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It was Sunday and the weather was fine, therefore many people went out to enjoy the sunlight and have fun. Actually, there was a traffic jam. The highways were crowded with cyclists, motorists and pedestrians.‎ Jack, an interpreter with a large English vocabulary, got stuck that day. He got up at 6:30 and looked at his schedule as usual. He had two things to do. He would go to the gym with a friend at 8:00 and go to the railway station to meet his uncle in the afternoon.‎ Jack was addicted to working out. He went to the gym three times a week on average. He benefited a lot from the gym, which offered much convenience for the sports lovers. In fact, he relied on it to build up his body. He had great fun indeed that morning, though he was late because of the jam.‎ After lunch, he went to meet his uncle. As soon as he reached the railway station, the train pulled up.‎ How excited he was to see his uncle! But his uncle seemed a little unhappy. So he asked him, “Did you have a good journey?” “Not at all.” said his uncle. “What's the matter?” “It’s a long story. Let me tell you.”‎ Things were like this. On the train his uncle met a young man who looked gentle and reliable and left a good impression on Jack's uncle. The young man said that he was an ambassador from America. But to his uncle's surprise, it turned out that he was a thief. He stole a woman's suitcase and the consequence was that he was arrested by the police.‎ ‎“You can never judge a person by his looks, and you can't be too careful wherever you go!” warned Jack's uncle.‎ ‎  那是一个星期天而且天气很好,因此很多人都外出享受阳光和游玩。事实上, 市区出现了交通堵塞。公路上挤满了骑自行车的人、驾驶汽车的人以及行人。‎ 英语词汇量很大的口译员杰克那天就被堵在路上了。他6:30起床后像往常一样看了一下他的日程表,他有两件事要做:8点和一位朋友去健身房,下午去火车站接他叔叔。‎ 杰克对做运动上瘾了,他平均一周去三次健身房。健身房为体育爱好者提供了很多方便,杰克也从中受益无穷。事实上,他就依靠健身房来强身健体了。那天早上他确实玩得很开心,虽然他因堵车迟到了。‎ 午饭后,他去接他叔叔。他一到火车站,火车就进站停下了。‎ 见到叔叔杰克真兴奋!但他叔叔看上去并不太高兴。“您一路可好?”杰克问。“一点都不好。”他叔叔回答。“怎么回事啊?”“一言难尽,让我慢慢告诉你。”‎ 事情是这样的。杰克的叔叔在火车上遇到一个年轻人,他看上去既和善又可靠,‎ 给杰克的叔叔留下了好印象。年轻人说他是一位来自美国的大使,可令他叔叔吃惊的是,他是一个小偷。他偷了一名妇女的手提箱,结果被警察逮捕了。‎ ‎“你千万不可以貌取人,而且无论到哪里你都千万要小心!”杰克的叔叔告诫说。‎

