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研究新高考词汇及作文复习模式,寻求英语教学新突破 ‎-----高考二轮研讨会发言稿 各位老师,大家好!‎ 我代表高考研究小组就二轮复习中如何加强词汇复习和写作指导方面,提出以下建议:‎ 在高三英语总复习中,词汇复习是重头戏。因为词汇是英语学习的基础,如果学生没有一定的词汇基础,对他们的听、说、读、写能力的培养就无从谈起。在一定程度上,词汇量决定着学生英语水平的高低。如何指导学生对词汇的有效复习,在高考中取得理想成绩这一问题一直困绕着高中英语老师。原因是词汇复习是一项烦琐的工作,不好操作, 费时费力,弄不好事倍功半。 但是如果词汇量少,势必影响着所有题目的得分,因此在二轮复习中指导学生科学的记忆单词仍是重中之重。新课标要求学生掌握的词汇量是3500个。3500个单词和短语的记忆对于不少高三学生来讲都是个巨大的难点。如果只是按传统的方式订一本词汇书,让学生去死记硬背这些单词,效果非常不理想。更糟糕的是巨大的畏难情绪会让许多学生在最后三个月的复习中彻底败下阵来。那么在二轮复习中, 我们该如何进行词汇的复习呢?‎ 第一部分:词汇的复习 一. 二轮词汇复习的原则 二轮复习讲究的是费时少,见效快。所以我们首先要充分研究考试说明和考试大纲,对词汇知识做到:点连成线,线组成面,面结成网,构架起较为完整的知识体系,使词汇知识系统化,条理化,科学化。作到练中求变,能力至上。二轮词汇复习的主线应该是词汇+阅读,因为词汇的巩固必须靠阅读去巩固,靠阅读去形成能力。方式就是运用多种方法,进行滚动式复习,坚持细水长流的原则。主材料是考纲词汇表,辅助材料是自编的各种资料。‎ ‎ 二轮复习中,我们首先要做到对词汇进行分类,可以把分为识记词汇和重点词汇。识记词汇只要认识即可,只要用于阅读。重点词汇要求学生必须掌握其用法,能在单选和写作中灵活运用。‎ 二. 二轮词汇复习的方法 高考语法和词汇知识的考查有以下几个明显的特点:‎ ‎ 1)强调动词,突出重点。‎ ‎ 2)语境仿真,讲究活用。高考语法和词汇知识题有很高的效度和区分度主要原因是高考题的语境真实,能有效地测试考生掌握词汇内涵和分析语境的能力。‎ ‎ 3)考点全面,分布合理。‎ ‎ 4)设题灵活,干扰加大。高考语法和词汇知识题中有相当数量的是根据学生的思维定势而设计的“陷阱题”,命题人主要通过增加句子的复杂程度、改变句子的正常结构、利用相似易混的句式结构等来设计干扰信息,误导学生的思维。‎ 基于高考题词汇题的这些出题特点,下列的方法是大家可以去尝试的:‎ ‎(一) 循环复习法 做好对词汇的筛选之后,可以把单词按一定的数量分成固定的几部分,让学生去记忆,分组的好处在于,学生感觉词汇较少,在心里上比较容易接受,这有助于记忆效率的提高。例如:根据考纲词汇我们按字母表的顺序编印了20个小的模块,每个模块都包括单词20个左右,词组15个左右,翻译句子10个。每天一个模块,学生感觉比较轻松,从检测的情况来看,学生任务完成得很好,词汇达标率很高。下面展示的是第一模块的内容:‎ 第1模块 ‎ ‎1. 单词互译: (已经对单词进行了分类)‎ ‎1) 放弃,遗弃,沉溺 2) 能力; 才能 ‎3)abstract 4) accelerate ‎5) 陪伴;陪同;伴随;附带 6) accumulate ‎7) acurate 8) n.完成;成就;伟绩 ‎9) acknowledge 10) 积极的;活跃的 ‎11) 实际的; 现实的; 实在的 12) admireable ‎13) adventure 14) 主张,提倡 ‎15) aggressive 16) alarm ‎17) 替换的; 供选择的 18) 业余的,业余爱好者 ‎19) ambiguious 20) 雄心;志气;野心 ‎2. 短语及词组: ‎ ‎1)首先; 首要 2) 缺课 ‎3) 全神贯注于某事 4)有机会接近 ‎5) 偶然;无意中 6) 把…考虑进去 ‎7) 指责/指控某人(做)某事 8) 习惯于; 经常 ‎9) 通过; 使…被理解 10) 担任;充当;扮演 ‎11) 采取行动 12) 适应于 ‎13)增加(添) 14)对…瘾; 对…入迷 ‎15) 被…录取入学/收留住院 16)在前头;预(事)先 ‎17).比…占优势;胜过… 18)建议别人做某事 ‎19)建议别人如何做 20) 不敢做 ‎21)容貌与年龄相符 22) 同意;与…一致; ‎ ‎23)比…高;优于; 超过 24) 瞄准;目的在于 ‎25)允许做某事 26) 考虑到;对…体谅 ‎3. 翻译句子: ‎ ‎1) 火非常快地在酒店里蔓延,但是那里的每个人都能够逃了出来。(be able to)‎ ‎2) 烟火给节日的夜晚增加了美丽。(add to)‎ ‎3) 我收到了他送的礼物,但是我不准备接受。(accept)‎ ‎4) 这本书是年轻读者容易懂的。 (accesible)‎ ‎5)要是考虑到这个事实,我认为他做得确实很好了。(account)‎ ‎6) 没有人能够不努力而有所成就。(achievement)‎ ‎7) 在农村现在许多人看不起病。(afford)‎ ‎8) 因为她怕出错,所以她不敢说英语。(afraid)‎ ‎9) 你认为雨将会影响足球比赛的结果吗?(affect)‎ ‎10) 他所说的话几乎没有价值。(almost)‎ 第2模块 ‎ ‎1. 单词英汉互译:‎ ‎ 1) 有趣的;可笑的 2) analyze ‎ 3) anecdote 4) ancient ‎ 5) annual 6) 焦虑,挂念,担心,渴望 ‎ 7) 明显的,表面上的;显然 8) appearance ‎ 9) applaud 10) 申请人,应征者 ‎ 11)article 12) n.途径; 方法v.靠近,接近 ‎ ‎ 13) arbitrary 14) 运动员 ‎ ‎ 15) 安排;布置; 处理 16) artificial ‎ 17) aspect 18) assistance ‎ 19) assume 20) atmosphere ‎ 21) attach 22) authentic ‎ 23) 观众;听众 24) authority ‎ 25) available 26) awkward ‎2. 短语及词组: ‎ ‎1) 为某事而生气 2) 发表声明;下通知 ‎ 3) 相继;顺次 4) 负责; 保证; 偿还 ‎5) 为…而忧虑或担心 6) 无论何处也不;根本不 ‎7) 除了…之外什么都是/行/可以; 绝不;根本不 8) 因某事向某人道歉 ‎ ‎9) 吸引;引起兴趣;求助于;申诉;上诉 10) 合某人的口味 (心意) ‎ ‎ 11) 填写…的申请表 12) 申请(希望获得的事物)‎ ‎13) 经/未经…的批准 14) 为某事和某人吵架 ‎ ‎15) 赞成,赞同;满意 16) 几乎;差不多 ‎ ‎17) 尽某人最大努力 18) 因…感到羞耻/惭愧 ‎19) (暂时)把…放在一边; 储蓄;保留 20) 与…有联系;与…联系在一起 ‎ ‎21) 试图做某事 22) 服侍;照料; 陪;随从 ‎ ‎23) 注意; 留心 24) 对…采取强硬的态度 ‎ ‎25) 通常 26) 知道;意识到 ‎3. 翻译句子: ‎ ‎ 1)想到我们已经浪费了不知多少时间,我便很懊恼。(annoy)‎ ‎2) 设想一下再过十年我们国家将是什么样子。(another)‎ ‎3) 这本书提供了一个学习外语的好方法。(approach)‎ ‎4) 史密斯是那样一种人,从表面上看很友好,但很难相处(appear)‎ ‎5) 你能帮我这个忙,我会很感激的.(appreciate)‎ ‎6) 恐怕你父母也不会同意你去那边。(afraid)‎ ‎7) 事故往往起因于粗心。(arise)‎ ‎8) 他一到达,就受到他们的热烈欢迎。(arrival)‎ ‎9) 尽管他还是个孩子,他就不得不自己谋生了。(as)‎ ‎10) 随着时间的推移,他开始意识到他本该好好学习的。(as)‎ 这两个模块复习的主要是字母A部分的单词。为了强化每个字母的复习,我们可以把里面较难的考纲词汇筛选出来,制作了22组词汇,主要是用于阅读的考纲词汇,让学生进一步识记。下面是第一组:‎ 第一组:‎ ‎1.accountant ‎2.abortion ‎3.accelerate ‎4.accuracy ‎ ‎5. acquaintance ‎6.accommodation ‎7.administration ‎8.adore ‎9. agenda ‎10.album ‎11.allergic ‎12.allocate ‎13.allowance ‎14.alphabetical ‎15.alcohol ‎ 巩固练习:‎ ‎1.The abortion of the plan shocked us.‎ ‎2.Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _______ .‎ A. income B. wages C. allowances ‎3.My _____ for today starts with cleaning the room.‎ ‎ A. agent B. agency C. agenda ‎4.______ by ticket only.‎ ‎ A. Admit B. Admission C. Permission ‎5.The Bush Administration is war-like.‎ ‎6.They ____ a certain amount of working experience ‎ through voluntary work.‎ ‎ A. accomplished B. attempted C. accumulated ‎7.I hope I will not be called on in class as I am not yet _____ prepared.‎ ‎ A. attentively B. actively C. readily D. adequately 第二组:‎ ‎1.amateur ‎2. ambulance ‎3. ancestor ‎ 4.anecdote ‎ 5.ankle ‎ 6.antique ‎ 7.appropriate ‎ 8.artificial ‎ 9.appendix ‎ 10.assessment ‎ 11.association ‎ 12.assumption ‎ 13.automatic ‎ 14.awesome ‎ 15.applicant 巩固练习:‎ ‎1.artificial rain ‎2.an antique shop ‎3.an automatic washing-machine ‎4.The use of water is becoming tense in north China and the government ______ that we should save water in our daily life.‎ ‎ A. advocates B. distributes C. adores D. declines ‎5.Can you tell me some ______ about Mark‎ ‎Twain?‎ ‎ A. antiques B. anecdotes C. ancestors ‎6.Let’s form a(n) ______ to help blind people.‎ ‎ A. assumption B. assessment C. association 这是第二遍复习,第三遍是英译汉练习,这一练习有两个目的,一个是帮助学生识记词汇,一个目的是练习阅读表达题的英译汉题。这一练习也是按字母表排列的。下面是字母A的20个英译汉句子。‎ A 1. My parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.‎ 2. The government should abolish income tax for the low-paid.‎ 3. He woke up abruptly as though someone had called his name.‎ 4. She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.‎ 5. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the aging process. ‎ 6. Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.‎ 7. I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.‎ 8. We have accomplished all we set out to do.‎ 9. Dust had accumulated during the week she was gone.‎ 10. Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior. ‎ 11. A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today’s competitive market.‎ 12. Our task is to decide the best way to allocate scarce resources.‎ 13. There was no alternative but to close the road until February.‎ 14. It had been my lifelong ambition to coach a leading team.‎ 15. There was a concert to mark the 10th anniversary of Mandela’s release from jail.‎ 16. An announcement made by the Ministry seemed to contradict this.‎ 17. Choose dialogues that are appropriate to your teaching situation.‎ 18. I’m supposed to submit the application for a loan before the end of the week.‎ 19. The rice crops this year is 10 percent above the average 20. Her adventures in Africa are exciting.‎ 第三遍是填词练习,仍然是按字母表顺序来排列的。以字母A为例。‎ 用词的适当形式填空 字母A access adapt account absent accuse abandon absorb acquaintance accustomed absolutely 1. He ________himself to despair.‎ 2. So _______was he that Nathalie hadn’t dared to make a sound.‎ 1. ‎____Do you think I should forgive him?‎ ‎_____ not.‎ 2. Many divorced fathers only have ____ to their children at weekends.‎ 3. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can’t _____ for his actions at all.‎ 4. I don’t think anyone can _____ me of not being frank.‎ 5. Of course I’m not ____ to associating with people like you.‎ 6. Most students have little difficulty _____ to college life.‎ adjust addicted agree addition acknowledge adequate age advantage adopt acquire 7. He is widely ___ to be the best player in the world.‎ 8. I don’t want the kids getting ____ to stupid TV programs.‎ 9. In ______to the twins, Jason has another child by his first wife.‎ 10. ‎______to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.‎ 11. The courts have been asked to ____a more flexible approach to young offenders.‎ 12. I took ______ of the good weather to paint the shed.‎ 13. The police are looking for a man _____ between 30 and 35.‎ 14. I don’t think the food here ____with me.‎ adore aim annoy alongside amount alike alive admit annual answer ‎ 15. She _____having driven the car without insurance.‎ 16. The visit was ________at expanding relations between the two countries.‎ 17. The twins are so ____ I can’t tell which is which.‎ 18. The game really came _____after 25 minutes when Rogers scored.‎ 19. Just at the moment another car drew up ____ ours.‎ 20. Two dates in nine years hardly _____ to an active social life.‎ 21. You have to ______for any errors in the calculations.‎ 22. He was _____by her apparent indifference.‎ apply appeal anything approve appreciate apart appointment approach anxiety 23. Unfortunately, our hosts were ____but friendly.‎ 24. The essay is good ____from a couple of spelling mistakes.‎ 25. The magazine is intended to ____ to working women in their 20s and 30s.‎ 26. The questions on this part of the form only ____ to married men.‎ 1. If you fail to keep the dentist’s ____ you’ll have to pay for it.‎ 2. I would ___- it if you would turn the music down.‎ 3. The school has decided to adopt a different ___ to discipline.‎ 4. She doesn’t want to take her new boyfriend home in case her parents don’t ___ of him.‎ available arise aware arm associate attach aside assumption arrange ashamed 5. Did anything interesting ____from the meeting?‎ 6. She came to the meeting___ with all the facts and figures to prove us wrong.‎ 7. Robbie‎ had ____ for this man to come whenever needed.‎ 8. They’ll have to put ____ their political differences and find a solution.‎ 9. His problems were ___with heavy drinking.‎ 10. They rented the old house on the ___ that the landlord would paint it.‎ 11. Most people are well _____ of the dangers of smoking.‎ 12. Both her parents ____ great importance to education.‎ 第四遍是熟词生义。今年高考题中仍然出现了对熟词生义的考查,所以在复习中挖掘考纲词汇中的熟词生义也是一个必做的内容。仍然以字母A为例。‎ 熟词生义系列系列练习1:‎ ‎1. absent He looked at me in an absent way. (茫然的,恍惚的)‎ ‎2. abuse She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she’s much abused at home.(虐待)‎ ‎3. accommodate This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. (容纳)‎ He accommodated me when I asked him for change.(准予,提供)‎ ‎4. ache He was aching for home. (渴望)‎ ‎5. act It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. (起作用)‎ ‎6. address It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. (向…发表演说,直接对…讲话)‎ ‎7. acknowledge He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. (对…打招呼)‎ ‎8. across The two roads cut across each other. (与…交叉)‎ ‎9. advance She asked for an advance on her salary. (预付款)‎ Share prices showed significant advances today. (增加)‎ ‎10. advise Please advise us of the arrival of the goods. (建议)‎ ‎11. against The picture looks nice against the white wall. (映衬)‎ ‎12. age Worry aged him rapidly. (使…变老)‎ ‎13. air Don’t air your troubles too often. (抒发,倾诉)‎ There was a comfortable air about her room. (样子,神态,气氛)‎ ‎14. alive The streets are alive with people. (充满)‎ ‎15. allow Your plan allows only 5 minutes for transferring. Can we manage? (为了…预计,估计)‎ ‎16. alone She alone was able to answer the question. (仅仅,只有)‎ ‎17. amount What you have said amounts to a plain refusal. (相当于)‎ ‎18. announce A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. (显示,预告)‎ ‎19. appreciate I appreciate that I may be wrong. (意识到)‎ This land has appreciated in value. (涨价,抬高…的价格)‎ ‎20. arrival All stood up to welcome the new arrival. (到达的人或物)‎ ‎21. attend The nurse attended to him day and night. (看护,治疗)‎ ‎22. arrest The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. (停止,阻止)‎ 经过这几遍的循环,学生对于正在复习的词汇可以真正做到想不掌握都难。‎ ‎(二) 模块复习法 运用模块复习法复习词汇是一个有效的方法,例如我们可以采用搭配联想法,形式联想法,词序联想法等把单词分成很多模块,模块中的内容具有某些相同点和内在联系。而且,高考题在设计时,题目中给出的四个选项往往也具有某方面的相似点,因此这种模块复习法对复习单词的好处是不言而喻的。例如:‎ 词汇模块一:(搭配联想法)‎ ‎◆如time的搭配短语考纲中出现的有:in no timeon timein timeat a timebehind the timesbehind timeat one timefor a timeat othe r timesat timesat all times ‎(高考题链接)If you keep on,you will succeed_____________.A.in time B.at one time C.on time D.at the same time ‎(高考题链接)Don't all speak at once!___________,please.A.Each at on time B.One by one time C.One for each time D.One at a time ‎◆常用的搭配活跃的介词、副词: 搭配活跃的介词、副词有:in,out,up,down,on,off,to,from,for,over,with等。复习时,我们要从不同动词、名词等与同一介词、副词搭配进行逐一过关。例如,考纲中on与名词搭配(注意冠词的取舍)主要有: on dutyon businesson fireon showon timeon strikeon watchon saleon earthon journeyon footon purposeon the wayon the contraryon one handon the righton the wholeon one's ownon one's sideon holiday/leavelater onfrom now/then onon account of ‎(高考题链接)We offered him our congratulations_______his passing the college entrance exams. A.at B.on C.for D.of ‎(高考题链接)A new school was___________in the village last year. A.held up B.set up C.sent up D.brought up ‎◆与介词to搭配的有 devote tolook forward tocontribute tobelong to object tobe opposed torefer toget ‎ used tobe accustomed toadapt to adjust tostick toget down topay attention to lead toturn to be addicted tobe abondaned toattached importance tdevote to prefer ..to 关于动词词组,大家都知道它们都是高考中的热点,常用的搭配活跃的动词有:look,take,make,give,get,have,go,do,turn,put,set,come等。如turn一词:turn onturn offturn upturn downturn inturn againstturn outturn away。按照主动词归类以后,结合高考题的出题特点还要对与动词搭配较活跃的介词构成的动词词组进行归类。例如:与on的搭配动词词组有: get onlive onfeed ontake onturn onlook onspy oncall ongo onhave ondepend onwait oncarry onhold oninsi st onplay tricks onfix onimpress on ‎(高考题链接)Would you mind__________your radio a little? A.turn off B.turning off C.to turn down D.turning down ‎(高考题链接)Readers can_______quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A.get over B.get out of C.get away D.get off 所以我们对于动词词组的复习,也把它们单独作为一个模块,我们一共归纳整理了28组模块练习,特别要指出的是,动词词组的复习一定要结合句子进行。‎ ‎28组动词短语模块系列练习1:‎ ‎1. add to add up to ‎ ‎(1)This of course ______our difficulties.‎ ‎(2)The figures ______360.‎ ‎(3)I don’t think these facts will _____ anything.‎ ‎(4)The music _____ our enjoyment of the film.‎ ‎2.break away from break inbreak off break into break down break out break up ‎ ‎(1)The thief ________ the police and ran into the woods.‎ ‎(2)Don’t ___________ while others are speaking.‎ ‎(3)Then the car I was in _________, so I had to walk home.‎ ‎(4)A house was ______________ between midnight and ‎4 a.m.‎ ‎(5)Excuse me for _____________ like this , said the headmaster.‎ ‎(6)We thought it was time to _________ the talk.‎ ‎(7)A big fire ___________ in the town last night.‎ ‎(8)After ten years of hard work, his health is__________.‎ ‎(9)The meeting __________ without result.‎ ‎(10)When does school___________?‎ ‎3. bring about bring down bring in bring out bring up bring back ‎ ‎(1)The wind _____ a lot of trees last night.‎ ‎(2)Xiao‎ ‎Li was ______ by his uncle in Shanghai.‎ ‎(3)How can we _____ the price?‎ ‎(4)This story ______ my unhappy childhood.‎ ‎(5)This _____ a change in the balance of force.‎ ‎(6)Farmers in the south have also ______ good crops.‎ ‎(7)Next month they will ________ a new edition of book.‎ ‎(8)Does anyone want to ____ anything further?‎ ‎4. call at call forcall in call off call on call outcall upcall up ‎(1)He was ______ right at the beginning of the war.‎ ‎(2)Doctors are often ______ in the middle of the night.‎ ‎(3)The sports meet was ______ on account of the rain.‎ ‎(4)The next day I went to ______ her again.‎ ‎(5)He insisted that we should _____ a specialist at this point.‎ ‎(6)The librarian has _____ all the books.‎ ‎(7)Please wait for me at home. I’ll _____ you at your house at seven tonight.‎ ‎(8)The train ______ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou.‎ 词汇模块二:(形式联想法): ‎ 例1:有无-ly的词:‎ widewidely,deepdeeply,highhighly,lowlowly ,closeclosely nearnearly,hardhardly,mostmostly,likelikely,deardearly,latelately,badbadly 例二:具有两种形式的易混动词 hang,hanged,hanged(绞死)hang,hung,hung(挂起)‎ light,lit,lit(点燃,作谓语)light,lighted,lighted(过去分词作形容词用时,意谓"燃烧着的",作定语)‎ drink,drank,drunk/drunken(喝,饮;过去分词作形容词同时,意谓"醉的",drunk多作表语,drunke n多作定语)‎ sink,sank,sunk/sunken(下沉;过去分词sunken作形容词用时,作定语)‎ bear,bore,born(出生)bear,bore,borne(结果;生育)The woman,who was born in 1940,has borne five children.‎ lie(撒谎), lied, lied, lying lie(躺,卧,位于),lay, lain, lying ‎(高考题链接)Do you know the boy___________under the big tree?‎ A.lay B.lain C.laying D.lying 词汇模块三:(用法联想法):‎ 例一:含"被动"意味的动词 sell,open,close,wash,teach,burn,measure,cut,lock,cost,read,write,tear,wear,pull, clean,add,cook,let(出租)等,它们表示主语的固有特征和状态,与行为方式状语连用时,要用主动形式表被动意义:‎ ‎(高考题链接)That suit_________over 60 dollars.‎ A.had costed B.costed C.is cost D.cost ‎(高考题链接)"Is this raincoat yours?""No,mine____there behind the door."‎ A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung 例二:既可作实义动词又可作系动词的词:‎ sound,smell,taste,get,become,turn,grow,come,fall,go,remain,look,appear,seem 例三:表示“计划去做而结果不一定能实现”的动词有intend,mean,hope,plan,expect,think,want,suppose 词汇模块四:(近义词联想法)‎ 经过一轮复习,基于学生的词汇积累,运用近义词法进行复习也是非常有效的。这一组词我们按意思整理了150个词汇。例如前10个是:‎ ‎1. His dictionary remained on his desk.(留下)‎ His dictionary was left on his desk.‎ ‎2. The school offers the teachers all kinds of teaching aids.(提供)‎ The school provides/ supplies the teachers with all kinds of teaching aids.‎ ‎3. It took him a long time to talk argue Mary out of teaming up with Lily.(说服…不要)‎ It took him a long time to persuade/ get round Mary not to team up with Lily.‎ ‎4. We all take pride in our great motherland. (以…为自豪)‎ We are all proud of our motherland.‎ ‎5. Although he was late for school, he escaped being punished.(逃避)‎ Although he was late for school, he got away with it /got off.‎ ‎6. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given outrun out?(用完)‎ What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has run out of/ been used up?‎ ‎7. The smell of the sea called up / brought back memories of my childhood. (使回忆起)‎ The smell of the sea reminded me of my childhood.‎ ‎8. He is clearly superior to all the other candidates.(优秀的)‎ He is clearly more excellent/ superb than all the other candidates.‎ ‎9. Though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university.(设法做成)‎ Though lacking money, his parents succeeded in sending him to university.‎ ‎10. Our efforts were finally rewarded.(报答)‎ Our efforts finally paid off.‎ 词汇模块五:(词序词联想法)‎ 词序不同,意思就不同: ‎ before longlong before,turn inin turn,hand inin hand,from farfar from,much tootoo much,if onlyonly if,all inin all,good forfor good ‎(高考题链接)It was__________late to catch a bus after the party,therefore we called a taxi. A.too very B.much too C.too much D.far 词汇模块六:(易混词词联想法)‎ 如:alivelive,asleepsleep,awakewake,alikelike,ariserise,awaitwait ‎(三) 背诵单选题法 为了让学生更好地理解和运用词汇,让学生提高复习效率,老师就要投入到茫茫题海中,去猎取有价值的东西,然后对这些东西进行精心编排。并指导学生从词汇入手,让学生去品味经典句子,在经典的单选题里去了解高考考点,从句子中体会词的含义和用法,找语言的规律。在晨读时让学生抽出一点时间去熟练地、正确地读出带有空白的句子或短文。如果长期坚持,用这种方法对提高学生的英语成绩非常有效。也可以让学生背诵或默写练习题中一些重点句子或短文,这样做可以增强学生的英语语感。所选的句子和短文一部分来自于近10年的高考题、地区调研试题和一些知名学校高考模拟试题,这些句子具有很好的语境,同时还具有较强的延伸性,也就是通过做一个词汇练习题,可以启发学生进行联想,扩展,比较,从而引导学生形成一个相对完整的知识网络。因此,这样就大大提高了学生的学习效率,从而也减轻了学生的学习负担。这样不仅保证了让学生“吃得好”,也就保证了让学生“吃得精”‎ ‎。对词汇的强化练习和对其他方面的练习要合理搭配,根据不同阶段分配好适当的时间。在一课时里既安排词汇练习,又安排其他方面的练习也是很好的,这样能更好地调动学生的各个感官参与教学活动,也就避免了课堂的单调和乏味。老师可以根据学生的实际情况加以调整。此外对词汇的复习一定要重落实、重鼓励 。对词汇复习不要留于形式,要落实到实处,对学生在复习中出现的问题要加以研究,对学生普遍存在的问题要及时加以处理。对学生取得的点滴成绩一定要给予鼓励。鼓励可以激发学生学习英语的热情,鼓励可以增强学生克服困难的决心。‎ ‎ 归纳复习之后,一定再配上高考考点及对应练习,提高学生的实际运用能力。词汇复习要着重理解记忆,明确用法,切不要孤立地死记硬背单词。复习时要做到词不离短语、词不离句,结合科学的练习方法,不要只停留在概念的记忆上,而要把记忆和使用结合起来: ‎ 另外,针对词汇的复习,还应设计相应的词汇选择题,以增强学生对词汇的甄别能力。词汇的复习决不能孤立地复习词汇,必须配以相应的阅读,在阅读中给学生补充高频词汇也是一个非常实用的做法,如果从一开始就坚持在阅读中给学生补充词汇,逐渐的你就会发现,学生对于我们补充的这类词汇很感兴趣,而且记忆效果非常好。此外还可以结合阅读的考查点对词汇进行归类。只有这样,才能实现词汇复习的真正目的,以培养学生的能力。例如:高考阅读中考查作者态度的词汇就可以进行归类:‎ Favorablesupportive defensive objection /oppositionworried ‎ affection(affectionate)approval(disapproval)indifferent pitying factual humorous critical rational decisive optimistic pessimisticimpartial objective optimistic positive subjective critical negative opposite/opposing prejudiced pessimistic sarcastic impersonal neutral ‎ ‎ 第二部分:写作的复习 对于写作词汇的处理。这一类词汇我们必须要求学生会准确地拼写,会准确的运用。‎ 对于写作词汇我们可以可以采用的方法有:‎ 一. 翻译句子 在二轮复习中,设计翻译的原则是句式要稍微复杂一些,而且要结合一轮复习中学生出错的主要句式,主要词汇进行设计。还有句子尽量与高考写作题贴近。对于翻译句子,设计了两组翻译句子,每组大约有200个,前200句注重核心词汇的使用,后200句注重写作语境方面的翻译。‎ 下面是前200个句子中的例子。‎ ‎1.我多么希望能在2010年上海世博会上当志愿者。(wish) 2。‎ 许多中国人认为刘翔是民族英雄,是中国人民杰出的代表。(regard) 3。我们要尽快地找出事故的原因,而不是坐在这儿等。(rather than) 4。中国政府强烈反对美国向台湾出售先进的武器。(against) 5。在日木几乎每个人都知道在地震发生时该怎么办。(occur) 6。我认为能否实现理想主要靠努力而不是机遇。(not…but) 7。显然两国之间的频繁交流增强了友谊。(obvious) 8。他们决定组织一次演出来为失学儿童筹款。(raise) 9。我觉得很有必要记住一些代代相传的谚语。(memorize) 10。听说这次展出的几款汽车相当畅销。(on display)‎ 后200个句子举例:‎ 1. 随着工业的快速发展,我们用的资源越多,为将来剩下的越少。‎ 2. 学校里这些严重的问题的确应给予更多的关注。‎ 3. 首先,让我们对尊敬的客人亚历山大先生表示热烈的欢迎。‎ 4. 在她离开之前,请让我代表全体同学深深地鞠上一躬来表达我们的感激之情。‎ 5. 据我所知,课下学习很有必要和很重要的。‎ 6. 因此没有必要担心我们传统文化的消失。‎ 7. 如今,很多人认为上大学是通往美好未来的唯一出路,但在我看来,大学教育是很重要但 并不是必须的。正如一个著名的俗语所说,条条大路同罗马。‎ 一. 写作必备单词与词组 英语中的词组很多很多,但真正用于写作的并不多。因此,认真归纳写作中高频词组也是一个不错的方法。例如下列的词组词组要求学生必须会写。下面展示的就是以字母A开头的词组:‎ 1. above all 2. add up to ‎ 3. advise sb. to do sth 4. after all 5. all of a sudden 6. apart from 7. argue with sb. About sth.‎ 8. as a matter of fact 9. as a result 10. as a whole 11. at any price 12. at one time 13. at present 14. at the latest 15. at the mercy of 16. at the price of 17. be active in 18. be angry with sb. At sth.‎ 19. be anxious about 单词:写作词汇的复习可以归纳易拼错的常用词,过拼写关。例如下列单词就是学生很容易出错的词汇:‎ quarrel,immerdiately,camera,umbrella,envelope,develop,popular,republic ,public,appreciate,pronunciation 三. 写作练习的方法 二轮复习中的写作训练,建议采用两种方法,一种是根据话题写作,一种是根据文体进行写作训练。‎ 1. 通过话题写作 通过话题进行写作,可以使学生积累大量的相关词汇,开阔写作的思路。‎ 例如:老年人话题作文 在进行这一话题的写作时,可以给学生提供常用的词汇和句式,再结合具体的要求进行写作,讲评时和学生一起归纳整理范文中和学生习作中优秀的句子,让学生彻底把握这一话题的写作。‎ Some words and sentences for this topic:‎ birth control ‎ if possible ‎ encourage ‎ care for ‎ organize ‎ the aged/ the old/ the senior citizen ‎ an ageing society ‎ physical and mental health ‎ enjoy their rest life ‎ If possible, it is better to spend more time staying with them. ‎ Luckily more attention has been paid to the problem.‎ As a result of birth control and improvement in medical care, China is becoming an ageing society, which leads to a social problem. ‎ ‎ To solve the problem, all the people should do their duties.‎ Families should care for the aged. They should spare time to see them at times. If possible, it is better to spend more time staying with them. ‎ ‎ The community should organize more activities designed to improve their physical and mental health. ‎ The aged are encouraged to share programs such as music, painting. gardening, reading or telling stories. They will feel useful and needed. ‎ The government should build a perfect system, on which every senior citizen can have access to living a happy life More old folks’ homes should be built, where the aged can enjoy their rest life.‎ In a world where the number of old is increasing, we need as much understanding and tolerance as possible.‎ ‎ Luckily more attention has been paid to the problem. Perhaps getting old won’t be such a depressing thing in the near future.‎ 还有很多其它的话题,例如:‎ 关于校园文明与安全问题 ‎ School rules and regulations(学校规章制度),obey(遵守), observe(遵守), keep/observe discipline(遵守纪律), behave well(表现良好),be neatly dressed(穿戴整洁), respect one’s teachers and parents(尊敬师长), be on time(准时), keep the environment clean(保持环境干净), civilized(文明的) break the rules(违反规章制度), discipline(纪律), spit(吐痰), throw rubbish everywhere(乱扔垃圾), cheat in the exam(考试作弊), get in line (插队), fight with sb.(与…打架), punish sb. for (因…处罚某人)等。‎ The students are told not to break any of the rules of the school. ‎ 学校要求学生不要违反任何规章制度。The students are expected to … ‎ 学校期望学生…。It must be made clear that the students should … ‎ 必须明确的一点是,学生应该…。 … is of no good to a friendly and harmonious society. ‎ ‎…对创建友好和谐的社会是毫无益处的。It is honorable to obey the principles and rules of our school.‎ 遵守学校的规章制度是光荣的。It is worthy of praise to ... ‎ ‎…是值得表扬的。It is shameful to … ‎ ‎…是可耻的。What we should do is that … ‎ 我们应该做的事情是… ‎ 1. 根据文体写作 根据文体进行写作,有两个目的,一个是让学生熟悉这类文体的写作模式,另一方面在进行写作时要注重解决学生出现的主要问题,最好各个击破,每次只解决一两个问题,效果最佳。下面以漫画 图表为例:‎ 最近有关机构对我市高三年级学生的生活习惯和健康状况进行了抽样调查,部分项目的调查结果如下图所示。请你简要说明图中的信息并就图中反映出来的主要问题提出自己的看法和建议。开头已给出。‎ 注意:1.词数:120---150左右(不包括已给出部分);‎ ‎2.参考词汇。节食 go on a diet 睡懒觉 oversleep 这类作文因为数据较多,学生最易出现的是句式重复问题。‎ 因此要和学生一起总结归纳百分比表达方式:‎ ‎◆直接表达法:‎ ‎30%的男生喜欢在网上看新闻。‎ ‎1)30% of the boys like reading news on the Internet.‎ ‎2)About 3 boys out of in ten like reading news on the Internet.‎ ‎3) Reading news on the Internet attracts 30% of the boys.‎ ‎◆定于状语表达法 令我们感到吃惊的是,许多女生痴迷于网上聊天.‎ ‎1)To our surprise, a large number of girls are crazy about chatting online , about 35%.‎ ‎ making up accounting for35%.‎ ‎ which makes up accounts for 35%.‎ ‎ with the percentage of 35%. ‎ ‎◆主语+百分比法 ‎ 用网络玩游戏的学生的百分比高达40%‎ And the percentage of the boys who use the Internet to play games is up to 40%.‎ ‎◆对比法:‎ 与女孩相比,把网络看成是聊天工具的男生要少得多,只有10%.‎ ‎1)Compared with to girls , the boys who regard the Internet ‎ as a chatting tool are much fewer , only 10%.‎ ‎2) Compared with to girls , the percentage of boys who ‎ regard the Internet as a chatting tool is much lower ,‎ ‎ only 10%.‎ ‎◆相等 至于学习,男孩和女孩在网上获取学习信息的数目是相等的.‎ ‎1)As forto study , the number of boys and girls who get ‎ ‎ information about study online is equal.‎ ‎2) As forto study , the number of boys who get ‎ ‎ information about study online is equal to that of the girls.‎ 还要和学生一起总结这类作文的框架结构和分段技巧。‎ 图表式作文写作分四段式:‎ Paragraph1:描叙提供的背景材料,得出初步结论(总结句)According to the chart , the purposes of boys and girls who surf the Internet vary greatly.‎ Paragraph2:分析数据间的主要差异及趋势, 以支持主题,要注意句式变化,避免句式重复,并要注意过渡。‎ 开头的主题句:‎ ‎(1)As can be seen from the chart,…(2)As is apparently shown in the chart,…(3)The graphcharttable showsindicates representsreveals that about 60%of the …‎ 表示变化和过渡的词汇:‎ ‎1)reduce, increase, decrease2)on the increasedeclinerise ‎3)on the contrary, compared to/ with..., in contrast towith , ‎ ‎4)The most striking contrast lies in… 5)As for …‎ Paragraph3:分析图表所表明现象的危害或。。。的重要性 Paragraph4: 阐明解决这个问题的措施 ‎(1)So it’s time to take positive and effective measures to …‎ ‎(2)So much attention should be paid to …‎ 最后要给出这类作文应该注意的问题。‎ 写英语图表作文要注意的几个问题:‎ ‎◆不要把所有的数据进行描述(尤其数据较多时)。抓典型,就典型数字说明原因及关系.‎ ‎◆寻找重点数据,例如最高值,最大,最小,最低值;学会看趋势、找规律、从整体看图表有何发展变化。‎ ‎◆把数据分类:在归类的过程中往往需要考生运用常识对表格的信息进行分类。‎ ‎◆适当的运用描叙图表的规范语.‎ 在二轮复习中,我们只要肯动脑,多钻研,就一定会摸索出更好的复习方法。我代表高考研究小组预祝各校在二轮复习中取得满意成绩 ‎ 谢谢大家!‎

