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-人教版必修五-unit 3 【基础词汇】 1.aspect n.方面;层面 2.jet n.喷气式飞机 3.tablet n.药片 4.capsule n.太空舱;胶囊 5.steward n.乘务员;服务员 6.stewardess n.女乘务员 7.sideways adv.往(向、从)一侧;侧着;侧面朝前 8.mask n.面具;面罩;伪装 9.carriage n.运输工具;四轮马车;客车 10.belt n.腰带;皮带 11.mud n.泥(浆) 12.typist n.打字员 13.typewriter n.打字机 14.postage n.邮资 15.postcode n.邮政编码 16.button n.纽扣;按钮 17.receiver n.接受者;接收器;电话听筒 18.ecology n.生态;生态学 19.motivation n.动机 【高频词汇】 1.uncertain adj.不确切的;无把握的 2.lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺的东西 3.fasten vt.系牢;扎牢 4.flash vt.& vi.(使)闪光;(使)闪现 5.switch n.开关;转换 vt.转换 6.timetable n.时间表;时刻表 7.optimistic adj.乐观(主义)的 8.desert n.沙漠;荒原 9.dustbin n.垃圾箱 10.swallow vt.吞下;咽下 11.material n.原料;材料 12.recycle vt.回收利用;再利用 13.goods n.货物 【核心词汇】 1.impression n.印象;感想;印记→impress vt.留下极深的印象→impressive adj.印 象深刻的 2.constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的→constantly adv.不断地 3.previous adj.在前的;早先的→previously adv.事先;以前 4.guide n.指导;向导;导游 vt.指引;指导→guidance n.指引;指导;领导 5.opening n.(出入的)通路;开口;开端→open v.打开 adj.开着的,开放的 6.surrounding adj.周围的→surroundings n.周围的事物;环境→surround vt.包围;围 绕 7.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受→tolerance n.容忍;忍耐 8.adjustment n.调整;调节→adjust v.调整;调节 9.press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;印刷;新闻→pressure n.压力 10.citizen n.公民;居民;市民→citizenship n.国籍;公民身份 11.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的→instantly adv.立即;即刻 conj. 一…就… 12.greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的→greed n.贪婪;贪心 13.representative n. 代 表 ; 典 型 人 物 →representative adj. 典 型 的 ; 有 代 表 性 的 →represent vt.描绘;代表 14.settlement n.定居;解决→settle vt.& vi.定居;解决 【词汇联想】 1.“一……就……”的多种表达 the instant/the moment/the second/the minute+从句 immediately/directly/instantly+从句 hardly...when.../no sooner...than... 2.由 capsule 想到的 capsule 胶囊 tablet 药片 pill 药丸 drug 药品 3.“代表”某人 as a representative of sb. on behalf of sb. represent sb. 4.-er 后缀指物的名词小结 cooker 炉具 speaker 扬声器 receiver 听筒;话筒 counter 柜台 drawer 抽屉 poster 海报 5.“容忍”之表达种种 stand vt.忍受 tolerate vt.忍受 bear vt.忍受 put up with 忍受;容忍 6.switch 相关搭配面面观 switch to 变换到 switch over 换台;转换(电视频道) switch on(用开关)开;打开 switch off 切断;关掉 make the switch 进行改变 7.“不良品质”的形容词 greedy 贪婪的 mean 小气的 selfish 自私的 rude 粗鲁的 【短语】 1.sweep up 打扫;横扫 2.slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进…… 3.safety belt 安全带 4.fall fast asleep 很快入睡 5.be similar to 与……相似 6.perform tasks 执行任务 1.拿起;接受;开始;继续 take up 2.(困境后)恢复;完全复原 be back on one’s feet 3.看不见…… lose sight of... 4.加速 speed up 5.带领某人参观 show sb.around 【短语联想】 lose 的常用搭配 lose heart 失去信心 lose face 丢面子 lose one’s sense of direction 辨不清方向 lose one’s way 迷路 lose oneself 迷失方向,迷路 lose sight of 看不见,忽略,忘记 lose weight 减肥 【句式】 Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。 考点提炼形容词化的过去分词做状语,说明主语的情况或状态。 【仿写句子】 1.因为害怕,她睡觉时整夜都开着灯。 Frightened,she went to sleep with the light burning/on all the night. 2.一个人的时候,她从来不觉得孤独。 Alone,she never feels lonely. 【语篇填空】 Arriving at a strange-looking house,Wang Ping 1.showed(show)me into a large,bright clean room.It had a green wall,a brown floor and soft lighting.2.Suddenly(sudden)the wall moved—it was made of 3.trees(tree)!I found later that their leaves provided the room 4.with much-needed oxygen.Then Wang Ping flashed 5.a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose 6.from under the floor as if by magic.“Why not sit down and eat a little?”he said. “You may find this difficult as it is 7.your(you)first time travel trip.Just relax,since there is nothing planned on the timetable today.Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits.”8.Having(have)said this,he spread some food on the table,and produced a bed from the floor.9.After he left,I had a brief meal and a hot bath.10.Exhausted(exhaust),I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

