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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Wish you were here 课时跟踪检测 B 卷 Ⅰ.完形填空 (2015·徐州考前信息卷)Adam West is known as Batman to many people in the United States, who played the role in the Batman television series in the 1960s.Adam West says that after the show was __1__, he had a difficult time being less famous than he once was.But that period lasted just a short time __2__he went on with another job. “It’s a(n) __3__of not really examining it.Just going along putting one foot __4__the other and not thinking too much about it.And, when work __5__,think about the work.It’ s no __6__thing.It’s easy.If you are lost in the past, there is __7__to go but down.” Burt Ward played Batman’s young helper Robin in the television series.Like Adam West, Burt Ward __8__often at fan conventions.Many people pay to see their childhood __9__, and are happy to have their picture taken with them. “Actually,the fame is there — it just takes a different __10__.Some may think of our TV show being our __11__time, but when I meet people,they act just as __12__as when I was during Batman days.So, it’s not that the people __13__, but that the perception (看法) is different.Honestly, nothing has changed — I’m the same person as I was before.” He says he has made a __14__living over the past 45 years.__15__he is paid for his work, that is all that matters.Being famous does not pay for food, housing and other costs, but __16__does. If people can __17__that this is just part of the job — all the publicity, all the press, all the compliments, they could __18__keep a cool mind and not let it go to their heads.If they look at it as part of their personality and __19__ people to bow to them everywhere they go, that’s not going to happen!The early Christian philosopher St.Augustine said,“The desire for __20__tempts(诱惑)even noble minds, but I would rather have truth than money or fame.” 1.A.delayed B.cancelled C.continued D.denied 2.A.before B.after C.when D.since 3.A.business B.trouble C.matter D.event 4.A.in front of B.on top of C.away from D.next to 5.A.comes around B.comes across 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 C.comes apart D.comes along 6.A.small B.little C.big D.large 7.A.somewhere B.nowhere C.everywhere D.anywhere 8.A.behaves B.speaks C.plays D.appears 9.A.memories B.heroes C.series D.experiences 10.A.effect B.step C.chance D.form 11.A.important B.peak C.happy D.easy 12.A.excitedly B.nervously C.calmly D.madly 13.A.change B.stay C.remain D.move 14.A.bare B.poor C.good D.simple 15.A.As soon as B.As long as C.As far as D.As well as 16.A.money B.life C.play D.work 17.A.understand B.convey C.appreciate D.express 18.A.absolutely B.hardly C.possibly D.narrowly 19.A.warn B.remind C.expect D.require 20.A.work B.power C.money D.fame Ⅱ.阅读理解 (2015· 盐 城 市 高 三 统 一 质 量 检 测 )About 400 high school students from Western Pennsylvania and the neighboring state of Ohio joined a heated discussion recently on 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 “China: What Does the Future Hold?” “It’s either going to turn out really good or really bad — who knows?” said Braveen Ragunathan, a senior from an Ohio high school. In his mind all Americans are connected to China in some way. The forum (论坛) was held in Pittsburgh, once a US industrial center, now facing jobcuts because of competition brought about by globalization. The aim of the forum is to help American students learn more about the outside world. Elliott Blackwell, a junior at the Neighborhood Academy, said the forum let him know more about how China’s economic development will affect America in the future. Some students, although impressed by China’s economic boom, expressed uneasiness about the nation’s practices and differences from the American way of doing business and politics. “China is a power coming up, so they might challenge us,” Paul Amon, a junior from Oil City High School, said. “I’d hope that China can be our partner but I think that we’ d clash (冲突) along the way because we’re too different,” he added. George Riley, a teacher explained:“The view of China is usually negative and I think that’s fueled by the media.” However, some negative feelings are not from the media. Merri Ebel is a senior at East Allegheny High School north of Pittsburgh. Both her parents lost their jobs recently. The company they worked for said it was cheaper to produce goods in China rather than the US. “China is just this big question mark. China was just a big country with millions of people that no one really knew about because it was so far away and our class was more American history based,” she said. For better or worse US teenagers are eager to know more about China, the forum shows. 1.From the passage we know that most US teenagers ________. A.know only a little about China B.know much about China C.know nothing about China D.like China very much 2.Many US students expressed their uneasiness about China because________. A.China and the US are too different B.China and the US are close partners C.China and the US are enemies D.they know China very well 3.The main reason why China in their eyes is usually negative is probably that________. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 A.their teachers affect them B.their classmates affect them C.newspapers and online news affect them D.the forum affects them 4.Which of the following from the passage is TRUE? A.The view of China is usually positive. B.The forum is not necessary at all. C.The US and China would clash along the way because we are too big. D.US teenagers are eager to know more about China. 5.What is the best title of the passage? A.Teenagers in the US B.Jobcuts in Pittsburgh C.Cheaper goods in China D.China in their eyes Ⅲ.书面表达 (2015·扬州高三期末检测)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。 A peacock was very unhappy with his ugly voice, and he spent most of his days complaining about it. “It is true that you cannot sing,” said the fox,“but look how beautiful you are!” “Oh, but what good is all this beauty,” cried the bird, “with such an unpleasant voice!” “Listen,” said the fox, “each one owns something good. You have such beauty; the nightingale has his song; and the owl has his eyes. Even if you had a sweet voice, you would still complain about another thing. Why can’t you just be happy about what you have already got?” [写作内容] 1.用约 30 个单词写出上文概要; 2.用约 120 个单词就“停止抱怨并珍惜自己所拥有的”这一主题发表你的看法,内容包括: (1)你或你身边的人的类似事例; (2)谈谈你对该主题的看法。 [写作要求] 1.作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引 用原文中的句子; 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [评分标准] 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答 案 Ⅰ. 语篇解读:本文是一篇采访稿。Adam West 和 Burt Ward 均为美国 60 年代电视剧《蝙 蝠侠》里的演员,在当时为美国大众所熟知,时过境迁,他们谈论了自己对于名声变化 的态度。 1.选 B delay 意为“延期,耽搁”;cancel 意为“取消”;continue 意为“继续”;deny 意 为“否定,否认”。根据下文 Adam West 没有以前出名了可推知,应该是电视剧没有再播放了。故 B 项正确。 2.选 A 句意为:在他继续下一份工作之前(before),这段困难时期没有持续多久。故 A 项 正确。 3.选 C business 意为“生意,贸易”;trouble 意为“麻烦”;matter 意为“事情,问题”; event 意为“大事,事件”。下文 Adam West 就此事表达了自己的观点。故 C 项正确。 4.选 A in front of 意为“在……前面”;on top of 意为“在……之上”;away from 意 为“远离,离开”;next to “在……旁,紧挨”。Adam West 强调不需要想太多,生活总是要继 续,往前走就可以了。故 A 项正确。 5.选 D come around 意为“苏醒,恢复知觉”;come across 意为“偶遇”;come apart 意 为“破碎,崩溃,瓦解”;come along 意为“出现,进展”。根据语境可知,D 项正确。 6.选 C 根据下文“It’s easy.”可知,C 项符合语境。It’s no big thing 为固定搭配, 常用于口语中,意为“没什么大不了的”。故 C 项正确。 7.选 B 句意为:如果你沉溺于过去,只有被打败的份,无路(nowhere)可走。故 B 项正确。 8.选 D 根据下文可知,很多人愿意花钱来看他们儿时心目中的英雄,说明 Burt 经常参加这 类影迷活动。故 D 项正确。 9.选 B memory 意为“回忆”;hero 意为“英雄”;series 意为“连续剧”;experience 意 为“经历”。根据语境可知,B 项正确。 10.选 D effect 意为“影响”;step 意为“步骤”;chance 意为“机会”;form 意为“方 式”。下文中 Burt 描述了现在影迷们见到他的表现,所以名声只是以不同形式表现出来。故 D 项 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 正确。 11.选 B 句意为:有些人认为,电视剧播放期间是我们的鼎盛时期,但是现在人们见到我, 还是像以前一样兴奋。Burt 拿以前和现在作对比。故 B 项正确。 12.选 A 根据下文“as when I was during Batman days”可知,此处用 excitedly 表示影 迷激动的心情。nervously 意为“紧张地”;calmly 意为“镇定地”;madly 意为“疯狂地”。故 A 项正确。 13.选 A change 意为“改变”;stay 意为“停留,坚持”;remain 意为“保持,留下”; move 意为“移动,感动”。故 A 项正确。 14.选 C 下文强调工作比名声更重要,因为工作可以赚钱,可以使生活过得更好。故 C 项正 确。 15.选 B as soon as 意为“一……就……”;as long as 意为“只要”;as far as 意为 “远至,远到”;as well as 意为“和……一样,也……”。根据语境可知,B 项正确。 16.选 D 根据上文可知,只要工作能赚到钱,这是最重要的。出名并不能购买食物、房子, 但是工作可以。故 D 项正确。 17.选 A understand 意为“明白,了解”;convey 意为“传达,运输”;appreciate 意为 “欣赏,感激”;express 意为“表达,快递”。故 A 项正确。 18.选 C 根据上文“If people can...”可知,此处表示一种可能性。possibly 意为“可能”, 符合语境。absolutely 意为“绝对地,完全地”;hardly 意为“几乎不,简直不”;narrowly 意 为“仔细地,勉强地”。故 C 项正确。 19.选 C warn 意为“警告”;remind 意为“提醒,使想起”;expect 意为“期望”;require 意为“要求”。故 C 项正确。 20.选 D 句意为:追求名利甚至能够诱惑高尚的灵魂……根据第四段可知,fame 是文章讨论 的主题。故 D 项正确。 Ⅱ. 语篇解读:这是一篇时文报道。中国的快速发展引起了美国中学生的关注,为此他们开 展了一项名为“中国的未来将会怎样?”的讨论。 1.选 A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The aim of the forum is ... the outside world.” 及第七段说到的人们对中国的否定的观点通常受到媒体的影响可推断,美国中学生对中国的了解很 少,因此选 A。 2.选 A 细节理解题。根据第五段的内容并结合第六段的最后一句可知,美国中学生谈到中国 就会感到不自在是因为中美在各方面的差异太大,因此选 A。 3.选 C 细节理解题。第七段说,人们对中国的否定的观点通常受到媒体的影响,因此选 C。 4.选 D 正误判断题。根据最后一段中的“US teenagers are eager to know more about China” 可知,应选 D 项。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 5.选 D 标题判断题。本文介绍了美国中学生关于“中国的未来将会怎样?”的讨论,叙述了 美国中学生眼中的中国形象和未来的发展, 因此 D 项最适合作文章标题。 Ⅲ.参考范文: This story is about a peacock who complained a lot about his ugly voice while actually he looked very beautiful. A fox advised him to be content with what he was blessed with. The peacock reminds me of my friend Mike, who is always upset. He complains his parents are too busy to stay at home with him. He complains he is too short to play basketball well. But he never realizes how much his parents love him, and how beautifully he can play the violin, which makes him the envy of his classmates. Many people around me focus on what they want instead of what they have. As a result of their endless desires, they are often dissatisfied. In my opinion, we should stay positive and value what we have instead of complaining too much. If we remain grateful for what we already have and what we can fulfill, we may live a happier life.

