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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 第三节 题组训练 6 夹叙夹议文(3) 1 (2017·天津一中 5 月考) Communication with a Stranger Last weekend I sat on the bus talking with excitement and so ready to spend time in New York City with one of my best friends from college.As I took the window seat and wore headphones over ears,I almost didn’t 1 the elderly man sitting beside me. Two hours passed and I was still absorbed in my own world. 2 the elderly man asked me a question,a simple question 3 the bus’s WiFi connection,which turned into a twohour 4 .In fact,it directly 5 my personal life. We talked a lot about my dreams,my fears and my life.I 6 more with this stranger on the bus than I have with any friend or family member in months.Maybe it had something to do with me just being 7 to let anyone I know close to me.I was 8 that the stranger was not only so deeply interested in getting to know me,but also just as willing to 9 me to my greatest abilities.He listened carefully to every word I said and made some useful 10 at times.Instead of politely 11 his head when I mentioned my major,he told me that my strong liking seemed to be psychology,but not the one I was studying.He said that he knew I would face difficulties if I studied psychology and that he fully understood my 12 for the failure. This elderly man made me 13 the plans that I had laid out for my life with just that simple statement.He helped me realize that my neatly 14 plan for the next five years of my life wasn’t all that neat,but actually complex and filled with 15 .Most of all,he helped me 16 the complex,not stay away from it because of my fear for the unknown.I 17 a lot from talking with the elderly stranger. A few days later,he emailed me,saying,“I think you’re 18 for great things no matter what you decide to do.”The email was filled with words of 19 .In a few hours a stranger showed me a sense of kindness that made me realize that life is sometimes 20 but it is going to be okay. 语篇解读 本文叙述了作者在公交车上和一个陌生人聊天的经历,这次谈话影响了作者的 人生。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 1.A.check B.notice C.excuse D.believe 答案 B 解析 根据前半句提到的作者头戴耳机,所以压根没注意到老人坐在身边。故选 B。 2.A.Then B.Instead C.Again D.Also 答案 A 解析 2 个小时过去了,后来老人问我问题。故选 A。 3.A.through B.with C.during D.about 答案 D 解析 此问题很简单,一个关于汽车 WiFi 的问题。故选 D。 4.A.introduction B.explanation C.conversation D.competition 答案 C 解析 introduction 介绍;explanation 解释;conversation 谈话;competition 比赛。 老人的一个问题变成了我们之间 2 个小时的谈话。故选 C。 5.A.affected B.controlled C.interrupted D.created 答案 A 解析 这次谈话直接影响了我的个人生活。affect 影响。故选 A。 6.A.searched B.shared C.demanded D.reviewed 答案 B 解析 在谈话里,我和老人分享了关于我的很多事情。search 寻找;demand 要求;review 复 习,评论。故选 B。 7.A.sorry B.curious C.anxious D.afraid 答案 D 解析 在和老人对话之前,作者“害怕”让任何人接近。故选 D。 8.A.puzzled B.bothered C.amazed D.disappointed 答案 C 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 解析 让作者想不到的是,这个老人如此想了解自己,所以是 amazed “惊奇的”。故选 C。 9.A.push B.invite C.treat D.admit 答案 A 解析 push 在这里是“驱策,敦促”的意思。故选 A。 10.A.choices B.suggestions C.decisions D.efforts 答案 B 解析 老人仔细听我讲话,时不时给我提出一些建议。故选 B。 11.A.raising B.dropping C.turning D.nodding 答案 D 解析 当我提到我的专业的时候,他没有只是礼貌性地点头赞同而是提出了自己对我的看法。 故选 D。 12.A.regret B.change C.fear D.desire 答案 C 解析 倒数第二段提到了 my fear for the unknown,作者对未知和失败是恐惧的。故选 C。 13.A.prepare B.develop C.approve D.question 答案 D 解析 老人的话让我怀疑我的计划,question 在这里是动词,意为“怀疑”。故选 D。 14.A.replaced B.organized C.discussed D.predicted 答案 B 解析 他让我意识到我未来组织有序的五年人生规划并非完美。nealty organized 意为“安 排有序的,组织好的”。故选 B。 15.A.uncertainty B.danger C.responsibility D.conflict 答案 A 解析 作者的五年计划并不是“简洁的”而是复杂并充满了不确定性的。故选 A。 16.A.identify B.ignore C.seize D.accept 答案 D 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 解析 根据后半句 not stay away from it,所以是接受这种复杂性。故选 D。 17.A.suffered B.increased C.benefited D.experienced 答案 C 解析 我从这位年长的陌生人身上受益颇多。benefit from 从……中受益。故选 C。 18.A.leaving B.heading C.watching D.caring 答案 B 解析 无论你决定做什么,你正朝好的事情努力前进。故选 B。 19.A.encouragement B.protection C.admiration D.description 答案 A 解析 这封信充满了鼓励。encouragement 鼓励。故选 A。 20.A.stable B.normal C.painful D.serious 答案 C 解析 根据后半句 but it is going to be okay,可知此处指生活有时是充满痛苦的。stable 稳定的;normal 正常的;serious 严谨的。故选 C。 2 (2017·河北区二模) The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He 21 me with a puzzle—all because he waved to me like someone does 22 seeing a close friend.A big, 23 smile accompanied his wave.For the next few days I tried to 24 his face to see if I knew him.I didn’t.Perhaps he had 25 me for someone else.By the time I contented myself with the 26 that he and I were strangers,we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends. Then one day the 27 was solved.As I 28 the school he was standing in the middle of the road 29 his stop sign.I was in line behind four cars. 30 the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,he lowered his sign and let the cars 31 .To the first he waved and 32 in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days.The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply.The second car got the same 33 from the crossing guard,and the driver, a stifflooking(表情刻板的) businessman,gave a brief,almost 34 wave back.Each 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 following car of kids on their way to school 35 more heartily. Every morning I continued to watch the man with 36 .So far I haven’t seen anyone 37 to wave back.I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) 38 to so many people’s lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly.His 39 warmed the start of my day.With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the 40 of the whole neighbourhood. 语篇解读 作者描述了一位普通的交通协管员每天工作时都热情地对来往接送孩子的人挥手 和微笑,这看似普通的举动却改变了整个邻里间的感情。 21.A.hit B.disappointed C.presented D.bored 答案 C 解析 根据下文中的“he and I were strangers”可知,他像亲密朋友一样向作者挥手不合 常理,因此他让作者很困惑。present 呈现,呈送。 22.A.about B.from C.during D.on 答案 D 解析 根据常识,人们一见到亲密朋友就会挥手问候,on doing sth.一……就……,故选 on。 23.A.false B.shy C.apologetic D.bright 答案 D 解析 和上文 a close friend 相照应,人们见到朋友会呈现“灿烂的”笑容,故选 bright “欢快的,兴高采烈的,灿烂的”。 24.A.research B.study C.recognize D.explore 答案 B 解析 因为作者不认识他,他却对作者很热情,所以作者想努力观察他的脸以确定是否认识 他。study 仔细端详,仔细察看,研究。 25.A.praised B.blamed C.mistaken D.respected 答案 C 解析 the crossing guard 的热情与陌生人的身份不符,所以作者认为他是误把自己当成了 别人。mistake sb./sth.for sb./sth.把……错当成……,符合语境。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 26.A.conclusion B.description C.evaluation D .introduction 答案 A 解析 作者虽然不理解,但还是高兴地接受了这一结论。conclusion 结论,推论;description 描述;evaluation 评估,评价;introduction 介绍,引言。 27.A.argument B.disagreement C.mystery D.task 答案 C 解析 有一天,这个谜团(mystery)解开了。本题可用排除法,文中不存在 argument(争论, 辩论),也没有意见上的分歧(disagreement),也不是任务(task)。 28.A.visited B.approached C.passed D.left 答案 B 解析 根据下文“Each following car of kids on their way to school”可知,是作者送 儿子前往学校的路上。approach 靠近,接近。 29.A.drawing back B.putting on C.handing in D.holding out 答案 D 解析 根据常识,交警或协管员指挥交通会举出他的标志牌。draw back 撤退,撤回;put on 穿上;hand in 上交;hold out 伸出,拿出,举出。 30.A.Before B.Once C.Unless D.While 答案 B 解析 他放下标志牌的前提是孩子们到达马路的安全区域,所以选 once“一旦…… 就……”,且该句前半句为过去完成时,后半句为一般过去时,故排除 A、D 两项。 31.A.in B.through C.out D.down 答案 B 解析 let through 允许通行,允许通过。 32.A.cried B.cheered C.smiled D.gestured 答案 C 解析 和上文中的“A big...smile accompanied his wave.”相照应。 33.A.idea B.reply 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 C.notice D.greeting 答案 D 解析 向别人微笑和挥手都是一种问候,而不是 reply(回复)和 notice(通知)。 34.A.awkward B.angry C.elegant D.patient 答案 A 解析 根据上文对 businessman 的描述 stifflooking(表情刻板的),所以他的挥手应是笨 拙的,不灵活的,尴尬的(awkward),angry 生气的;elegant 优雅的;patient 耐心的。 35.A.came B.responded C.hurried D.appeared 答案 B 解析 后面的每辆车里的孩子们都热情地回应。heartily 热情地,衷心地,符合语境。 36.A.surprise B.frustration C.interest D.doubt 答案 C 解析 由后文中的“I find it interesting”可知选 C。surprise 惊奇;frustration 挫败; doubt 怀疑。 37.A.fail B.try C.wish D.bother 答案 A 解析 此句是双重否定,作者没见到任何不向这个交警回以挥手的人。前已有否定词,只有 A 选项表否定,fail to do sth.未能做某事。 38.A.offer B.sacrifice C.promise D.difference 答案 D 解析 make a difference 有影响,起作用,符合语境。 39.A.effectiveness B.cheerfulness C.carefulness D.seriousness 答案 B 解析 effectiveness 有效性;cheerfulness 快乐,高兴;carefulness 细心;seriousness 严肃。根据上下文语境知选 B。 40.A.feeling B.observations C.regulations D.trends 答案 A 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 解析 他改变了邻里之间的“感情”,故选 A。observation 观察,监视;regulation 规则, 法规;trend 趋势,倾向。

