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Unit 2 Can I help you? Lesson 11&Lesson 12 精通版·五年级下册 New words 短裤 试 大衣 衣服 New words Just talk Salesman: Can I help you? Peter: I want a pair of short pants, please. Salesman: How about this pair? Peter: Can I try them on? Salesman: Sure. Peter: Oh, they are too big for me. Peter: Would you please show me that pair of short pants? Salesman: Sure. Here you are. Peter: They are good. How much are they? Salesman: They’re sixty-five yuan. Peter: I’ll take them. Sales: Thank you. Language points 1. Can I try them on?我可以试穿它(们)吗? try on意为“试穿”。 例句:让我试试这条短裙。 Let me try on this skirt. 由try构成的短语还有: try one’s best尽某人最大努力 try out试验;参加选拔赛 try hard努力 句式 “Can I try…on?”是顾客在购买衣物时, 询问售货员是否可以试试的一句常用语。意为“我 可以试试……吗?” 其答语通常为:Sure(当然)/Of course(当然). Here you are(给你).等. 如果不能让别人试穿,售货员要回答:Sorry, you can’t.(对不起,您不能)。 当试穿的衣物是代词it或them时,要放在try与 on中间;当衣物为名词时,可放在两词中间,也可 放在on的后面。 例句:我可以试试这双鞋吗? Can I try these shoes on? Can I try on these shoes? 2. Oh, they’re too big for me. 哦,他们对我来说太大了。 “It’s+形容词+for+某人”,意思是“对……来 说它太……”,用来描述某物对某人来说是怎么样 的,表达对某物的看法。 例句:对他来说它太长了。 It’s too long for him. Just Practise trousers short pants 裤子;长裤 短裤 How much are these short pants? They’re sixty- five yuan. Would you show me that pair of short pants? Sure. Here you are. Let’s act I want a skirt.Here you are. Can I try it on? Sure. Oh, it’s too big for me. How much are these trousers? They are ninety- four yuan. Play roles How much are these shoes? They are fifty- eight yuan. Let’s chant er My litter brother, Is really clever. He can draw a tiger, On my computer. 语音知识专讲 字母组合er在单词中的发音规则 字母组合er发音/ə/的音。/ə/是短元音。发音时 声带振动。舌放平,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平, 发音时轻松自然,构成不重读音节。 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现 在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

