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初三英语模拟试题 满分 100 分 姓名_____________ 分数____________ I. 单项选择(共 10 小题,满分 10 分)从 A、B、C 三个选项中,选择最佳选项填空。 ( )1. Jack is _____ 8-year-old boy who likes playing the guitar. A. a B. an C. the ( )2. This is ______ room. It’s very bright. A. Tom’s and Tim’s B. Tom’s and Tim C. Tom and Tim’s ( )3. You can’t imagine _____ exciting news it is! A. how B. what C. what a ( )4. Do you know _______? A. when Jackie Chan was born B. when was Jackie Chan born C. when did Jackie Chan born ( )5. —Where is your father, Bruce? —He _____ Shanghai. He’ll be back in 3 days. A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to ( )6. The girl was made _____ her brother’s clothes. A. to wash B. wash C. washing ( )7. There _____ a speech contest next Monday. A. will have B. are C. will be ( )8. —What’s the date today? —It’s June ______, 2015. A. seventeen B. the seventeen C. the seventeenth ( )9. —Is this your schoolbag? —No, it isn’t. ______ is in my desk. A. My B. Mine C. Me ( )10. —Mr. Black goes to work by car every day. —_________. A. So does Mr. Green B. So Mr. Green does C. So is Mr. Green II、完型填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案 填空。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分) I don’t like to stay at home on holidays. Last summer, my family took a 1 to Hongkong. It 2 an interesting trip. We went there by plane, because we wanted to get there quickly. We 3 there at about eleven o’clock and we had lunch there. We ate the sea food. It was delicious. The weather was sunny and 4 , so we swam in the sea. There were 5 people on the beach. Disneyland is the place that I like best there, so we 6 visited the Disneyland. It is a 7 place. We stayed in Hongkong 8 a week. We took many photos and bought lots of souvenirs. And then, we went home 9 . We just 10 a good time. I enjoyed the trip. It was really a fantastic trip. ( )1. A. travel B. trip C. trips ( )2. A. was B. is C. were ( )3. A. arrived B. arrived in C. arrived at ( )4. A. cool B. hot C. cloudy ( )5. A. many B. much C. large ( )6. A. also B. too C. either ( )7. A. wonderful B. beauty C. terrible ( )8. A. of B. for C. at ( )9. A. sad B. happy C. happily ( )10. A. had B. took C. stayed III.阅读技能(五部分,共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,计 40 分) A Welcome to Longhui Huayao Village. It lies at the eastern foot of Xuefeng Mountain. It’s about 110 kilometers away from County Seat (县政府所在地) of Longhui. It’s an old village in the hills with a lot of beautiful waterfalls, trees and interesting rocks. Tourists are interested in not only the nature beauty of the village but also the culture of Huayao People. Huayao People are a special group of Yao People. They are famous for their special clothes which are as colorful as flowers. There are many interesting things in Huayao culture, such as wedding custom (婚俗), Tao-nian-bai Festival (讨念拜节) and so on. I hope that more and more people can visit the village and know more about our special cultures. ( )1.Longhui Huayao village lies _________. A. at the eastern foot of Xuefeng Mountain B. at the southern foot of Xuefeng Mountain C. at the western foot of Xuefeng Mountain ( )2. There are _____ in the village. A. many beautiful waterfalls, trees and interesting rocks B. few waterfalls, flowers and interesting rocks C. a lot of beautiful flowers, waterfalls and trees ( )3. Huayao People are a special group of _______ People. A. Miao B. Yao C. Hui B A thirsty crow (乌鸦) comes across(偶然遇到) a bottle of water, but the water level is out of its reach. The bird then drops some stones into it and gets the water. “It’s just a story,” you may think. But new research has found that crows’ brains may sometimes be better than those of 6-year-old children. In a recent experiment, American scientist Corina Logan and her team caught six crows to test them. The crows and children had to choose between two sets of tubes(试管). They had to drop stones in and get water. With the red set, when they dropped a stone into a wide lube, the water level raised in a connected narrow tube. The blue set of tubes, however, had no connection between them. Children aged 7 to 10 were able learn the rule. Children aged 4-6, however, failed. Five of the six crows failed the test. But Kitty, a 6-month-old crow, passed it. She put most of the stones into the red tubes. So, could a bird be more clever than a kindergartner? Don’t be too quick to say no. ( )1. The first paragraph is ______ about crows. A. a piece of news B. a story C. a truth ( )2. ______ failed the test? A. Kitty B. Children aged 7 to 10 C. Children aged 4 to 6 ( )3. From the text, we know crows’ brains may ______ be better than those of 6-year-old children. A. sometimes B. always C. never ( )4.How many crows did the team do the experiment on? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 C Are you a good helper in the kitchen? Flynn McGarry, from the US, does more than that. The 15-year-old boy began cooking at the age of ten. And now he has his own restaurant. McGarry practiced his cookery skills after school. He taught himself from books and the internet. The boy really loves cooking. In his room, there are no video games but cooking tools. He turned his room into an experimental kitchen called Club Eureka. Today, many famous people pay around $ 160 per person to eat in McGarry’s Club Eureka. The New York Times magazine described his food as “creative”. As for the future, McGarry wants to open a Michelin-Starred restaurant. He hopes to make it one of the world’s 50 Best and “maybe top 5”. ( )1. When did McGarry begin to learn cooking? A. When he was five. B. When he was ten. C. When he was fifteen. ( )2. Who taught McGarry cookery skills? A. His parents. B. His teachers. C. He himself. ( )3. Why did McGarry learn cooking? A. Because he loves cooking. B. Because he wanted to make money. C. Because his parents asked him to learn cooking. ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true about Club Eureka? A. McGarry is the owner. B. McGarry is the cook. C. The food is free. D Fun in the Carribbean from the Big Apple With us you can sail(航海) right from New York City on a vacation in the Eastern Carribbean. Our 8-day cruise visits San Juan, St. John and Virgin Gorda. With cruises from April to October, you have lots of opportunities to sail, swim, sightsee and shop in lots of wonderful places. Plus we offer an exclusive(独家的) 6-day cruise from New York City to Bermuda. Ready for an unforgettable vacation? Let the fun begin. ( )1. A cruise means a trip mainly ______. A. by plane B. by ship C. on foot ( )2. The cruise will start from ______. A. New York City B. Bermuda C. St. John ( )3. During the cruise, you can do the following EXCEPT ______. A. swimming B. shopping C. skating ( )4. If you want to visit Bermuda, you can take ______. A. the 6-day cruise B. the 8-day cruise C. the 7-month cruise E 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分) Do you know the TV play Mother Tiger and Father Cat? It is an interesting play. The little girl Qianqian is only seven years old. She is in Grade One. Her mother wants her to study hard. She takes her daughter to all kinds of after-school classes, such as math, piano and swimming. She doesn’t let Qianqian go to the zoo or the amusement park. In a word, she keeps her daughter studying all the time. But Qianqian’s father thinks happiness is more important than study. He usually plays with her. Sometimes, he even does homework for her. Who do you like better, Mother Tiger or Father Cat? Do you think who is right? If you want to be happy and get good grades in your study, what would you do? 1. What is Mother Tiger and Father Cat? _________________________________________ 2. What grade is Qianqian in? ___________________________________________________ 3. What does Qianqian’s mother want her to do? _______________________________________ 4. In Qianqian’s father’s opioion, what is more important? _____________________________ 5. Are your parents like Qianqian’s mother or father? ___________________________________ IV. 写作技能 (五个部分,计 40 分) 第一节 阅读下面的短文,然后根据所给单词或固定搭配,写出所缺英语单词的正确形式。(共 5 个小题,每小题 1 分) When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting. Paris (1) ____ (sound)like a city that I could enjoy. There are a lot (2)_____ art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist. So how am I going to do it?(3)______(One), I’m going to find a part-time job and save some money. Then I’m going to (4)_____(be)a student at an art school in Paris. Second, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and a big house for my (5)_______(parent). I also want to travel all over the world. 第二节 根据上下文补全对话,所给选项有两项多余。(共 5 个小题,每小题 1 分) A: What can I do for you, Sir? B: ( 1)_______________ A: For yourself? These are all for young people, ( 2 ) _______________ B:I like the blue one. A: (3 )______________ B: Thank you. (4 ) ____________ A: One hundred yuan. B: Oh, it costs too much, A: ( 5)________________It is cheaper. It is only fifty yuan. B:OK. I'll take it. Thank you. A. I want to buy a hat for myself. B. How much is it? C. What colour do you want? D. What about this one? E: What size do you want? F. OK. Here you are. G. It' s beautiful, isn't it? 第三节.用正确的形式抄写下列一段话(5 分) Summer vacation is coming. After such a long-time study, they decide to relax themselves. First they are going to play computer games and see some exciting movies together. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第四节.英汉互译 阅读短文,将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语或英语。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分) As teenagers, we should always keep ourselves safe. How can we keep safe? Here is some advice. ▲1. We must pay attention to the importance of food safety. When we buy food, we should read the instructions and dates carefully. 2. 请保持食品的干净和新鲜。We’d better eat less junk food. ▲3. We must follow the traffic rules. Please don’t run or play in the street. It’s very dangerous. ▲4. In summer, we mustn’t swim alone in the river. We need our parents to go with us. If we are in danger, we must keep calm and call the police for help. ▲5. 保持安全对于我们来说很重要。Hope all of us can protect ourselves well. 1._____________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________________________________ 5._____________________________________________________________________ 第五节 情景作文(计 15 分) 梦想是人的翅膀,有了它,我们才能飞翔。在某学校初三(一)班:有的同学想成为 教师,有的想成为警察,有的想成为电影明星,有的只想做一个快 快乐乐的普通人……假如你是该班学生,请你以“Our Dreams”为题, 用英语为你们的校报写一篇短文,报告此次调查结果,并谈谈你自 己的梦想。 注意: 1、文章中请勿使用真实校名和姓名; 2、内容应包含表格中的要点并可适当发挥; 3、词数:80 左右; 4、文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 name age dream ways to make dreams come true Li Xia 14 a teacher study hard… Lei Peng 16 a policeman do sports every day… Su Juan 15 a movie star take acting lessons… I … … … Our Dreams Last week, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ I. 单项选择 1-5 BCBAA 6-10 ACCBA II、完型填空 1-5 BAABA 6-10 AABCA III.阅读技能 A) 1-3 AAB B) 1-4 BCAB C) 1-4 BCAC D)1-4 BACA E) 1. It’s a TV play. 2. She is in Grade One. 3. She wants her to study hard. 4. Happiness. 5. Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. IV. 写作技能 第一节 1. sounds 2. of 3. First 4. be 5. parents 第二节 1-5 ACFBD 第三节 略 第四节 1. 我们必需注意食品安全的重要性。 2. Please keep food clean and fresh. 3. 我们必需遵守交通规则。 4. 在夏季,我们禁止独自在河里游泳。 5. It’s important for us to keep safe.

