一年级英语上册unit 11 In the zoo Period 3 牛津上海版

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一年级英语上册unit 11 In the zoo Period 3 牛津上海版

Uni t 11 In the zoo Model 4 The world around us Period 3 To:Class 4,Grade 1 From: Bear Brothers An invitation(邀请函) Dear friends, we’d like you to come to the party in the zoo at 10:am. See you then. An invitation(邀请函) 熊大熊二邀请大家去参加在动物园的聚会,让我们一起去看看吧! 小朋友,我们走进动物 园时会遇到各种各样的动物, 你能说出它们的名字,并加 以描述吗?你们如此聪明可 爱,肯定没问题的! bear elephant monkey panda tiger lion rabbit 动物园的聚会就要开始 了,可小猴子还没准备好要 带去的食物呢,它打算摘些 桃子,你能帮帮它吗? ? ? ? ? 你们真棒!动物们都准备好了,聚 会要开始了,现在就让我们静静地坐 下来欣赏小动物们的表演吧。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? Gu Dong is coming! Run, run, run! Hello, rabbit.Hi, panda ! Gu Dong is coming! It’s big and fat. It can eat. Oh, no! Run, run, run! Hello, panda.Hi, dog ! Gu Dong is coming! It’s tall and thin. It can read. Oh, no! Run, run, run! Look, Go Dong is a peach. Ah…oh… 小组合作表演故事Gu Dong is coming,看谁是 最佳小演员?Come on! 1. Draw the animal you like and talk about it.画你喜欢的一 样动物,并用英语说一说。 2. Act out the story in groups. 小组合作,演一演故事。

