国家开放大学电大本科《人文英语 4》2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:
一,交际用增(共m分,国小■ 2分)
L —I>o you mind my utinx my mobile phone here?
— ___________________________ .
A. YrSt line it please B. No< of course not
C ・ No. you ain't UMC it
2. — How nbout having A drink?
A. Good idea B. Me too
C. Help yciursrlf
3. You arc IMIC« The di»cu8Bion Rtnrtrd 30 minutes ngo.
— ♦
A. Don、blame me H. Welk I don*t know
C. I »m really sorry
4. - Gordon• m ・ y I ask you u question?
— ___________________________ ■
A. No. you may B. Just go Mhcad
C I donf I know
5. — May I apeak to Prof. Li plense?
A. NCJ ・ you can11
B. There' s no Prof. Li
C. I'm afrmd youfve got the wrong number
二、蜩汇和 18枸(共 30分.<8小岛 2分)
6. The planttc surgeon mny provide several plans for your facial ________________
A. reconstruct B. reconstruction
C. rcconntructcd
7. Wv
taught B. tenches
(:. has taught
TotBt whiit did you do with my docurnrnlN? I have never seen知 ch n _________________ and
A. maiisi B. mens
t L 1(、hc* wants to stay thin. »he must rnakr a _ in her diet.
A ・ change K turn
l run
12. Yau ^houldri * t __________ your time like hat • linh, you have to finish your school
work tonight.
A> cut B. do
C. kill
13. Me sounds 3。angry whenever 1 speak my ____________•
A. mind B. sound
C. voice
IL H I___________in your position. 1 would marry hen
A. am B. be
C ・ were
15< John is sensitive______ racial discrimination.
A. with to
16. Don't put___________ in thr conflict-
A. ourselves 已 ourself
C. we
17. I don't know the park, bui it's________________be quite beautiful.
A. said 鸟瘦艇
1& Mike is beuer than Peter_____________ swimming-
have I
A. for
C. on
19. I wish TO__________ the position ol Socinl Worker an Advertised on Reek- com. mu
A. apply for B. Apply to
Q apply with
20. Wc*d better __________Mr. DCVIJI.
A. wait for B. waiting for
( io wait for
三、阅读理解(共 AO分.每小聒 4分)
21—250:阅读下列短文.从 A.B.C三个选顼中逸出一个正确答案•
The celebration of International WomenDny (IWD) in 2011 was special ns H marked the 100th
anniversary o( IWD. Th< United Nations* theme for the 2011 IWD WHS "Equal access to education, trflining.
science and technology: FJathwny to deerni work for wnnit*n1*.
One hundred years HRO* gender equality and women * a empowerment were kirndy radical idc/ts One
hundred years later, there has been Mignifiennt progress m women# s empowerment nnd pnrticipAtion through
determined advocacy• prncticnl nction nnd enlightened policy making. However, m too many countries and
s between education* training • SCKTICC and technology and the labor
market is important in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment for womcn<
21.2011 IntcrnatianAl Women's Day (IWD) was special because_________________
A. it is the beginning of women's equality.
B. it is 100th anniversary.
仁 women got too much rights in thnt day
22 ・ ________ ” « 虹 y fmsr of economic growth nnd nodal chfinge nnd the womenf s
A ・ Equality B. Family responsibility
C> Education
23 ・ Which of the (ollowinx IB not Ruffered by women in society nowadays?
A. poverty B- unemployment
C ・ family burden
24. Which one in NOT mentioned in rclntion to Meducation equnhtyw?
A. pnthway to drernt work for women
B. development of new science
C. womcnS rmpawerment>
25. What in the bent title for the pAMAge?
A> ( reating E thr rnoMt ttltractive activities orr hunnnK nnd hiking. 1 enjoy aceinu whnt nnturc h心 to offer
everyday ihrniigh A Mltnplr walk down the hltlr trniL or n rclnxing drive? MIOMH the country runcl with patches of
Hrrrn grASM ornnniriiirhc IOVCJI
living there.
27, Living tn the country in not bmy nt wIL
28 ・ The nuthor tnke» a wnlk or dnvc» ulon^ country roiids nlrnox! every d/iy ・
29. People living in the- country usually go uhoppinR every Saturday.
30. According to the author* nobody dislikes countryside life.
31. IMiK要求先成作文.
Write a p«H%ngr on Haw to improve the quality of cduoitkrn You may follow the idea*
Ktvrit below.
(I )Prnhlcm ・ on the qunlity o( vducAtion
(2) Possiblr causes ol the problems
(3) Your nnd >nlutiDnji
-•交际用话(M 1。分小 H2分)
1-5H:阅 it下面的小对靖.班择恰当的答 UL
I. B 2.A 3&C 4.H 5.C
二、 tflfl:与馆输(共 30分网小 88 2分)
6—2QH:0U读下面的句孑,从 A.H、C三个选 Ifi中逸出一个施境入!?白处的•佳选项,
'6. B 7.B 8 ・ C 9.C 10. B
II. A 12. C 13. A 14a C 15. B
16. A 17. A 18. B i 19, A 20, A
三, 浏速理耕(共 40分.flj小 IB 4分)
2i. B 22. C 23. C 24. H 25. A
26—30■:谓 ttllBtt[文内容判断惜出的围旬H否正,正确的可(1).情俱的写(卜,
26. T 27. F 28. T 29. T 30. F
四•耳作(共 20分)
31 求叫作文
①本他停分为 20分,按 6个档次册分.
■ •确定或调整档次•最后的分.
0)律分时应注意的上《?内容为,内容要点,勺心变化,同汇运用和衍法站构的冲确性・培危 的
•完全完成了试题规定的任务】 •覆盖所有内容要点 8
•语法结构.句型和词汇有变化 S
构或词汇所致 1
•语意基本连贯,有一定的逻辑性 1
•运用语法结构和词汇方面能满足任务的基本要求 j •有一些谐法结构或词汇
方面的错误,但不影响理解| •语意连贯性及避耕性方面存在一定问题;
•仅厦盏部分主要内容,或写了 ■些无关内容,
•饵慝不连贯,逻辑性方面问题较大 8
1一 2分
•语正结构或伺汇方面错误连篇,影响对写作内容的理解 1语言运用能 力差
。分 •未答匙,或虽作答.但让人不知所云.