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‎2012届高考考纲英语3500词汇冲刺配套练习(十六)‎ 一.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:‎ Part 1‎ deal with date back have difficulty in danger in debt ‎ be designed to die down die out make a difference depend on ‎ ‎1) According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, crocodile, is ____________ of dying out.‎ ‎2) The traditional friendship between our two peoples _____________ to ancient days.‎ ‎3) He seemed to be quick-tempered, but was actually not difficult to __________.‎ ‎4) He has financial problems and at one time he was ____________ heavily.‎ ‎5) Some materials can be thrown into the sea ______________ the nature of them.‎ ‎6) The course _____________ help students develop their speaking skills.‎ ‎7) My anger at him has ____________ since he apologized to me.‎ ‎8) If human beings had been a bit less greedy and cruel, more birds and animals might have avoided ___________.‎ ‎9) Everyone fails now and then. It's how you react that _______________ in life.‎ ‎10) Do you know the ________ he ________ understanding what the word means?‎ Part 2‎ divide…into in the distance due to dream of do sb. wrong do good do up do with be drunk with dress up ‎ out of one’s depth to date in demand be deaf to by design ‎11) They watched the train until it disappeared ______________.‎ ‎12) “The interest shall be _________________ five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.‎ ‎13) I think eating more fruit will _______ your health ________. ‎ ‎14) I must be getting fat --- I can hardly _____ my trousers _____.‎ ‎15) There is more land in Australia than the government knows what to ________ it.‎ ‎16) The ______ you have _____ him is terrible, for you should make an apology to him, I think.‎ ‎17) ---How do you like this park?‎ ‎--- It’s wonderful. I never ____________ there being such a quiet place in this noisy city.‎ ‎18) As it turned out to be a small house party, we needn't have __________ so formally.‎ ‎19) He _____ so ________ the natural scene of the country that he forgot the time to return. ‎ ‎20) The great success of this programme has been largely ________ the support given by the local businessmen.‎ ‎21) The list is up ______________ now that we’ve added the new member’s names. ‎ ‎22) It is very difficult to understand. It is totally _____________. ‎ ‎23) I don't know whether they did it by accident or __________.‎ ‎24) Full of self-admiration(自负的), he ________________ others’ advice. ‎ ‎25) Graduates from this famous university are always ______________ in big companies. ‎ 二. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:‎ divide separate danger film sound resource dangerous accept properly turn flee rely on depend on ‎ ‎1) I’d like to leave these _______ to be developed? Could I have them by Saturday?‎ ‎2) A teacher must see to it that every one of his students develops ________.‎ ‎3) The main stream of a river frequently is _______ into two or more branches near the mouth. ‎ ‎4) There are things people _______ less the more you defend them. The truer your story is, the less true it sometimes ______.‎ ‎5) If you meet a tiger in the forest and have no gun, you are in ______, because a tiger is a __________ animal. ‎ ‎6) We _______ the strength of the masses and the collective to bridge over difficulties. ‎ ‎7) Television brings us harm as well as benefit, ______________ how we make use of it.‎ ‎8) We must develop all the natural __________ in our country which can make us rich. ‎ ‎9) Many older people may prefer not to be _________ out from the rest of the adult population.‎ ‎10) The thieves _________ when they were disturbed by a neighbour.‎ ‎11) He ______ a deaf ear to the teacher’s warning, which leads to his failure in the examination.‎ 三.翻译:‎ ‎1) The book published lately mainly __________________________ (内容是关于目前的环境污染) and its drawing attention of the local government. ‎ ‎2) The wall was built to _________________________________.(保护这条路不被海水冲毁).‎ ‎3) ---What caused the party to be put off? ‎ ‎---Tom’s __________________________(把请贴送晚了).‎ ‎4) Many people ________________________( 期望良好的工作条件) and more education for their children.‎ ‎5) ___________________________ (如果他决定做某事), nobody can stop him from doing so.‎ ‎6) The high quality of our shirts ______________________________ (使我们的衬衫不同于其它厂子生产的).‎ ‎7) 保护环境是每个公民的职责。‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________.‎ ‎8) 这一习俗可以追溯到几百年前。‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________.‎ ‎9) 他们的成功依赖于他们不懈的努力。‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________‎ ‎10) 语言难以描述出这景色的美丽。‎ ‎__________________________________________‎ ‎11) 这位年轻的医生致力于帮助穷人和病人。‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________‎ ‎12) If foreign aid dries up, the situation will be desperate. ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________. ‎ ‎13) It took me some time to digest what I had heard. ‎ ‎ _________________________________________________. ‎ ‎14) The real dignity of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has. ‎ ‎__________________________________________________________. ‎ 参考答案 一.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:‎ ‎1)in danger 2)dates back 3)deal with 4)in debt 5) depending on 6) is designed to 7)died down 8) dying out 9) makes a difference 10) difficulty…has 11) in the distance12) divided into 13 ) do; good 14) do;up 15) do with 16) wrong;done 17) dreamed of 18) dressed up19)was;drunk with 20)due to 21)To date 22)out of my depth 23)by design 24) is deaf to 25) in demand 二. 选用下列词的适当形式填空: ‎ ‎1) films 2) properly 3) divided 4) accept; sounds 5) danger; dangerous 6) rely on 7) depending on 8) resources 9) separated 10) fled 11) turns 三.翻译:‎ ‎1) deals with the present environmental pollution 2)defend the road from being washed away by the sea 3) delaying sending the invitations 4) desire better working conditions 5) If he is determined to do something6) made them different from those made by other factories ‎ ‎7) It is the duty of every citizen to protect our environment. 8) The custom dates from hundreds of years ago.9) Their success depends on their continuing effort. 10) Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.‎ ‎11) The young doctor devoted himself to helping the poor and the sick.‎ ‎12) 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。‎ ‎13) 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。‎ ‎14) 一个人的真正尊严在于他的品格,而非他的财富。‎

