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四年级英语上册期末测试卷 ‎ 班级 姓名 得分 ‎ 一、 按书写要求抄写下面的句型!(10分)‎ ‎1)I have a bedroom and a living room.‎ ‎2)How many people are there in your family?‎ ‎ ‎ 二、找出不同类的单词(5分)‎ ‎(  )1.A. horse   B.sheep C. teacher ‎(  )2.A. three B. tiger C. thrity   ‎ ‎(  )3.A. chair B. desk C. see ‎( )4.A. milk B. bread C. dinner ‎ ( )5. A. festival B. Christmas C. Birthday ‎ 三、单项选择 (5分)‎ ‎( )1. How much is seventeen and twenty?‎ ‎ A. 37    B. 27     C. 17‎ ‎( )2.Do you like hamburgers?‎ ‎ A. Yes,I don’t B. No,I do C. Yes,I do ‎( )3.-- What’s you name? -- __________________‎ ‎ A. My name is Amy. B. His name is John. C. Her name is Amy.‎ ‎( )4.What class are you in ?‎ A.Grade 1,Class 5   B. Class 1,Grade 5 C. class1,grade5‎ ‎( )5. what is the time?‎ ‎ A. Yes, I do B.It’s 7:00 C. It’s fine.‎ 四、 为下列短语或句子选择合适的汉语意思。(20分)‎ ‎( )1.Merry Christmas?‎ A.新年快乐! B.圣诞快乐!‎ ‎( )2.Have breakfast.‎ A.吃早饭 B.吃晚饭 ‎( )3.Thank you!‎ A.你好 B.谢谢 ‎( )4. a red shoes A.一双红色的鞋子 B.一双绿色的鞋子 ‎( )5.Go to bed A.睡觉 B.起床 五、找出相应的答语。(12分)‎ ‎ ( )1.How do you spend the Spring Festival ? A. Milk,cake and eggs.‎ ‎( )2.What presents do you want? B.Yes, I do.‎ ‎( )3.What’s for breakfast ? C. It’s 9 o’clock.‎ ‎( )4.Do you like apples? D.We make dumplings ‎( )5.Merry Christmas! E. Merry Christmas! ‎ ‎( )6.What’s the time? F. I want a robot. ‎ 六、选择字母组合把单词填完整(24分)‎ ‎ ee ea oo ar ‎1.br d 2.sch l 3.tr 4.ice cr m ‎5.b f 6.c d 7.n dles 8.p k 七、将图意相符的单词抄在四线格上。(24分)‎ classroom library blackboard chair tiger cow forty thirteen ‎ ‎ ‎40‎ ‎13‎ ‎ ‎

