人教精通版英语四上《I’m tall》(Lesson 36)课时训练

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人教精通版英语四上《I’m tall》(Lesson 36)课时训练

Lesson36 课时训练 一、写出下列单词的反义词。 1. new __________ 2. long __________ 3. big __________ 4. fat __________ 5. tall __________ 6. strong __________ 二、我是小小翻译家。 (1) I’m tall. You’re short. A. 看我的长耳朵。 (2) Look at my long ears. B. 我高。你矮。 (3) I’m strong. You’re thin. C. 我来了! (4) We look like the same. D. 我强壮。你瘦。 (5) I’m coming! E. 我们看上去一样。 三、从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。 A. Who’s the baby? B. looks very tall C. Who’s this man? D. looks very beautiful E. Who’s this woman? F. It’s me. A: Hi, Bob. This is my family photo. B: (1)________ A: He’s my father. He (2)________. B: (3)________ A: She’s my mother. She (4)________. B: (5)________ A: Ha, ha! (6)________ 四、连词成句。 1. Look, my, at, sweater, new (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. The, strong, is, elephant, very (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. A, monkey, long, has, tail, a (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. strong, How, I, am (!) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. New, Year, Happy (!) _____________________________________________________________________ 五、阅读短文,选出正确的答案。 Jenny is eleven years old. She’s from the UK. She lives in Beijing now, because (因为) her parents work here. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She looks very thin. She likes dancing. Peter is twelve years old. He’s from Canada. He is very tall and strong. He has a big nose. He likes playing football very much. He wants to be a football player in the future. ( ) (1) Where does Jenny live now? A. The UK. B. Beijing. ( ) (2) What’s Jenny’s hobby(爱好)? A. Dancing. B. Playing football. ( ) (3) Where does peter come from? A. The UK. B. Canada. ( ) (4) Peter has a ________ nose and he’s very________. A. small; thin B. big; strong 参考答案 一、 1. old 2. short 3. small 4. thin 5. short 6. weak 二、 (1)-(5) BADEC 三、 (1)-(6) CBEDAF 四、 1. Look at my new sweater. 2. The elephant is very strong. 3. A monkey has a long tail. 4. How I am strong! 5. Happy New Year! 五、 (1)-(4) BABB

