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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 第六课时 Section B (3a4)—单元同步作文指导 本单元的内容是描述如何按程序制作一种食品。写此类文章 , 应首先交代清楚你要制作的食品以及需要的材料 , 然后按照程序介绍制作该食品的步骤和方法。特别要注意在写作中应运用表示顺序的相关词 , 如 first , next , then 等;同时也要注意祈使句的运用。 教材中出现的相关句型: ① Peel three bananas. 剥三个香蕉。 ② Cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉。 ③ Put the bananas and icecream in the blender. 把香蕉和冰激凌放进搅拌机里。 ⑩ Here is one way to make turkey. 这儿有一个制作火鸡的方法。 拓展常用句型: ① Would you like to eat... ? Do you know how to make it ?你喜欢吃 …… 吗?你知道怎样制作它吗? ② Here is the recipe for... 这是 …… 的食谱。 ③ Add...to the... 将 …… 加到 …… 中去。 ④ Put another piece of bread on the top. 将另一片面包放在最上面。 请你根据表格内容 , 向你的朋友介绍做牛肉三明治的过程 , 不少于 70 词 ( 开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 ) 。 Vegetables Meat Others 1 onion 3 pieces of beef 2 pieces of bread 1 tomato 1 spoon of butter lettuce 2 spoons of relish( 调料 ) Would you like to eat a beef sandwich ? Do you know how to make one ? Here is one way to make it.First , put one spoon of butter on one piece of bread.Then , cut up one onion and one tomato.Put these on the butter.Next , add some lettuce and three pieces of beef to the bread.Put two spoons of relish on the beef.Finally , put another piece of bread on the top. Now make a beef sandwich by yourself.It must be delicious.You can teach your friends to make one , too. 假如你是李华 , 你的英国朋友 Jake 去你家做客 , 他很喜欢你做的水果茶 , 他想知道这种茶是如何制作的。请你根据提示写一篇短文 , 告诉他水果茶的制作方法。 原材料: 步骤: 1. 将水烧开; 2 . 水果洗净、切丁; 3 . 将水果丁和红茶包放入热水中 , 5 分钟后取出红茶包; 4 . 将水果茶倒入茶壶中 , 饮用时加糖或蜂蜜。 参考词汇: 煮沸 boil , 茶壶 teapot , 红茶包 black tea bag 要求: 1. 须包括以上要点 , 逻辑合理 , 层次分明; 2 . 70 词左右 ( 开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 ) 。 How to Make Fruit Tea It's easy to make fruit tea. First , pour four cups of water into the pot and boil it.Next , wash an apple , a pear and five strawberries and cut them into pieces.When they are ready , put them and a black tea bag into the hot water.Take away the tea bag in 5 minutes and pour the fruit tea in a teapot.Add some sugar when you drink the tea.Of course , you can add some honey instead ( 代替 ) .

