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课时跟踪训练(四十一)‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写/用所给词的正确形式填空 ‎1.It is bad __________ (礼貌) to talk with your mouth full.‎ ‎[答案] manners ‎2.The great scientist Stephen Hawking is usually __________ (联想) with black holes.‎ ‎[答案] associated ‎3.The young athlete hurt his foot in the race. __________ (结果), he missed the chance to get the gold medal.‎ ‎[答案] Consequently ‎4.The problem was how to say “no” to her without causing __________ (冒犯).‎ ‎[答案] offence ‎5.Old castles have a certain strange __________ (吸引力) for me.‎ ‎[答案] fascination ‎6.__________ (taste) delicious, the fresh fruits were sold out as soon as they were put onto the shelves.‎ ‎[答案] Tasting ‎7.She is __________ (oppose) to your marrying her.‎ ‎[答案] opposed ‎8.The president addressed his remarks to the young people in the college, __________ (refer) to his notes frequently.‎ ‎[答案] referring ‎9.My boyfriend says I'd enjoy a walking holiday, but I'm not __________ (convince).‎ ‎[答案] convinced ‎10.She was always so funny and __________ (entertain).‎ ‎[答案] entertaining Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.她确实告诉过我她的地址,但我全忘了。‎ She ________________ me about her address but I forgot all about it.‎ ‎[答案] did tell ‎2.(2015·北京卷)只要你不断地练习,你就不会觉得剪纸困难。‎ You won't find paper cutting difficult ________________.‎ ‎[答案] as long as you keep practicing it ‎3.杰森决定不违背父亲的意愿,但马克比他的哥哥更大胆。‎ Jason was determined not to ________________ but Mark was more adventurous than his brother.‎ ‎[答案] go against their father's wishes ‎4.看到那条蛇,那个女孩尖叫了一声。‎ At the sight of the snake, the girl ________________.‎ ‎[答案] let out a scream ‎5.我认为这个小屋子住起来舒适。‎ I think the small room is ________________.‎ ‎[答案] comfortable to live in Ⅲ.七选五阅读填空 Tips for Learning a Foreign Language Fast Learning a foreign language doesn't have to be difficult. There are many ways to get absorbed in the language and learn faster. ____1____ Don't give up. There are some easy tips that will promote any learner to achieve success in no time!‎ ‎1.Be committed.‎ Commitment is the most important aspect of learning any language. Make it a daily routine to study. ____2____This is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Also,make it a habit to review what you know. A good time to do this is in the morning.‎ ‎2.Make notes.‎ ‎ Sticky pad notes are great for studying a foreign language. Go around the house and put up notes with the foreign words for objects you see every day. Stick notes on windows, cupboards, mirrors and anything else you see.____3____Leave each set of vocabulary up for a week to get the words rooted in your mind.‎ ‎3.____4____‎ Find a friend who speaks the language you are learning. This might take some work if no one in your area is of that country. Try online for e-mail pals;Facebook and Badoo are good choices to meet someone. The best way to learn a language is by getting immersed (浸入的;专注的) , so finding someone you can speak with will give you a huge advantage over someone studying strictly from a book.‎ ‎4.Watch, listen and learn.‎ Movies and TV shows are excellent ways to learn a language. Find popular TV shows in the language you are learning and watch as much as you can. Watching TV shows and movies speeds up the learning process rapidly. You will hear words you recognize and learn words you haven't studied yet.‎ ‎5.Use a translator.‎ It works like magic to improve your understanding of sentence structure and increase your vocabulary. With the help of a translator, try translating sentences you want to know and make notes. Try translating in ‎ reverse and typing in what you already know to see if you are correct. ____5____ In this case, a good translator can help you solve the problems you come across.‎ A.Get involved.‎ B.Get interested.‎ C.It's a great way to study alone.‎ D.Finally, use a translator to learn sentences that you want to know.‎ E.Try finding a site online that will send new words to your e-mail daily.‎ F.The most essential thing needed to learn a new language is a good attitude.‎ G.It's also a good idea to make a list of sentences you want to learn and post them there.‎ 语篇解读:有许多种方法可以让你专注于一门外语,并提升学习速度。本文给出了五条简单的建议,可以让学习者在短时间内取得成效。‎ ‎1.[解析] 根据设空前一句可知,有许多种方法可以让你专注于一门外语,并提升学习速度,再根据空后的Don't give up.可判断,此处指学习外语的态度,故F项(学习一门新语言最必要的一点就是良好的态度)符合语境。‎ ‎[答案] F ‎2.[解析] 根据空前的Make it a daily routine to study.以及空后一句(这是拓展词汇量的好方法。)可知,设空处应与每天学习新单词有关。故选E项,设空后的This指“尝试找个能每天给你的邮箱发新单词的网站”。‎ ‎[答案] E ‎3.[解析] 设空处前一句提到,把便笺贴在窗户、橱柜、镜子等任何你能看到的物品上,这是学习、记忆的一种方法,而G项(列出你想要学习的句子,把它们粘到这些物品上也是个不错的主意。)是对上一句意思的承接。故选G项。‎ ‎[答案] G ‎4.[解析] 根据本段内容尤其是The best way to learn a language is by getting immersed...即浸入式的语言学习效果更佳,get involved意为“参与;潜心于”,即沉浸到学习外语中,符合语境。故选A项。‎ ‎[答案] A ‎5.[解析] 根据本段的小标题Use a translator.(使用翻译软件),及设空前一句“试着反向翻译,打出你已经知道的句子,看一下自己是否正确”可知,这些都是独自学习的方法,因此C项符合语境。‎ ‎[答案] C

