冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 24 Eat Good Food

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 24 Eat Good Food

Lesson 24 Eat Good Food! 冀教版七年级 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇 1. I will be ___________ ( 离开 ) for a week. 2 . I’ll try a chicken __________ ( 三明治 ). away      sandwich         3. His brother gives him a __________ ( 指点,提示 ). 4. I will eat the _________ ( 外卖食品 ) for lunch today. 5. She’s their ___________ ( 仅有的 ) daughter. tip   takeout         only 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 一天只能喝一瓶可乐。 Drink only __________ ________ _________ _________ a day. one bottle of coke 7 . 我 把你的新夹克和你最喜爱的短裤放在你的床上了。 I _________ your new jacket and your favourite shorts __________ your bed. on put 8 . 吃 好的食物并且要充分休息。 Eat good food and _________ ___________ ________. get enough rest 9 . 不要 看太多电视 ! Don’t watch __________ _________ TV ! too much 10 . 每天 喝一杯牛奶。   Have a glass of milk _________ __________. every day 1. My mother _________ for  3 days in Shanghai. A. left B . leave C . is away D . will leave C 【 点拨 】 句意为“我妈妈去上海三天了”。根据句中 for 3 days ,可判断句中的动词用延续性动词。 be away 离开,表状态,可与时间段连用;动词 leave 是瞬间动词,不能与时间段连用。故选 C 。 2. When do you __________ school ? A. be away B . leave C . be away from D . leaves B   【 点拨 】 句意为“你什么时候毕业”。 leave school 毕业。由于题中已有助动词 do ,该空只能填动词原形,故选 B 。 3. Let’s _________ the basketball game on TV. A. watch B . look C . read D . look at A 4. I _________ books before going to bed. A . read B . watch C . look D . see A   5. —Why are you so tired these days? — Well, I have _________ homework to do . 【 中考 · 孝感 】 A. too much B . too many C . much too D . many too A 【 点拨 】 词语辨析法。 too much 太多,后跟不可数名词; too many 太多,后跟可数名词复数; much too 太,后跟形容词或副词; many too 错误搭配。句意为“ —— 这些天你为什么很累? —— 嗯,我有太多作业要做”。 homework 是不可数名词,故选 A 。 6. My son has poor eyesight because he plays _________ computer games. A. much too B . too much C . many too D . too many D     7. My cousin is _________ heavy because he often eats __________ fast food. 【 中考 · 安顺 】 A. too much; too many B . too many; too much C . much too; too much D . too much; much too C     【 点拨 】 句意为“我的堂弟太重了,因为他经常吃太多快餐”。 much too 修饰形容词或副词,但不修饰动词, too much 修饰不可数名词。第一个空修饰 heavy ,第二个空修饰不可数名词 fast food 。故选 C 。 8. People in the south of China like eating _______. A. rices B . noodle C . dumpling D . rice D     9. —Where are you going, Sam? —There isn’t any _________ in the fridge. I’ll go and buy some. 【 改编 · 凉山 】 A . vegetables B . meat C . eggs D . money B     一、单项 选择 1. Lucy is ill in _________ bed . She can’t go to school. A . a B . an C . the D . / D   2. They are away ________ Handan ________ one week. A. at ; on B . in; on C . from; for D . on; in C   3. We can’t make a sandwich without _________. A. bread B . onions C . yogurt  D . tomatoes A   【 点拨 】 常识法。句意为“没有 ________ 我们不能做三明治”。 bread 面包; onion 洋葱; yogurt 酸奶; tomato 西红柿。根据常识可知做三明治需要面包。故选 A 。 4. —The meat is ________ delicious . — Yes, but don’t eat _________. A. too much; too much B . much too; too much C . too much; much too D . much too; much too B   5. Here _________ some tips to learn English. A . am B . is C . are D . be C 6. These shorts are on sale( 减价出售 ). They are _________ 25 yuan each. A . always B . only C . sure D . sometimes B      7. Which would you like, tea _________ milk ? A . and B . or C . but D. in B    8. He sometimes _________ TV on Saturday evening. A. watches B . reads C . looks D . looks at A      9. It’s 11:00 o’clock. Please __________ our lunch. A. ordering B . order C . to order D . orders B   10. His father says he is __________ to go to school. A. young enough B . enough young C . enough old D . old enough D 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 11. I don’t eat ___________ (some ) meat. any 12. __________ (short) are my favourite in summer. Shorts 13. Can I have two __________ (glass) of water? glasses 14. Jenny and I _________ (be) good friends. are 15. Li Ming __________ (eat) some vegetables every day. eats 三、按要求完成下列各题 16. I drink a bottle of coke a day. ( 改为 一般 疑问句 ) _________ you _________ a bottle of coke a day? Do drink    17. I eat one apple every day. ( 对 画线部分 提问 ) _________ __________ _________ do you eat every day? How many apples    18. My mother makes breakfast for me. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ___________ your mother __________ breakfast for you? Does make   19. They will stay in Beijing for three days . ( 对 画线 部分提问 ) _________ __________ will they stay in Beijing? How long    20. Make a sandwich now. ( 改为 否定 句 ) _________ _________ a sandwich now. Don't make 四、语法专练。用所给词的适当形式填空 21. Jack __________ (go ) to school with his sister every day. goes    22. My mum always ___________ (watch) TV in the evenings. watches   23. __________ your teacher __________ (wear) glasses? Does wear   24. The boy’s ___________ (foot) are big. feet    25. ___________ (potato) are my favourite vegetables. Potatoes 根据短文内容或所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空 Do you have the experience( 经历 ) of _________1 (eat) out? You must see the restaurant is full __________2 people. They have to wait for __________3 (they) food. But many people like to eat in it. eating    of      their     Do you know w 4? Because( 因为 ) they think the food there _________5 (be) very delicious. When you go into one, a w 6 or a waiter will come up to you. She/He will give you ________7 (a) menu. aitress       a       hy    is    Then you can order food and __________8 (drink) you like. ______________9 (sandwich) and coke are my favourite. What about you? What would you like _________10 (order) for yourself? drinks      Sandwiches      to order 一、话题分析 本单元的话题是 Food and Restaurants( 食物和餐 馆 ) 。通过本单元的学习,学生能用英语表达自己想 要的食物,并学会如何在餐馆里点餐。 二、写作方法 “ W—W 法”介绍饮食情况 第一步:引入主题,明确写作对象 (who) 。 第二步:细节描述,介绍用餐情况 (what) 。 三、素材积累 “介绍饮食类”作文常用词汇: food/drink(s)/fruit/vegetables/meat, delicious, restaurant, a glass/cup/bottle...of..., be full of “介绍饮食类”作文常用句型: 1. Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 2. What would you like for...? 3. Are you ready to order? 4. Would you like sth. to eat/drink? 5. ...is/are my favourite. 四、写作任务 假如你是李明,如下表格介绍的是你与你的朋友 们早餐的食物和饮品。请写一篇英语短文描述其中的内容。要求:语句通顺,前后连贯,语法正确, 60 词左右。 Name Food Drink Li Ming noodles with egg and tomato a cup of tea Jenny cereal, a sandwich a glass of juice Danny some bread, one donut a bottle of milk 五、写作模板 六、满分作文 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Li Ming. Noodles with egg and tomato are my favourite. I drink a cup of tea to make me excited in the morning. What about my friends Jenny and Danny? Jenny has cereal, a sandwich and a glass of juice for breakfast. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ She thinks cereal with sugar is delicious. Danny eats one donut, some bread and drinks a bottle of milk for breakfast.

