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Unit 2 Lesson 8‎ 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1。巩固有关运动的词汇,学会询问他人或回答出自己擅长的体育运动基础上项目。‎ ‎2。提高学生的听说读写能力,培养学生对体育的爱好。‎ 二、重点:‎ Be (not be )good at ‎ 三、难点:‎ Go 与play 与哪些词搭配使用。‎ Sometimes与often的使用 四、教学过程:‎ 一、Review ‎1.new words about sports and games ‎2.Sing a chant and write p13/c /上半部 二、Introduction:‎ T: “I often go jogging, I’m good at it .” (saying while acting)‎ ‎“Do you often go jogging?”‎ S: “Yes , I do.”‎ 三、Teaching new contents:‎ ‎1.T: “If you often go jogging and are good at it, please speak and act after me.”‎ ‎2.Ask a S to teach his /her classmates.‎ ‎3.Show different cards and ask Ss to make sentences: “I often..”. “I’m good at it.” Stress “often” and “be good at it”.‎ ‎4.T: “Do you often…?”‎ S: “Yes, I often…I’m good at it.”‎ T: makes an example dialogue with a student, then asks Ss to make dialogues in pairs.‎ ‎5.T: “I sometimes play tennis, but I’m not good at it.”(saying while ‎ acting)‎ Stress “not be good at..” and ask Ss to guess the meaning of “sometimes” and repeat it.‎ ‎6.Ask Ss to make sentences:‎ ‎“I sometimes…, but I’m not good at it.”‎ ‎7.Ask Ss to listen to a dialogue and make dialogues according to it ‎ ‎8.Ask Ss to write c/下半部分 ‎9。Ask a student to look, listen and stick.‎ ‎10.Ask Ss to say sth about their classmates.‎ Sb often play /goes..‎ He/She is good at it.‎ Sb sometimes plays/goes.., but he /she is not good at it.‎ 六、Summary:‎ ‎1. be good at it ‎ ‎2.the dialogue about it 七。板书:‎ Do you often go jogging?‎ Yes, I often go jogging. I’m good at it .‎ Do you play tennis?‎ Yes, I sometimes play tennis, but I’m not good at it.‎

