【英语】2018届人教版必修5一轮复习:Unit1 Greatscientist单元学案(19页)

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【英语】2018届人教版必修5一轮复习:Unit1 Greatscientist单元学案(19页)

‎ Unit 1 Great scientist学案 一、单词—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.defeat vt.  打败;战胜;使受挫 n. 失败 ‎2.expert adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 n. 专家;行家 ‎3.attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加 ‎4.absorb vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 ‎5.blame vt. 责备;谴责 n. 过失;责备 ‎6.pollute vt. 污染;弄脏 ‎7.positive adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的 ‎8.enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的 ‎9.science n.科学→scientific adj.科学的→scientist n.科学家 ‎10.conclude vt.&vi.结束;推断出→conclusion n.结论;结束 ‎11.challenge n.挑战 vt.向……挑战→challenging adj.具有挑战性的 ‎12.severe adj.严重的;剧烈的;严厉的→severely adv.严重地;严厉地 ‎1.You must read the instructions (instruct) before taking the medicine.‎ ‎2.We can come to the conclusion (conclude) that nothing is so precious as freedom in the world. ‎ ‎3.Her proposal met with continual rejections (reject), which made her mad.‎ ‎4.I want to be a scientist to discover a scientific breakthrough to save people's lives.(science)‎ ‎5.Mary announced to her teammates that she was to marry a Chinese boy. The announcement of their marriage would appear in the local newspaper next week.(announce)‎ ‎6.The workers are constructing the bridge damaged by the flood, and the bridge under construction connects the road with the town.(construct)‎ ‎7.The first lady Peng Liyuan has contributed a lot of money to the school and she has made great contributions to education. (contribute)‎ ‎8.I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge. Last week I got a new job in a big firm, and I found it very challenging.(challenge)‎ ‎13.announce vt.宣布;通告→announcement_n.通知;宣告→announcer n.播音员;广播员 ‎14.instruct vt.命令;指示;教导→instruction n.指导;指示;用法说明 ‎15.construct vt.建设;修建→construction n.建设;建筑物 ‎16.contribute vt.&vi.捐献;贡献;捐助→contribution n.捐献;贡献 ‎17.cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的→caution n.小心;谨慎→cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地 ‎18.reject vt.拒绝;抛弃;不接受→rejection n.拒绝;抛弃 ‎⇩ ‎1.后缀sion构成的抽象名词集锦 ‎①conclusion   结论;结束 ‎②confusion 混乱 ‎③expression 词语;表达方式 ‎④revision 修正;复习 ‎⑤permission 允许 ‎⑥profession 职业;专业 ‎2.“观点;态度”的高频形容词 ‎①positive    积极的 ‎②negative 消极的 ‎③subjective 主观的 ‎④objective 客观的 ‎⑤doubtful 怀疑的 ‎⑥critical 批评的 ‎3.“照看/照顾某人”的多种表达 ‎①attend to/on/upon sb.  ②care for sb.‎ ‎4.名词用作动词的高频词汇集锦 ‎①handle n.把手→vt.处理 ‎②nurse n.护士→vt.‎ ‎③take care of sb. ④look after sb.‎ 护理;照顾 ‎③face n.脸→vt.面对 二、短语—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.put_forward         提出 ‎2.draw_a_conclusion 得出结论 ‎3.expose_...to 使显露;暴露 ‎4.link_...to_..._ 将……和……联系 或连接起来 ‎5.apart_from 除……之外;此外 ‎6.make_sense_ 讲得通;有意义 ‎7.(be)_strict_with_... 对……严格的 ‎8.be_to_blame 应受谴责/责备 ‎9.look_into_ 调查 ‎10.lead_to 导致;通向 ‎11.be_determined_to_do_sth. 决定做某事 ‎12.slow_down 慢下来 ‎1.Everyone is supposed to put_forward some suggestions on how to improve our environment at the meeting.‎ ‎2.We must_be_strict_with our students while we should give them love and care as well.‎ ‎3.I wrote a letter of complaint, and the manager has promised to look_into the matter.‎ ‎4.We can't draw_a_conclusion without having a wide investigation into this matter.‎ ‎5.Eating too much fat can lead_to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.‎ ‎6.I think that it is I rather than my sister that am_to_blame for what has happened.‎ ‎7.Don't waste time thinking about a sentence which doesn't make_sense.‎ ‎8.Apart_from the English class, I took an active part in English Corner and other afterclass English activities.‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“动词+n.+to”必备短语集锦 ‎①expose ...to        使显露;暴露 ‎②add ...to 增添;增加 ‎③compare ...to 把……比作 ‎④devote ...to 贡献给 ‎⑤supply ...to 供应给 ‎2.由link ... to ...联想到的 ‎①connect ...with ...   把……和……连接起来 ‎②tie ...to ... 把……拴到……‎ ‎③mix ...with ... 把……和……混合起来 ‎④combine ...with ... 把……和……结合起来 三、句式—— 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。‎ neither ...nor ...连接两个并列的句子成分。‎ 我妻子和我本人都没能说服女儿改变主意。‎ Neither_my_wife_nor_I_myself_am able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.‎ ‎2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.‎ 所以每次爆发霍乱时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。‎ every time作连词用,引导时间状语从句。‎ 每次我去看她时,她都全神贯注于研究工作。‎ Every_time_I_went_to_see_her,_she was absorbed in her research work.‎ ‎3.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.‎ 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。‎ ‎ “only+状语(从句)”位于句首时后面的主句需用部分倒装。‎ 只要你有目标而且持之以恒地去追求,那么你的梦想就能实现。‎ Only if you have a goal and go for it with perseverance can_your_dreams_be_achieved 语境认识词汇 At the conference, the manager of the company put forward several suggestions on how ‎ to gain success in the competitive world. He said it was being fully devoted to one's work that contributed to one's success, which I think makes sense in our daily life. To conclude, we are supposed to spare no effort to realize our dream.‎ ‎1.contribute vt.& vi.捐款;贡献;捐助;导致;投稿 ‎(1)contribute sth. to ...      把某物捐献给……‎ contribute to 有助于;导致;投稿 ‎(2)contribution n. 捐献;贡献;投稿 make a contribution/contributions to ‎ 对……做出贡献 ‎①A large population and too many private cars contribute to heavy traffic jam in the city.‎ 大量的人口和过多的私家车导致城市严重的交通阻塞。‎ ‎②If you want to contribute_to our newspaper, please send me your article before the deadline.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)‎ 如果你想往我们报纸投稿,请在最后期限前把文章寄给我。‎ ‎③Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions_(contribute) to the class.(上海高考写作)‎ 参加比赛对我来说是一次难得的展示我的舞蹈才能的好机会,并对班级做出贡献。‎ ‎[联想发散] 表示“引起;导致;有助于”的词语还有:cause, lead to, result in, bring about等。‎ ‎2.conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出 ‎(1)conclude  conclude sth. 以……结束……‎ to conclude 最后 ‎(2)come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 总而言之 ‎①He concluded_from_their_remarks_that_they were not in favour of the plan.‎ 他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。‎ ‎②When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to conclude_it_with important points. (2013·浙江高考单选)‎ 小组讨论接近尾声时,一定要用几条要点作为结束。‎ ‎③I drew_a_conclusion_from my own experiences that where there is a will there is a way. (2014·山东高考写作)‎ 我从我自己的经历中得出结论:有志者,事竟成。‎ ‎ [联想发散] 表示“总而言之”的其他表达还有:in short, in brief, in a word, all in all, to sum up, briefly (speaking), on the whole等。‎ ‎3.put forward提出(建议等);推荐;将……提前;将(钟表等)向前拨 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中put forward的含义 ‎①I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV.提出 ‎②You ought to put your watch forward by ten minutes.将(钟表等)向前拨 ‎③They have put forward the date of their wedding by one week.将……提前 ‎④I think he is fit for the position; therefore, I'll put him forward as a candidate.推荐 put away        把……收拾好;整理;储蓄 put aside 把……放到一边;储存 put down 放下;写下;记下;镇压 put on 穿上;上演;增加 put off 推迟;延期 put up 搭建;张贴;为……提供住宿 put through 接通电话;完成 put out 扑灭 put up with 容忍;忍受 ‎⑤First he opened a shop and then he put_up a sign outside the shop to attract customers.‎ 首先他开了家商店,然后他在商店外面挂了一个条幅来吸引顾客。‎ ‎⑥It has become a habit for some students to put_off their homework.(2015·广东高考写作)‎ 对有些学生来说推迟他们的作业已成为一种习惯。‎ ‎4.make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通 ‎(1)make sense of   理解;明白 make no sense 没意义 ‎(2)in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说 in no sense 决不(用在句首时,句子用部分倒装)‎ There is no/little sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理 ‎①See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn't_make_sense_to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.(2015·天津高考单选)‎ 瞧,你的电脑又坏了!只是为了省一点钱买最便宜牌子的电脑没有意义。‎ ‎②We read it through, but could not make_sense_of_it.‎ 我们从头到尾读了一遍,但不明白它说些什么。‎ ‎③In no sense should_you_lose_heart;_keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.‎ 你决不应该灰心丧气。继续努力,你迟早会成功的。‎ 语境认识词汇 Black was severely ill because of being exposed to a deadly virus. After all the attempts to cure him, the experts announced that the virus was defeated but he needed a week's special care before he was fully recovered. It is said that the virus was to blame.‎ ‎5.expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光;使面临 ‎(1)expose ... to ...  使……暴露于/面临/遭受……‎ ‎(be) exposed to ... 暴露于……;处于……危险中 ‎(2)expose sb. to sth. 使某人接触到某物 ‎①Don't expose_your_skin_to_direct sunlight, or you'll get sunburnt.‎ 不要让你的皮肤直接暴晒于阳光下,否则你会被晒伤。‎ ‎②If exposed (expose) to the outside surroundings, they'll be stronger and better prepared for their future.‎ 如果暴露于外部的环境,他们将变得更加强壮并能为未来做好准备。‎ ‎③Some people think we shouldn't expose the children to playing (play) computer games.‎ 一些人认为我们不应该让孩子们接触电脑游戏。‎ ‎[名师指津] 在expose ...to ...以及be exposed to结构中,to为介词,其后要用名词、代词或动名词。‎ ‎6.cure n.治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗 a cure for ...    针对……的治疗(法)‎ cure sb./a disease 治疗好某人/治疗(治愈)某种疾病 cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病/改掉某人的恶习等 ‎①Professor Wang said the reason of shortsightedness is complicated and that there is still no excellent cure for it.‎ 王教授说近视的原因很复杂,现在仍然没有好的治疗方法。‎ ‎②The fresh air and exercise cured him of his sleeplessness, which made him feel relief.‎ 新鲜空气和锻炼治好了他的失眠,这令他感到欣慰。‎ ‎[辨析比较] cure, treat cure 强调结果,“治疗,治愈”,其后可直接加疾病或用于cure sb. of sth.结构 treat 强调过程,“治疗”,常用搭配:treat one's+疾病或treat sb. for+疾病 选用以上单词填空 ‎③The doctor treated her headache with the best medicine, but did not cure her of the disease.‎ ‎7.blame vt.责备;谴责;把……归咎于 n.过失;责备 ‎ (1)blame sb. for sth./doing sth. 为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事 blame sth.on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 be to blame (for) 应(为……)承担责任;该(为……)受责备 ‎(2)put/lay the blame for sth. on ... 将某事归咎于……‎ ‎①She blamed her husband for the failure of their marriage.‎ ‎→She blamed the failure of their marriage on her husband.‎ 她把婚姻的失败归咎于她丈夫。‎ ‎②I am not to_blame (blame) for my laziness, mum. I'm what you have made me. ‎ 妈妈,你不该责备我懒惰。我这么懒也是你娇惯出来的。‎ ‎③It is common that nowadays some students put the blame for their poor performance in study on their low IQ.‎ 如今,一些学生把他们的学习成绩不好归咎于他们的智商低,这很常见。‎ ‎[名师指津] be to blame短语中blame不能用被动形式,该短语为主动形式表示被动含义。‎ 语境认识词汇Li Ping's English teacher is very strict with her and he often encourages her to read some English articles every day, neither too long nor too short. And in this way, Li Ping has absorbed a lot from reading. Every time Li Ping attends the English speech contest, he always instructs her patiently. With the help of the teacher, Li Ping has made rapid progress. When facing difficulties and challenges, she never gives up.‎ ‎8.absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心;理解 ‎(1)absorb one's attention    吸引某人的注意 absorb ...into ... 把……吸收进……‎ ‎(2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的 ‎(be) absorbed in ... 全神贯注于……‎ ‎①Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain.‎ 几分钟的时间酒精就会被吸收到血流中开始对大脑起作用。‎ ‎②A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was_absorbed_in_his reading.(2015·福建高考书面表达)‎ 一缕微弱的光线从墙上的小孔中透过来,他正在专心致志地读书。‎ ‎③Absorbed (absorb) in his work, he simply forgot to have supper and sleep.‎ 他专心于工作,几乎忘记了吃饭和睡觉。‎ ‎[联想发散] be absorbed in (doing) sth.结构在句中作状语、定语时,常用其过去分词形式absorbed in ...。类似的结构还有:‎ ‎①be lost in ...      陷入……;专心致志于……‎ ‎②be caught in ... 被困在……‎ ‎③be buried in ... 埋头于……‎ ‎④be devoted to ... 致力于……;专心于……‎ ‎⑤be occupied in ... 忙于……‎ ‎⑥be involved in ... 专注于……‎ ‎9.attend vt.出席;参加;照顾;护理 vi.专心;留意 attend a meeting/a lecture/a wedding/school/church ‎ 参加会议/听演讲/参加婚礼/上学/做礼拜 attend to 处理;倾听;专心于 ‎①I am so sorry that I won't be able to attend_the_lecture on American history tomorrow ‎ afternoon.‎ 非常抱歉我明天下午不能去听关于美国历史的演讲了。‎ ‎②I can't go out with you tonight because I have an urgent thing to_attend_to.‎ 今晚我不能与你一起外出,因为我有一件急事要处理。‎ ‎10.instruct vt.命令;指示;教导 ‎(1)instruct sb. to do sth.   命令某人做某事 instruct sb. in (doing) sth. 指导某人(做)某事 instruct sb. that ... (should) do sth.‎ ‎ 命令……(宾语从句中用虚拟语气)‎ ‎(2)instructive adj. 指示性的;有教育意义的 instruction n. 指令;说明(常用复数)‎ ‎①The college will need an additional teacher to instruct the boys in cooking.‎ 这所大学需要增加一名教员来向男生传授烹饪技术。‎ ‎②They instructed him that he (should)_leave (leave) the country at once.‎ 他们命令他立刻离开这个国家。‎ ‎③Follow the_instructions (instruct) on the packet carefully.‎ 仔细按照包装上的说明操作。‎ ‎11.challenge n.挑战 vt.向……挑战 ‎ (1)face the challenge       面临挑战 accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战 ‎(2)challenge sb. to sth. 向某人挑战某事 challenge sb. to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事 ‎(3)challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 ‎①He himself says he will face_the_challenge_bravely.‎ 他本人说他会勇敢地面对挑战。‎ ‎②I want to challenge him_to a game of basketball.‎ 我想向他挑战一场篮球赛。‎ ‎[名师指津] challenge本身已内含“向……;对……”的意义,因而不要再加多余的to。‎ 向某人挑战 ‎12.neither ...nor ...既不……也不……‎ Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. ‎ 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。‎ ‎(1)neither ...nor ...连接句中两个相同的句子成分。连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循就近一致原则。‎ ‎①Neither I nor Jack has_seen (see) the film before.‎ 我和杰克以前都没有看过这部电影。‎ ‎(2)遵循“就近原则”的其他并列连词:‎ either ... or ...      不是……就是……‎ not only ... but also ... 不仅……而且……‎ not ... but ... 不是……而是……‎ ‎②Not only John and Tom but also their sister, Mary, takes_(take) great interest in the piano lessons.‎ 不仅约翰和汤姆,而且他们的姐姐玛丽也对钢琴课非常感兴趣。‎ ‎③Either you or one of your students_is (be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.‎ 要么是你或者你的一名学生应该出席明天的会议。‎ ‎13.every time引导时间状语从句 So many thousands of terrified people died every_time there was an outbreak.‎ 所以每次爆发霍乱时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。‎ 名词词组作连词用,引导时间状语从句的还有:‎ ‎(1)由time构成的名词词组:every/each time, the first/last time, next time, any time等。‎ ‎(2)the+瞬间名词:the minute, the instant, the moment等,意为“一……就……”。‎ ‎①I think of the happy hours we spent together_every/each_time_I_see_these_photos.‎ 每次看到这些照片,我都会想起我们一起度过的美好时光。‎ ‎②The_first_time I heard the plan he put forward, I felt very excited.‎ 我第一次听到他提出的计划时,感到很兴奋。‎ ‎③Next_time_you_come_to_Beijing,_be sure to let me know in advance.‎ 下次你来北京,务必提前告诉我。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Always read the instructions (instruct) on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.‎ ‎2.In conclusion (conclude), I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.‎ ‎3.Mark is a cautious (caution) shopper who always does some careful research on the market before he buys something valuable.‎ ‎4.When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, absorbed (absorb) in conversation.‎ ‎5.It is so challenging (challenge) a job that I can't finish it on my own.‎ ‎6.Children, when_exposed (expose) to an Englishspeaking atmosphere, will pick up the language much more easily.‎ ‎7.He made an apology to me for his not_attending (attend) the concert on time.‎ ‎8.(2013·全国卷Ⅱ单选)It may not be a great suggestion.But before a better one is put forward,_we'll make do with it.‎ ‎9.Whenever he didn't perform well in his studies, he would blame his failure on carelessness.‎ ‎10.Although her relatives didn't think she could live for three months, the old doctor finally cured her of_her disease. ‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.It makes a sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control.去掉a ‎2.Neither the teacher nor the students is content with the result.is→are ‎3.He was struck by the beauty for the first time he visited Guilin.去掉for ‎4.Although defeating in the match, we didn't lose heart.defeating→defeated ‎5.When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely absorbing in the newspaper.absorbing→absorbed ‎6.Very few of those interviewed spoke positive about their childhood.positive→positively Ⅲ.根据提示词或结构补全句子 ‎1.(2014·湖北高考短文写作)把小事做好有助于增强我们的自信心并帮助我们迎接未来更大的挑战。(contribute)‎ Doing small things well contributes_to_building_up_our_confidence_and helping us meet bigger challenges in the future.‎ ‎2.(2014·山东高考满分作文)起初,学英语看上去很难以至于我还没尝试就想放弃。(so ... that ...)‎ At the beginning, learning_English_seemed_so_difficult_that I wanted to give up without even trying.‎ ‎3.(2014·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)我是一名中国学生,我打算在假期去英国参加一个暑期学习班。(attend)‎ I am a student in China and I plan to go to Britain to_attend_a_summer_school during the ‎ vacation.‎ ‎4.每当看到这张老照片,我就会想起我中学时的同桌。(every time)‎ Every_time_I_see_the_old_photo,_I will think of my deskmate in middle school. ‎ ‎5.(2015·重庆高考写作)只有用这种方法我们才能为我们的家庭和社会做出贡献。(部分倒装)‎ Only in this way can_we_make_a_great_contribution/great_contributions_to our family and our society.‎ ‎6.除了是DNA方面的专家,王教授还进行医药方面的研究。(apart from)‎ Apart_from_being_an_expert_on DNA, Professor Wang is also carrying out research on medicine.‎ Ⅳ.一句多译 ‎1.如果年轻人每天都处于嘈杂的音乐的影响中,他们很可能有变聋的危险。‎ ‎①Young people may risk going deaf if they_are_exposed_to_very_loud_music every day.‎ ‎②If exposed_to_very_loud_music every day, young people may risk going deaf.(省略句)‎ ‎2.汤姆专心于工作,忘记了通知她这件事。‎ ‎①Tom was so_absorbed_in_his_work that he forgot to inform her of it.(absorb)‎ ‎②So_absorbed_was_Tom_in_his_work_that he forgot to inform her of it.(用so ... that ...的倒装句)‎ ‎③Absorbed_in_his_work,_Tom forgot to inform her of it.(用过去分词短语作状语)‎ ‎3.他把考试失败归咎于老师。‎ ‎①He_blamed_the_failure_of_his_exam_on_the_teacher.(blame ...on)‎ ‎②He_blamed_the_teacher_for_the_failure_of_his_exam.(blame ...for)‎ ‎③He_put/laid_the_blame_for_the_failure_of_his_exam_on_the_teacher.(blame n.)‎ ‎[课下练熟高考]‎ 阅读理解·组块专练——练速度 ‎(限时:35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2017·衡阳高三一模)There has been a controversy between animal rights supporters and scientists about whether it is right to use animals to find cures for human diseases in experimental research. Personally, if there are no other alternatives, and if it is possible that this will contribute to science, animals may be used for experimental research.‎ The animal rights supporters label scientists as “cruel” for causing animals to die in medical experiments, while they do not oppose the people, mostly farmers, who kill animals for food. Some even claim that people and animals are equal and they should be treated equally. But can the death of an animal be the same thing as the death of a person? I think causing animals to die for science or for saving human lives may be considered ethical (伦理的), if it will contribute to the advancement of science and human health in general.‎ Another basic argument of animal rights supporters is that people and animals are different genetically. They claim that it will make no good to use animals in experiments because they are too different to be compared to people. Some of them even state that it is better to use people directly as they think that the results of experiments on animals cannot be valid and reliable as long as the same observation has not been done on man. However, these people cannot foresee the disastrous results of such a practice. Many people are likely to die until a healthy result is obtained. People and animals may not be the same, but to some degree, scientists are right to use animal models to do some experiments that could not be achieved in human. There are also a lot of examples which show that using animals resulted in significant developments and helped to cure some serious illnesses.‎ All in all, using animals for medical research is ethical as long as it contributes to scientific development and human health. And this practice is only acceptable on the condition that animals are treated humanely.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了动物权利支持者和科学家之间关于用动物进行医学试验研究以寻找治疗人类疾病的方法是否正确的争议。作者认为动物可以被用于医学研究并针对此论点进行了分析论证。‎ ‎1.Animal rights supporters hold the opinion that ________.‎ A.farmers have the legal rights to kill animals B.causing animals to die for science is acceptable C.scientists are to blame for killing animals for research D.animals and people are not different genetically 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,动物权利支持者认为科学家应对科学研究致使动物死亡负责。故选C。‎ ‎2.We can infer that the author ________.‎ A.seems to be an animal rights supporter B.does experimental research on animals C.is concerned about the future of animals D.agrees that animals can be used in medical research 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句及最后一段内容可推知,作者同意用动物进行医学研究。故选D。‎ ‎3.According to the text, it is a fact that ________.‎ A.it is always illegal to use animals for experimental research B.using animals for medical experiments contributes to curing some serious illnesses C.using people models is against the law and regarded as cruel D.it makes no difference whether to use animals or people for experimental research 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,B项所述是事实。故选B。‎ B People have been wondering why elephants do not develop cancer even though they have lifespans (寿命) that are similar to humans, living for around 50 to 70 years.‎ Now scientists believe they know why. A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors (肿瘤) developing. To be precise, they found 20 copies of an antitumor gene called TP53 in elephants. Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy.‎ According to the research, the extra copies of the gene improved the animal's sensitivity to DNA damage, which lets the cells quickly kill themselves when damaged before they can go on to form deadly tumors.‎ ‎“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals,” the study author Dr Vincent Lynch told The Guardian. If every living cell has the same chance of becoming cancerous (癌变的), large creatures with a long lifespan like whales and elephants should have a greater risk of developing cancer than humans and mice. But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.‎ This_phenomenon was found by Oxford University scientist Richard Peto in the 1970s and later named “Peto's paradox (悖论)”. Biologists believe it results from larger animals using protection that many smaller animals do not. In the elephant's case, the making of TP53 is nature's way of keeping this species alive.‎ The study also found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer resistance as elephants. This means researchers could use the discovery to develop new treatments that can help stop cancer spreading or even developing in the first place.‎ ‎“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer,” said Joshua Schiffman, a biologist at the School of Medicine, University of Utah, US. “It's up to us to learn how different animals deal with the problem so that we can use those strategies to prevent cancer in people.”‎ 语篇解读 :科学家研究发现,大象不患癌症是因为它们的体内有很多阻止肿瘤生长的基因TP53,人类有望通过研究TP53来预防癌症。‎ ‎4.Why are elephants unlikely to develop cancer?‎ A.They have a rather large body size.‎ B.Their genes suffer no DNA damage.‎ C.Certain genes in their body kill existing tumors.‎ D.They carry many genes to prevent tumors developing.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors (肿瘤) developing.”可知,因为大象体内有许多阻止肿瘤生长的基因,所以大象不患癌症,D项正确。‎ ‎5.According to the passage, what has been a risk in the evolution of large animals?‎ A.Deadly tumors.‎ B.The huge body mass.‎ C.Cells killing themselves.‎ D.Sensitivity to DNA damage.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals”可知,许多大型动物在进化过程中有患癌症的风险,故A项正确。‎ ‎6.What does the underlined part “This phenomenon” in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?‎ A.Larger animals have protection from TP53.‎ B.The risk of cancer is not related to body size.‎ C.Larger animals suffer the same risk of cancer as smaller ones.‎ D.The huger animals are, the bigger risk of cancer they will have.‎ 解析:选B 指代判断题。根据第四段的最后一句“But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.”可知,This phenomenon 指代患癌症的风险和动物的大小无关,故B项正确。‎ ‎7.What can be concluded from the passage?‎ A.Depending on nature is surely enough to fight against cancer.‎ B.The TP53 genes have proved useful in stopping cancer in people.‎ C.Humans are expected to prevent cancer with the making of TP53.‎ D.The extra copies of elephants' genes are used to cure cancer patients.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据文章的最后一句“It's up to us to learn how ...prevent cancer in people.”并结合上文陈述的在大象身上发现阻止肿瘤生长的基因TP53可以判断,人们有望通过制造TP53来预防癌症,故C项正确。‎ C ‎ “Walt Disney World is banning selfiesticks from its theme parks because ‎ selfiesticks have become a growing safety concern for both our guests and cast,” Disney World spokeswoman Kim Prunty said.‎ Under a new policy, which takes effect Tuesday, the poles won't make it past the bag check at any Disney World theme park. The sticks also won't be allowed in Disney World water parks or Disney Quest, a gaming attraction at Downtown Disney. Selfiesticks will also become forbidden at Disneyland Resort in California on June 30. The prohibition begins at Disney's parks in Paris and Hong Kong on July 1.‎ Guests will be checked for the equipment during the routine bag check that happens near the parks' entrances. They will have an option of turning in their selfiesticks for pickup later or to go back to their cars or hotel rooms to keep them. Visitors will be told of the policy in locations such as the parking lots and at the resort's hotels. The prohibition will be added to the park rules post on Disney World's website.‎ The issue has been building at Disney. Previously, the sticks were prohibited from its rides, and “no selfiesticks” signs were at select rides, such as Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Magic Kingdom. Cast members have given oral warnings to rule breakers.‎ Selfiestick users put smartphones and cameras on the ends of poles to extend their reach, frequently capturing themepark moments through selfportraits. The tools have been banned in public places — including some museums and stadiums — worldwide for obstructing views or causing safety issues.‎ Disney World already prohibits items such as skateboards, inline skates, wagon, folding chairs and glass containers, according to its official website, which also lists “other items that we determine may be harmful”.‎ Universal Orlando has banned selfiesticks and other loose items from certain thrill rides at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure theme parks, but it has not set parkwide bans.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述了迪斯尼乐园禁止其各大主题公园使用自拍杆的相关情况。‎ ‎8.Which of the following objects has already been banned in Disney theme parks before the new policy takes effect?‎ A.Smartphones.        B.Folding chairs.‎ C.Cameras. D.Containers.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,在新政策生效前,迪斯尼主题公司已禁止使用的是折叠椅。故B项正确。‎ ‎9.According to the ban, if the guests are found carrying selfiesticks during the routine bag check, they may ________.‎ A.abandon them at the bag check B.get fined and pick them up later C.turn them in to the police D.put them in the trunk of their cars 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,游客可将其放到车子的后备箱。故D项正确。‎ ‎10.The underlined word in the fifth paragraph probably means “________”.‎ A.changing B.broadening C.blocking D.narrowing 解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据第五段最后一句及常识可推知,高高举起的自拍杆将会遮住游客的视线且存在安全隐患,故画线词“obstructing”意为“阻碍”。block意为“阻止”,与其意思最接近。故C项正确。‎ ‎11.According to the passage, it can be inferred that ________.‎ A.the ban on the use of selfiesticks is aimed at ensuring security B.previously guests can take photos with selfiesticks on thrill rides C.the staff in Disneyland will inform visitors of the ban only orally D.Universal Orlando has banned selfiesticks parkwide 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第一段并结合第五段最后一句“The tools have been banned ... causing safety issues.”可知,迪斯尼乐园禁用自拍杆是为了保证游客安全。故A项正确。‎ D Have you ever found yourself in this situation: You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child — a bit of nostalgia (怀旧) or “blast from the past”, as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.‎ Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages.‎ Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adults and randomly divided them into three groups of 20. Then they gave the groups three different types of “listenandrepeat” learning conditions. Researchers had one group simply speak the words. They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm, or beat. And they asked the third group to sing the words.‎ All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15 minutes. Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered.‎ Why Hungarian, you ask? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language. It does not share any roots with Germanic or Romance languages, such as Italian or Spanish. After the tests were over, the singers came out on top. The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance. They did the best in four out of five of the tests. They also performed two times better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them.‎ Dr. Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy 3, or memorable 4, tune 5.‎ Dr. Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle to learn foreign languages. On the University of Edinburgh's website Dr. Ludke writes, “This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listenandrepeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文,主要讲述了一项有关音乐和外语学习之间存在关系的研究。‎ ‎12.The “song” mentioned in the first paragraph is intended to ________.‎ A.recall the past B.attract the readers C.introduce the topic D.compare the childhood with the present 解析:选C 推理判断题。本文开头通过“song”举例导入话题,从而引出下文对于音乐和外语学习之间关系的研究。故C项正确。‎ ‎13.According to the passage, which language doesn't share the same root with Germanic or Romance languages?‎ A.Hungarian. B.Spanish.‎ C.Italian. D.English.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第五段第二、三句可知,匈牙利语与其没有相同的词根。故A项正确。‎ ‎14.Based on the last two paragraphs, we can conclude that ________.‎ A.singing is the best way to learn a language B.the brain probably works best when the foreign language learners sing the words C.a listenrepeat method is very effective for any language learner D.Dr. Katie Overy and Dr. Ludke disagree with each other 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第六段可知,唱歌有助于找到学习外语的新途径。选项A中“the best way”与文意不符;选项C中的“any language learner”表述有误;根据最后两段可知,Dr. Katie Overy与Dr. Ludke两人观点一致,排除D项。故B项正确。‎ ‎15.In which situation can the finding of the research be applied?‎ A.A mother is going to teach her baby how to speak.‎ B.A child is going to have his first music lesson.‎ C.A student is going to learn a new English song.‎ D.An American is going to learn some Chinese.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句可知,此项研究对于外语学习者非常有用。故D项正确。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2017·河北衡水中学一模)‎ Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself In all one's life time, it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with.__1__‎ When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate (高估) yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach. __2__ It's likely that you think it wise for yourself to stay away from the outer world. Actually, to get a thorough understanding of oneself, you may as well keep the following tips in mind.‎ Gain a correct view of oneself. You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for dreams can never be fully realized. You may be courageous to meet challenges but it should be clear to you where to direct your efforts. __3__‎ Selfappreciate. Whether you compare yourself to a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature. __4__ If you earnestly (诚挚地) admire yourself you'll have a real sense of selfappreciation.‎ ‎__5__ In time of anger, do yourself a favor by releasing (释放) it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of sadness, do yourself a favor by sharing it with your friends so as to change a bad mood into a cheerful one; in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep.‎ Get a full control of one's life. Then one will find one's life full of color and flavor.‎ A.It has its own value.‎ B.Do oneself a favor when it's needed.‎ C.Do yourself a favor when you resist the attack of illness.‎ D.But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of.‎ E.Especially if it is well within your reach, you are just too blind to see it.‎ F.When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself.‎ G.So long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself, there won't be difficulties you can't overcome.‎ 语篇解读:‎ 本文是一篇议论文。作者向我们提出了彻底了解自己的几点建议:正确认识自己、欣赏自己、善待自己以及充分把握自己的生命。‎ ‎1.选D 本文的标题是“全面了解自己”。上文提到人生在世,和我们相处最久、打交道最多的是我们自己;故D项“但是一个人往往最不了解的恰恰也是自己”与上文话题衔接紧密,也为本文的主旨埋下伏笔。故选D。‎ ‎2.选F 上文提到“When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate (高估) yourself.”;故F项“When you are going downhill ...”在此处与上文构成对比,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎3.选G 上文提到你可能会勇敢地迎接挑战,但是你必须清楚自己努力的方向;故G项“只要你对自己非常了解,你就没有克服不了的困难”与上文话题衔接紧密,且与本段主旨“正确了解自己”相吻合。故选G。‎ ‎4.选A 上文提到无论你把自己比作一座高山还是一块石头,你都代表着自己的一种状态;而A项意为“它都有它自己存在的价值”,放在此处符合语境,与上文话题衔接紧密,且与该段小标题“自我欣赏”相照应。故选A。‎ ‎5.选B 分析文章结构可知,空格处为该段小标题。根据下文三个排比句“In time of anger, do yourself a favor by ...in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor ...”并通读该段内容可知,B项“必要时请善待自己”概括了该段大意,适合做该段标题。故选B。‎ Unit 3 Life in the future 一、单词—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.aspect n.          方面;层面 ‎ ‎2.previous adj. 在前的;早先的 ‎3.uncertain adj. 不确切的;无把握的 ‎4.guide n. 指导;向导;导游 ‎1.They have decided to make a few adjustments (adjust) to their travelling plan.‎ ‎2.As I walked through the town, I was constantly (constant) reminded of my childhood.‎ ‎3.We are in instant need of help. Please tell us instantly they arrive.(instant)‎ vt. 指引;指导 ‎5.lack vi.&vt. 缺乏;没有 n. 缺乏;短缺的东西 ‎6.optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的 ‎7.material n. 原料;材料 ‎8.recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用 ‎9.impression n.印象;感想;印记→impress v.使留下印象→impressive ‎ adj.给人以深刻印象的 ‎10.constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的→constantly adv.不断地 ‎11.surroundings n.周围的事物;环境→surround vt.环绕;包围→surrounding adj.周围的 ‎12.press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;新闻;印刷→pressure n.压力 ‎13.adjustment n.调整;调节→adjust vt.调整;调节 ‎14.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受→tolerance n.容忍;忍受→tolerant adj.宽容的;‎ 容忍的 ‎15.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的→instantly adv.立即;立刻 ‎16.settlement n.定居;解决→settle v.定居;解决→settler n.定居者 ‎4.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class and no one will be tolerant of that.(tolerate)‎ ‎5.The city of Hangzhou is really an impressive place. Especially the famous West Lake always leaves quite an impression on the visitors. I was strongly impressed by its beauty the first time I visited it.(impress)‎ ‎6.The famous star was enjoying the pleasant surroundings when he was recognized and was surrounded by a crowd of fans. (surround)‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.单复数意义不同的名词集锦 ‎①good善行;利益;goods货物 ‎②brain脑髓;brains 智者;智慧 ‎③custom习惯;风俗 customs海关;关税 ‎④instruction 教授;传授 instructions用法说明;操作指南 ‎⑤look脸色;看;looks容貌 ‎⑥pain痛苦;pains 辛苦;努力 ‎⑦sand沙子;sands沙滩 ‎⑧time时间;times时代 ‎⑨work工作; works工厂 ‎⑩oil油; oils油彩 ‎2.press家族 ‎①press v.&n.   按;压 ‎②pressure n. 压力 ‎③impress v.    留下印象 ‎④impression n. 印象 ‎⑤express v. 表达 ‎⑥expression n. 表达;表情 ‎3.“容忍”的各种表达 ‎①tolerate vt. 忍受 ‎②bear vt. 忍受 ‎③stand vt. 忍受 ‎④put up with 忍受;容忍 二、短语—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.take_up        拿起;接受;开始;继续;占用 ‎2.suffer_from 患有(疾病等);为……受苦 ‎3.as_a_result 结果;因此 ‎4.be_greedy_for_..._ 对……贪婪 ‎5.(a)_lack_of 缺乏……‎ ‎6.be_back_on_one's_feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原 ‎7.lose_sight_of_..._ 看不见……‎ ‎8.in_all_directions 向四面八方 ‎9.sweep_up 打扫;横扫 ‎10.slide_into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……‎ ‎11.remind_sb._of_... 使某人想起……‎ ‎12.speed_up 加速 ‎1.Tom thought carefully for several days and decided to_take_up the job.‎ ‎2.Nobody noticed when he entered the classroom; he slid_into it from the back door.‎ ‎3.She showed a_lack_of responsibility, so she lost the good opportunity.‎ ‎4.Don't leave her alone to sweep_up the house after the party.‎ ‎5.Many countries are faced with the problem about how to speed_up economic development.‎ ‎6.I watched the plane go higher and higher until I lost_sight_of it.‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“v.+from”短语荟萃 ‎2.表示“结果;因此”‎ ‎①suffer from 遭受 ‎②result from  因……而起 ‎③adapt from 从……改编 ‎④escape from 从……逃脱 ‎⑤benefit from 从……中获益 ‎⑥die from 死于 ‎⑦date from 始于……    ‎ ‎⑧hear from 收到某人的来信 的词汇大全 ‎①as a result ‎②as a consequence ‎③consequently ‎④therefore/thus 三、句式—— 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.Which problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years?‎ 你认为一千年后人们将会克服哪些问题?‎ 特殊疑问词+do you think+特殊疑问句的其他部分。‎ 你认为谁是做这项工作的最佳人选?‎ Who_do_you_think is the best person to do the work?‎ ‎2.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。‎ 形容词(短语)作状语。‎ 又累又渴,他走进一家茶馆,一个机器人侍者迅速过来招待他。‎ Tired_and_thirsty,_he went into a teahouse and a robot waiter quickly came up to serve him.‎ ‎3.Inside was an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century.‎ 完全倒装。‎ 坐在前面的是一位老人,他给我们讲述了长征的故事。‎ Ahead_sat_the_old_man who 太空站里展出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。‎ ‎ told us the stories about the Long March.‎ ‎4.Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.‎ 现在,这里有一种装置,能利用生态学原理来处理掉废弃物。‎ where引导定语从句,修饰抽象名词。‎ 学生应该参加社区活动,他们从中能获得成长经验。‎ Students should involve themselves in community activities where_they_can_gain_experience_for growth.‎ 语境认识词汇 For lack of selfconfidence,Tom lost interest in English;as a result, he reached a point where he should make adjustments,or he had to give up. Fortunately,the instant Mr. Smith, a new teacher,took over his class,he got greatly encouraged and took up learning actively and confidently;at the same time,Smith's lively and vivid teaching sped up his progress.‎ ‎1.lack v.没有;缺乏 n.缺乏;短缺的东西 ‎(1)for lack of        因缺乏……‎ a lack of 缺乏……‎ ‎(2)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in 缺少……‎ ‎①More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for_lack_of_space.‎ 由于缺少空间,大城市里建起了越来越多的摩天大楼。‎ ‎②When there is_a_lack_of food, there is hunger.‎ 当食物匮乏时,就会有饥饿。‎ ‎③Though Jack was lacking_in experience, he made up for it in enthusiasm.‎ 虽然杰克缺乏经验,但是他以满腔的热情来弥补不足。‎ ‎[名师指津] lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时可用作及物动词直接加宾语(不用被动语态),也可作不及物动词用;形容词lacking常与in连用。‎ ‎2.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 ‎ (1)in an instant=instantly       立刻;马上 for an instant 一瞬间 ‎(2) 一……就……‎ ‎①He paused for an instant before continuing. ‎ 他停顿了片刻才接着往下说。‎ ‎②In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.‎ 他马上脱掉外套跳进了水里。‎ ‎③Much to my surprise, she burst into tears the instant she read the letter.‎ ‎→Much to my surprise, she burst into tears instantly (instant) she read the letter.‎ 让我非常惊讶的是,她一读那封信就哭了起来。‎ ‎3.take up拿起;接受;开始从事;承担;继续;占用(时间、物品等);占据(空间)‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中take up的含义 ‎①We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all taken up.占据(空间)‎ ‎②She took up the story where Tim had left off.继续 ‎③I always take up the book and read when I am in my low spirits.拿起 ‎④Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.开始从事;承担 ‎⑤Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing?接受 take down       写下;拆除 take in 收留;吸收;欺骗;领会;理解 take off 脱掉;起飞;成功 take on 雇用;呈现;承担 take over 接任;接替;采用 ‎⑥He didn't take_in what he read because his mind was focused on something else.‎ 他没有领会他阅读的东西,因为他的思想在其他事情上。‎ ‎4.speed up加速 ‎(1)reduce speed/slow down    减速 pick up speed 逐渐加速 ‎(2)at high/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速 at a speed of ... 以……速度 ‎①Obviously, a good learning habit can help us to speed_up to reach our destinations.(2013·四川高考书面表达)‎ 显而易见,一个好的学习习惯能帮助我们尽快达到我们的目标。‎ ‎②The car slowed_down/reduced_speed at the turning, so I speeded_up_to catch up with it.‎ 那辆车在拐弯的地方减速了,于是我加速赶上了它。‎ ‎③Our physics teacher said that light travels at_a_speed_of 300,000 km per second.‎ 我们的物理老师说光以每秒30万千米的速度传播。‎ ‎[名师指津] speed的过去式、过去分词有两种形式:speeded, speeded 或sped, sped。‎ 语境认识词汇 Last Sunday our class organized a trip to the Daming Lake Park. It was so crowded in the park that we soon lost sight of our monitor. It took us quite a while to find him. He said he was helping the dustmen clean the park. Some people threw away rubbish here and there though this sort of behavior was not tolerated. Two hours later, we went back to school, tired but happy.‎ ‎5.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 ‎ (1)tolerate (sb.) doing sth.   容忍/忍受(某人)做某事 ‎(2)tolerance n. 宽容 tolerant adj. 宽容的 ‎①In some experts' opinion, living conditions on the Mars are very hard to_tolerate (tolerate).(2013·广东高考写作)‎ 在一些专家的眼中,火星上的生活条件非常艰苦难以忍受。‎ ‎②I can't tolerate working (work) with Kate in the same office. She just refuses to stop talking while she works.‎ 我无法容忍和凯特在同一个办公室工作。她工作时间一直在讲话。‎ ‎③Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a tolerant (tolerate) smile and let him go.(2014·湖北高考多选)‎ 她没有指责打破花瓶的男孩,而是给他一个宽容的微笑让他走了。‎ ‎[联想发散] 表示“忍受”的词语还有:stand, bear, put up with等。‎ ‎6.lose sight of看不见;忽略;忘记 ‎ (1)catch sight of       望见;看到 lose one's sight 失明 come into sight 进入视野内;映入眼帘 ‎(2)at first sight 乍一看 at the sight of 看到 out of sight 看不到 in/within sight 在视野内 ‎①It was so crowded in the cinema on Sunday that we soon lost_sight_of him.‎ 星期天,电影院里的人那么多以至于我们很快看不到他了。‎ ‎②At_first_sight,_there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.‎ 乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。‎ ‎③At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was out_of_sight.‎ 在车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车从她的视野中消失。‎ ‎7.形容词(短语)作状语 Exhausted,_I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。‎ 形容词(短语)作状语可以表示方式、原因或伴随状况等,可位于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。‎ ‎①Too_nervous,_I couldn't think of anything at the beginning of the exam. However, I didn't worry but tried to calm myself down.(2014·四川高考书面表达)‎ 由于太紧张,考试刚开始时我什么也想不起来。但我没有着急,而是努力使自己平静下来。‎ ‎②To our relief, the missing child returned home ten days later, tired_but_healthy.‎ 让我们感到宽慰的是,那个丢失的小孩子十天后返回了家里,疲惫不堪却很健康。‎ ‎[名师指津] 形容词作状语时常用来说明句子主语的状态,即和主语常可构成系表关系。如果用来修饰句子的谓语动词或整个句子,则应用副词作状语。试比较:‎ ‎③Helpless, we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes.‎ 我们看着那栋房子在我们眼前被毁,很是无助。(helpless说明主语we的状态)‎ ‎④The old building was burned down as crowds watched helplessly.‎ 在人群无助地观望中那座旧建筑物烧毁了。(helplessly修饰从句谓语动词watched)‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Nobody can tolerate being_cheated (cheat), and that's why he has no friend.‎ ‎2.—Did you recognize your former classmate whom you hadn't seen for many years at the party yesterday?‎ ‎—Yes, I recognized him instantly (instant) I saw him.‎ ‎3.Lacking (lack) such experience will constantly trouble you in your business.‎ ‎4.Guided (guide) by the sun, they walked towards their destination through the woods.‎ ‎5.Since you have settled down in a new country, you have to make an adjustment (adjust) to the new environment.‎ ‎6.If you constantly (constant) regret things you did or didn't do in the past, then you won't be able to move forward.‎ ‎7.It is more complicated than we previously (previous) thought.‎ ‎8.As far as I know, the government will speed up the pace of our economic reform.‎ ‎9.When not in a room, you'd better switch_off_all the lights and the fan.‎ ‎10.Jennifer is having a hard time getting accustomed to new surroundings (surround) in Australia.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Sales director is a position which communication ability is just as important as sales skills. which前加in或which→where ‎2.As far as I know, the school can't tolerate cheat in the exam.cheat→cheating ‎3.We must never lose the sight of the fact that man must live in harmony with nature.去掉第一个the ‎4.Basing your life on popular culture is like building a house on a constant moving foundation.constant→constantly ‎5.It's impossible for her to have more free time to accompany her parents because her work takes on much of her time.on→up Ⅲ.根据提示词或结构补全句子 ‎1.由于缺少人类的保护,中国长江江豚的数量在逐渐减少。(lack)‎ For_lack_of_human_protection,_the number of Yangtze Finless Porpoise is becoming smaller and smaller.‎ ‎2.由于担心被逮住,这个小偷藏到床底下。(形容词短语作状语)‎ Afraid_of_being_caught,_the thief hid himself under a bed.‎ ‎3.在我们房子的前面有一棵1 000年树龄的大树,现在已经被政府保护起来了。(完全倒装)‎ In_front_of_our_house_stands_a_tall_tree with a history of 1,000 years, which is protected by the government now.‎ ‎4.我到了应该自己做出人生抉择的时刻。(where定语从句)‎ I have reached a point in my life where_I_am_supposed_to_make_decisions of my own.‎ ‎5.她讲英语如此流利,好像她在美国学过英语似的。(as if)‎ She speaks English so fluently as_if_she_had_studied_English in America. ‎ Ⅳ.一句多译/句型转换 ‎1.一到达剧院,他就发现朋友给他的票忘在家里了。‎ ‎①On_arriving at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him left at home.(on doing)‎ ‎②The_moment/instant/minute_he_arrived at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him left at home.(the+n.)‎ ‎③Instantly/Immediately/Directly he arrived at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.(adv.)‎ ‎2.陈老师今天上午做的讲座给学生们留下了深刻的印象。‎ ‎①The lecture that Mr. Chen made this morning left/made_a_deep_impression_on the students.‎ ‎②The students were_deeply_impressed_by/with/at the lecture Mr. Chen made this morning.‎ ‎③What_impressed_the_students_deeply was the lecture Mr. Chen made this morning.‎ ‎3.Because I was amazed at how skillful they were, I determined to be just as good.‎ ‎→Amazed_at_how_skillful_they_were,_I determined to be just as good.(形容词作状语)‎ ‎4.We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church.‎ ‎①Guided_by_a_local_guide,_we visited the famous church.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)‎ ‎②With_a_local_guide_guiding_us,_we visited the famous church.(用with复合结构改写)‎ ‎③A_local_guide_guiding_us,we visited the famous church.(用独立主格结构改写)‎ ‎④Under_the_guidance_of_a_local_guide,_we visited the famous church.(用介词短语改写)‎ ‎5.He was caught in a heavy rain, so he was late for work again.(改为简单句)‎ ‎→Caught_in_a_heavy_rain,_he_was_late_for_work_again.‎ ‎[课下练熟高考]‎ 阅读理解·组块专练——练速度 ‎(限时:35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2016·潍坊市4月模拟)‎ Venus, the Wildest Adventure in 3016!‎ A trip to the moon, to Mars? You are out. Venus (金星) is your choice! Our spaceship carries you there at the speed of light!‎ Amazing Venus Facts Temperature range: ALWAYS about 450 degrees Celsius. Great for barbecues!‎ Seasons: No seasons. Always visit during best season!‎ Gravity strength: 0.91 of Earth's gravity. Makes you lighter and more alive than ever!‎ Water: NONE. All boiled away.‎ Day length: 1 day=243 Earth days. Longest days in solar system, so fun never ends!‎ Rate of turning: 0.002 km/second. Turns in opposite direction of the earth, so able to see sun rise in the west and set in the east.‎ Year length: 1 year=224.7 Earth days or 0.62 of an Earth year.‎ Rate of revolution: 35.03 km/second.‎ Atmosphere:‎ ‎△Very thick.‎ ‎△96% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, and 0.1% water vapor.‎ ‎△Can't support life: Suffocating carbon dioxide, thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and gases create greenhouse effect so very hot and no water.‎ ‎*Your Accommodations*‎ ‎◎You will travel on a hightech rocket ship that will transport you from Earth to Venus in a mere 2.4 minutes by traveling at the speed of light. This trip will cost only $750,000.‎ ‎◎Our two hotels are very luxurious and are super strong, allowing you to lie on the ground without being crushed by the pressure of the atmosphere. They are called Venus Heaven and Rocket Palace, and the cost to stay is only $200 per night. You'll get your money's worth at these two hotels, receiving free meals every day.‎ To book a trip, call 1 - 800.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,介绍了3016年组织的一次到金星的冒险旅行并介绍了金星的一些情况。‎ ‎1.What would you see if you faced east on Venus?‎ A.The rising sun.    B.The circling earth.‎ C.The setting sun. D.The full moon.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Amazing Venus Facts部分第六段第二句可知,在金星上面向东方可以看到日落。故C项符合题意。‎ ‎2.During the trip to Venus, you would pay nothing for ________.‎ A.service B.food C.the spaceship D.the hotel 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Your Accommodations部分第二段最后一句可知,在去金星旅行期间,你的食物不需要付费。故B项符合题意。‎ ‎3.Which section of a magazine is the text from?‎ A.Fashion circle. B.News report.‎ C.Modern art. D.Future world.‎ 解析:选D 文章出处题。根据文章的题目Venus, the Wildest Adventure in 3016!可知,这次旅行发生在一千年之后,由此可推知,这是未来的事情。故D项符合题意。‎ B It is a live celebration of the lasting power of letter writing!‎ Letters Live, which started in December 2013, was held at the Freemasons' Hall in London from March 10 to 15. The show invited various great performers who read remarkable letters that had been written around the world over the centuries.‎ ‎“Bringing letters alive through outstanding performances is one of the most powerful ways in which the joy and pain and humor and tragedy of being human can be shared,” Jamie Byng, managing director of Canongate Books publishing firm, told the Nowness video channel.‎ British actor Benedict Cumberbatch agreed. “Letters are windows into the love, beauty, pain and humor of their creators and receivers,” he told The Guardian. “Letters Live makes us stop and imagine the lives behind the letters read and where they came from. It's a privilege to read this most ancient of communications live to an audience.” ‎ This year, the movie Sherlock star treated the audience by playing the part of a 17year Tom Hanks. He put on the young actor's voice when he read his letter to the Hollywood director George Roy Hill, a letter that urged Hill to “discover” him. The letter revealed that twotime Oscar winner Hanks' teenage dream was not to “be a bigtime Hollywood superstar” but to one day own a Porsche car and call his favorite US actor Robert Redford his nickname “Bob”.‎ Other famous faces at the event included Carey Mulligan, who played a fictional laundry worker, a female activist fighting for women's rights in the 2015 movie Suffragette. The British actress once again played the role of a suffragette, when she read a very enthusiastic letter demanding the vote for women. The suffragette sent a precious 1913 note to The Daily ‎ Telegraph newspaper.‎ ‎“Everyone seems to agree upon the necessity of putting a stop to Suffragist anger, but no one seems certain how to do so,” Mulligan read out. “There are two, and only two, ways in which this can be done. Both will be effectual. One, kill every woman in the UK. Two, give women the vote.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。随着通讯科技的发展,写信这种联系方式已经在人们的生活中逐渐淡去,但是信件包涵强大的寓意和情感。作者希望通过这次庆祝活动来激活人们对写信的认识。‎ ‎4.What was Cumberbatch's attitude towards Jamie Byng's opinion?‎ A.Doubtful. B.Positive.‎ C.Optimistic. D.Cautious.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句及第四段内容可推知,Benedict Cumberbatch对Jamie Byng的观点持支持态度。B项意为“积极的”,符合题意。‎ ‎5.Which of the following was a dream of Tom Hanks as a child?‎ A.To become an actor. B.To call himself “Bob”.‎ C.To win Oscar Awards. D.To have a famous car.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,Tom Hanks年少时的梦想之一是拥有一辆名车。故D项符合题意。‎ ‎6.A “suffragette” is a woman who ________.‎ A.sends a valuable note to newspaper B.reads out a letter to the audience C.advocates women's right to vote D.plays a famous role in a movie 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第六段第一句可推知,“suffragette”是指提倡妇女参政论的人,故C项符合题意。‎ ‎7.What can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A.Famous People Gathering B.Letters of Great Performers C.Letters Brought to Life D.Rights Given to Women 解析:选C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文讲述作者支持“写信”这种联系方式,并介绍在这次庆祝活动中很多名人都把以前的信件念给听众听。C项“把信件带到生活中”适合做本文标题。故C项符合题意。‎ C We talk about people being “colourblind” but very few of us are.Even those who describe themselves as colourblind are normally just colour lack.A strongly colourblind person will still be able to tell 20 different colours, compared to the 100 or so that normalsighted people see.‎ Pingelap, a tiny island in the Pacific, is a beautiful spot but one that has a genetic trouble. It is known as Colourblind Island because so many people who live on this remote island can only see in black and white.‎ Not being able to see in colour is bad enough. But one islander, Herrol, who's a fisherman, also struggles in full sunlight because all he sees is a painful burntout image. “I find it difficult to go outside in the sun,” he says, “because when it's sunny I cannot see to do my work.”‎ ‎ But if being truly colourblind is rare, why is it that around 10% of the population of Pingelap live in a totally black and white world?‎ ‎ Well, we know that in 1780 the population of Pingelap was all but wiped out by a tsunami (海啸). As few as 20 people survived, one of whom was the king. It's believed he had a genetic fault that causes colourblindness and he passed this fault on to his many generations.‎ ‎ There is one advantage. Herrol can see well, really well, in the dark. So when it gets dark, Herrol and his friends get in their boats and hunt flying fish. They hang up flaming torches and the fish are attracted to the flames. “This type of fishing is fun,” Herrol says, “especially if we catch plenty. So even though it's hard work we enjoy it.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。Pingelap岛因很多居民是色盲而闻名。由于统治该岛的国王是色盲,他将这一基因遗传给了后代。‎ ‎8.What is Pingelap famous as?‎ ‎ A.A tiny island.‎ B.A beautiful island.‎ ‎ C.A mentally troubled island.‎ D.A colourblind island.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“It is known as Colourblind Island ...black and white.”可知,Pingelap因为岛上很多居民是色盲而出名,故D项正确。‎ ‎9.What can we infer about Herrol?‎ A.He may stay at home when it's sunny.‎ B.He is interested in burntout images.‎ C.He likes taking photos very much.‎ D.He doesn't live in Pingelap any more.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句Herrol所说的话可知,Herrol发现在阳光下他无法看清东西,所以无法工作;据此可以判断,阳光充足时他可能会待在家里,故A项正确。‎ ‎10.Why are about onetenth of people in Pingelap seriously colourblind?‎ A.Because Pingelap often suffers from tsunamis.‎ B.Because the king had an unlucky marriage.‎ C.Because the king's genetic fault played a role.‎ D.Because the king made a serious mistake.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句可知,该岛的国王是色盲,他将这一基因遗传给了后代,故岛上很多人是色盲,故C项正确。‎ ‎11.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.The island of colourblindness B.The disadvantage of Herrol C.The history of Pingelap D.The advantage of colourblindness 解析:选A 标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是第二段的第二句可知,本文主要介绍了色盲岛——Pingelap,故A项最适合做本文标题。‎ D In 1885, the Republic of France, important friend during the American Revolution, donated the largest statue in the world, Liberty Enlightening the World, to the United States of America. The statue would celebrate its century of independence. To ship it, the statue was broken down into 350 pieces. And now, spread across Bedloe's Island in New York Harbour, it sat in 214 wooden packing boxes. The problem was that New York had no money to reassemble it. Six other cities, less affected by the recent economic decline, had the money and bid to build it.‎ But a Hungarian immigrant, Joseph Pulitzer, the owner of America's biggest newspaper called the World, wouldn't let “Liberty” go. When he heard that the Statue of Liberty was about to die from lack of funds, he saw his chance.‎ Pulitzer set the fundraising goal of the World at $100,000. In its pages he laughed at the rich, thus increasing the paper's appeal among workingclass people, and firmly planted the idea that the statue was a monument not just for New York City but, indeed, for all of America.‎ Perhaps Pulitzer's cleverest trick was the promise to publish the name of every single contributor in the pages of the World, no matter how small the contribution. The editorial that opened the fundraising campaign set its tone. He wrote: “The World is the people's paper and it now appeals to the people to come forward and raise the money for the statue's base.” The statue, he said, was paid for by “the masses of the French people. Let us respond in like manner.” The circulation of the World increased by almost 50,000 copies.‎ African American newspapers joined in the effort, encouraging their readers to contribute to a monument that would, in part, celebrate the end of slavery. So the money poured in, as singledollar donations from grandmothers and pennies from the piggybanks of schoolchildren.‎ On August 11, 1885, the front page of the World announced,“ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!” The goal had been reached, even slightly beyond, thanks to more than 120,000 contributions.‎ 语篇解读:‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。自由女神像是法国送给美国人民的礼物,由于资金问题,女神像的装配出了问题。美国报业大亨Pulitzer为此做了很多努力,最后他终于为自由女神像筹集了足够的资金。‎ ‎12.What does the underlined word “reassemble” (Para. 1) probably mean?‎ A.Put together. B.Take apart.‎ C.Transport. D.Repair.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第一段可知,自由女神像是法国送给美国人民的礼物,为了运送它,女神像被分解成350块,装在214个木箱里。问题是纽约没有钱来把它重新装配起来。故画线词“reassemble”与put together意思相近,表示重新组装。故A项正确。‎ ‎13.Which of the following was the greatest move in Joseph Pulitzer's success?‎ A.Attacking the rich people.‎ B.Celebrating the end of slavery.‎ C.Printing every contributor's name in the World.‎ D.Persuading children to donate their pocket money.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句并结合第二、三段可知,为了不让自由女神像因资金短缺而落入他人之手,Pulitzer发起筹募资金活动,同时还做了一些其他努力。其中最伟大的一项就是把每位捐款人的名字都公布在《世界报》上。故C项正确。‎ ‎14.What did Joseph Pulitzer try to convey to his readers about the Statue of Liberty?‎ A.It was a symbol of independence.‎ B.It was a monument for the whole USA.‎ C.It was a wonder in the building history.‎ D.It was a favor from the rich French people.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,关于女神像,Pulitzer想对读者传达的思想就是它是全美国的纪念碑。故B项正确。‎ ‎15.What was the main purpose of Joseph Pulitzer's efforts?‎ A.To protect the Statue of Liberty.‎ B.To win workingclass readers over.‎ C.To expand the circulation of his paper.‎ D.To raise money for the Statue of Liberty.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“Pulitzer set the fundraising goal”并结合第三至五段内容可知,Pulitzer所做的努力就是为自由女神像筹集资金。故D项正确。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2017·山西太原市高三模拟试题二)‎ How to get along with your boss In your career, you may have to report to a manager, the person you call boss. __1__ Here are some tips to help you develop an effective relationship with your boss.‎ The first step is to develop a positive relationship with your boss. Relationships are based on trust. __2__ Keep timetable commitments (承诺). Never blindside your manager with surprises that you could have predicted or prevented. Keep him/her informed about your projects and interactions with the rest of the organization.‎ Tell the boss when you've made an error or one of your reporting staff has made a mistake. __3__ Lies or efforts to mislead always result in further stress for you as you worry about getting “caught”. Communicate daily or weekly to build the relationship.‎ Recognize that success at work is not all about you. __4__ Identify your boss's areas of weakness or greatest challenges and ask what you can do to help. What are your boss's biggest worries? How can your contribution reduce these concerns? Understand your boss's goals and priorities. Place emphasis on your work to match his/her priorities. Think in terms of the overall success of your department and company, not just about your narrow world at work.‎ ‎__5__ Does he/she like frequent communication, autonomous (自主的) employees, requests in writing in advance of a meeting, or informal conversation as you pass in the hallway? Your boss's preferences are important. The better you understand him/her, the better you will work with him/her.‎ If you sometimes disagree and occasionally experience an emotional reaction, don't hold hatred. Don't make threats about leaving. Disagreement is fine. You need to come to terms with the fact that your boss has more authority and power than you do.‎ A.Value your boss's time.‎ B.Do what you say you'll do.‎ C.Identify what he/she values in an employee.‎ D.Coverups don't contribute to an effective relationship.‎ E.Put your boss's needs at the center of your universe.‎ F.Learning how to read your boss's moods and reactions is also helpful.‎ G.The relationship with your boss is important for your work success and career progress.‎ 语篇解读:本文讲述了与老板相处的秘诀。‎ ‎1.选G 根据空处上句“在职场你得向你的经理,你称之为‘老板’的人报告”和下句“以下一些建议帮助你跟老板形成有效的关系”可知,空处选G“你与老板的关系对于你的工作成就和事业的进步很重要”。G项承上启下,符合语境。‎ ‎2.选B 根据空后一句“Keep timetable commitments (承诺).”和空前一句可知,B项“做你说你要做的事情”符合语境。‎ ‎3.选D 根据上句“当你或你的报告人员犯错误时你要告知你的老板”和空后一句可知,本处应选D“掩饰错误并不能有助于形成有效的上下级关系”。‎ ‎4.选E 本段主要讲要考虑整个部门和公司的成功,而不是自己的成功。故选E“把老板的需要放在首位”,空处下句“发现老板的弱项或者他面临的挑战,问问他你能帮助做什么”承接E项。‎ ‎5.选C 此处为该段主题句,根据下文内容可知,本段主要讲述的是,要弄清楚老板喜欢什么样的员工。C项意为“确定他/她看重员工的哪方面”,体现了本段的中心,符合语境。故选C。‎ Unit 4 Making the news 一、单词—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.eager adj.        渴望的;热切的 ‎2.acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到 ‎3.inform vt. 告知;通知 ‎4.demand n. 需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求 ‎5.meanwhile adv. 其间;同时 ‎6.gifted adj. 有天赋的 ‎7.delighted adj.快乐的;欣喜的→delight_n.快乐;高兴 vt.使高兴 ‎8.admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的→admire vt.钦佩;羡慕 ‎9.assist vt.帮助;协助;援助→assistance n.帮助;协助→assistant n.助手;助理;售货员 ‎10.profession n.职业;专业→professional adj.专业的;职业的 n.专业人员 ‎11.concentrate vi.& vt.集中;聚集→concentration n.专心;集中 ‎12.guilty adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的→guilt n.内疚;犯罪;有罪 ‎13.accurate adj.精确的;正确的→accurately adv.精确地;准确地→accuracy n.精确度;准确性 ‎14.approve vt.赞成;认可;批准→approval n.赞成;认可;批准→‎ ‎1.You should phone his secretary if you want to make an appointment (appoint).‎ ‎2.The man was found guilty (guilt) of armed robbery, and condemned to eight years' imprisonment.‎ ‎3. The truth is that the committee gave its approval (approve) to the plan after second thought.‎ ‎4.The man was clever, amusing and gifted (gift) with a sharp business brain.‎ ‎5.To his delight,_he took first place in the exam. His parents were delighted to know about it.(delight)‎ ‎6.Tom is an assistant teacher in the college. He often assists the students with their problems and gives assistance to any student in need.(assist)‎ ‎7.Professor Smith, who is famous in the medical profession,_is paying a professional visit to our college.(profession)‎ ‎8.We went to the gallery last weekend and all the artists are very admirable. In other words, we admired the artists for their admirable skills.(admire)‎ disapproval n.不赞成;反对 ‎15.appointment n.约会;任命→appoint_vt.约定;任命 ‎⇩ ‎1.“获得;得到”家族 ‎①acquire vt.   获得;得到 ‎②achieve vt. 取得;获得 ‎③obtain vt. 获得;得到 ‎④gain vt.&vi. 获得;赢得 ‎⑤win vt. 获得;赢得 ‎⑥get vt. 得到;收到 ‎2.后缀able必备形容词集锦 ‎①admirable    令人钦佩的 ‎②comfortable 舒适的 ‎③unbelievable 难以置信的 ‎④honorable 荣誉的;光荣的 ‎⑤reasonable 合情合理的 ‎⑥respectable 可敬的 ‎⑦valuable 值钱的;贵重的 ‎3.“赞成”与“反对”的高频词汇荟萃 ‎(1)赞成;支持 ‎①approve vt.   批准;赞同 ‎②favour vt.&n. 赞成 ‎③support vt. 支持 ‎(2)反对 ‎①oppose vt. 反对 ‎②object vi. 反对 二、短语—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.concentrate_on     集中;全神贯注于 ‎2.depend_on 依靠;依赖 ‎3.accuse_...of_ 因……指责或控告……‎ ‎4.so_as_to_(do_sth.) 为了(做)……‎ ‎5.ahead_of 在……前面 ‎6.have_a_nose_for_... 对……很敏感;善于发现 ‎7. inform_sb._of_sth. 通知某人某事 ‎8.keep/bear_in_mind 记住 ‎9.look_forward_to 盼望 ‎10.pass_..._on_to 把……传给……‎ ‎1.The manager concentrated_on his job, so he did not hear the loud noise outside his office.‎ ‎2.China is paying more and more attention to education so_as_to_catch up with advanced countries in science and technology.‎ ‎3.That his friends accused him of not being honest made Jack very angry.‎ ‎4.Keep_in_mind that you must arrive at school by 8 o'clock and not be late.‎ ‎5.He knew that he could depend_on his parents to deal with the situation.‎ ‎6.Thanks to your hard work, we can finish the task ahead_of_schedule.‎ ‎⇩ ‎“v.+sb.+of+sth.”结构大集合 ‎①inform sb. of sth.    通知某人某事 ‎②warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 ‎③cure sb. of sth. 治好某人某病 ‎④remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 ‎⑤suspect sb. of sth.     怀疑某人某事 ‎⑥rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 ‎⑦convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 ‎⑧accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事 ‎⑨rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某物 三、句式—— 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.Never will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.‎ 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英语报社的第一项工作任务。‎ 否定词置于句首,句子用部分倒装。‎ 那个男孩对记者说:“我一刻都没有怀疑过我父亲会来救我。” ‎ ‎“Never for a second,” the boy says to the reporter, “did_I_doubt that my father would come to my rescue.”‎ ‎2.His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.‎ 他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生重要影响。‎ be to do表示将来发生的事,常译为“注定会……;一定……”。‎ 因为你既聪明又勤奋,你当记者的梦想一定会实现的。‎ Your dream of becoming a journalist is_to_come_true because you are wise and hardworking.‎ ‎3.Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?‎ 你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?‎ where引导定语从句,修饰抽象地点名词。‎ 今天,我们将讨论一下许多英语的初学者不能正确使用语言的情况。‎ Today, we'll discuss a_number_of_cases_where_beginners of English fail to use the language properly.‎ As a journalist, not only does Li Qiang have a good nose for news, but he is also a nice person and usually assists his colleagues with lots of things. So they like him very much. He has never had a case where someone accused him of getting the wrong end of the stick. He is devoted to protecting the environment and he approves of making things from recycled materials instead of raw ones.‎ ‎1.assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 ‎(1)assist sb. to do sth.      帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in/with sth. 帮助某人某事 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 ‎(2)assistance n. 帮助;协助 come to one's assistance 援助某人 ‎①I am willing to assist you in/with your Mandarin.(2015·四川高考书面表达)‎ 我愿意帮助你提高普通话水平。‎ ‎②To assist the students to learn Chinese better, our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class.(2015·天津高考满分作文)‎ ‎→To assist the students in_learning Chinese better, our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class.‎ 为了帮助学生学好汉语,我们学校决定给你们中文班捐赠一批图书。‎ ‎③With the assistance_(assist) of my cousin we paddled across the river in the dark to participate in a private meeting.‎ 在我表弟的帮助下,我们趁天黑划过河去参加一个秘密会议。‎ ‎2.case n.情况;病例;案例 in case           假使;以防万一 in case of 假如发生;万一发生 in any case 无论如何 in no case 决不 in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话 as is often the case 这是常有的事 ‎①The traveler may fire at a wild beast to defend himself in_case he is attacked.‎ 旅游者可能朝野兽开火来保护自己以防受到攻击。‎ ‎②In_that_case,_I shall direct many good movies for the audience.(2014·全国卷Ⅱ满分作文)‎ 那种情况下,我将为观众导演很多好电影。‎ ‎③As_is_often_the_case,_the fact that something cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low quality.‎ 情况通常是这样,便宜的东西并不一定意味着其质量就差。‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)in case也可以单独使用,常位于句末,相当于一个副词。‎ ‎(2)in no case位于句首时,句子用部分倒装。‎ ‎(3)如果 case充当先行词,后面的定语从句通常用where或in which引导。‎ ‎④In no case shall_we_believe that he is so generous.‎ 我们决不相信他会那么慷慨。‎ ‎3.approve vt.赞成;认可;批准 ‎(1)approve sth.        批准/通过某事 approve of (sb./sb.'s) doing sth.‎ ‎ 赞同/同意(某人)做某事 ‎(2)approval n. 赞成;同意;批准;通过 get one's approval 得到某人的同意 give one's approval to 同意;批准 ‎①I_approve_of_your earning some money, but please don't neglect your studies.‎ 我同意你去挣一些钱,但是请不要耽误了功课。‎ ‎②I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval (approve).‎ 如果你同意我的申请,我将非常感激。‎ ‎[名师指津] “赞成/同意某人做某事”不可说成approve sb. to do sth., 因为approve用作“同意;赞成”时是不及物动词,所以应该用approve of sb./one's doing sth.,其中介词of后是动词ing的复合结构。‎ ‎4.先行词为抽象地点名词的定语从句 Have you ever had a_case_where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?‎ 你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?‎ 当先行词为抽象地点名词case, situation, position, atmosphere, stage, activity, family和point等且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where或in which来引导定语从句。‎ ‎①I can think of many cases where students knew quite a few English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.‎ 我能想出许多情况,学生知道许多英语词汇却写不出好文章。‎ ‎②All the neighbours admire this family, where the parents are treating their child like a friend.‎ 邻居们都羡慕这个家庭,在这个家庭中父母对待孩子像朋友一样。‎ ‎[名师指津] 抽象地点名词后的定语从句中如果关系词作主语或宾语则需要用that或which引导。‎ ‎③This restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere that/which many others are short of.‎ 这家餐馆有一种诱人的、如家一般的氛围,这是很多其他餐馆所没有的。‎ This morning, the teacher informed Tom to go to his office, where he accused Tom of cheating in the last exam. He demanded that Tom should concentrate his attention on learning and depend on himself to acquire rich knowledge. Tom made an apology and said that in no ‎ case would he cheat in the exam again.‎ ‎5.inform vt.通知;告知 ‎ (1)inform sb.of sth.       告诉某人某事;通知某人某事 inform sb.that/when/how ... 通知某人……‎ keep sb.informed (of) 使某人随时了解 ‎(2)information n.[U] 通知;消息;情报;信息 ‎①Had I informed him of the exact time for the meeting earlier, he wouldn't have been late yesterday.‎ 要是我早一点通知他开会的准确时间,昨天他就不会迟到了。‎ ‎②Just now, my cousin, who went to Australia for further study last year, informed_me_that_he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)‎ 我的表弟去年去澳大利亚深造,他刚才告诉我他这周六早上回来,让我去机场接他。‎ ‎③It is necessary that we keep the young generation informed (inform) of history and make them remember history.‎ 我们很有必要让年青一代了解历史并记住历史。‎ ‎[名师指津] inform后不能直接带双宾语,而是借助于介词of,构成inform sb. of sth.结构。‎ ‎6.demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求 ‎ (1)be in (great) demand      (迫切)需求 meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求 ‎(2)demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand that ... (should) do sth. 要求……做某事 ‎①The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are_in_great_demand in this city.‎ ‎《哈利·波特》系列图书很受欢迎,在这座城市的需求量很大。‎ ‎②The manager promised that they would try to meet/satisfy_their_customers'_demands.‎ 经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。‎ ‎③The police demanded that he (should)_give (give) them the names. ‎ 警察要求他说出那些人的姓名。‎ ‎[名师指津] demand作动词时,后可接名词、不定式和从句作宾语,但不可跟sb.to do结构;后接that从句时,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用(should+)动词原形;作名词引导表语从句或同位语从句时,从句中也用虚拟语气。‎ ‎[联想发散] 除demand之外后接宾语从句中用虚拟语气的其他动词:‎ advise, suggest, desire, command, recommend, urge, order, require, request等。‎ ‎7.concentrate on集中;全神贯注于 ‎ (1)concentrate on (doing) sth.   专心(做)某事 concentrate one's mind/attention on ‎ 集中注意力于;致力于;专心于 ‎(2)concentration n. 集中;专心 ‎①Playing computer games can give us some relaxation after school, but as students we must concentrate on our studies.‎ 放学后玩电脑游戏能使我们放松,但是作为学生,我们必须集中精力学习。‎ ‎②He concentrated his energies on studying (study) the history of Loulan.‎ 他把精力专注于研究楼兰的历史。‎ ‎③Speaking on the phone requires concentration (concentrate) and takes a driver's attention from the road.‎ 打电话需要集中注意力,这样就分散了司机对路面的注意力。‎ ‎[联想发散] “集中精力于;专心于”的常用短语还有:‎ ‎①be absorbed in      ②pay attention to ‎③apply oneself to ④devote oneself to ‎⑤put one's heart into ⑥be buried in/bury oneself in ‎⑦be lost in/lose oneself in ⑧fix/focus one's attention on ‎8.depend on依靠;依赖 ‎ ‎(1)depend on sb.to do sth.    依靠某人做某事 depend on sb.for sth. 依靠某人供给某物 depend on/upon it that ... 指望;对……深信不疑 ‎(2)That depends./It (all) depends. 视情况而定。‎ ‎①Online voting does not depend_on_the strong points of the competitors, but rather on how many socialnetworking resources they have.(2016·江苏高考书面表达)‎ 网络投票并不取决于竞争对手的长处,而是他们有多少社交网络资源。‎ ‎②You can never depend on a disabled woman to_do (do) all the housework for you.‎ 你不能指望一个残疾的妇女替你做所有的家务。‎ ‎③You can depend on it that I'll pay your money back on Friday.‎ 你尽管放心,我星期五就把钱还给你。‎ ‎[联想发散] 与depend on意义和用法相同的短语还有:rely on, count on。‎ ‎9.否定词置于句首的部分倒装 Never_will_Zhou_Yang_(ZY)_forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.‎ 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报社的第一项工作任务。 ‎ ‎(1)否定副词never置于句首,句子需用部分倒装结构,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词be提到主语之前。‎ ‎(2)常用否定副词和含有否定意义的介词短语还有:not, little, seldom, hardly, scarcely,‎ ‎ neither, nor, at no time, by no means, in no case, in no way, on no condition等。‎ ‎①The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have_they_quarrelled with each other.‎ 这对老夫妇已经结婚40年了,这些年里他们从没吵过架。‎ ‎②He is such an illtempered man that on no condition will_I_team_up_with_him.‎ 他的脾气太暴躁了,无论如何我都不会和他合作。‎ ‎③Hardly had_we_left_the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room.‎ 第二天早上,我们刚离开宿舍,就意识到我们把地图忘在房间里了。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is necessary that we keep the young generation informed (inform) of the current affairs.‎ ‎2.It is demanded that the books (should)_be_returned (return) to the school library within two weeks.‎ ‎3.My parents didn't approve of my leaving school this year and I had to accept it.‎ ‎4.I was employed to assist the manager with his duties.‎ ‎5.I have an appointment (appoint) with the manager of that company in the evening.‎ ‎6.For example, I can just concentrate on reading (read) for a short time.‎ ‎7.To_acquire_(acquire) a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school.‎ ‎8.Betty is a promising young poet. So far over ten of her poems have_been_published (publish) in magazines.‎ ‎9.My husband who is three years senior to me, is very considerate and always places me in ‎ the first place.‎ ‎10.A man helping an old lady who fell on the floor to get up on a bus ended up being accused of causing her injury.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.You'd better put on a thick sweater in case of it snows.去掉of ‎2.My parents don't approve me making friends with him. approve后加of ‎3.It is demanded that a doctor must be sent for. must→should或去掉must ‎4.It was considerate of Michael to inform us his delay in case we got worried.his前加of ‎5.It is often the case, solving one problem can cause or uncover another. It→As ‎6.You can depend on that such a boring thing will never happen again. that前加it Ⅲ.根据提示词或结构补全句子 ‎1.通常情况下,对于那些坚持梦想的人,一切皆有可能。(case)‎ It_is_often_the_case_that anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.‎ ‎2.我们将随时通知您有关在家学习的配套活动和进度表。(inform)‎ We will keep_you_informed_of the homebased learning activities and study schedule.‎ ‎3.学生们十分信任她,所以她的建议一定会影响他们的决定。(be to do)‎ The students trust her; as a result, her advice is_to_influence_their_decision.‎ ‎4.学生应该参与课外活动,他们能从活动中获取社交经验。(定语从句)‎ Students should involve themselves in afterclass activities where_they_can_gain_experience_for_social.‎ ‎5.(2014·山东高考写作)我们决不能放弃梦想,只有我们坚持自己的梦想,才能够克服各种挑战。(部分倒装)‎ On no condition can_we_give_up_our_dreams;_only if we can stick to our dreams will we be able to get over all kinds of challenges. ‎ ‎6.令我们高兴的是,马龙在2016年里约奥运会上获得两枚金牌。(delight)‎ To_our_delight,_Ma Long won two gold medals at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.‎ Ⅳ.一句多译/句型转换 ‎1.她不同意女儿晚上出去。‎ ‎①She_didn't_approve_of_her_daughter_going_out_at_night.(approve)‎ ‎②She_didn't_gave_her_approval_to_her_daughter_going_out_at_night.(approval)‎ ‎③She_didn't_agree_that_her_daughter_went_out_at_night.(agree)‎ ‎2.He concentrated his mind on his work and didn't notice my appearance.‎ ‎①With_his_mind_concentrated_on_his_work,_he didn't notice my appearance. (用with复合结构改写)‎ ‎②His_mind_concentrated_on_his_work,_he didn't notice my appearance.(用独立主格结构改写)‎ ‎3.You can depend on him to help you.(用it作形式宾语改写)‎ You_can_depend_on_it_that_he_will_help_you.‎ ‎4.She demanded to be told everything about it.‎ ‎→She demanded that she (should)_be_told everything about it.‎ ‎[课下练熟高考]‎ 练(一) 英语知识运用·组块专练——练准度 ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 ‎(2016·山西太原高三模拟试题二)‎ Sitting here, I go through my mum's old journals, reading them very differently from the first time I found them.‎ It was a number of years ago, when I was twelve, I found __1__ just lying around her __2__ room. That day I read each line with growing __3__ and horror. I couldn't believe that woman who fed me as a baby and read me fairy tales had written this. I will never forget the first line I ‎ read: “They all want to take me away and __4__ me!”‎ ‎__5__ I thought of the other day, when she was __6__ around the house. I was sitting at the dining room table with my grandmother, working on a fivethousandpiece puzzle (拼图) that takes a __7__ to solve. Suddenly, the front door was violently thrown open. My mother ran in screaming at the top of her lungs.‎ Then she ran into the room and shoved (推) our puzzle off the table, smashing it into the five thousand pieces we had __8__. It scared me. __9__, something was __10__ my mother.‎ My __11__ ended then, when the doctor told me she had hallucinations (幻想症). I started to understand that her illness wasn't something I could __12__. That was when I realized that other kids always __13__ she was different when they came over to play.‎ I always wondered __14__ I could do but there is no solution. But dealing with my mother has given me a different outlook on life. I try not to __15__ my problems. If my mum starts making strange remarks, I leave the room and call someone. Just __16__ is one of the best relax ways in the world. If there's no one to talk to, I __17__ the violin or some other hobbies to forget about things for a time.‎ As I think about the past, I see that mum was __18__ an entire life. Thankfully, I haven't been. To me, each day is just one piece of the __19__, one piece among the thousands we spend our lives putting together, hoping it won't __20__.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者的母亲患有幻想症。母亲患病使他意识到童年已经结束了,但是他并没有怨天尤人,而是积极地生活。‎ ‎1.A.them        B.those C.it D.myself 解析:选A 根据第一段中的“I go through my mum's old journals”和“I found them”可知,选A。‎ ‎2.A.empty B.strange C.clear D.messy 解析:选D 根据空前的“lying around”并结合下文母亲患有幻想症可知,此处表示“凌乱的(messy)房间”。故选D。‎ ‎3.A.joy B.astonishment C.doubt D.happiness 解析:选B 根据下文的“I couldn't believe that woman who fed me as a baby and read me fairy tales had written this.”可知,本处应为“惊讶(astonishment)”。故选B。‎ ‎4.A.protect B.comfort C.kill D.confirm 解析:选C 根据下文内容可知,母亲患有幻想症,故本处是母亲幻想的内容“他们都想带走我,然后杀(kill)了我”。故选C。‎ ‎5.A.Yet B.Then C.However D.Though 解析:选B 根据语境可知,作者看着母亲写的那些话,然后想起了12岁时母亲发病的那个下午。故选B。‎ ‎6.A.nervous B.relaxed C.angry D.surprised 解析:选C 根据下文中的“Suddenly, the front door was violently thrown open.”和“Then she ran into the room and shoved (推) our puzzle off the table, smashing it into the five thousand pieces”可知,母亲“生气(angry)”了。故选C。‎ ‎7.A.lifetime B.day C.minute D.moment 解析:选A 根据本句中的“a fivethousandpiece puzzle (拼图)”可知,拼图需要很长的时间才能拼好。本处用“a lifetime (一生)”来形象地表明需要很长的时间。故选A。‎ ‎8.A.prepared B.made C.begun with D.looked for 解析:选C 母亲将拼图从桌子上推了下去,打乱了我们已经“开始(begun with)”的部分。故选C。‎ ‎9.A.Luckily B.Even C.Still D.Obviously 解析:选D 根据语境可知,“显然(Obviously)”,母亲有毛病了。故选D。‎ ‎10.A.wrong with B.connected with C.cautious about D.worried about 解析:选A 参见上题解析。‎ ‎11.A.hard time B.childhood C.bad luck D.memories 解析:选B 当医生告诉作者他的母亲患有幻想症时,(作者意识到)他的“童年(childhood)”结束了。故选B。‎ ‎12.A.forgive B.miss C.ignore D.overcome 解析:选C 根据语境可知,作者开始意识到母亲的病是不能“忽视(ignore)”的。故选C。‎ ‎13.A.felt B.heard C.hoped D.expected 解析:选A 就在那时作者意识到别的孩子来家里玩的时候总会“感觉到(felt)”他的母亲(有些)不同。故选A。‎ ‎14.A.where B.when C.which D.what 解析:选D 作者总是琢磨他能做“什么(what)”,但是没有解决办法。空处引导宾语从句,并在从句中作do的宾语,故选D。‎ ‎15.A.depend on B.face C.concentrate on D.calculate 解析:选C 因为需要解决母亲的问题,所以作者尽量不把注意力放在自己的问题上。concentrate on“把注意力集中于”。故选C。‎ ‎16.A.waiting B.talking C.singing D.smiling 解析:选B 根据下文的“If there's no one to talk to”可知,本处意为“谈话(talking)是世上最好的放松方式之一”。故选B。‎ ‎17.A.buy B.play C.talk with D.turn to 解析:选D 没有人跟作者说话的时候,他只能“转向(turn to)”小提琴和其他的一些爱好。故选D。‎ ‎18.A.devoted to B.charged with C.led to D.robbed of 解析:选D 想到过去,作者意识到母亲被完全地剥夺了生活。rob sb.of sth.“剥夺某人某物”。故选D。‎ ‎19.A.toy B.puzzle C.page D.journal 解析:选B 根据第7空前的“a fivethousandpiece puzzle(拼图)”和下文的“one piece among the thousands”可知,本处意为“每一天都只是拼图(puzzle)中的一片”。故选B。‎ ‎20.A.fall apart B.come up C.come off D.fall over 解析:选A 根据上文的“one piece among the thousands we spend our lives putting together”可知,本处意为“希望它不要破碎”。fall apart“破碎”。故选A。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 ‎(2017·广东深圳第一次联考)Is there such a thing as being “overprotective”?‎ I can honestly say that my answer to that question __1__ (change) dramatically (戏剧性地)‎ ‎ since I became a parent.‎ Before the birth of my daughter, I taught at __2__ private school, often viewing my students as overprotected, worrying __3__ would happen when they went on to middle schools.‎ Some did fine, and some did not. Some needed constant pats on the back, words of __4__ (encourage) and extra support, which I __5__ (happy) gave. Others were content on their own, needing little or no interaction (互动) with their teacher. __6__ for the most part, graduates would go on for higher schooling.‎ I'd always supposed their parents were overprotective, for they were the ones that still walked their __7__ (five) graders into the classroom and met them at the school gate.‎ Admittedly, I laughed at those parents, __8__ (think) their children would never learn to be __9__ (independence) if they didn't let go just a little. Then I had my own daughter. The moment I looked at her little face, I __10__ (know) I'd do everything in my power to protect her and make sure she always felt safe!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。在作者当老师时,认为家长对学生过度关怀,同时,对一些家长的做法表示不理解,比如上小学五年级的孩子还需接送。但是,在自己成为家长之后,作者才明白自己也一定会倾其所有去呵护自己的女儿。‎ ‎1.has changed 句意:自从我当上家长,我可以诚恳地说我对这个问题的答案有了戏剧性地改变。since常常与现在完成时连用,且主语为“answer”,是单数形式。故填has changed。‎ ‎2.a 分析句子成分可知,“school”是可数名词,前面的形容词“private”作定语,且在文中第一次提到,所以此处应用不定冠词,泛指“一所私立学校”;且private的读音以辅音音素开头。故填a。‎ ‎3.what 分析句子结构可知,空格处引导宾语从句,作动词“worrying”的宾语,且引导词在宾语从句中作主语,指物,故应用what引导该从句。故填what。‎ ‎4.encouragement 根据词法知识可知,介词of后面应用名词形式,encourage的名词形式是encouragement,与后文的“support”一致。故填encouragement。‎ ‎5.happily 根据词法知识可知,空格处修饰动词“gave”,应用happy的副词形式。故填happily。‎ ‎6.But 上文列举了不同学生的性格。根据下文“for the most part”可知,此处与上文形成转折。句意:但是,对于大部分毕业生来说,他们会接受更高的学校教育。故填But。‎ ‎7.fifth 根据语境可知,此处表达的是五年级的学生,所以应该用序数词fifth。故填fifth。‎ ‎8.thinking 分析句子结构可知,此处“think”的动作是由主语“I”发出的,表示主动,所以应用现在分词短语作伴随状语。故填thinking。‎ ‎9.independent 根据语法知识可知,系动词be后常常用形容词作表语,所以该空应用independence的形容词形式。故填independent。‎ ‎10.knew 分析句子结构可知,空格处为该句的谓语动词,与上文的时间状语从句的时态应保持一致,表示当“我”看到她小小面孔的那一刻,“我”知道“我”要尽全力保护她。所以此处也应用一般过去时。故填knew。‎ 练(二) 第Ⅱ卷强化增分·组块专练——练规范 ‎(限时:45分钟)‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎(2017·石家庄调研)We think that life in Chinese high school is an adventure in which we have to survive mountains of homework and exams. Yet would it be __1__ (surprise) if I tell you that high school life in the US is almost as stressful and demanding as it is in China?‎ In US high school, everything __2__ (record) and graded, including your grades on quizzes, tests and final examinations. Failing __3__ (turn) in your homework on time will directly affect your grade for a certain course. Perhaps contrary to __4__ we used to think of the US high school students, they pay great attention to their __5__ (academy) performance to try to get into distinguished university. __6__ they'll be disappointed after graduation from high school.‎ Like university students, US high school students have the __7__ (free) to choose the courses that most interest __8__ (they). Even a 9thgrader can sit __9__ the same classroom as 12thgraders. But this also means he or she has to work very hard, because the teacher will not treat him or her differently just because he or she is a few years __10__ (young).‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国学生的高中生活。‎ ‎1.surprising 此处是ing型形容词,用来修饰事物,意为“令人吃惊的”。‎ ‎2.is recorded everything和谓语record之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且表示客观情况,故用一般现在时的被动语态,即is recorded,与graded呼应。‎ ‎3.to turn fail to do sth.意为“不能做某事”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎4.what 空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语,表示物的概念,故填what。‎ ‎5.academic 修饰名词应用形容词,故用形容词academic修饰名词performance,作定语。‎ ‎6.Otherwise 根据语境可知,此处表示否则他们高中毕业后就会感到失望,故用副词otherwise,意为“否则”,作状语。‎ ‎7.freedom 由定冠词the可知,此处应用名词,即freedom。‎ ‎8.them 此处应用宾格形式,作动词interest的宾语,故用them。‎ ‎9.in in the classroom意为“在教室里”,故用介词in。‎ ‎10.younger 根据上文可知,9年级和12年级的学生比较,自然是年轻一些,故用形容词的比较级形式,即younger。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 ‎(2016·济南3月模拟)‎ Dear Steven,‎ I'm glad that you are coming to Beijing this summer vacation. You asked many question in your letter, and now let me answer them.‎ To start with, Beijing, the capital of China, is very attractive city with a long history. You can found all kinds of delicious food in Beijing, of that the most famous is the roast Beijing duck. I hope we will enjoy it. Besides, there is a great number of tourist attractions worth visiting, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace or the Forbidden City. These scenic spots have attracted millions of tourists in this year. I promise you will have a wonderfully time here in Beijing.‎ I'm looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible.‎ Yours,‎ Liu Chao 答案:第二句:question→questions 第三句:is后加a 第四句:found→find; that→which 第五句:we→you 第六句:is→are; or→and 第七句:去掉in 第八句:wonderfully→wonderful 第九句:hear→hearing Ⅲ.书面表达 ‎(2016·南宁第二次适应性考试)假如你是星光中学的学生李华,将参加主题为“My Chinese Dream”的英语演讲比赛,请撰写一篇演讲稿,主要内容包括:‎ ‎1.梦想成为一名山村教师,帮助山村孩子;‎ ‎2.山区偏僻,教育落后;‎ ‎3.父母和朋友都反对;‎ ‎4.我会……‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。‎ Good morning, everyone!‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ Thank you!‎ 参考范文:‎ Good morning, everyone!‎ I'm Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is “My Chinese Dream”.‎ As we know, the education of rural areas is falling behind other areas. And the children there are longing for knowledge. Therefore, the problem about the lack of teachers is especially serious. It puzzles me that my parents and friends aren't in favour of my idea of being a rural teacher. And ‎ they think I am foolish. I understand their thoughts and feelings, but I think the children in rural areas are in great need of me. I will study hard to go to college, thus realizing my dream.‎ I won't regret my choice. I will struggle for my dream. Come on and join me!‎ Thank you!‎

