格 在 词尾加’ 。 2.  用 and 连接两个并列名词,如果 表示两者共同 拥有 ,只 在最后一个名词后加’ s 即可;如果表 示 两者各自拥有 ,则 每个名词后都加’ s 。 3.  表示时间、国家等 无生命的事物 的名词,可 在词尾 加’ s 或’来构成所有格 ( 如 today’s paper, China’s capital) 。 4. “ of +’s 所有格 ”这种形式被称为名词的双重所 有格,常用来 表示整体中的一部分 ,如: a friend of my brother’s 。 【 中考链接 】 (    ) 1. —Is the schoolbag under the desk yours? —No, it’s my ______. He left it there just now. A. brother       B. brother’s     C. brothers’   B (    ) 2. —Excuse me, is the museum far from here? —No, it’s about ______. A. 5 minutes walk      B. 5 minute walk   C. 5 minutes’ walk      D. 5 minute’s walk (    ) 3. The online shop sells ______ clothing at a very good price. A. child and man’s        B. children and men’s C. children’s and men    D. children’s and men’s   C D (    ) 4. Look at the man over there. He is ______ uncle. A. Jim’s and Tim’s        B. Jim’s and Tim C. Jim and Tim            D. Jim and Tim’s (    ) 5. —How far is your home from school? —It’s about two ______ walk. A. hours                B. hours’ C. hour’s               D. Hour   D B

