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Unit two Heroes Words and useful expressions.‎ ‎1. hero…a person , especially a man who is admired by many people for doing sth brave and good.‎ heroine heroic deeds heroism bull-cow cock—hen host..hostess king…queen prince…princess ‎2. calm ‎1) adj….not worried or angry; quiet It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency.‎ a calm cloudless day ‎2) v.‎ She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.‎ ‎3. generous(adj.)‎ giving or willing to give freely That boy is always generous in giving help.‎ She is generous with her money.‎ It is generous of him to pay for us be mean with one’s money ‎4. violent(adj.)…violently(adv.)‎ Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies.‎ a violent attack a violent headache violence non-violence protest ‎5.character the characters in the novels of Charles Dickens Chinese characters His character is different from his wife’s.(They are different in character.)‎ the character of the desert landscape characteristic(adj./n.)‎ ‎6 admire(vt.)‎ We admire him for his success in business.‎ admirer admiration admiring(adj.)‎ give sb. admiring glances receive admiring glances ‎7.be cruel to ‎ ‎ cruelty ‎8.be famous for…be well known for ‎ be famous as …be known as ‎ be famous to ….be known to She is famous for her novels.‎ She is famous as a novelist.‎ Her novels are famous to people all over the country.‎ Lesson One Modern Heroes Words and expressions ‎1. hear of/about hear from sb=receive a letter from sb ‎2. How do you feel about…?‎ How do you find….?‎ How do you like…?‎ What do you think of/about…?‎ What’s your opinion of…?‎ ‎3. China’s first manned space flight China’s first manned spaceship man(vt.) 给......配置人员 man the boat with experienced hands a warship manned experienced officers flight…the act of flying All flights have been cancelled because of fog.‎ in the first/top flight 名列前茅 ‎4. be related to Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in that area is directly related to the new chemical factory.‎ ‎5. afterwards(adv.)…at a later time Afterwards she was sorry for what she had said.‎ Let’s go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.‎ ‎6. lift off…rise from the launching site(rocket; spacecraft)‎ ‎7. launch(n./vt.)…send on its course launch a satellite launch a missile launch a new warship launch an attack against the enemy When the spaceship separated from the rocket, I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity.‎ ‎7.separate(vt./vi.)‎ ‎1) England is separated from France by the English Channel.‎ ‎2) As we joined the big crowd, I got ___ from my friends.‎ A. spared B. lost ‎ B. missed D. separated.‎ ‎3) Her parents separated when she was ten years old.(vi.)‎ adj…分开的,各自的,不同的 Our children have separate bedrooms.‎ This word has three separate meanings.‎ divide…into divide the apple into two halves and give one half to me ‎8soar(vi.)…go up high in the air quickly The jet soared into the air.‎ Prices are soaring.‎ Skyscrapers soar above the horizon.(高耸,耸立)‎ Seagulls soar over the cliffs.‎ ‎9.because of ‎ because The sports meeting was put off because of heavy rain.‎ The sports meeting was put off because it rained heavily.‎ She was angry because of what he had said.‎ ‎10.complete tasks/work When the space was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.‎ They stood there for an hour watching the game.‎ We worked there for a week, helping them to prepare for the international conference. ‎ explore(vt.)‎ explore the Arctic regions Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent.‎ explorer exploration ‎11….when it came back into the earth’s atmosphere.‎ the upper atmosphere pollution of the atmosphere Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere.‎ ‎12.When ShenZhouV let out its parachute, I felt the ship was shaking.(release)‎ Let the air out of the tire It was raining heavily. The mother wouldn’t let her boy out.‎ He is getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out round the waist.‎ I’ll never tell you another secret if you let out this one.‎ She let out a cry of terror. ‎ ‎13….helicopters were flying to where he would land, ready to collect him.‎ Afraid of being late, she got up at four in the morning.‎ He went to bed, cold and hungry.‎ ‎14.millions of people ‎ two million people ‎ hundreds of ‎ thousands of ‎ dozens of ‎ ‎ scores of ‎15. Yang Liwei returns safely to earth…‎ ‎ …when the spaceship landed safely.‎ ‎---How about him?‎ ‎---He came home ____ and sound.‎ A. safe B. safely C. safety ‎16…he smiled and waved to the crowds(who were) waiting for him.‎ wave(vt./vi.)‎ Can you see the star moving in the sky?‎ Peter waved to us when he saw us.‎ She waved her hand to say goodbye.‎ The flag waved in the breeze.‎ wave goodbye to sb ‎=wave sb goodbye ‎(n.)‎ huge waves were breaking on the shore.‎ radio waves sound waves ‎17.I thought 21 hours was too short to stay in space.‎ Three hundred hours is a long time.‎ Sixty miles is a long distance.‎ Lesson two ‎1. revolution revolutionary(adj./n.)‎ ‎2. found(vt.) to build or set up a town, organization or country found a club/company Her family founded the college in 1895.‎ The town was founded by English settlers in 1790.‎ Their marriage was founded not on love but on money.‎ ‎3. opinion(n.)‎ Everyone had a different opinion on this subject.‎ Opinion is divided on the issue.‎ in one’s opinion/in the opinion of sb In my opinion, it’s a very sound investment have a high/low opinion of sb/sth ‎4. personally(adv.)…use to show that you are giving your own opinion about sth Personally, I don’t like him at all.(as far as I’m concerned)‎ Personally speaking, I’m in favour of the plan.‎ The headmaster presented the prizes personally.亲自地 ‎5. agree ‎“He is an excellent cook.”‎ ‎“I couldn’t agree more.”‎ agree to do My boss has agreed to give me a pay rise.‎ agree that…‎ We agreed that the proposal was a good one.‎ agree to a plan( suggestion, proposal, arrangement)‎ agree with sb/what one says/opinion agree on They agreed on the date for the next meeting.‎ ‎6. race the Mongolian race racial discrimination racism ‎7. equal(adj.)…having the same rights or being treated the same as other people All countries, big or small, should be equal.‎ Women should enjoy equal rights with men.‎ There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.(the same in size,value, quantity)‎ be equal to能胜任,等于 I hope that he is equal to the challenge.‎ equally equality inequality ‎8. lead(led, led)‎ lead a strike/an army lead a blind man across the road lead sb by the nose lead a happy life(have a happy life)‎ lead to Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.‎ lead sb to do Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said.‎ ‎9. fight(fought)‎ fight for Martin Luther King fought for the rights of black people in the USA.‎ fight against He fought against racism/slavery.‎ fight with Britain fought with France against Germany in the Second World War.‎ Do you often fight with/against your brother? ‎ fight back ‎10. struggle(yi./n.)‎ The people in that country were struggling for independence.‎ He struggled against cancer for two years.‎ a struggle for freedom ‎11.protest(v./n.)‎ protest against/about/at a protest march peaceful protest ‎(non-violence protest)‎ ‎12.march(v./n.)‎ go on a march The enemy are on the march.‎ Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.‎ Lesson Three ‎1. be full of drugs and violence ‎2. speak about his war experiences ‎3. look back on his childhood ‎4. be strict with sb be strict in/about sth ‎5. brilliant(adj.)…very intelligent; highly skilled or talented A brilliant scientist/musician A brilliant achievement ‎6. skilful (BrE)‎ a skillful driver/teacher The woman is skillful with her finger.‎ He is skillful at inventing excuses.‎ ‎ skilled受过正规训练,有多年经验,并掌握某项专门技术 He is a skilled mechanic/engineer.‎ Tom is highly skilled at/in dealing with difficult customers.‎ be experienced at/in doing sth be expert at/in doing sth ‎7. awful(adj.)…extremely bad; unpleasant; terrible an awful accident an awful experience What awful weather!‎ ‎8. useless (adj.)‎ It is useless worrying about it. = It is useless to worry about it.‎ It is no use arguing with him.‎ It is no good complaining---they never listen.‎ ‎9. compete (vi.)‎ ‎ Many graduates are competing against each other for a job.‎ ‎ In the Olympic Games, they competed in spring diving against Australian competitors for gold medals.‎ competition competitive competitor ‎10. a teaching career a career in politics ‎….express a keen interest in working in design after their tennis careers come to an end.‎ ‎11. keen (adj.)‎ ‎1)He is a keen sportsman.‎ ‎2)Dogs have a keen sense of smell.‎ ‎3)There is a keen competition for places at the college.‎ ‎4)be keen on sb./sth.‎ ‎ be keen on doing sth He is keen on collecting stamps.‎ ‎5)He is keen to help others.‎ ‎12. come to an end The meeting came to an end finally.‎ ‎ put…to an end Let’s put an end to that sort of lifestyle.‎ bring…to an end in the end at the end of by the end of ‎13. …so that they completed their high school while(they were) developing their tennis careers.‎ Be careful while(you are) crossing the street.‎ Don’t say anything unless( ) asked.‎ If( ) taken good care of, the bird can live as long as fives years.‎ ‎14.The sister’s road has been amazing.‎ I’m amazed at her knowledge of French literature.‎ The amazing performance amazed me. 这种另人惊叹的表演让我吃惊。‎ The amazing performance made me amazed.‎ ‎15. The first time (that)Venus played in a big event was in 1996.‎ ‎ This is the first time I have seen the film.‎ The first time可以做连词 He fell in love with her the first time he met her.‎ for the first time I met him at the school gate for the first time.‎ She won Wimbledon for the first time in 1997.‎ ‎16.continue to do ‎ ‎ continue doing ‎17. make fantastic progress ‎ make great/rapid progress in English ‎18.do the dishes Lesson Four ‎1. disaster a natural disaster ‎2.expect sb./sth.‎ ‎ expect sb. to do ‎ ‎ expect to do ‎ expect that…‎ ‎ as expected be expected to ‎ I’m expecting a letter from my father.‎ As expected, he didn’t come to help.‎ ‎3.at first=in the beginning ‎4.on one’s own She lives on her own. (by herself)‎ of one’s own I have a room of my own.‎ ‎5.promote (vt.) help the progress of sth The organization works to promote friendship between nations.‎ She works hard and was soon promoted to general manager of the shoe company last year.‎ promote products/her latest book promoter promotion ‎6.medical research into back injuries research on the spread of AIDS ‎16. draw attention to sth ‎17. encourage sb to do ‎18. think of ‎19. give up ‎ He gave up smoking two years ago.‎ ‎ give in(to sb./sth.)‎ If you think you are right, don’t give in to this decision.‎ ‎20. come to Things have come to such a state in the company that he is thinking of resigning.‎ How do you come to know him?‎ I came to realize my mistakes.‎ I’ll never get to understand him.‎ When it comes to politics, I know nothing. 谈到政治,我一无所知。(涉及;谈及)‎ The car came to a dead stop.‎ 汽车蓦地刹住。‎ come to a conclusion/an agreement 到达;结束 The bill came to $5.50.‎ 账款共计5美元50美分。‎ Suddenly the words of the song came to me.‎ 我猛然想起了这首歌的歌词。‎ After two hours’ sleep he finally came to and opened his eyes.苏醒 ‎12.pull through度过难关, 恢复健康 She was so ill that it seemed unlikely that she would pull through.‎ ‎13…but I’ve never had any thoughts of committing suicide.‎ ‎14.get on(well) with sb./sth.‎ ‎ get along(well) with sb./sth.‎ ‎15.react to 对……作出反应 Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.‎ react against反对,反抗 They react strongly against tax increases.‎ Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 和……发生反应 react on/upon对……产生影响 The two react upon each other.‎ 这两者互相影响。‎ reaction (n.)‎ What’s your reaction to the news?‎ ‎16.divorce They are getting divorced.‎ They are divorcing each other.‎ ‎17.get involved with和……混在一起/和……关系密切 While he was in America he got involved with a group of thieves.‎ He’s deeply involved with her.‎ get/be involved in参加, 参与,牵涉 He was involved in a heated argument.‎ get involved in politics/criminal activities Don’t involve me in solving your problems.‎ ‎18.disabled people ‎19.with Our English teacher is a pretty girl with a pair of glasses (on her nose).‎ Do you know the woman with a baby in her arm?‎ With the progress of new medical research, I’m confident that people like me would be able to walk again one day.‎ With the development of science and technology, …‎ With time going by, …‎ It changes with the season.‎ ‎20.confident (adj.)‎ be confident of sth./doing sth.‎ I am confident of my success/victory.‎ He was confident of gaining his aim. =He was confident that he would gain his aim.‎ have/ lose confidence in sb.‎ ‎21…I’m far too busy with living to think of giving up.‎ be busy with sth be busy (in )doing sth ‎22.far(adv.)修饰比较级, too等 He arrived far too early.‎ far too much furniture far too many misspellings We drove too far.‎ go too far太过分 He’s always been rude but this time he has gone too far The food was far better than I expected.‎ by far He is taller by far than his brother.‎ He is by far the taller of the two brothers.‎ She is the best by far=She is by far the best.‎ How far is it to London from here?‎ It is far away from here.‎ It is two miles away from here.‎ so far/up to now到目前为止 Everything has been successful so far as/so far as远到……, 就……而言 As far as I know, this is highly unlikely.‎ We didn’t go so far as the others.‎ As far as I’m concerned就我而言 far from远非,一点也不 Your work is far from being satisfactory.(not at all)‎ ‎23.remember…as/for ‎24.come to terms with sb./sth. ‎ 适应(困难的处境),迁就顺从,接受令人不快的事物 Talking with his family and friends helped Christopher come to terms with his disabilities.‎

