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Unit 4 What’s wrong with you? Lesson 21 & Lesson 22 精通版·五年级下册 New words 错的 和……一起 头 脸 耳朵 胳膊 New words Just talk Kate goes to the doctor with her mother. She sees many children there. Some of them have a fever. Some of them have a headache. They are waiting outside the doctor’s room. Now it’s Kate’s turn. Doctor: May I have your name? Kate: My name is Kate. Doctor: How old are you, Kate? Kate: I’m eleven. Doctor: What’s wrong with you? Kate: I have a fever and a headache. Doctor: Open you mouth. Say, “Ah…” Kate: Ah… Doctor: You have a bad cold. You should take some medicine and stay in bed. You should drink more water. Kate: Can I go to school tomorrow? Doctor: No. You should take a good rest. I hope you will get well soon. Kate: Thank you, doctor. Language points 1. Kate goes to the doctor with her mother. 凯特和她妈妈去看医生。 with是介词,汉语意思是“和……一起”。with还 有如下用法: ①with表示拥有某物。 【例句】Mary married a man with a lot of money . 马莉嫁给了一个有很多钱的男人. ②with表示用某种工具或手段。 【例句】Tom drew the picture with a pencil. 汤姆用铅笔画画. ③with表伴随状态,与后面的词语一起组成介词短语作 定语,译为“拥有……,长着……,带着”。 【例句】She is coming with a book in her arm. 她胳膊下夹着一本书进来了。 2. What’s wrong with you?你怎么了? 此句型是英语口语中常用的一种表达,用于询问对 方怎么了。它通常用于以下几种情况: ①询问身体或精神方面的状况。 【例句】—What’s wrong? 怎么了? —I am ill.我生病了。 ②询问发生的意外情况。 【例句】—What’s wrong? 怎么了? —I can’t find my keys.我找不到钥匙了。 ③询问机器或东西的故障情况。 【例句】—What’s wrong?怎么了? —My watch doesn’t work.我的手表不走了。 3. You should take some medicine and stay in bed. 你应该吃点药并躺在床上休息。 should在这里为情态动词,意思是“应该”,后面 接动词原形。 【例句】You should have a good rest. 你应该好好休息。 4. I hope you will get well soon.我希望你很快好起来。 hope的意思是“希望”,通常指可能实现的事情。本 句的结构是“hope+that+宾语从句”,that可省略。其中 宾语从句要用陈述句语序。hope还常用于“hope sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事”。 【例句】We hope to see you again. 我们希望再次见到你。 Just practise have a toothache have a stomachache 牙痛 胃痛 take some medicine take a good rest 吃点儿药 好好休息 What’s wrong with you? I have a headache. Can I go to school tomorrow? No, You should take a good rest. 5. Can I go to school tomorrow?我明天能去上学吗? 此句型为征求对方意愿的句型,表示请求和允许。can 是情态动词,意为“能;可以”,后接动词原形。此句中 can可以和may进行替换。 【例句】Can/May I use your pen? 我能用你的钢笔吗? Language points Let’s act What’s wrong with you? I have a cold. What’s wrong with you? I have a cough. It’s over there. What’s wrong with you? Where is the Brown Hospital? I have a headache. Play roles It’s over there. What’s wrong with you? Where is the Green Hospital? I have a stomachache. Let’s chant The doctor says a lot: “You are ill. You feel hot! You should not eat a lot. You should drink a lot.” 医生说了很多: “你病了。你摸起来很热! 你不应该吃太多。 你应该大量喝水。” 语音知识专讲 字母o在单词中的发音规则 字母o的发/ ɒ/的音,/ ɒ/是单元音,是字母o在 单词中的读音。发此音时,舌尖不抵下齿,口张大, 舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆。

