五年级下英语知识点梳理 Unit 3

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五年级下英语知识点梳理 Unit 3

‎5B Unit3 Asking the way 一、词组:‎ ask the way问路 come out from从„„出来 ‎ want to =would like to想要(做) on Sun Street在太阳街 ‎ get to the cinema到达电影院 can’t find 找不到 ‎ get home到家 ask a policeman for help向一位警察求助 ‎ get to your home到你的家 excuse me打扰了 ‎ the new clothes and shoes 新衣服和新鞋子 ‎ go along this street沿着这条街直走 get on上车 ‎ walk along this street沿着这条街直走 ‎ get on the metro上地铁 turn right向右转 get off下车 ‎ turn left at the second traffic light at Park Station 在第二在公园站个交通灯处向左转 ‎ walk to Moon Street步行去月亮街 ‎ on your right在你的右边 next to it在它旁边 ‎ on your left在你的左边 so many 这么多 ‎ see a new film看一部新电影 take the metro乘坐地铁 ‎ go to City Cinema去市电影院 be over结束 ‎ wait for the bus等公交车 too late太晚了 ‎ at the bus station在公交车站 from your school从你的学校 ‎ go by bus乘公交车去 in the shoe shop在鞋店 ‎ get in a taxi上了一辆出租车 which to choose选哪一个 [来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ too many cars太多汽车了 ‎ 二、句子:[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎1.Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hai’s new home. 杨玲想要去参观苏海的新家。 ‎ ‎2. How do I get to your home? 我怎样到你家?‎ ‎3. How does Yang Ling get to Su Hai’s home? 杨玲怎样到苏海家? ‎ ‎4. You can take the metro. 你可以乘地铁。‎ ‎5. You can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. 你可以在公园站上地铁,在市图书馆下车。‎ ‎6. Then, walk to Moon Street. 然后,步行去月亮街。 ‎ ‎7. My home is next to it. 我家就在它旁边。‎ ‎8. Yang Ling comes out from City Library Station. 杨玲从市图书馆站出来。 ‎ ‎9. She asks a policeman for help. 她向一位警察求助。‎ ‎10. Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street? 打扰一下,我怎样到达月亮街上的图书馆?‎ ‎11. Turn right at the traffic light. 在交通灯处向右转。‎ ‎12. You can see the bookshop on your right. 你可以看见书店就在你的右边。 ‎ ‎13. She walks along Moon Street. 她沿着月亮街走。 ‎ ‎14. We can go by bus. 我们可以乘公交车去。‎ ‎15. They wait for the bus at the bus station. 他们在公交车站等车。 ‎ ‎16. The bus is full. 公交车满载了。‎ ‎17. Let’s go to the cinema by taxi. 让我们乘出租车去看电影。 ‎ ‎18. Let’s take the metro. 让我们乘地铁。 ‎ 三、知识介绍:问路 当我们来到一个陌生的地方时,问路恐怕是避免不了的,问路通常包括四个方面的内容: (a)引起话题:Excuse me „ (b) 询问路在何方:Where is „? (c) 指路:Go long „ (d) 表达谢意:Thank you. 常见的表达方式有: a 引起话题:‎ Excuse me, where is „? b ‎ 询问路在何方:‎ Can you tell me the way to „?‎ Can you show me the way to „?‎ Can you tell me how to get to „ ? Could you tell me how to get to „? How can I get to „?‎ Would you tell me the way to „? Which is the way to „?‎ Would you please show me the way to „? Where's„?‎ Which is the way to „? Is there a „ near here? c ‎ 指路:‎ Go along the street. Go down the street. It’s on „Road./ It’s in „Street. Turn right / left at the „ crossing. Take the „ turning on the right / left. Go along „Road, turn right/left at „ Road.‎ Then go along „ Road. The place is on your right/left. You can take bus No„.and get off at the „stop. It’s near / beside / between the„ It’s over there. d ‎ 表达谢意:‎ Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. [来源:Z#xx#k.Com]‎ 路程问答法:‎ How far is it from here?[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ It’s about ... metres/ kilometres away. It’s about „minutes’ walk from here. ‎ 四、语音: sh / ʃ / sheep ship shoe shop she shirt short shout shoulder shiny Sharon is in the shoe shop. She likes shiny shoes. But there are so many, she doesn’t know which to choose!‎ 莎伦在鞋店里。她喜欢发光的鞋子。 但是有这么多的鞋子,她不知道选哪一双了。‎

