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Unit 2 Can I help you? Lesson 7&Lesson 8 精通版·五年级下册 New words 能 帮助 想;想要 玩具 火车 飞机 轮船 小船 New words Just talk Dick: Dad, can I have a toy train? Dad: Sure! Saleswoman: Good afternoon. Can I help you? Dick: Yes. I want a toy train. Saleswoman: Which one do you like? Dick: I like the blue one. Saleswoman: OK, Here you are. Dad: How much is it? Saleswoman: It’s fifty-six yuan. Dad: We’ll take it. Saleswoman: Here you are. Thank you. Goodbye! Dad and Dick: Bye! Language points 1. Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗? 这是一个含有情态动词can的一般疑问句。 肯定答语常用 Sure./Yes, please. 否定答语常用 No, thanks. 饭店餐馆的服务员: Can I help you? 你要吃点什么? 图书管理员: Can I help you? 您要借什么书? 超市售货员: Can I help you? 您要买点什么? 2. I want a toy train. 我想要一个玩具火车。 want的意思是“想要”,want sth.想要某物; want to do sth. 想要做某事。 例句:下周我想去上海。 I want to go to Shanghai next week. 3. How much is it? 它多少钱? how much意为“多少钱”。 例句:你的钢笔多少钱? How much is your pen? “How much is+表示单个物的名词或代词(it)?” 询问某件物品的价格,意为“……多少钱?”。 答语是“It’s+数字+货币单位”。 辨析: how much与how many how much意为 “多少钱;多少……”,后跟不可数名词。 how many意为“多少”,后跟可数名词复数。 __________ is it?它多少钱? __________ birds do you see?你看见多少只鸟? How much How many 4. We’ll take it!我们买了! 这句话是购物时的常用语。顾客选好一件商品 并决定购买时,会用到这句话,意为“我买了”。 如果决定购买的物品是复数,要用I’ll take them。 Just Practise toy train toy plane 玩具火车 玩具飞机 toy ship toy boat 玩具轮船 玩具小船 Can I help you? Yes, I want a toy train. How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan. Let’s act Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy plane. Can I have a toy ship? Sure! How much is it? It’s fifty-six. We’ll take it. Let’s act Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train. How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan. I’ll take it. Let’s chant e She and he, How happy they will be! You and me, How busy we will be! 字母e的读音是/i:/。发音时嘴唇向两侧微分, 舌尖轻抵下齿背,舌前部微微弓起,然后嘴唇 继续向两侧分开一些,舌前部应抬高一些。

