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人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 3 Unit 3 Travel journal Warming Up and Reading Where did you spend your National Day holidays? Do you like traveling ? The world is like a book, if you stay at home instead of traveling, it means that you just stare at ( 盯着 )one page of a book.      Where do I want to travel ? I dream about traveling …… The Great Wall He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 The Yellow Mountain Guilin in southern China, provides one of China’s most extraordinary views. Do you like traveling ? Why? Or why not? Travel Why do you travel? A dvantages: When I feel tired, traveling can help me _____ When I feel nervous , it can help me ________ When I am tired of my daily life, it can help me ____________a new life. When I feel lonely, it can help me ______new friends. At the same time, I can also ______delicious food and ____ _____ ___ nature. relaxed calm down experience make taste get close to Travelling widens our view, increases our knowledge, and builds our bodies. 旅游可使我们开阔视野 , 增长知识 , 锻炼体魄。 Attention 1. Because there are so many beautiful places around us. We should love our hometown, love our country and love our nature. 2. We must pay attention: Don’t throw away waste; Don’t park your bike or car in the wrong parking lot; Don’t make a fire freely; Don’t feed animal; Protect animals and plants; Do as the guide tells you do; …. Why don’t you travel? Disadvantages: A waste of time and money Make me tired and exhausted May be dangerous Too many people If you have a chance to travel, which means of transportation will you use? on foot by bike by bus by train by ship/sea by plane/air When you decide which kind of transport, you should consider the following things: cost ( 花费 ) pollution ( 污染 ) safety ( 安全 ) coziness ( 舒适 ) speed ( 速度 ) convenience ( 方便 ) What kind of transport do you prefer to use? Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the form. Transport Advantages Disadvantages Bus Train Ship Airplane Fare // Time //Comfort // View …. cheap/expensive; fast/ slow; safe/ unsafe comfortable/ uncomfortable; enjoy the view or not… Transport Advantages Disadvantages Bus Train Ship plane 1 safe 2 efficient for short journeys 1 slow 2 uncomfortable 1 cheaper 2 safe 3. fast 4. Enjoy the view uncomfortable 1 enjoy the sea view 2 provides meals and accommodation 1 more expensive 2 not convenient 3. seasick 1 fast 2 efficient 3 provides meals 1. too expensive 2. unsafe 3. can’t enjoy the view Things to take Tent Map Water bottle Umbrella Camera Flashlight Cash/ Credit card Medicine All in all, we have to take different things for different destinations! Here are some famous rivers in China. Do you know their names? Which river is the longest river in China. Chang Jiang River The Yangtze River Which river is called our mother river ? The Yellow River The world has many great rivers. Can you name the following? The great rivers in the world Names of river Location Nile ( 尼罗河 ) Mississippi ( 密西西比河 ) Thames ( 泰晤士河 ) Amazon ( 亚马逊河 ) Seine ( 塞纳河 ) USA England Egypt France Brazil ( 巴西 ) Journey Down The Mekong Reading How much do you know about Mekong Lan Cang River The Mekong River Can you list the countries that the Mekong flows through? The Mekong River is called _____________ in China. It goes through ____________ _____, _________, _________, _________ and pours into the ________________. Lancang River Myanmar Laos Thailand Cambodia Vietnam South China Sea 湄公河 湄公河( Mekong River ),干流全长 4908 公里, 是亚洲最重要的跨国水系,世界第十长河流; 主源为扎曲,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州 杂多县。流经中国、老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔 寨和越南,于越南胡志明市流入南海。流域除 中国和缅甸外,均为湄公河委员会成员国。 湄公河上游在中国境内,称为澜沧江,长 2157.8 公里在中国境外称作湄公河,长 2750.2 公里。 下游三角洲在越南境内,越南称之为九龙江。 Journey down the Mekong Reading Part 1 The dream and the plan Skimming ( First-Reading ) S kimm ing to get the main idea The text mainly tells us about_____________________ of Wang Kun and Wang Wei and how they will cycle along the _____________. the dream and the plan Mekong River * Skimming Match the main idea with each paragraph Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 A. The preparation before the trip and details about Mekong river B. Different attitudes between wang kun and wang wei C. Deciding to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river Scan the text and then choose the best answer. 1 . When did they get the chance to take a bike trip? ______ A. During middle school B. After graduating from middle school C. During college time D. After graduating from college Scanning 2 . What does Wang Kun think of her sister? A . Foolish and stubborn.        B . Foolish but determined. C . Stubborn but determined. D . Unkind and stubborn. 3 . What did they do before the trip? A . They had a very good rest. B . They talked with their parents about it. C . They were full of fear. D . They had prepared well for it. 4 . Why is it difficult to breathe in Qinghai Province? Because of the cold weather B . Because of the low attitude C. Because of the high altitude D. Because fo the rivers 5 . From the text, we know that ____. A. Their trip was successful because of their preparations B. They knew very well about te Mekong River before C. Their trip would be very difficult but interesting D. They enjoyed themselves very much Who and What Wang Kun and ____ _______ Wang Wei are dreaming about _____________________. his sister taking a great bike trip Paragraph 1: Dream Careful reading Where and How They have the idea to ____ _____ the Mekong River from ______ it ______ to _____ it _____. cycle along where begins where ends Careful reading Paragraph 2: A stubborn sister She the source of the river and begin their journey there. she has , nothing can change it. insisted that they find Once made up her mind Careful reading What can they see during the journey? It begins in a ____________ on_______ __________________. glacier( 冰川 ) a mountain Paragraph 3: Preparation Careful reading in Qinghai Province Then, it ______ quickly. It becomes ______ as it passes through deep ______. moves rapids valleys Careful reading Sometimes, the river becomes a ________ and enters ____ ______. wide valleys waterfall Careful reading After, It travels slowly through __________ to _____________. low valleys plains( 平原 ) Careful reading At last, the river _____ enters the South China Sea. delta delta 三角洲 Careful reading Discussion Could you use some words or phrases to describe the characteristics of Wang Wei and Wang Kun? 性格 Wang Wei: stubborn, confident, organized, imaginative, risk—taking Wang kun: enthusiastic, critical, sensible, thoughtful A Summary Wang Kun and Wang Wei have _________ about taking a great bike trip. when they __________ from college. They _______ to _____ along the Mekong River with their ________. Wang Wei is very _________. Once she is __________ to do something she will never _______ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she ________ that they find the ________ of the river and begin their journey there. dreamed graduated decided cycle cousins stubborn determined change insisted source Thank you for attention!

