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加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练 Ⅰ.完形填空 Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age of five with her family. While __1__ her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(n) __2__ in medicine. At 18 she married and __3__ a family. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a __4__. Her husband supported her decision.‎ ‎__5__, Canadian medical schools did not __6__ women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United States to study __7__ at the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to __8__ her medical degree.‎ Upon graduation, Charlotte __9__ to Montreal and set up a private __10__. Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she was once again a __11__ doctor. Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps. Charlotte __12__ herself operating on damaged limbs and setting __13__ bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.‎ But Charlotte had been practising without a licence. She had __14__ a doctor's licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was __15__. The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an allmale board, wanted her to __16__ her studies at a Canadian medical college! Charlotte refused to __17__ her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. So in 1887, she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to __18__a licence to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte __19__ to practise without a licence until 1912. She died four years later at the age of 73.‎ In 1993, 77 years after her __20__, a medical licence was issued to Charlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Charlotte Whitehead的生平事迹,尤其是她在行医方面做出的贡献。‎ ‎1.A.raising        B.teaching C.nursing D.missing ‎ 解析:选C 联系空后的“her ill elder sister”可知,Charlotte Whitehead在“护理(nursing)”生病的姐姐。‎ ‎2.A.habit B.interest C.opinion D.voice 解析:选B 联系4空前的关键信息“she wanted to be a ...”(她想成为一名……)以及后来Charlotte Whitehead从事医学行业可知,此处指Charlotte Whitehead对医学有“兴趣(interest)”。‎ ‎3.A.invented B.selected C.offered D.started 解析:选D 结婚后自然就“建立(start)”了家庭。‎ ‎4.A.doctor B.musician C.lawyer D.physicist 解析:选A 全文多次出现medical, doctor,尤其是联系5空后的“medical schools”可知,Charlotte Whitehead决定做一名“医生(doctor)”。‎ ‎5.A.Besides B.Unfortunately C.Otherwise D.Eventually 解析:选B 联系6空前的“did not”可知,Charlotte Whitehead那时没有实现自己的愿望,因此这里表达的是“不幸的是(unfortunately)”。‎ ‎6.A.hire B.entertain C.trust D.accept 解析:选D 7空前后提到Charlotte Whitehead去了美国学医,由此可知,加拿大的医学院不“接受(accept)”女学生。‎ ‎7.A.history B.physics C.medicine D.law 解析:选C 联系8空后的“medical degree”可知,Charlotte Whitehead学习的是“医学(medicine)”。‎ ‎8.A.improve B.save C.design D.earn 解析:选D 联系9空前的“Upon graduation”(毕业后)可知,Charlotte Whitehead“获得(earn)”了医学学位。‎ ‎9.A.returned B.escaped C.spread D.wandered 解析:选A 联系第一段第一句可知Charlotte Whitehead随家人搬到了Montreal,而在这里Charlotte Whitehead因为无法学医才去了美国,所以学业有成后,她应该是“返回(return)”了Montreal。‎ ‎10.A.school B.museum C.clinic D.lab 解析:选C 联系前文Charlotte Whitehead毕业了,再根据11空前后的“once again a ... doctor”(再次成为一名……医生)可知回到Montreal之后,Charlotte Whitehead开了一家私人“诊所(clinic)”,自己做了医生。‎ ‎11.A.busy B.wealthy ‎ C.greedy D.lucky 解析:选A 联系11空后的“Many of her patients”可知,Charlotte Whitehead非常“繁忙(busy)”。‎ ‎12.A.helped B.found C.troubled D.imagined 解析:选B 因为前文提到了Charlotte Whitehead非常繁忙,所以此处用固定结构find oneself doing sth.来强调“Charlotte Whitehead发觉自己一直忙于……”的语境。‎ ‎13.A.harmful B.tired C.broken D.weak 解析:选C 因为Charlotte Whitehead是位医生,所以病人肯定是“骨折(broken)”了需要复位才去找她。‎ ‎14.A.put away B.taken over C.turned in D.applied for 解析:选D 联系14空前的“without a licence”可知,Charlotte Whitehead要想合法行医必须“申请(apply for)”医师执照。‎ ‎15.A.punished B.refused C.blamed D.fired 解析:选B 联系18空后的“too, refused”可知,此处是指Charlotte Whitehead申请医师执照被“拒绝(refuse)”了。‎ ‎16.A.display B.change C.preview D.complete 解析:选D 联系17空后的“studying what she already knew”可知,此处是the Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons想让她“完成(complete)”她的研究。其余三项不符合语境。‎ ‎17.A.leave B.charge C.test D.cure 解析:选A 联系前文提到Charlotte Whitehead非常繁忙可推知,此处她拒绝学习的理由是她不愿意“离开(leave)”她的病人。‎ ‎18.A.sell B.donate C.issue D.show 解析:选C 联系20空后的“was issued to Charlotte”可推知,此处是Charlotte Whitehead恳请“发给(issue)”她一个执照。‎ ‎19.A.continued B.promised C.pretended D.dreamed 解析:选A 因为申请执照被拒绝了,所以Charlotte Whitehead只能“继续(continue)”无证行医。‎ ‎20.A.birth B.death C.wedding D.graduation 解析:选B 根据时间状语In 1993可以推算出,“她被发给医师执照”发生在1916年后的第77年,再联系倒数第二段的最后两句“...until 1912. She died four years later ...”可以推算出1916年正是她“去世(death)”的那一年。‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎19yearold Danny Bowman once spent 10 hours a day taking selfies (自拍). Now the British teen is speaking out against the real dangers of selfie addiction.‎ His addiction started at age 15 and quickly went out of control, leading him to attempt to kill himself due to anxiety that he couldn't take the perfect selfie.‎ ‎“I was constantly in search of taking the perfect selfie and when I realised I couldn't, I wanted to die,” he tells Daily Mirror about his 200 selfiesaday addiction. “The only thing I cared about was having my phone with me so I could satisfy the desire to take a picture of myself at any time of the day.”‎ His mother sought help, which eventually led to him being diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (强迫症).‎ ‎“I lost my friends, my education, my health and almost my life,” Bowman explains.‎ At Bowman's worst, he would cut class three times an hour to take a selfie, and eventually dropped out of school at age 16, at which point his health started to fall apart. “I would limit myself to an apple and a bowl of rice a day in a bid to be thinner and improve my skin,” he says.‎ He didn't leave his house for six months due to anxiety about how he looked.‎ Selfie addiction is a phenomenon that increasing numbers of mental health professionals are recognizing. “Danny's case is particularly extreme,” says Dr. David Veal. “It's a mental health one which can lead to serious problems.”‎ Bowman is believed to be Britain's first case and now receives regular treatment to help him deal with his technology addiction. “I think this kind of thing can happen to anyone, for me it showed itself in selfies; it could be something different for someone else,” he says.‎ ‎1.What caused Danny Bowman's anxiety?‎ A.His selfie addiction.‎ B.His dropping out of school.‎ C.His staying indoors too long.‎ D.His lack of interest in study.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。分析文章第二段可知,Bowman的一切问题,包括焦虑和有自杀倾向都是由迷恋自拍而引起的。‎ ‎2.What happened at Bowman's worst?‎ A.His schooling was badly affected.‎ B.He took his phone wherever he went.‎ C.He had no interest in food.‎ D.He asked friends for advice.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第四段的第一句可知,在最糟糕的时候,Bowman会一小时逃课三次去玩自拍,最后16岁的时候他辍学了。由此可推知,他的学校教育受到了严重的影响。故选A。‎ ‎3.What does Dr. David Veal think of selfie addiction?‎ A.It has no real dangers.‎ B.It can be easily controlled.‎ C.It can cause serious problems.‎ D.It will disappear itself.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。分析文章倒数第二段的最后一句可知,这位医生认为,迷恋自拍是一种精神问题,会导致严重的后果。‎ ‎4.What Bowman says in the last paragraph suggests that ________.‎ A.technology addiction rarely happens B.technology addiction cannot affect everyone C.one can easily get rid of technology addiction D.technology addiction appears in different forms 解析:选D 推理判断题。分析文章最后一段的最后一句可知,Bowman认为,科技上瘾可能发生在任何人身上,但表现形式不尽相同。故选D项。‎ 加餐练(二) 第Ⅱ卷规范增分练 Ⅰ.语法填空 Chinese scientist wins Nobel Prize for malaria treatment The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou was awarded half of the 2015 Nobel Prize for discovering artemisinin (青蒿素), a drug that has __1__ (significant) reduced the mortality rate for patients __2__ (suffer) from malaria. Irishborn Campbell and Japanese Omura were awarded the __3__ half of the prize for discovering a new drug, avermectin (阿维菌素).‎ Despite rapid progress in controlling malaria __4__ the past decade, the mosquitoborne disease still kills more than half a million people a year, the vast majority of whom are babies and young children in the __5__ (poor) parts of Africa.‎ Tu Youyou based her discovery on Chinese __6__ (tradition) herbal medicine (草药). Her initial discovery dates back about forty years ago, when she was in an emergent military project directly __7__ (order) by Chairman Mao to develop an efficient antimalaria drug. After a number of __8__ (fail), Tu Youyou finally extracted the artemisinin, __9__ has gone on to save millions of lives throughout the world.‎ This devoted scientist, now 85, however, doesn't stop her medical exploration. She is now continuing her study in artemisinin in her lab in China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing __10__ (develop) a more efficient cure to help the world completely beat malaria.‎ 答案:1.significantly 2.suffering 3.other 4.in ‎5.poorest 6.traditional 7.ordered 8.failures 9.which ‎10.to develop Ⅱ.应用文写作 请根据下表中的内容写一篇80词左右的短文。‎ 姓名 杨振宁 性别 男 国籍 美籍华人 出生地 安徽 出生日期 ‎1922年10月1日 职业 物理学家 教育背景 清华大学研究生;美国芝加哥大学博士 简介 ‎1950年在美国结婚,婚后有两子一女,均在美国安家立业 ‎1957年和李政道一起获得诺贝尔物理学奖 ‎1998年起任清华大学教授 ‎2003年底从美国回国并定居清华园,在清华大学教授物理 获得多种荣誉,是许多大学的荣誉教授 注意:1.所写短文应包括所有要点,不可逐字翻译;‎ ‎2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Yang Zhenning, a Chinese American physicist,________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考范文:‎ Yang Zhenning, a Chinese American physicist, was born on October 1, 1922, in Anhui Province in China. After receiving his master's degree in Tsinghua University, he got his doctor's degree in America's Chicago University. He got married in 1950 and has two sons and a daughter, all of whom have built their homes in America. In 1957, he and his partner Li Zhengdao won the Nobel Prize for Physics.‎ Yang has been invited to be a professor in Tsinghua University since 1998. In the end of 2003, he returned to homeland from America and settled down in the university, beginning his teaching in Tsinghua. In all his life, he has been given lots of honours and titled as the honoured professor for many universities.‎

