四年级下册英语unit8 Days of the week 第三课时 牛津上海版

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四年级下册英语unit8 Days of the week 第三课时 牛津上海版

Module 3 My colourful life 小学英语--四年级--上海牛津版 8 Days of the week Period 3 -- Ann Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday play chess at the weekend What do you do on Monday? On Monday, I play volleyball. What do you do on Tuesday? On Tuesday, I play chess. What do you do on Wednesday? On Wednesday, I play football. On Thursday, I go to the library. What do you do on Thursday? What do you do on Friday? On Friday, I play basketball. What do you do on Saturday? On Saturday, I go to the park. On Sunday, I play the piano. What do you do on Sunday? What does Tom do on Friday evening? On Friday evening, Tom read a book. Tom’s Saturday Tom likes reading in the evening. It’s half past eight, Tom. Go to bed. No, Mum. This book is fun. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 go to bed 上床睡觉 What time is it? It’s half past eight How is the book? This book is fun. Oh no! I’m late! In the morning, Tom looks at his clock. It’s half past eight. clock钟表 run out 跑出去 What time is it now? It’s nine o’clock. But it’s Saturday today! Tom is not late for school. It is Saturday. be late for 迟到 1.What does Tom like? 2. What time does Tom get up? 3. Is Tom late for school? Why? He likes reading. He gets up at half past eight. No. It’s Saturday today. Tom likes reading in the evening. In the morning, Tom looks at his clock. It’s half past eight. Tom runs out. He doesn’t have breakfast. Tom is not late for school. It is Saturday. 写出下列单词的第三人称单数 go play come run like look do goes plays comes runs likes looks does 对下列划线部分进行提问 1. There are seven days in a week. _________________________________ 2. It’s half past eight now. _________________________________ 3. It’s Sunday today. ________________________________ How many days are there in a week? What time is it now? What day is it today? 1.单词与短语: be late for school, go to bed, like doing sth. 2. 句型: Tom likes reading in the evening. What time is it now? It’s nine o’clock. Tom is not late for school. 1,背诵Enjoy a story并抄 写一遍 2,想一想,为Tom的生 活加点其他的活动 3,预习课本41页

