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河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下学期期末教学质量监测六年级英语试卷 1 河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下学期期末教学质量监测 六年级英语试卷 (本试卷考试时间 40 分钟,满分 100) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 一、选出划线部分读音不同的一项。(5 分) ( )1.A.pen B.bed C.me ( )2.A.kite B.bike C.pig ( )3.A.arm B.warm C.car ( )4.A.apple B.like C.look ( )5.A.school B.lunch C.chair 二、找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(15 分) ( )6.A.stayed B.want C.played ( )7.A.bread B.milk C.juice ( )8.A.computer B.1ibrary C.classroom ( )9.A.better B.small C.bigger ( )10. A.train B.subway C.walk 得分 评卷人 得分 评卷人 河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下学期期末教学质量监测六年级英语试卷 2 三、选择正确答语。(15 分) ( )11.Can you cook the meals? ( )12.Where did they go yesterday? ( )13.How did he feel last night? ( )14.When is your mother’s birthday? ( )15.Whose bag is this? 四、为句子选择对应的图片。(15 分) ( )16.Wang Feng likes playing the violin. A. ( )17.My aunt is a nurse. B. ( )18.There are nine birds in the sky. C. ( )19.Mike’s brother is 165 cm tall. D. ( )20. I like winter because I can play with snow. E. 五、情景交际。(15 分) ( )21.当你想了解物品的颜色时,该问: A.What’s this? B.What colour is it? C.How much is it? 得分 评卷人 A. He felt sick. B. It’s in October. C. Sorry, I can’t. D. It’s his. E. They went to the zoo. 得分 评卷人 得分 评卷人 河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下学期期末教学质量监测六年级英语试卷 3 ( )22.当你想知道这个周末的天气如何时,该问: A.It’s Saturday today. B.What does the Sunday like? C.What is the weather like this weekend? ( )23.你进到商店买东西时,售货员会问: A.How do you do? B.Here you are. C.Can I help you? ( )24.别人夸你的衣服好看时,你该说: A. Thank you. B.That’s right. C.Yes,it is beautiful. ( )25.你想知道同学哥哥的职业时,该问: . A.What does your brother do? B.What is your brother like? C.When is your brother’s birthday? 六、阅读短文并判断句子正(T)误(F)。(15 分) Jack and John are twins. They are good at English.They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays.They like to fly kites too.They often fly kites near the lake.But they are not all the same( 不 一 样 ).Jack likes playing football but John likes playing ping-pong.Jack likes watching TV but John likes drawing pictures.They often help each other. ( )26.The twins are good at Chinese. ( )27.They like to swim and play basketball in their holiday. ( )28.They fly kites near the lake. ( )29.Jack likes watching TV. ( )30.John likes playing football. 得分 评卷人 河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下学期期末教学质量监测六年级英语试卷 4 七、补全对话。从方框中选择正确的句子填入对话中的空白处,使对话 完整通顺,并将答案的标号填在下面对应的横线上。(15 分) Allen:Hello!! Han Ting:Hello!This is Han Ting.May I speak to Allen,please? Allen: 31 Han Ting:Hi,Allen.How are you? Allen:Fine,thanks.And you? Han Ting:I’m fine,too.Allen,I need some help. 32 Allen:Sure. 33 Han Ting:There is something wrong with my computer.Can you mend(修理)it? Allen:Certainly,but not today. 34 Han Ting:OK.Thanks a lot. 35 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 八、书面表达。(5 分) 近年来,党和国家提出精准扶贫,尤其是对贫困地区的乡村和学习的建设非常重视。 请以“Then and now in my ”为题写一段话,谈谈你所在的乡村或学校的过去 和现在的情况。 要求:1.内容正确,语句通顺。2.不能用正式的姓名或校名。 得分 评卷人 得分 评卷人 A.See you then. B.Can you help me? C.How about Sunday afternoon? D.I’d love to. E.Speaking! 河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下学期期末教学质量监测六年级英语试卷 5 河南固始县 2017-2018 学年度下期期末教学质量检测 六年级英语试卷 一、1—5 CCBAA 二、6—10 BAABC 三、11—15 CEABD 四、16—20 ECDAB 五、21—25 BCCAA 六、26—30 FFTTF 七、31—35 EBDCA 八、书面表达 My school changed a lot.There wasn’t a library in our school then.But now there is a library.It is next to my classroom. I often read books in it.The playground was old and small then.Now it is big and new.I like playing football with my friends in the playground.I am going to the middle school.I will miss my school.

