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Unit 3 Can I help you? Lesson 15 &Lesson 16 精通版·五年级下册 Lead-in Do you have any home rules? Talk about it with your classmates. New words 做家务 回家 起床 去睡觉 New words Just talk Peter is a good student at school. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He doesn’t like to do housework. He often makes a mess in his room. He watches TV too often. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. Peter’s mother writes some home rules for him: Language points Sometimes he is not a good boy at home. 有时他在家不是一个好孩子。 sometimes意为“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生, 间断较大。sometimes既可以放在be动词、助动词、 情态动词之后,行为动词之前,也可以放在句首, 还可以放在句尾。 例句:我有时步行去上学。 I walk to school sometimes. Just practice keep your room clean do housework 保持房间清洁 做家务 read in bed go home late 在床上看书 晚回家 You should go to bed early. You shouldn’t read in bed. You should keep your bed clean. You shouldn’t go home late. You should go to bed early.你应该早点儿去睡觉。 should意为“应该”,后面要接动词原形,没 有人称和数的变化。句型结构为:主语+should+动 词原形(+其他).用来提建议。 例句:他应该去看医生。 He should see a doctor. Language points Let’s talk We should keep our classroom clean. We shouldn’t go home late. We should: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ We shouldn’t: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ If you cannot write, just draw pictures and talk. We should: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ go to bed early. keep the room clean. do housework. We shouldn’t: 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ go home late. watch TV too often. read in bed. Let’s chant i This is a picture, Of a big city. That is a picture, Of a little lily. 字母i在单词中的发音规则 字母i的发音是/ɪ/. /ɪ/是个前元音,是字母i或y在 重读闭音节中的发音。它是个短元音,故发此音要 短促而轻快。发音时,舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高, 舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口型成扁平形。

