高中英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 5 Section Ⅱ 

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高中英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 5 Section Ⅱ 

Section Ⅱ   Learning about Language, Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip 一、词义匹配 1 .treat     a.to request sth.by writing 2 .apply b.the force you produce when pressing sth. 3 .bravery c.to behave towards someone 4 .pressure d.(kept or held)firmly or closely 5 .tight e.brave behaviors 6 .ceremony f.a set of form acts,often traditional 答案 : 1.c   2.a   3.e   4.b   5.d   6.f 二、短语识义 1 .a number of           2 .put one ’ s hands on        3 .make a difference         三、词汇延伸 1 .tight adj . 牢的 ; 紧的 ; 紧密的 →        ( 反义词 ) adj . 松散的   2 .firm adj. ( 动作 ) 稳定有力的 ; 坚定的 →        adv . 坚固地   3 .brave adj . 勇敢的 →        n . 勇敢   4 .treat vt. & vi. 治疗 →        n . 治疗   5 .apply vt . 涂 ; 敷 ; 搽 ; 应用 ; 运用  vi . 申请 ; 请求 ; 使用 ; 有效 →        n . 应用 ; 申请   6 .pressure n . 压力 ; 挤压 ; 压迫 ( 感 )→       vt . 挤压   若干 ; 许多 找到 区别对待 ; 有影响 ; 起 ( 重要 ) 作用 loose firmly bravery treatment application press 四、学习下面的单词、短语 , 并选择合适的单词、短语完成句子 1 .One national newspaper in Canada ran a number of articles and reviews full of           words of praise,even with the conclusion that “After Lomborg,the environmental movement will begin to die down”.   2 .She has been doing very well in school,but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much          on her.   3 .British Airways also says its customer care policies are          within the company.   a number of pressure applied 4 .When you live in London,it             to master some useful spoken English.   5 .In a childlike act,she left the hospital and        herself to a box of doughnuts( 甜甜圈 ).   6 .The poor boy tried to              something that could be eaten in the ruins.   makes a difference treated put his hands on 五、阅读课文 “ HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARD ”, 并找出其中的一个省略句和一个强调句 1 . 省略句 :   2 . 强调句 :   答案 : 1.When congratulating John,Mr.Alan Southerton,Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said... 2.It was John ’ s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms.Slade ’ s life. 六、阅读课文 “ HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARD ”, 回答下列问题 1 .What was John doing when he heard the screaming? 2 .What happened to Anne? 3 .What saved Ms.Slade ’ s life? 4 .What first aid did John perform on Anne? 5 .What adjectives would you use to describe John ’ s actions?Give at least three . 答案 : 1.He was studying in his room. 2.She had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife.She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily.Her hands had almost been cut off. 3.It was John ’ s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved her life. 4.John treated her injuries with tea towels and tape,and applied pressure to the wounds to slow the bleeding. 5.Brave,heroic,courageous,quick-thinking,quick-minded,helpful,fearless,unselfish/selfless,warm-hearted... 1.She could not decide whether to send him to hospital or not to send him to hospital. ( P37 ) 她不能决定是送他去医院还是不送他去医院。 剖析 whether...or... 意为 “ 或者 …… 或者 …… , 是 …… 还是 …… ”( 表选择关系 ); 还表示 “ 不管 …… 还是 …… ”( 引导让步状语从句 ) ① He just doesn ’ t care whether his neighbor gets fed or not. 他只是不关心他的邻居是否吃饭。 ② Whether you ’ re looking at wallpaper or paint,the time,effort and relative expense put into it are significant. 无论你是在看壁纸还是油漆 , 投入到这方面的时间、精力和相对费用都是很重要的。 2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. ( P38 ) 约翰正在房里学习 , 这时突然听到一阵尖叫声。 剖析 句中 when 为并列连词 , 意为 “ 这时突然 ”, 相当于 and then 或 and at that time 。 ① Just last year,I was conducting a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. 就在去年 , 我正在进行一个研讨会 , 这时候有人敲教室的门。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的句型及意义 ② I was about to leave home when it started to rain. 句型 be about to do sth.when...   意义 正准备做某事 , 就在这时 ……   ③ We were on the point of giving up when Captain Cook encouraged us to go on. 句型 be on the point of doing sth.when...   意义 马上就要做某事 , 正在这时 …… ④ I had just finished my work when my mother asked me to help her clean the house. 句型 had just done sth.when...   意义 刚完成了某事 , 就在这时 ……   ⑤ Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed in. 句型 hardly...when...   意义 一 …… 就 …… be about to do sth.when... 正准备做某事 , 就在这时 …… be on the point of doing sth.when... 马上就要做某事 , 正在这时 …… had just done sth.when... 刚完成了某事 , 就在这时 …… hardly...when... 一 …… 就 …… 3.She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily. ( P38 ) 她躺在前花园的地上 , 血流不止。 剖析 本句中的短语 bleeding very heavily 做伴随状语。 ① Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, turning the old town into a dreamland . 新建成的木屋沿街排列 , 把这座旧城变成了一个梦幻之地。 ② All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem . 他整夜躺在床上睡不着 , 思考着那个问题。 ③ They stood there for an hour, watching the game . 他们在那儿站了一个小时 , 观看比赛。 4.It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms.Slade’s life. ( P39 ) 正是约翰快捷的反应和急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。 剖析 本句是一个强调句 , 强调句子的主语 “John ’ s quick action and knowledge of first aid” 。 强调句是英语中最常用的句型之一 , 用来强调除谓语以外的任何成分。其构成形式是 :It is/was+ 被强调部分 +that/who+ 其他部分。在本结构中 ,it 无意义 , 构成一个句子的结构 , 使某一成分得到强调。若原句属于现在或将来时态范畴 ,be 用 is 的形式 ; 若原句属于过去时态范畴 ,be 用 was 的形式。 ① You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel that the coach picks up tourists. 你等错地方了。长途汽车是在宾馆接游客的。 ② It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house that we saw Lily in the passenger seat. 只有当汽车停在我们的房子前时 , 我们才看见莉莉坐在乘客座上。 ③ Thinking back,I realize it was the Chinese university life that gave me the deepest impression. 回顾过去 , 我意识到是在中国的大学生活给我留下了最深刻的印象。 强调结构用于疑问句中 , 其构成是 :Was/Is it...that/who...?;Who/When/Where was/is it that...? 当这种疑问句中的强调结构出现在宾语从句中时 , 要注意其语序为陈述语序。 ① Was it Tom who saw our teacher in the park last Sunday? 是汤姆上周日在公园里看见我们老师的吗 ? ② Where was it that Tom saw our teacher last Sunday? 汤姆上周日是在哪里看见我们老师的 ? ③ Did you know when it was that Tom saw our teacher? 你知道汤姆是什么时间见到我们老师的吗 ? 5.He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages , but when nobody could put their hands on any , his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. ( P38 ) 他立即向附近的一些人要绷带 , 但当他们都找不到绷带的时候 , 他的父亲就从屋里拿出一些茶巾和胶布。 ★ 考点一   a number of 若干 ; 许多 ① Over the years,there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. 这些年来 , 已经有了很多技巧来帮助设计者达到非常重要的这一点。 ② You will be able to take part in a number of activities from canoeing to wild camping on Dartmoor. 在达特姆尔你能参加从划船到野营的很多活动。 归纳 a number of 修饰可数名词复数 , 被其修饰的短语做主语时 , 谓语动词应用 复数 形式。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词组的不同用法 ③ A number of people attended the memorial service. 许多人参加了追悼会。 a number of 意为 “ 许多 , 大量 ”, 后接可数名词的复数形式 , 谓语动词用 复数 形式。 ④ The average number of electronic devices rose from four per household in 1992 to 13 in 2007. 每一个家庭使用电子设备的平均数目从 1992 年的 4 件增加到了 2007 年的 13 件。 the number of 意为 “ …… 的数目 ”, 后接可数名词的复数形式 , 谓语动词用 第三人称单数 形式 。 (2) 表示 “ 许多 ” 的短语还有 : 修饰可数名词复数的有 a good/great many,quite a few,a large/great/small number of 等。 修饰不可数名词的有 a great deal of,quite a little,an amount of 等。 既能修饰可数名词 , 又能修饰不可数名词的有 a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great quantity of,quantities of 等。 ★ 考点二   put one’s hands on 找到 ⑤ With great interest,he read everything he could put his hands on. 他会带着极大的兴趣读他能找到的任何东西。 hand 的相关短语 : at hand 在手边 by hand 用手工 from hand to hand 从一人手中传到另一人手中 hand in hand 手拉手 ; 共同地 in hand 在手里 ; 在控制之下 on the one hand...on the other hand 一方面 …… 另一方面 out of hand 无法控制 6.John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms.Slade’s hands. ( P38 ) 约翰用这些东西处理斯莱德女士手上最严重的伤口。 ★ 考点   treat vt.& vi. 治疗 ; 对待 ; 款待   n. 款待 ; 招待 ① Do you know which doctor will treat Mr.Zhang for his cancer? 你知道哪一位医生将治疗张先生的癌症吗 ? 归纳 treat 当 “ 治疗 ” 讲时 , 常与介词 for 连用。 ② —Did you enjoy the party? 你在聚会上玩得开心吗 ? —Yes.We were treated well by our hosts. 是的。我们得到了主人们很好的款待。 ③ Most important,I began to treat them like winners. 最重要的是 , 我开始把他们作为赢家来对待。 归纳 treat 当 “ 对待 ” 讲时 , 常与介词 like 或 as 连用。 ④ It was summer,and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. 那是夏天 , 我爸爸想给我一个前所未有的假期。 ⑤ Let ’ s go out for dinner—my treat this time. 我们出去吃饭吧 —— 这次我请客。 ⑥ A day in the country is a real treat for a city person. 对一个生活在城市中的人来说 , 在乡下待上一天真是一件乐事。 归纳 treat 为名词时 , 意为 “ 乐事或令人愉快的事情 ” 。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ⑦ Anyone,once tested positive for the flu virus,will receive free medical treatment from our government. 词性 名词   含义 治疗 The sick boy,who received free treatment,was treated very well by his friends.He decided to treat them to dinner. 那个生病的男孩接受了免费治疗 , 他的朋友们对他很好 , 他决定请他们吃饭。 (2) 辨析 :treat,cure 与 heal treat 多指治疗活动 , 强调动作过程。这种治疗包括外伤 , 可以指药物治疗 , 也可指非药物治疗。 treat 为及物动词时其宾语可以是人或动物 , 亦可以是疾病。如表达 “ 治疗某人某病 ”, 须用 treat sb.for sth. 结构。 cure 表示 “ 治好 ”, 强调治疗的结果 , 常用词组 cure sb.of sth.( 治好某人的某种疾病 ) 。 ⑧ It cures their mental illnesses. 这能治愈他们的心理疾病。 ⑨ Although this medicine will cure you of your illness,it has some side effects. 尽管这种药能治愈你的疾病 , 但是有一些副作用。 7.He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived. ( P38 ) 他使劲按住伤口 , 使血流得慢些 , 一直等到警察和救护车的到来。 ★ 考点   apply vt. 涂 ; 敷 ; 搽 ; 应用 ; 运用   vi. 申请 ; 请求 ; 使用 ; 有效 ① The nurse applied some medicine to the wound. 护士把一些药敷到伤口上。 归纳 apply sth.to... 的意义是 “ 把某物涂到 / 敷到 …… 上 ” 。 ② Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of art. 现在研究者们把这些科学方法用在了艺术研究方面。 归纳 apply sth.to sth. 的意义是 “ 把某物用在某事上 ” 。 ③ (2019· 全国 Ⅰ 高考 )And I am now writing to apply for this position. 现在我正在写信申请这个职位。 归纳 apply (to sb.) for sth. 的意义是 “ ( 向某人 ) 申请得到某物 ” 。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的搭配及意义 ④ If the constitution said that all people were free and equal,then she thought it should apply to her. 搭配 apply to sb.   意义 适用于某人   ⑤ These methods apply to learning English. 搭配 apply to doing sth.   意义 适用于做某事   ⑥ He is applied to studying the plants in the sea. 搭配 be applied to doing sth.   意义 致力于做某事   apply sth.to 把某物涂到 / 敷到 …… 上 apply sth.to doing sth. 用某物来做某事 apply(to sb.)for sth.( 向某人 ) 申请得到某 物 apply to sb. 适用于某人 apply to doing sth. 适用于做某事 be applied to doing sth. 致力于做某事 8.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. ( P38 ) 这说明了急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。 ★ 考点一   a knowledge of... 了解 , 知道 ; 有 …… 知识 ① She has a good knowledge of French. 她有丰富的法语知识。 归纳 knowledge 为不可数名词 , 但在指 “ 某学科 / 领域的知识 ” 时 , 常与不定冠词 a 连用。 a(good)knowledge of “( 丰富的 ) …… 知识 ” 。 ★ 考点二   make a difference 区别对待 ; 有影响 ; 起 ( 重要 ) 作用 ② Little people can make a big difference. 小人物也可以大有作为。 ③ They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess:the power to make a difference in the lives of others. 他们拥有一种我们都有的不同的超能量 : 一种对别人的命运有重大影响的能量。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的搭配和意义 ④ It makes no difference to me what you say:I ’ m not going. 搭配 make no difference to sb./sth.   意义 对某人 / 某事物没有作用或影响 ⑤ The sea air has made some difference to her health. 搭配 make some difference to sb./sth.   意义 对某人 / 某事物有一些作用或影响 ⑥ She makes no difference between her two sons. 搭配 make a difference between   意义 区别对待 make a difference between 区别对待 make some difference to 对 …… 有些影响 make no difference to 对 …… 没有影响 一 二 三 一、写作词汇检测 用所学的单词或短语完成或翻译句子 1 .apply (1)His father was           to repairing his car.   (2) 我们应该把新单词应用到英语写作中 。   2 .treat (1)Mark was never          with much respect.   (2) 那位医生正在用音乐给他的病人治病。    3 .put one ’ s hands on (1)They finally              their lost books.   (2) 我找不到我的戒指了 。   applied   We should apply new words to English writing. treated That doctor is treating his patient with music. put their hands on I can’t put my hands on my ring. 一 二 三 4 . 这场雨对比赛没多大影响。 (difference )    5 . 图书馆里的很多书被偷了。 (a number of )    6 . 我在想是今天去呢还是明天去。 (whether...or ...)    The rain didn’t make much difference to the game. A number of books have been stolen from the library. We were wondering whether to go today or tomorrow. 一 二 三 二、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子 , 说出黑体词的含义 1 .The pressure of the crowd made it impossible for me to stand still. 含义        2 .I have to attend a friend ’ s wedding ceremony tomorrow. 含义               3 .Marie held the baby tightly in her arms. 含义             4 .The pilot scheme proved to be a great success. 含义           压力 典礼 ; 仪式 紧紧地 计划 ; 方案 一 二 三 三、用适当的介词或连词填空 1 .She was squeezing juice        she heard a knock at the door.   2 .It was in the restaurant        you had dinner with me last Sunday        I lost my handbag.   3 .There are a small number        shops in the town.   4 .Which doctor is treating you        your burns?   5 .The kind girl applied some medicine        the boy ’ s wound.   6 .It makes no difference        me whether you come here or not.   when where that of for to to

