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‎2018届人教版必修2一轮复习:Unit 4Wildlife protection 单元教案 Teaching aims:‎ ‎1. Topic ‎ ‎ Wildlife protection: the importance of wildlife protection, ways to protect wild plants and animals.‎ ‎2. Useful words and expressions:‎ ‎ wild wildlife protection enemy loss reserve area hunt zone peace fur stomach apply suggest thick rub mosquito insect contain powerful drug affect attention whale bite effect butterfly dust recently fierce unkind lazy ‎ as a result die out in peace in danger ‎ protect… from pay attention to come into being ‎3. Functional items:‎ ‎ I. Intentions and purpose I’m going to do…‎ ‎ I feel like doing. I would rather not…‎ ‎ I intend/ mean/ plan to do… I’d like to do…‎ ‎ I will do… I’m ready to do….‎ ‎ II. Apologies I’m so sorry that..‎ ‎ I’m afraid that …. Thank you very much but..‎ ‎ It’s a shame that … It was very nice of you but…‎ ‎4. Structures ‎ The present continuous passive voice Animals are being hunted and killed.‎ The environment is being destroyed.‎ Teaching procedures Period 1. Speaking and listening Step 1. Leading in ‎ ‎ 1. Show Ss a video about some animals in danger.‎ ‎ 2. Show Ss some picture of some rare animals in China.‎ Step 2. Warming up ‎ 1. Ss read the passage quickly and find out:‎ ‎ Why did so many wild animals die out?‎ ‎ 2. Ss talk about the form on page 25 and then discuss the following questions in pairs.‎ ‎ 1). What other endangered species do you know?‎ ‎ 2). Why are they in danger of disappearing?‎ ‎ 3). Do you know any wildlife that has disappeared?‎ Step 3. Listening and talking (page 62)‎ ‎ 1. Ss look through the questions on page 62, and then listen to the tape.‎ ‎ 2. First listening: Ss listen and grasp the key words and get the main idea.‎ ‎ 3. Second listening: Ss listen and answer the questions.‎ ‎ 4. Third listening: Ss listen and write down the main idea of the passage.‎ ‎ 5. Talking: Ss read the topics on page 62 and discuss in pairs. While they are talking, try to use the following sentences:‎ ‎ I’m so sorry that… I’m afraid that…‎ ‎ Thank you very much but… I hate to have to say this but…‎ ‎ The problem is…. It was very nice of you but…‎ ‎ It’s a shame that … Why didn’t you tell me that..?‎ Step 4 .Homework ‎ ‎1. Collect as much information about endangered wildlife as possible.‎ ‎2. Preview the next part—reading ‎ Period 2. Reading Step 1. Revision ‎ Ask: ‎ What do you think of wildlife protection today?‎ ‎ What’s the passage about? Have you previewed it?‎ Step 2. Pre-reading ‎ Ss in groups discuss the following questions:‎ ‎ 1. Why should you worry about this?‎ ‎ 2. What do you think we should do to protect wildlife?‎ Step 3. Reading ‎ ‎ 1. Scanning: ‎ Ss read the passage quickly to get the main idea and complete the table on page 27.‎ ‎ 2. Intensive reading: ‎ Ss read the passage again and answer the questions on page 27.‎ Step 4. Explanation ‎ ‎ 1. as a result of 2. die out 3. rise (v) 4. affect 5. prevent …from ‎ 6. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.‎ ‎ 7. In three years they may all be gone!‎ ‎ 8. But what an experience!‎ Step 5 .Homework ‎ ‎ 1. Recite the key sentences in the text.‎ ‎ 2. Write a summary of the text.‎ Period 3. Extensive reading Step 1 . Revision ‎ ‎ Ss completer the summary of the text.‎ ‎ One day, Daisy _____ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ______ to _____ with an _______ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their_____ which can be used to make ______ like hers. In three years they may all be ______ . Later, she _____ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an ______ and got to know the farmers there no longer ______ them. That’s because the _______ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of ______ . At last she _____ at the thick rain _____ where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no ____ and no ____.” Although finally everything was _____, she had _____ so much!‎ Answers:‎ ‎ dreamed, chair, talk, antelope, fur, sweaters, gone, flew, elephant, hunted, government, money, arrived, forest, animals , drugs, gone, learned Step 2. Pre-reading ‎ ‎ 1. Ss talk about what they know about the animals.‎ ‎ 2. Ss read the passage and get the main idea.‎ Step 3. Reading (page 30)‎ ‎ 1. Check Ss’ answer.‎ ‎ The main idea is species and the reasons for dinosaurs’ dying out.‎ ‎ 2. Ss read again and find out answers to the following questions:‎ ‎ 1). When did the dinosaurs live?‎ ‎ 2). What’s the rare new species dinosaur?‎ ‎ 3). Why did the dinosaur die out?‎ Step 4. Reading task (page 65)‎ ‎ 1. Ss read the passage on page 65 and try to collect information for research into Milu deer.‎ ‎ 2. Ss discuss the information collected with their partner and then check them with the whole class.‎ Step 5 .Homework ‎ ‎ Describe dinosaurs and Milu deer in your own words.‎ Period 4. Learning about language Step 1. Revision ‎ ‎ Ss try to say something about dinosaurs and Milu deer in their own words.‎ Step 2. Practicing the useful words and expressions ‎ 1. Ss finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 28.‎ ‎ 2. Check the answers with the whole class and talk about the important phrases.‎ ‎ 1). apply for sth. /apply to do sth ‎ 2). Bite-bit-bitten ‎ 3). Have an good/bad/no effect on …= affect ‎ 4). Pay attention to : “to” is a prep. Here.‎ Step 3. Structure learning: the present continuous passive voice ‎ 1. Ss read the following sentences and try to find the rules ‎ 1). Out fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.‎ ‎ 2). The environment is being destroyed.‎ ‎2. Ss finish Ex 2 on page 29.‎ ‎3. Play a game.‎ Step 4. Practicing (page 63)‎ ‎ 1. Ss finish Ex 1 and 2.‎ ‎ 2. Check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step 5. Using structures ‎ ‎ 1. Ss do Ex 1 on page 64 and pay attention to the structures of the present continuous passive voice.‎ ‎ 2. Tell Ss to remember the following expressions;‎ ‎ …is under repair = …is being repaired ‎ …is under discussion=…is being discussed Step 6.Homework ‎ ‎ 1. Review what they have learnt about the present continuous passive voice.‎ ‎ 2. Finish Wb Ex 2 on page 64.‎ Period 5. Using language Step 1. Revision ‎ ‎ Check Ss’ homework.‎ Step 2. Listening (page 30)‎ ‎ 1. Ss listen to the tape about a disappearing animal. Go through Ex 1 before listening.‎ ‎ 2. Play the tape again and check the answers.‎ Step 3.Speaking (page 31)‎ ‎ 1. Ss talk in pairs about what they can do to help the lovely dodo.‎ ‎ 2. Ss try to use the following expressions while they talk:‎ Intention ‎ Purpose I’m going to …‎ Help the dodo I intend/mean/plan to …‎ Hide it in a cave I will..‎ Trap man as he kills a dodo.‎ I feel like…‎ ‎ Attacking man myself I’d like to …‎ Put man in a cave I’m ready to …‎ ‎ Teach man how to be friends I would rather not tell you…‎ ‎ What I think of man Step 4. Writing ‎ Ss write the letter independently.‎ Some writing tips:‎ ‎ 1. Collect your idea for the letter. Write an outline of your ways to help it.‎ ‎ 2. Decide the intention and the purpose of each of your ways.‎ ‎ 3. Begin your letter with your address and the solution. Then write the ways as the body of the letter.‎ ‎ 4. Finish the letter with your best wished and your signature.‎ Homework ‎ ‎ Sum up what you have learnt in this unit.‎ Period 6. Integrating skills Step 1. Revision ‎ ‎ Review what they have learnt in this unit.‎ Step 2. Listening (page 66)‎ ‎ Ss listen to three letters and see if they can help to answer them. While listening, fill in the boxed on page 66.‎ Step 3. Speaking ‎ ‎ Work in pairs and try to talk about what advice you might give to one of the three writers.‎ ‎ Tips:‎ ‎ 1. Look through the three problems and decide which one to answer.‎ ‎ 2. Write notes of your idea.‎ ‎ 3. Give reasons for your idea.‎ ‎ 4. Talk about them with your partners and then share your opinions with the whole class.‎ Step 4. Writing (page 67)‎ ‎ Ss write down their ideas in the form of a letter. Make each idea into one paragraph. And then exchange the letters with their partners to check.‎ Step 5. Project (page 67)‎ ‎ 1. Ask the Ss to read the directions.‎ ‎ 2. Direct the Ss to prepare a project. ‎ ‎ As a student, what will you do to improve the environment?‎ Step 6 .Homework ‎ ‎ Finish the project on page 67.‎ New words ‎1. decrease vt/vi 变小,减少 eg: a) The population of the village has decreased to/by 500 .‎ ‎ (该村的人口减少到500人/ 减少了500人。)‎ increase/ decrease/ reduce to /by ‎ to 表示增加到或减少到 ,by 表示增加了或减少了.‎ 反意:increase 同意:reduce ‎ ‎2. die out 指(动物植物)的灭绝,(风俗,习惯等的)逐渐消失;(火,光等的)逐渐熄灭。‎ eg: a) This kind of bird is dying out .‎ ‎(这种鸟快要灭绝了。)‎ b) The fire is dying out .you had better add some firewood .‎ ‎(火快灭了,你最好添些柴火。)‎ c) That custom died out years ago . ‎ ‎(那种风俗习惯许多年前就消失了。)‎ 拓展:die away 指声音,风,光逐渐消失。‎ ‎ die off 指一群生物相继死去。‎ die down 指物质特性或情感逐渐平息。‎ ‎ die out 家族,种族,灭绝,死绝或做法、观念完全消失,绝迹。‎ die of /from 因……而死 die for 为……而死 ‎ Practice :‎ a) The poor man died of/from cold and hunger .‎ b) Soon his excitement died down and he realized how difficult the journey would be.‎ c) The members of the family died off for a strange reason .‎ d) He died for his country. ‎ ‎(他为国捐躯了。)‎ ‎3.hunt vt/vi ‎ eg : He likes hunting very much .‎ 常见短语:‎ go hunting 去狩猎 ‎ hunt for 搜索 = look for = search for = be in search of ‎ hunt for a job 找工作 hunt for fame / money 追求名誉/金钱 ‎4. in peace 和平地,安静地,和睦地 peace n .安静、平静、和平、太平 peaceful adj . peacefully adv .‎ at peace 处于和平状态 eg : a) Do not disturb her .Just leave her in peace for a while .‎ ‎ (别打扰她,让她平静一会儿。)‎ ‎ b) The two nations used to be at war with each other , but now they are at peace .‎ ‎ (这两国一度交战,但现在它们和平共处。)‎ ‎5. in danger (of) (作定语或表语) 处于危险状况,在危险中,指句子主语或所修饰的人或物受到威胁 eg . a) He was in danger of losing his life .‎ ‎ (他有生命危险。)‎ b) He realized that he was in danger . ‎ ‎(他意识到自己处境危险。)‎ ‎▲ out of danger 脱离危险 eg: He has been very ill ,but he is now out of danger .‎ 拓展 :dangerous adj .危险的 (指给别人造成危害或危险)‎ endanger vt 危害,使受到危险 endangered adj .濒危的 ‎ eg a).He is dangerous . / The bridge is dangerous .‎ b).He is in danger . ‎ Practice ‎ ‎ endanger dangerous in danger out of danger ‎ eg : a) Do not touch the tiger ,it is dangerous .‎ b) . Smoking endangers your health . ‎ ‎(吸烟危害你的健康。)‎ c) . When she came to hospital, she was in danger ,but now she is out of danger .‎ ‎6. in relief 如释重负,松了口气 relief n. (焦虑,恐惧,痛苦的)减轻,缓解,宽慰,减轻痛苦的事物。‎ eg : a) The doctor’s treatment gave some relief .‎ ‎(医生的治疗稍使病情减轻。)‎ b) To my great relief ,the difficulties were all overcome .‎ ‎(使我大为欣慰,困难全都克服了。)‎ ‎7. burst into + n ‎ burst out + doing ‎ eg : At the news she burst into tears .‎ At the news she burst out crying .‎ ‎(听到这个消息她突然哭了起来。)‎ ‎8. protect …from ‎ protect vt 保护、保卫、防御 eg : The soldiers are fighting to protect their country .‎ ‎(士兵们为保卫祖国而英勇作战。)‎ ‎ protect…from / against 挡住、保护…使不受 eg : An umbrella will protect you from the rain. ‎ ‎(雨伞可以保护你不至于淋雨。)‎ 容易混淆的词:prevent 防止、阻止 ‎ prevent…(from)doing sth ‎ ‎ = stop…(from)doing sth ‎ ‎ = keep…from doing sth 阻止…… 做某事 eg: The heavy rain kept su from arriving on time.‎ ‎ The heavy rain stopped us (from) arriving on time.‎ ‎ The heavy rain prevented (from) arriving on time.‎ ‎ ( 大雨使我们不能按时到达。)‎ ‎ eg: For some reason the bridge was prevented from being built.‎ ‎ (由于某种原因,这座桥被停建了。)‎ ‎9. contain 包含、含有、容纳、容忍 eg: a) Sea water contains salt .‎ b) The hall can contain 500 people.‎ c) She could hardly contain herself for joy.(控制,遏制)‎ ‎(她高兴得不能自控。)‎ 词汇辨析:contain/ include ‎ ‎ contain 指作为组成部分而被“包含或容纳”在内,即某物容纳在比其更大的东西之内。表示包含的内容或成份。‎ ‎ include 指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,表示整体包含部分。‎ eg: The price includes the tax. ‎ ‎(这个价格包括税金在内。)‎ 其句型常为:‎ ‎ “句子+ including + 被包括部分”‎ ‎ “句子+ 被包括部分 + included ”‎ eg: a) The whole class went to plant trees, including the teacher. ‎ ‎ b) The whole class went to plant trees, the teacher included.‎ ‎ (全班,包括老师在内,都去植树了。)‎ ‎10. affect v. 影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭 ‎ eg: a) The change in climate may affect your health . ‎ ‎(气候的变化可能影响你的健康。)‎ ‎ b) Cancer has affected his lungs.‎ ‎(癌症已侵袭他的肺部)‎ d) The story affected us deeply. ‎ ‎(这个故事深深地打动了我们)‎ ‎▲effect n. 影响、效果、作用 have an effect on = affect ‎ ‎ Government policy will not affect us. ‎ ‎= Government policy will not have an effect on us. ‎ ‎(政府的政策不会对我们有任何影响。)‎ ‎11. pay attention to to 是介词。‎ 类似:lead to ,be devoted to ,adapt to ,look forward to ‎ eg: a) Please pay attention to your behavior in public. ‎ ‎12. appreciate vt 感激,意识到,鉴赏 ,欣赏 ‎ Appreciate + n /doing /that –clause ‎ eg: a) I appreciated your help . ‎ ‎(我感谢你的帮忙。)=I thank you for helping me .‎ ‎ b) I do not think you appreciate the danger of this job.‎ ‎ (我认为你没有意识到这工作的危险性。)‎ ‎ c) I really appreciate having time to relax.‎ ‎ (我实在喜欢有时间放松一下。)‎ ‎▲注意:‎ a) appreciate it +从句 感谢……类似:like / hate + it +从句 eg: I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour .‎ ‎(若是你肯帮我忙,我会非常感激。)‎ ‎13. succeed vi/vt 成功 继承 接替 success n . successful adj. successfully adv.‎ eg :a) The experiment has succeeded . (实验成功了。)‎ ‎ b) Storm was succeeded by calm. ‎ ‎(暴风雨之后是一切宁静)‎ 搭配:succeed in sth /doing sth 在…中获得成功 ‎ succeed to sth 继承某物 eg: a) He did not succeed in his first lecture .‎ ‎(他第一次讲课没有成功。)‎ ‎ b) He succeeded in( passing) the entrance exam. ‎ ‎(他成功地通过了升学考试。)‎ ‎ c) He succeeded to the property. (他继承了财产。)‎ success n. 成功 (不可数,成功;可数指成功的人或事)‎ eg: a) Failure is Mother of success . ‎ ‎(失败是成功之母。)‎ ‎ b) He is a success. (他是一个成功人士。)‎ ‎14.employ 雇用 同hire 反fire ‎ eg : He was employed by the company .‎ 常用搭配:employ oneself in 从事… 忙于…‎ ‎ be employed in从事… 忙于…‎ eg :a) He employed himself in writing .‎ ‎(他忙于写作。)‎ b) How do you employ your spare time?‎ ‎(你怎么利用你的业余时间?)‎ c) He is employed in a bank.‎ ‎(他在一家银行任职)‎ 派生:employee n.受雇者,雇员,雇工 ‎ employer n.老板,雇主 ‎ employment n.雇用,工作 eg: He has been out of employment for a long time .‎ ‎ (他已经好长时间没有工作了)‎ ‎15.come into being形成,产生,开始存在 无被动,无进行 ‎ eg: a) No one know how such a custom came into being .‎ ‎(没有人知道这种风俗是如何形成的.)‎ ‎ b) We don’t know when the world came into being.‎ ‎(我们不知道世界是何时开始存在的。)‎ 类似:come into effect 开始生效 ‎ come into fashion 开始流行 ‎ come into power 开始执政 ‎ come into sight 进入视野 ‎16.according to +n ①根据,据说 ②依照 eg: a) According to the radio ,it will rain tomorrow .‎ ‎(据电台广播,明天有雨。)‎ ‎ b) According to my watch, it is 4 o’clock.‎ ‎(我表上是四点。)‎ ‎ c) I’ll do it according to your instructions.‎ ‎(我会照你的指示做。)‎ ‎17. harm n /vt 损害,危害 do harm to 对……有害 harmful be harmful to 对……有害 eg: a) Everybody knows smoking harms our health.(v)‎ b) What he said harmed our feeling very much ‎ c) What he said did a lot of harm to our feeling .‎ Reading ‎ 1. Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.‎ 黛西一直都渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动植物。‎ ‎① long 渴望,热望 long for = look forward + n /doing 渴望……‎ long to do sth 渴望做某事 eg : a) We are all longing for peace . ‎ ‎ 我们都渴望和平。 ‎ b) He longs to see her again. ‎ ‎ 他渴望再见到她。‎ c) We longed for the summer to be over soon. ‎ 我们盼望夏天赶快结束。‎ ‎② endangered 过去分词做形容词 2. One day she woke up and found a flying carpet by her bed.‎ 一天她醒来,发现床边有一块飞毯。‎ ① wake up 醒来 wake sb up 叫醒,弄醒某人 ‎ eg: a) I wake up at 5 every morning.‎ ‎(我每天5点醒来。)‎ ‎ b) She’s asleep but I’ll wake her up in a minute. ‎ ‎(她睡着了,不过我马上会叫醒她。)‎ ‎3. Daisy responded immediately.‎ ‎① respond vt/vi 回答,作答,做出反应 (reply)‎ respond to a question 答复问题 eg :He responded to my suggestion with a laugh. ‎ ‎(他对我的建议报以大笑。)‎ ‎② response n 反应,回答 (make no response to 对…没有反应)‎ ‎ eg : He made no response to my question . ‎ ‎(他没有回答我的问题。)‎ ‎4. “I’d like to see some endangered wildlife,” she said, ”Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.”‎ ‎(我想去看看一些濒危动植物。请带我到一个遥远的地方,在哪儿我能够找到为做这件毛衣而提供毛绒的那种动物。)‎ a) 句子结构 第二句直接引语中:where引导的定语从句修饰land ,在该定语从句中含有一个有that引导的定语从句,修饰the animals .‎ ‎5. Daisy turned around and found that she was being watched by an elephant.‎ ‎①was being watched by 现在进行时被动语态 ‎②turn around /round 转身,转回身 eg : The little girl turned around and ran to her mother .‎ ‎ (小女孩转身跑向她的母亲。)‎ He turned round to find a policeman seeing him.‎ ‎ (他转过身,发现警察正在看他。)‎ 相关短语:‎ turn on 开 turn off 关turn down 拒绝 ;把音量等开低 turn to 向…求助;转向,turn out生产,结果表明… 证明 turn in上交 turn up 出席,露面, turn into 把…变成 ‎ (07高考)She's having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn't know whom to A . A. turn to        B. look for    C. deal with    D. talk about 6. We used to be an endangered species . Farmers hunted us without mercy.‎ ‎ (我们以前常常是濒危动物。农民曾毫不留情地捕猎我们。)‎ ‎ ① mercy 仁慈,宽恕,怜悯 常见搭配: at the mercy of 在…支配下,任凭…的摆布 ‎ have / show mercy on sb 怜悯/ 宽恕某人 ‎ without mercy 残忍地 eg : a) Our ship was at the mercy of the wave .‎ ‎(我们的船任由海浪摆布。)‎ b) The judge had mercy on the young criminal. ‎ ‎(法官饶恕了这个年轻的罪犯。)‎ c) They were treated without mercy. ‎ ‎(他们受到残酷的待遇。)‎ ‎7. They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers . (如果旅游者付钱给农民的话,他们允许旅游者们捕猎一定数量的动物。)‎ ‎ ① certain adj 某种,一定的,确定的 be certain that –clause ‎ be certain of sth ‎ be certain to do sth .‎ make certain (of) 弄明白,确定 eg: a) Certain plants are good to eat but others are not .‎ ‎ (某些植物好吃,而另一些则不好吃。)‎ b) It is certain that the moon goes round the earth.‎ ‎ ( 毫无疑问,月亮绕着地球旋转。)‎ c) He is certain to come.‎ ‎ ( 他肯定会来。)‎ d) Make certain of the rumor.‎ ‎ (弄清楚这个谣言是怎么回事。)‎ ‎▲ 注意:a certain ,a与 some 某一 ‎ a certain 表示已知但未加说明的人或物,可修饰单数复数名词或人名 ‎ some表示不确切的或说话人不愿意具体说明的人或事物,后一般不接人名 ‎ a 后常跟人名,“一个叫…的人”‎ eg : a) He didn’t attend the party for a certain reason .‎ ‎(由于某种原因他未参加晚会。)‎ b)A certain Mr Brown telephoned while you were out.‎ ‎(你不在家时有位布朗先生来过电话。)‎ c) Some man at the door is asking to see you.‎ ‎(门口有位男子要见你。)‎ d) A Mr Smith is waiting for you at the door.‎ ‎(一位名叫史密斯的先生在门口等你。)‎ ‎8. It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but I’d like to help as the WWF suggests.(这表明了野生动物保护的重要性,不过我想按照世界野生动物基金会的建议来帮助你们。)‎ ‎① as conj (在句中引导方式状语)按照,正如…那样,像…一样 eg : a) When in Rome, do as Romans do.‎ ‎(入乡随俗)‎ b) You must do everything as I do. ‎ ‎(你必须照着我做的来做每一件事。)‎ ‎② suggest ‎ ‎▲ ⑴建议(to mention an idea)后接名词,动名词短语或that从句(用虚拟语气insist ,order ,command ,require ,request etc.)。‎ eg: She suggested going to the zoo with the child . ‎ ‎(她建议带着孩子去动物园。)‎ eg: (他建议我们把工作放到明天做。)‎ ‎ He suggested (that) we (should) leave the work till the next day. (从句要用虚拟语气。)‎ ‎ He suggested our leaving the work till the next day.‎ He suggested to us to leave the work till the next day.(后接to sb时,后面可接不定式。) ‎ ‎▲ ⑵ 暗示,表明 (bring sth to mind ) (从句用陈述语气)‎ eg: His work suggests that he is a careful man . ‎ ‎(他的工作说明他是一个细心的人。)‎ The look on his face suggested that he was unhappy.‎ ‎ (他脸上的表情说明了他不高兴。)‎ 9. A monkey watched them as it rubbed itself.‎ ‎(一只猴子一边擦身体,一边望着他们。)‎ ‎ ① as 在……的时候,当……,引导时间状语从句 ‎ eg: “I’ll call you up any time.” He said as he left home. ‎ ‎(离家时他说,我随时打电话给你。)‎ ‎10. What an experience ! 这是一次多么奇妙的经历啊。‎ 感叹句的构成:‎ ‎⑴What + a/an +adj +单数可数n + 主语 + 谓语 ‎ eg: What an important meeting it is ! ‎ ‎(多么重要的一次会议啊!)‎ ‎⑵What + adj +复数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 ‎ eg: What beautiful flowers these are !‎ ‎ (这些花多漂亮啊!)‎ ‎⑶What + adj +不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 ‎ eg: What great progress he has made ! ‎ ‎(他取得了多么打的进步啊!)‎ ‎⑷How +adj /adv + 主语 + 谓语 ‎ eg: How high the mountain is ! ‎ ‎(这山多高啊!)‎ ‎⑸How + adj +a /an + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语 ‎ eg: How clever a boy he is ! ‎ ‎(多么聪明的孩子啊!)‎ What a clever boy he is! ‎ ‎(多么聪明的孩子啊!)‎ Using language :‎ ‎1. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.‎ 千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多,当时他们的前景好像也很安全。‎ ‎① long before 在……之前很久 before long 不久以后 eg: I knew Smith long before I knew you .‎ ‎(我在认识你之前很早久认识史密斯了) ‎ ‎ eg: It looks as though it will snow before long . ‎ ‎(看上去好像过一会儿要下雪。) ‎ ‎2. When scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees .‎ ‎ 当科学家们检查这些恐龙骨时,他们惊奇地发现他们不仅能像其他恐龙那样奔跑,还能爬树。‎ ‎⑴they were surprised to find 是主语 +be +adj +to do 结构,这一结构中的形容词往往是表示心理活动的,接不定式时,不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语,主动要用to do ,被动用to be done ‎ eg: I’m so glad to meet you here .‎ ‎(很高兴在此遇见你。)‎ ‎⑵主语 + be + adj + to have done 强调动作完成或早在过去发生。‎ eg: John was surprised to have received such an invitation .‎ ‎(收到这样一份请柬,约翰感到吃惊。)‎ ‎ ⑶主语 + be + adj 后面可接从句 ‎ eg: The teacher was angry that all the students had made the same mistake .‎ ‎ (老师很生气所有的学生犯了相同的错误。)‎ ‎3. Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.‎ ‎(有些科学家认为恐龙灭绝是发生在一件意外事故之后,当时宇宙间一块巨石击中地球因而在空气中扬起太多的尘土。) ‎ hit (hit , hit)‎ ‎⑴ 碰,撞,打,击中(脑袋撞在某物上,一般说hit one’s head on /against sth .)‎ eg: She hit her head against the wall as she fell .‎ ‎ (她倒下时,头撞在了墙上。)‎ ‎ The bullet hit him in the chest. ‎ ‎(子弹击中了他的胸膛。) ‎ ‎⑵ hit可引申为使遭受(自然灾害,损失,痛苦等。)‎ eg: A powerful earthquake hit the city .‎ ‎(这座城市遭受了一次强烈地震)‎ ‎⑶ hit还引申为猜中,达到,碰到。‎ eg: You have hit it . (你猜中了。)‎ ‎ The new train can hit 120 mph. ‎ ‎(这种新型火车时速可达120英里。)‎ ‎ The idea hit me when I woke up this morning.‎ ‎ (今天早上我醒来,突然产生了这个想法。)‎ 注意:beat也有打,击之意,但多指反复的击打,并可表示心脏的,脉搏的跳动,打败对方等意思,而hit则无此意。‎ eg: The rain was beating on the windows .‎ ‎(雨点敲打着窗子。)‎ ‎ His heart was beating fast at the news. ‎ ‎(听到这消息,他的心跳得很快。)‎ Grammar:‎ 现在进行时的被动语态 ‎ 一、 基本结构 ‎ ‎1. 肯定形式:“助动词be(am/is/are) + being + 过去分词”,其中的is, am, are表明谓语动词的动作发生的时间为现在,并随着作主语的名词(代词)的人称和数的不同而使用其中的某一个形式; being done则表示正在进行的被动动作。例如: ‎ ‎ The bridge over the river is being rebuilt. ‎ ‎(这条河上的桥正在重建。 )‎ ‎2. 否定形式:把否定词not放在助动词be(am/is/are)之后,‎ 即:“be(am/is/are) + not + being + 过去分词”。如有多个助动词,则not放在第一个助动词之后。例如: ‎ The room is not being cleaned now.‎ ‎ (现在没人打扫房间。 )‎ ‎3. 一般疑问句形式:把助动词be(am/is/are)移到句首并大写首字母,句末加问号,即:“Be(Am/Is/Are) + 主语 + being + 过去分词?”。例如: ‎ Is your house being painted?‎ ‎(你的房子正在粉刷吗?)‎ ‎4. 特殊疑问句形式:多数情况下,其构成方法是把疑问代词或疑问副词直接加在一般疑问句之前,具体情况可分为以下三种: ‎ ‎① “疑问代词(作主语) + is being + 过去分词 + 其他?”。例如: ‎ ‎ What is being done on the life of pandas? ‎ ‎(正在采取什么措施保护大熊猫的生命? )‎ ‎② “疑问代词(作定语) + 名词 +is/are being + 过去分词 + 其他?”。例如: ‎ ‎ Whose buildings are being built in the town? ‎ ‎(城里正在建谁的楼房? )‎ ‎③ “疑问副词 + is/are + 主语+ being + 过去分词 + 其他?”。例如: ‎ ‎ Where is the elk being studied by scientists? ‎ ‎(科学家们正在哪里研究麋鹿呢? )‎ 二、 常见的四种基本用法 ‎ ‎ 1. 表示现在时刻正在进行的被动动作,即谓语动词表示的动作此刻正在进行。这是被动语态的基本形式。例如: ‎ ‎ The plan is being discussed at the meeting. ‎ ‎(这个计划正在会上讨论。 ) ‎ ‎ 2. 表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作(但该动词在说话的瞬间未必正在进行),即谓语动词表示的动作在目前阶段正在进行。例如: ‎ ‎ A new school is being built in the town.‎ ‎ ( 在这个镇上一所新学校正在建设。)‎ ‎ 3. 表示一种经常性的被动行为,常和always, constantly等表示频度的副词连用。这种用法常常带有赞扬或厌恶的感情色彩。例如: ‎ ‎ He is always being praised by the leader. ‎ ‎(他总是受到领导的表扬。 )‎ ‎ I feel very puzzled that the goods in our shop are always being stolen. ‎ ‎(我感到很迷惑,我们商店的商品老是被偷。 )‎ ‎ 4. 与部分情态动词连用,表示对谓语动词正在进行的动作的一种推测。例如: ‎ ‎ The patient must be being examined.‎ 三、 被动语态使用中的常见错误 ‎ ‎ 1. 在现在进行时的被动语态中, am, is, are为第一助动词, being为第二助动词,缺一不可,且不可互换位置。例如: ‎ ‎ The report is being written by one of the best students. ‎ ‎(报告正由一名最好的学生写着呢。)‎ ‎ The report is well written.(系表结构)‎ ‎ ( 这个报告写得好。)‎ ‎ 注:在文章标题、广告、新闻中使用此类结构时,常省略助动词be, 因此出现了being紧跟主语的情况。例如: ‎ ‎  English teachers being wanted. 英语教师正在热聘中。(广告用语, being前省略了助动词are)‎ Snow being cleaned away. 积雪正在被清扫。(新闻报道, being前省略了助动词is) ‎ ‎  2. take care of, look after, talk about, think of等短语动词用在现在进行时的被动语态中时,其中的介词不可省略。例如: ‎ ‎   (还在考虑什么别的事情? )‎ ‎  【误】 What else is being thought? ‎ ‎  【正】 What else is being thought of? ‎ ‎  3. 一些表示某种情况、状况或特点的动词如happen, appear, rise, become, wear, wash等,没有现在进行时的被动语态。例如: ‎ ‎   (这本书卖得很好。 )‎ ‎  【误】 The book is being sold well. ‎ ‎  【正】 The book sells well. ‎ ‎  4. 现在进行时的被动语态不与表示时间或次数的状语连用。例如: ‎ ‎  (这块表修了两次了。 )‎ ‎  【误】 The watch is being repaired twice. ‎ ‎  【正】 The watch has been repaired twice. ‎ ‎5.现在进行时的被动语态也可以表示将来(此种用法仅限于少数及物动词)‎ ‎ A party is being held tonight.‎ ‎ (今晚将要举行一场晚会。)‎ ‎  四、 高考链接 ‎ ‎  1. (MET 1991) —Have you moved into the new house? ‎ ‎  —Not yet, the rooms ______. ‎ ‎  A. are being painted B. are painting ‎ ‎  C. are painted D. are being painting ‎ ‎  [答案与简析] 答案为A。 本题题干的答语意为“没有,房间正在油漆”,其标准对照时间点为现在,“房间正在油漆”实际指“房间被油漆”,因此空白处应填现在进行时的被动语态形式are being painted。 ‎ ‎  2. (2001京、蒙、皖春招) A new cinema______here. They hope to finish it next month. ‎ ‎  A. will be built B. is built ‎ ‎  C. has been built D. is being built ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  [答案与简析] 答案为D。 根据本题题干中的第二个句子“They hope to finish it next month”的意思,说明本题题干第一个句子的意思应为“新电影院还在建设之中”。当然电影院是被建设。所以空白处应填现在进行时的被动语态形式is being built。 ‎ ‎  3. (2002上海春招) Rainforests______and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. ‎ ‎  A. cut B. are cut ‎ ‎  C. are being cut D. had been cut ‎ ‎  [答案与简析] 答案为C。 本题题干的意思应为“雨林正在以那么快的速度被砍伐或烧掉以至于在不久的将来它们将会消失”。我们根据“they will disappear from the earth in the near future”提供的语境可以判断,空白处应填are being cut, 即表示“正在被砍伐”之意。 ‎ ‎  4. (2005山东) With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth______each year. ‎ ‎  A. is washing away B. is being washed away ‎ ‎  C. are washing away D. are being washed away ‎ ‎  [答案与简析] 答案为D。 本题题干的意思应为“随着更多的森林被破坏,每年大量的良田在被冲走”。又因主语quanties是复数形式,所以谓语动词应用现在进行时的被动语态形式are being washed away。 ‎ 单元综合知识运用 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ ‎ 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎ 从A. B.‎ ‎ C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎21. CT is really useful invention, with which doctors can find out what's wrong with a patient more easily.‎ ‎ A. A; a B. The; an C. The; a D.A ;the ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查冠词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:CT是一种有用的发明,医生可以依靠它很容易地找到病人哪里出毛病了。指科技发明一般用定冠词the;一种有用的发明,应用不定冠词,useful以辅音音素/j/开头,故用a。故选C。‎ ‎22. He says difficulty you meet with in your work, you can turn to him for help ‎ A. how B however C. what D whatever ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查连词用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:他说不管你在工作中遇到什么样的困难你都能向他求助。题干中says后跟的是宾语从句,that引导宾语从句,已省略。Whatever引导的是宾语从句的让步状语从句,意为:不管什么。空后是difficulty,应用whatever,若是形容词或副词,应用however引导让步状语从句。故选D。‎ ‎23.…一I'm afraid I have to leave now, for you see, he is waiting for me.‎ ‎ ----Well, if you_ , at least wait till the heavy rain stops.‎ ‎ A. could B. should C. must D. might ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查情态动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:我恐怕我不得不现在离开了,因为你知道,他在等我。---好的,如果您必须走,至少要等到大雨停了再走。Could能;should应该;must必须,一定;might可能。根据语义选C。‎ ‎24.If you go to the wildlife park, you will find the places there more dangerous than commonly_ __.‎ ‎ A. supposing B. suppose C. to suppose D. supposed ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查非谓语动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:如果您去野生植物园,你就会发现许多地方比大家普遍认为的更危险。more dangerous than commonly supposed作places的补足语,也将它们变成find的宾语从句也就是:The places are more dangerous than commonly supposed。由此可知,places是supposed的动作承受者,应用过去分词。故选D。‎ ‎25. ----Fancy meeting you here, Lucy! I never thought you visit us today.‎ ‎ ----Sorry, I forgot to tell you I was coming. I hope you don't mind me____.‎ A. calling in B. pulling in C. breaking in D. dropping in ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查动词短语的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:想不到在这里见到你,露西。我绝没想到您今天来看我们。---对不起,我忘了告诉你我要来了。我希望您不介意我的顺便造访。call in召集;pull in进站;break in冲破;drop in顺便来访。根据句意选D。‎ ‎26. The new policy allows a couple to have a second birth____either is an only child.‎ ‎ A. if only B on condition that C. unless D. until ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查连词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:新政策允许一对夫妇可再生一个孩子,条件是双方有一个是独生子。If only但愿;on condition that条件是;unless除非,如果不;until直到。故选B。‎ ‎【举一反三】条件状语从句的引导词 ‎(1)if引导的条件状语从句既可以将从句放前面也可以将从句放后面 ‎(如果天下雨,我们就不玩了)If it rains,we will stop playing.‘‎ 转为We will stop playing if it rains.‎ 另外,if从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设,从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时。如:‎ If I were you,I would invite him to the party.如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。‎ I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic.如果没有堵车,我会到的早一点儿。‎ ‎(2)unless conj.除非,若不,除非在……的时候 You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier.如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。‎ Unless it rains,the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。‎ ‎(3)on condition(that)...在……条件下,如果 on condition (that)...引导的条件从句是主句事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件。‎ I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret.我可以告诉你真相,条件是你答应保密。‎ You can go swimming on condition (that) you don't go too far from the river bank.你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才可以下水游泳。‎ ‎(4)supposing conj.如果,假如 supposing引导的条件从句表示一种假设条件。‎ Supposing it rains,shall we continue the sports meeting?倘若下雨,我们的运动会还要继续举行吗?‎ Supposing anything should go wrong,what would you do then?假如出了什么问题,你准备怎么对付?‎ ‎(5)provided conj.假如,除非,以……为条件 provided (that) +从句表示一种假设条件。‎ He will sign the contract provided we offer more favorable terms.如果我们提出更优惠的条件,他就会在合同上签字。‎ He won't be against us in the meeting provided that we ask for his advice in advance.如果我们提前征求一下他的意见,他就不会在会上反对我们。‎ ‎27. more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education.‎ ‎ A. Compete B To compete C. Being competed D. Competing ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查非谓语动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:为了和其他人更有效地竞争,越来越多的人们用更好的教育来武装自己。题干中缺少目的状语,只有不定式可做目的状语。故选B。‎ ‎28. This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all, indicating a high time that we____ on what we've done to the environment.‎ ‎ A. have reflected B. are reflecting C. will reflect D. reflected ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查时态的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:这次全国范围的雾霾承担了提醒者的作用,暗示着到了我们反思我们对环境做了些什么的时候了。Indicating后跟a high time作宾语,that引导的是从句。根据句型It is high time that + 主语 +过去式。因此此处应该用过去时。故选D。‎ ‎29. As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can get hold of and catch every opportunity she meets up with so as to gain____progress.‎ ‎ A. mild B. widespread C. steady D. average ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:作为一名草根歌手,为了赢得稳步的进步,她阅读她能够得到的与音乐有关的一切,抓住她遇到的每一个机会。Mild温和的;widespread广泛传播的;steady稳步的;average平均的。故选C。‎ ‎30. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, ____up to half will be from overseas. ‎ ‎ A.in which B. of whom C. of which D.for whom ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查定语从句的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:这个课程一般每年吸引20名学生,他们中一半来自海外。题干中先行词是20 students,定语从句的语序是up to half of the students will be from overseas,将the students改成whom,然后将of whom提到从句句首,故选B。‎ ‎31. Ladies and gentlemen, due to an unexpected accident, one of the singers who all of you to hear____tonight,‎ ‎ A. had come; don't perform B. come; won't perform ‎ C. have come; won't be performing D. came; wouldn't perform ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查时态的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:女士们,先生们,由于意想不到的事故,其中歌唱家中的一名你们大家都来听他歌唱的歌唱家今晚将不能献唱。根据语境第一空应用现在完成时,第二空应用将来时。故选C。‎ ‎32. ---Did you finish reading that long novel?‎ ‎ ---No,I ran out of____.It's too long and I only completed half of it.‎ ‎ A sympathy B. devotion C. patience D. strength ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查名词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:---你读完那部长篇小说了吗?---没有。我失去耐心了。它太长了,我还没看完一半。sympathy同情;devotion投入;patience耐心;strength力气。根据题意选C。‎ ‎33. The professor spoke highly of me, for what I did was better than____of any other top member on the team ‎ A. any B. each C. that D. those ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查限定词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:教授夸奖了我,因为我做的比队中其他任何最好的队员还好。Any任何;each每一个;that那一个;those那些。What I did是题干比较状语从句中主句的主语,比较状语从句中的主语应是能代替这个主语从句的词,只能是that。故选C。‎ ‎34. French writer Patrick Modiano, 69, devoted himself to his writing, and won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature.‎ ‎ A. entirely B extremely C gradually D. generally ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查副词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:法国作家Patrick Modiano,69岁,将他全部精力投入到写作中,并赢得了2014年文学奖。entirely全部地;extremely极端地;gradually逐渐地;generally一般地。故选A。‎ ‎35.一I wonder if I could use your cell phone.‎ ‎ — . It is on the desk next to you.‎ ‎ A. Help yourself B.That's right C.It's a pleasure D. No way ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查交际英语的用法。‎ ‎【解析】句意:---不知道我能否用一下您的手机。---你自己来。它就在你附近的课桌上。Help yourself自己来;That’s right那是对的;It’s a pleasure不用谢;No way没门。根据空后的那句话判断是让对方自己来。故选A。‎ 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ Do you ever feel like you are studying a mad rush of one subject after another? When things happen at such a 36 pace, it is easy to lose sight of what you are learning. It is important to 37 every now and then to think about what you have been learning. ‎ ‎ Self reflection(反思)means stopping the mad rush and 38 yourself so that your brain can evaluate what it has already 39 .Some people prefer to do their self reflections _40_, while others keep a journal. Either method can work, depending on what your own personal 41 is.‎ School textbooks are often divided into units. This can make it 42 for someone to begin the process of self reflection. Watch for the times when you complete a unit of study. Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is _43 because there is some kind of test or quiz. Use these natural 44 as opportunities to stop and reflect.‎ ‎ You should find a 45 place---anywhere without noise is OK. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something 46 and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out your journal Write down some notes on things that you 47 learned in this unit. Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some 48 .‎ ‎ Sometimes just pausing to think deeply allows your brain to make connections _49 new information can quickly appear when you 50 it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder about.51 , maybe you learned about a certain body system, but you don't 52 how it works with the other body systems. Maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you are not sure when to use it. Writing down your 53 will help you remember to continue seeking answers the next time your 54 the same topic.‎ ‎ Self reflection is an essential skill for a 55 student. If you have never taken the time to reflect, try it now.‎ ‎【文章解读】说明文。主要介绍自我反思的定义,如何帮助学生学习。‎ ‎36.A. fast B. steady C. relaxing D. unique ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。A. fast快的; B. steady稳步的;C. relaxing令人放松的;D. unique独一无二的,唯一的。根据前文的one after another判断,应选A。‎ ‎37.A. change B. check C. stop D. exercise ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。A. change改变;B. check检查;C.‎ ‎ stop停止;D. exercise锻炼。根据前文的learn,此处应是检查一下。故选B。‎ ‎38.A. calming B. enjoying C. behaving D-helping ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。A. calming使……平静;B. enjoying喜欢;C. behaving做;D-helping帮助。根据前文的学习那么从慢,此处应是让自己平静下来。故选A。‎ ‎39.A. dealt B. forgotten C. found D. received ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。A. dealt对付,处理;B. forgotten忘记;C. found发现;D. received收到,接收。“...大脑能评估它接收的东西”。故选D。‎ ‎40.A. personally B. mentally C. slowly D. directly ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查副词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。A. personally个人地;B. mentally 心理上地;C. slowly慢慢地;D. directly直接。与下文的keep a journal相对应,应是心理上记下,故选B。‎ ‎41.A. pace B. grade C. style D. skill ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查名词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。A. pace步伐;B. grade年级;C. style风格;D. skill技能。“...依赖于你个人的风格(特性)”。故选C。‎ ‎42.A.quick B. possible C. suitable D. easy ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。A.quick快的;B. possible可能的;C.‎ ‎ suitable合适的;D. easy容易的。“这能使某人开始自我反思成很容易”。‎ make it easy for sb to do sth使某人做某事容易。根据前文的教科书被分成几部分判断。故选D。‎ ‎43.A finished B. divided C. interrupted D. covered ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。A finished完成;B. divided分开;C. interrupted打断;D. covered覆盖。与下文的test or quiz相对应,应是这部分完成了。故选A。‎ ‎44.A. units B tests C. breaks D. periods ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查名词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。A. units单位;B tests测试;C. breaks停顿;D. periods时期。根据前文的finish和test等判断,利用这种停顿。故选C。‎ ‎45. A. quiet B. familiar C. safe . D remote ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。 A. quiet平静的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. safe 安全的;D remote遥远的。根据下文的without any noise故填A。‎ ‎46.A. early B. correctly C. finally D. independently ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查副词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。A. early早;B. correctly正确地;C. finally终于,最后地;D. independently独立地。记下你以前学过的东西。故选A。‎ ‎47. A. actively B. newly C. rapidly D. carefully ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查副词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。A. actively活跃地;B. newly新地;C. rapidly快速地;D. carefully仔细地。与前文的early对应,应填newly。故选B。‎ ‎48.A. choices B. decision C. connections D. improvements ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查名词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。A. choices选择;B. decision决定;C. connections连接;D. improvements改进,提高。这里上让新旧知识相连,也可参考下一段的connection。故选C。‎ ‎49.A. so that B in case C. even if D. as though ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查连词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查连词基本含义的辨析。A. so that以致于;B in case万一;C. even if即使; D.as though好像。空后是前一分句的结果,故选A。‎ ‎50. A. seek B. share C. show D. need ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。 A. seek追求;B. share分享;C. show展示;D. need需要。“如果你再需要的时候……”。故选D。‎ ‎51.A. In general B. Of course C. For example D. As usual ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查介词短语的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查介词短语基本含义的辨析。A. In general一般来讲;B. Of course当然;C. For example例如;D. As usual像平常一样。下文是前面观点的例子,故选C。‎ ‎52.A. know B. doubt C-believe D. remember ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查动词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。A.know知道;B. doubt怀疑;C.believe相信;D. remember记忆。“...但是你不知道它是如何工作的。”故选A。‎ ‎53.A. opinions B. questions C. worries D. methods ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查名词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。A. opinions意见; B. questions问题;C. worries担忧; D. methods方法。根据下文的answers判断选B。‎ ‎54. A come across B get through C. think of D. take away ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查动词短语的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查动词短语基本含义的辨析。 A come across遇到;B get through通过;C. think of想起;D. take away带走。根据下文的the same判断选A。‎ 55. A. talented B. young C. serious D. successful ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查形容词的用法。‎ ‎【解析】本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。A. talented有天赋的;B. young年轻的;C. serious严肃的,认真的;D. successful成功的。根据文意,自我反思是一个成功学生的基本技能。故选D。‎ 笫三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A If you are trying to achieve big goals in your life and work, the chances are that, from time to time, you hit rock bottom. Nothing works, nothing goes right, and nothing succeeds. At times like these, you may feel like throwing in the towel. But before you do, read the following story. It might just change your mind.‎ One day, a small business owner decided he'd had enough. Enough of the endless work, enough of the lack of response, enough of the disturbing loneliness.‎ He went into the woods to have one last talk to the wise man. "Mr. wise man," he said. "Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn't give up?"‎ The answer took him by surprise. "Look around you," the wise man said. "Do you see the fern f蕨类植物)and the bamboo?"‎ ‎ “Yes:' the man replied.‎ ‎“When I planted the fern and the bamboo, I took very good care of them. I gave them both equal amounts of food and water. I gave them sunlight in spring and protected them from the storms in autumn. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In the, second year, the fern grew even better than before but nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But l would not give up. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still would not give up." ‎ Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout(芽)came out from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small. But day by day the sprout grew. Within six months, the sprout had risen to a height of 100 feet. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive." "Did you know, young man, that all this time you have been struggling, you have been growing? Grow the roots that you need to produce your fruit." ‎ ‎ "Don't compare yourself to others. All things have different purposes, and different journeys. The bamboo has a different purpose from the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come. You will rise high."‎ The small business owner left the forest. And never went back.‎ If nothing seems like it is happening in your life, despite all the work you're putting in, remember that you're probably growing roots not fruit. Stick with it. One day not far from now, there'll be a great harvest.‎ ‎【文章解读】这是哲理类文章阅读。文章通过竹子的故事告诉我们当面临困难的时候不要放弃。‎ ‎56. The underlined phrase "throwing in the towel" in Paragraph l probably means .‎ A. crying out B. showing off C. giving up D. running away ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查猜测词义题。‎ ‎【解析】cry out大声哭泣;show off炫耀;give up放弃;run away跑掉。根据前文的Nothing works, nothing goes right, and nothing succeeds诸多困难,应该是想到放弃。故选C。‎ ‎57. After the wise man planted the fern and the bamboo, ‎ A. he cared for the fern only B. they didn't receive any care from him C. he gave up the bamboo in the fifth year D. the bamboo seed never stopped growing ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文中the wise man所说的话Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In the, second year, the fern grew even better than before but nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But l would not give up. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still would not give up." Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout(芽)came out from the earth可知竹子从没有放弃过自己的成长。故选D。‎ ‎58. From the passage we can conclude that the small business owner will ‎ ‎ A. not turn to the wise man for help again B. not give up in face of difficulties ‎ C. give up his business later D. grow some bamboo later ‎ 【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】根据the wise man所说的竹子故事,不放弃。商人回去后肯定会在遇到困难时不再放弃。故选B。‎ ‎59. Which of the following best describes the story in the passage?‎ ‎ A. Never give up hope. ' B. Practice makes perfect.‎ C. Time and tide wait for nobody. D. One should try and achieve bigger goals in life.‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查主旨大意题。‎ ‎【解析】A永远不要放弃希望;B熟能生巧;C时不我待;D一个人应该努力在生活中获得更大的成就。通读全文,并根据the wise man的故事判断就是永远不要放弃。故选A。‎ B ‎◆Walking tall, and safely Some women simply refuse to give up high heels, despite slush ( 雪泥) , ice and snow. Now there's Winter Trax for them, designed to fit over high-heel boots and make their walk on the wild side a little more safe. Metal coils (圈 ) wrap around rubber at the front end of the shoe, with the heel end open.‎ ‎◆Snow skirt steps up into fashion Down with snow pants. Up with snow skirts! Montreal's Fantasy Wolrd Heroes has created these skirts to layer over minis and jeans as the snow season sets in. In a range of colors and available in wool, lends and quiltings, they come in four sizes and adjustable.‎ ‎◆ ‎ Doc Martens, those army-inspired leather boots, are back. They were last popular when Kurt Cobain was all the rage(风靡一时 ). So far, just a few teens and fashion people have been spotted wearing the slight fat boots, but they have already appeared on ‎ stylish models like Irina Lazareanu and Agyness Deyn.‎ ‎ Neon stores sold Doc Martens 15 years ago and its owner Irving Tajfel wasn't sure at first if he was ready to relive the trend.‎ ‎ "I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Doc Martens at a fashion fair in Barcelona last year. Then I saw all the cool fashion kids wearing them in Paris. That got me thinking that it was about time Doc Martens came back in style here." Tajfel said.‎ ‎【文章解读】这是关于流行时装的文章。文章主要叙述了高跟长筒靴、冰雪衬衣、轻装长筒鞋等的流行。‎ ‎60.We can know from the passage that WinterTrax .‎ ‎ A. makes women like Doc Martens more ‎ B. protects the back end of high-heel boots ‎ C. makes women enjoy high-heel:boots in winter ‎ D. protects women from being robbed ‎ 【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章Walk tall and safely部分的Some women simply refuse to give up high heels, despite slush ( 雪泥) , ice and snow. Now there's Winter Trax for them, designed to fit over high-heel boots and make their walk on the wild side a little more safe判断Winter Trak设计的产品让女士在冬天也享受长筒鞋的乐趣。故选C ‎61. When in Barcelona last year, Irving Tajfel probably_ .‎ ‎ A. wore a pair of Doc Martens B. found Doc Martens was put on show ‎ C. placed an order for Doc Martens D. saw fashion kids wearing Doc Martens ‎ 【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章最后一段的"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Doc Martens at a fashion fair in Barcelona last year. Then I saw all the cool fashion kids wearing them ‎ in Paris可知Irving Tajfel发现Doc Martens风靡巴黎,故选B。‎ ‎62. Which of the following can be used to fill in the blank?‎ ‎ A. Leather boots are popular again B. Kurt Cobain and its music ‎ C. How to choose high-quality boots D. Doc Martens make a brave return ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查主旨大意题。‎ ‎【解析】通读空白处下的那一段,根据第一句话Doc Martens, those army-inspired leather boots, are back.可知Doc Martens的勇敢回归巴黎。故选D。 ‎ ‎63. What is this passage mainly about?‎ A. High-heel boots. B. Seasons. C. Clothes fashion. D. Weather.‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查主旨大意题。‎ ‎【解析】A长筒鞋;B季节;C流行服装;D天气。通读全文并根据文章的关键词skirt,boots,fashion等判断选C。‎ C The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie, which has aroused more experts' concern about this serious problem.‎ Many climatologists and green groups fear they will come true unless there is a concerted global effort to rein in greenhouse gas emission 排放).‎ In the decades to come, Asia --- home to more than half the world's 6.3 billion people – will lurch (突然倾斜) from one climate extreme to another, with poor farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels.‎ ‎"It's not a pretty picture:' said Steve Sawyer, climate policy adviser with Greenpeace in Amsterdam. Global warming and changes to weather patterns are already occurring and there is enough excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the ‎ atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to come.‎ Already, changes are being felt in Asia but worse is likely to come, Sawyer and top climate bodies say, and could lead to mass migration (移民)and widespread humanitarian crises.‎ According to predictions, glaciers will melt faster, some Pacific and Indian Ocean islands will have to be abandoned or build sea defenses, storms will become more violent and insect and water-borne diseases will move into new areas as the world warms.‎ All this comes on top of rising populations and increasing demand for food, water and other resources. Experts say environmental degradation(退化)such as deforestation and pollution will likely increase the influences of climate change.‎ In what could be a foretaste of the future, Japan was hit by a record 10 typhoons and tropical storms in this year, while two-thirds of Bangladesh, parts of Nepal and large areas of northeastern India were flooded, affecting 50 million people, destroying livelihoods and making tens of thousands ill. The year before, a winter cold snap and a summer heat wave killed more than 2,000 people in India.‎ ‎【文章解读】这是一篇社会生活类文章阅读。作者主要告诉我们气体的排放带来天气的恶劣变化,严重影响人们的生活,增强人们的环保意识。‎ ‎64. In the passage, the author indicates that the weather predictions for Asia are _ _ ‎ ‎ A. frightening B. exciting C. surprising D. satisfying ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】frightening令人害怕的;exciting令人兴奋的;surprising令人吃惊的;satisfying令人满足的。根据文章的第三段关于亚洲天气的叙述,让人感到非常害怕。故选A。‎ ‎65.Which of the following is NOT included in the weather prediction?‎ ‎ A. Some Pacific islands will have to build sea defenses.‎ ‎ B. Storms will become stronger.‎ ‎ C. The diseases spread by water will move into new areas.‎ ‎ D. Two-third of Bangladesh will be flooded.‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第六段According to predictions, glaciers will melt faster, some Pacific and Indian Ocean islands will have to be abandoned or build sea defenses, storms will become more violent and insect and water-borne diseases will move into new areas as the world warms可排除A和B和C。根据文章最后一段的while two-thirds of Bangladesh, parts of Nepal and large areas of northeastern India were flooded, affecting 50 million people, destroying livelihoods and making tens of thousands ill可知D不包含在天气预测的范围之内,故选D。‎ ‎66. The passage is intended to_ _ .‎ ‎ A. tell people not to believe in the weather prediction for Asia ‎ B. inform people of natural disasters that happened in Asia ‎ C. increase people's awareness of the severe consequence of gas emissions ‎ D. introduce a movie to environmental experts ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查主旨大意题。‎ ‎【解析】A不符合文意;B只概述了第一段的内容;D也只是文章的一小部分。通读全文,作者主要是为了增强人们对气体排放会带来严重后果的意识。故选C。‎ ‎67. The passage is probably taken from__ _ .‎ A. a newspaper B. a trade journal C. a biology book D. a fashion magazine ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】A. a newspaper报纸;B. a trade journal贸易杂志;C. a biology book传记;D. a fashion magazine摩登杂志。通读全文,根据文章的主要内容是关于天气未来的预测,应是来自报纸。故选A。‎ D Teamwork is all about working together to achieve a common goal or purpose. Is teamwork out of date? Why is it so hard to effectively conduct teamwork in those things?‎ One way we employ teamwork in everyday lives is by becoming a parent. It is a parent's job to teach their children and the basic skills and give them the knowledge they need to be successful in life. For example, the mother teaches her children manners and good health skills, while the father teaches them how to catch a ball or drive a car. However, in today's society, we find that more and more parents are experiencing that the teamwork is a one-sided thing. According to a report, there are 13.7 million single parents raising their children in the US and this could be due to the fact that parents don't take responsibility for their children, so they leave one parent to do it alone. This is a sad fact, but it reflects that effective teamwork is losing ground in the parenting aspect of our everyday lives.‎ Another place where teamwork affects us greatly is in our jobs. It doesn't matter if you are a small or large company; if you have at least one employee and yourself, then teamwork will be present. I have noticed that with the current economic recession(衰退期), people are racing to grab jobs but the quality of people's work has gone down greatly. It just appears to me that people do not take pride in their work any more. They want to get to work as fast as they can, just to receive the paycheck, but their quality standards fly right out the window. So I think teamwork is losing its ground in the workforce. There are too many people who want to work independently and forget they are a part of a team.‎ As you can see, we run into the aspects of teamwork in just about everything we do. Do you believe teamwork is really losing ground in today's society? I think it is.‎ ‎【文章解读】这是说明文阅读。该文主要介绍了人们缺乏合作意识的根本原因。‎ ‎68. Why does teamwork disappear in the parenting aspect of our daily life?‎ ‎ A. Parents have no time to spare with their children.‎ ‎ B. Parents have no chances to teach their children about it.‎ ‎ C. Many children are often brought up by a single parent.‎ ‎ D. Many children are independent to deal with their matters.‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】通读第二段,并根据关键句This is a sad fact, but it reflects that effective teamwork is losing ground in the parenting aspect of our everyday lives可知单亲家庭养育的孩子缺乏合作意识。故选C。‎ ‎69. Teamwork is losing ground in workforce mainly because -‎ ‎ A. workers don't like to work together with others ‎ B. workers' sense is affected by economic recession ‎ C. workers want to prove they are more capable ‎ D. fewer workers are employed to save money ‎【答案】B ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】根据第三段的I have noticed that with the current economic recession(衰退期), people are racing to grab jobs but the quality of people's work has gone down greatly可知经济衰退期影响了工人们的工作。故选B。‎ ‎70. The author wants us to believe his opinion by_ _.‎ ‎ A. listing some data B. giving some examples ‎ C. asking some questions D. analyzing some cases ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】通读全文,作者在分析单亲家庭教育的孩子缺乏合作精神的原因和经济衰退期人们急于找工作而缺乏合作精神,再根据文章的最后一段判断选D。‎ ‎71. The underlined phrase "fly right out the window" in Paragraph 3 means_______ .‎ ‎ A. disappear B. improve C. increase D. matter ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。‎ ‎【解析】A. disappear消失;B. improve提高;C. increase增加;D.matter重要。根据该段划线短语前的句子. It just appears to me that people do not take pride in their work any more. They want to get to work as fast as they can, just to receive the paycheck推断人们急于找工作但都忽视了工作质量,工作的质量水平就消失了。故选A。‎ E Bright blue Citi Bikes are becoming a fine sight in the New Yorker street. New Yorkers are gradually getting used to more pedaling(骑车的) passengers on those blue Citi Bikes. But what about local bike shops ? Is City Bike booming at their expense? At Gotham Bikes in Tribeca, a manager who gave his name as "Ben W." said the shop has seen an increase in its overall sales due to the bike-share program. "It's getting more people on the road, more people learning about the sport and getting involved," he said. An employee at Danny's Cycles in Gramercy said Citi Bike is a good option for people in a city famed for its traffic jams and aggressive drivers. "They can try out a bike without buying one:' James Ryan said.‎ Rentals are not a big part of the business at either Gotham Bikes or Danny's Cycles. But for Frank's Bike Shop, a small business on Grand St., the bike-share program has been bad news. Owner Frank Arroyo said that his rental business has decreased by 90% since Citi Bike was launched last month. Arroyo's main rental customers are European tourists, who have since been drawn away by Citi Bikes.‎ However, Ben said the bike-share is good for bike sales at his shop. "People have used the bike-share and realized how great it is to bike in the city, then decide that they want something nicer for themselves," he noted.‎ Christian Farrell of Waterfront Bicycle Shop, on West St. said at first he was concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted, "I was happy to see people on bikes."‎ Farrell's early concerns were repeated by Andrew Crooks, owner of NYC Velo, at 64 Second Ave. "It seemed like a great idea, but one that would be difficult to put into use:' Crooks said of Citi Bike. He said he worried about inexperienced riders' lack of awareness of biking rules and strong negative reaction from non-cyclists. However, he said, it's still too early to tell if his business has been impacted (影响) .‎ While it's possible bike-share will cause a drop in business, Crooks agreed that the idea is a positive step forward for New York City.‎ ‎【文章解读】这是新闻报道体文阅读。本文主要介绍了美国纽约的Citi Bike运动带来的影响。‎ ‎72.What is the author's chief concern about the increasing use of Citi Bikes in New York?‎ ‎ A. Whether local bike shops will suffer.‎ ‎ B. How non-cyclists will respond to it.‎ ‎ C. Whether local bike businesses will oppose it.‎ ‎ D. How the safety of bike riders can be ensured.‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第一段的But what about local bike shops ? Is City Bike booming at their expense?可知作者担心纽约当地的自行车店铺。故选A。‎ ‎73. What happened to Gotham Bikes as a result of the bike-share program?‎ ‎ A. It found its bike sales unaffected.‎ ‎ B. It changed its business to rentals.‎ ‎ C. It saw its bike sales on the rise.‎ ‎ D. It rented more bikes to tourists.‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第一段的But what about local bike shops ? Is City Bike booming at their expense?可知他的自行车销售大幅增加。故选C。‎ ‎74. Why is the bike-share program bad news for Frank's Bike Shop?‎ ‎ A. Its customers have been drawn away by Citi Bikes. ‎ ‎ B. It cannot meet the demand of the bike-share program.‎ ‎ C. Its bike prices have to be lowered again and again. ‎ ‎ D. It has to compete with the city's bike rental shops.‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【命题立意】考查细节辨认题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第二段的Owner Frank Arroyo said that his rental business has decreased by 90% since Citi Bike was launched last month.可知此项目开展以来,这家自行车商店的销售大减。故选A。‎ ‎ 75. What is the general attitude of the local bike shops towards Citi Bike?‎ ‎ A. Doubtful. B. Negative. C. Uninterested. D. Approving.‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【命题立意】考查判断推理题。‎ ‎【解析】A. Doubtful怀疑的;B. Negative否定的;C. Uninterested不感兴趣的;D. Approving支持的。通读全文,并根据文章的最后一句话可知当地自行车商店是对这项活动支持的。故选D。‎ 第Ⅱ卷 Blood donation, also called blood banking, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community. It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of blood due to bad condition or the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents. ‎ You are able to give or donate blood every three or four month, and it is a great way to make a huge difference to someone’s life and you can always be proud of it after making valuable contributions to society. Blood donation is not a big problem, but you need to keep a few points in mind. ‎ Before donating blood, make sure that the ferrum (铁) level in your body is high enough and for that you should take a healthy diet. Do not go for blood donation on an empty stomach. You should follow the correct process so that everything goes well. After having a balanced diet you will feel strong and comfortable to donate blood. Afterwards, you will not feel faint or weak. ‎ For required hemoglobin (血红蛋白) in your body, drink lots of juice and other drinks. Fruit juice, such as apple juice is very good for increasing the blood level in your body. For a good blood flow in your body, drink at least 6-7 glasses of water every day. Completely avoid a day before and after giving blood, taking alcohol (酒). Do not smoke half an hour before giving blood. ‎ When you are going for blood donation, be relaxed, which helps keep the right blood pressure. During the blood donation activity, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Don’t join in some other activities. ‎ When you donate blood, you are making the effort to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very simple and fast process, but you need to take care of yourself after donating blood. Proper care helps to reduce side effects. The following are a few tips that will help you out. ‎ Take a rest for 15 minutes after the donation. It helps you to feel relaxed. ‎ Eat something and drink juice before leaving the blood donation centre. Make sure that you have meals after donating blood. Smoking should be avoided for one hour after the process. Avoid some activities right away, for example, driving. ‎ Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing in helping to save someone’s life. Blood donation is a very important activity.‎ ‎【文章解读】本文是说明文。主要介绍了无偿献血的注意事项。‎ ‎76.【答案】importance ‎【命题立意】考查信息转换题。‎ ‎【解析】从第一段的句子,Blood donation, also called blood banking, is a wonderful thing to do.可知填importance。‎ ‎77.【答案】contribution ‎【命题立意】考查信息转换题。‎ ‎【解析】从第一段的句子,It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community.可知填contributions ‎78【答案】loss ‎【命题立意】考查信息提取题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第一段的It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of blood due to bad condition or the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents.中的loss判断填loss。‎ ‎79.【答案】pride ‎【命题立意】考查细节转换题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章中第二段you can always be proud of it after making valuable contributions to society中的proud判断填pride。‎ ‎80.【答案】Before ‎【命题立意】考查概括总结题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第三段和表格对应右边的内容可以判断填before。‎ ‎81. 【答案】daily ‎ ‎【命题立意】考查信息转换题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第四段的For a good blood flow in your body, drink at least 6-7 glasses of water every day中的every day。故判断填daily。‎ ‎82.【答案】take ‎【命题立意】考查信息转换题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第四段中的Completely avoid a day before and after giving blood, taking alcohol (酒).中的avoid,=not take/drink判断填take。‎ ‎83.【答案】deep ‎【命题立意】考查信息提取题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章第五段During the blood donation activity, take a deep breath and try to calm yourself.可知填deep。‎ ‎84.【答案】later ‎【命题立意】考查信息转换题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章倒数第二段的Smoking should be avoided for one hour after the process.可知填later。‎ ‎85.【答案】driving ‎【命题立意】考查信息提取题。‎ ‎【解析】根据文章倒数第二段Avoid some activities right away, for example, driving判断填driving。‎ 笫二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎ 最近你校对学生的书写情况进行了调查.结果发现:随着电 脑的普及,学生们越来越不重视书写,其理由如右图所示。请根 据调查表提供的信息写一篇英语短文,介绍调查结果并发表自己 的看法。‎ 注意:词数120左右,文章的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。‎ Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【范文】 ‎ One possible version ‎ Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, more middle school students are paying less and less attention to handwriting.‎ ‎ According to a recent survey, many students don’t want to improve their handwriting for various reasons. 51.5 percent of the students think that they can just use a compuer, so there is no need to waste time improving their handwriting and 32.3 percent believe that they are so busy with the study that they do not have time to practice. 10.9 percent think that practising handwriting is useless. Yet the rest have other reasons.‎ ‎ As the saying goes, writing style shows the man. Beautiful and neat handwriting is beneficial, especially for middle school students. Therefore, in my opinion, more emphasis should be placed on this aspect in future. ‎ ‎【思路点拨】 本文是应用文,要求学生就学生书写状况谈自己的看法,故应用一般现在时和一般现在时和第一人称。‎ ‎ 文章的时态、语态使用得当,足见作者语言功底。文中使用了that引导的宾语从句,as引导的非限制性定语从句,practising短语作主语;高级词汇aspect,emphasiso等;还有灵活运用连词、插入语等充分彰显作者的英语水平。‎

