pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Part A 第1课时课件

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pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Part A 第1课时课件

Review the verbs of the past. clean—______ wash—______ eat—_____cleaned washed ate stay—______stayed watch—_______watched have—____had ride—_____rode sleep—_____slept read—_____read see—_____saw drink—_____drank hurt—_____hurt take—_____took fall—_____fellbuy—_______bought There are two pictures of our hometown. Let’s have a look. What’s the difference? Lead-in The PastThe Present Our hometown The Present The Past It is … now. It was … then.  There is/are … now. There wasn’t … then. There weren’t … then. Unit 4 Then and now PEP·六年级下册 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk Our hometown changed a lot. So did the school. What’s our school like? Do you know what the school was like many years ago? Is it different now? Let's guess and predict. The Present The Past Does the school change a little or a lot? —Did the school have computers then? —No, it didn’t. So students couldn’t use the Internet then. And they couldn’t look things up on the Internet. Internet look up n.互联网 (在词典中或通过电脑) 查阅 Wu Yifan’s grandpa went to the same school as Wu Yifan many years ago. Now he is a guest visiting the school. 1. The school changed a little. 2. Grandpa could use computers when he was at school. × × Listen and tick or cross. —How did Wu Yifan’s grandfather learn in his old school? Listen again.Then answer the question. —He listened to the teachers and read lots of books. Miss White: Children, please welcome Wu Yifan’s grandfather to the class. Class: Welcome! Listening materials Grandpa: Wow! The school is very different from my old school. There were no computers at all before. Mike: Really? How did you learn? Grandpa: We listened to the teachers and read lots of books. ① ② uGrandpa is visiting Wu Yifan’s school. uWhat can you see in Wu Yifan’s school? Can you predict what they are talking about? What was Grandpa’s school like? They are talking about Grandpa’s old school. Watch and answer. Answer the questions. 1. Were there any libraries in Grandpa’s old school? 2. Was his school on the hill? 3. Were there any computers in the school? 1. Were there any libraries in Grandpa’s old school? No, there weren’t. Check the answers: 2. Was his school on the hill? Yes, it was. 3. Were there any computers in the school? No, there weren’t. Grandpa: Sarah: Grandpa: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. Tell us about your school, please. There was only one small building on a hill. What was Grandpa’s school like? Wu Yifan: Grandpa: Sarah: Wu Yifan: 我也一样 Could you see stars at night? Yes, I liked the stars. Me too. One day I’m going to visit the moon. The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. Sarah: Wu Yifan: Grandpa: How do you know that? Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time. What was Grandpa’s school like? 1. It was small. 2. There was only one small building on a hill. 3. There was no library or computers. 1. Who got to the moon in 1969? 2. How many days did they take to get to the moon? 3. How did Wu Yifan know that? Read again and find out the answers to these questions. 1. Who got to the moon in 1969? The Americans. Check the answers: 3. How did Wu Yifan know that? He looked it up on the Internet. 2. How many days did they take to get to the moon? About five days. Watch a video. American's first landing on the moon. moonstar n.星星 n.月亮 Practice 1. Sarah is going to visit the moon one day. Do you want to go to the moon? 2. What are you going to do one day? Make sentences One day, I’m going to… be going to 的用法 ube going to 打算,将要…… u“be”会根据主语的人称变化成“is, am, are”等形式。 例:我打算这学期努力学习。 I am going to work hard this term. 下星期日他将看望他的祖父母。 He’s going to visit his grandparents next Sunday. 1. Read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 2. Practice the dialogue in roles in groups. 3. Act out. Read and act Fill in the blanks. Grandpa’s school(then) Wu Yifan's school (now) There ___ no ______ in my old school. There is a _______ in our school. There _____ only a small building _____ ______. There are big buildings. was library library was on a hill Grandpa’s school(then) Wu Yifan's school (now) There were no __________ or ________ in my time. There are _________ ________________ in our school. computers Internet computers and Internet What was your school like five years ago? What is it like now? Draw and talk. Five years ago, there was/were (no/not) … Now, there is/are… Work in groups and discuss How was your life in the past? How is your life now? Talk about the differences in your life. Then make a report. There were no ... many years ago. But there are ... now. The present The past It is… now. It was … then.  There is/are … now. There was/were (no/not) … then. Blackboard Design Unit 4 Then and Now star Internet moon look up

