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高考提能练 Unit 5 仿真检测灵活拆组卷 第一部分 听力 (满分30分,限时20分钟)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.Where will the man have lunch?‎ A.In his office.‎ B.At the woman's home.‎ C.At a café.‎ ‎2.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?‎ A.Husband and wife.‎ B.Mother and son.‎ C.Teacher and student.‎ ‎3.What does the woman want his son to do?‎ A.To be a teacher.‎ B.To go into the business.‎ C.To follow his dream.‎ ‎4.What day is it today?‎ A.It's Tuesday.‎ B.It's Wednesday.‎ C.It's Thursday.‎ ‎5.Who is Henry?‎ A.The man's brother.‎ B.The man's classmate.‎ C.The man's colleague.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.What is the man poor at?‎ A.Reading.   B.Speaking.   C.Writing.‎ ‎7.What does the woman advise the man to do?‎ A.Remember more words.‎ B.Buy a new dictionary.‎ C.Imitate native speakers.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8.What is the man doing?‎ A.Painting the fences.‎ B.Painting the roof.‎ C.Painting the doors.‎ ‎9.What will the woman do?‎ A.Clean the house.‎ B.Buy a new carpet.‎ C.Help the man paint.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.How does the woman feel about flying?‎ A.Bored. B.Tired. C.Relaxed.‎ ‎11.How does the woman kill time at the airport?‎ A.By watching free movies.‎ B.By shopping in the store.‎ C.By talking with business partners.‎ ‎12.What does the woman usually buy for her family?‎ A.Perfume and food.‎ B.Souvenirs and food.‎ C.Stamps and clothes.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.What does the man want to do in Hawaii?‎ A.Go hiking.‎ B.Go to the beaches.‎ C.Enjoy the food.‎ ‎14.Why doesn't the woman want to go to Thailand?‎ A.The weather is not good.‎ B.It costs a lot to fly there.‎ C.She doesn't want a wild trip.‎ ‎15.What does the man want to do most in Holland?‎ A.Visit museums.‎ B.Go to the forests.‎ C.Take boats in the canals.‎ ‎16.What are the two speakers going to do later?‎ A.Find a travel agency.‎ B.Book train tickets.‎ C.Check the cost online.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.What's a John Hughes' movie most probably about?‎ A.Life of high school students.‎ B.Stories of successful people.‎ C.How to make friends online.‎ ‎18.Why did Teresa use Myspace at the beginning?‎ A.To make more online friends.‎ B.To look for beautiful pictures.‎ C.To keep in touch with others.‎ ‎19.What is Teresa most interested in now?‎ A.Drawing.‎ B.Phototaking.‎ C.Music.‎ ‎20.What can we learn about Teresa?‎ A.She wastes much of her time online.‎ B.She has been a college student.‎ C.She uses Myspace for study now.‎ 答案:1~5 CBBCC 6~10 BCBBC ‎11~15 BCAAC 16~20 CAABC 听力材料:‎ ‎(Text 1)‎ M:I can't find my lunchbox. I remember bringing it from home to the office.‎ W:Never mind. I'll treat you today at the café across the street.‎ ‎(Text 2)‎ W:John. What are you doing on your computer? Don't you remember your promise?‎ M:This is not a game. It's only a word puzzle. It helps increase my vocabulary.‎ W:OK. Have you finished your homework yet?‎ M:Not yet. I'll stop to do it now.‎ ‎(Text 3)‎ W:I really wish Tom would take more interest in our business. I don't know why he's dreaming of being a teacher.‎ M:But, Lisa, he's grown up. I think he should do whatever he wants.‎ ‎(Text 4)‎ M:It's been raining since Tuesday evening, but the weatherman said we would have clear skies tomorrow.‎ W:I'm glad to hear that because I play golf on Fridays and I like to have good weather.‎ ‎(Text 5)‎ W:Do you know Henry? He is in your company.‎ M:Of course. As a matter of fact, I was the first person he got to know in my company. I still remember the look on his face when he showed up late on the first day.‎ ‎(Text 6)‎ W:How is your English class going, Vincent?‎ M:Not bad, Miss Elva. I can read pretty well and write well, too. But I have trouble in speaking.‎ W:Well, it takes a while to get used to talking in English. What seems to be the problem?‎ M:I'm always nervous. As a result, I make a lot of mistakes.‎ W:Don't worry. It happens to everyone. You can learn how to use new words and grammar correctly by studying a learner's dictionary and practicing with a partner.‎ M:That's a good idea, but what about my accent?‎ W:It's pretty good, but one way to improve it is by listening to tapes and imitating native speakers.‎ ‎(Text 7)‎ W:Oh, my God! What's going on here, Tom?‎ M:I'll clean it up later. I've nearly finished. What do you think?‎ W:It's lovely. I like the roof.‎ M:How about the green fences?‎ W:They make me feel active. I like them, too.‎ M:I haven't painted the doors yet. What color do you think they should be?‎ W:I think orange will be nice because it can make the house warm. Would you like me to help you with it?‎ M:Oh, I can do it alone. By the way, I'm afraid I've got a bit of paint on the carpet over there. I'm terribly sorry.‎ W:That's nothing. The carpet is old and it's time to change it. Just paint! I'll shop for a new one in Joe's Store in Main Street.‎ ‎(Text 8)‎ M:Anna, it seems you fly on business trips. Don't you ever get bored?‎ W:Actually not. I mean, I don't always like the airport check in process. It takes a lot of time. I also hate waiting for the plane. But as soon as I'm in the plane and the doors close, I love it. No one can contact me. There are free movies playing and the food. It's a good way to make me relax.‎ M:So what do you try to do to avoid being bored when you're waiting for a plane?‎ W:Well, the first thing I do is not get to the airport too early. After I check in, I normally go to the dutyfree store and buy some perfume. Then I'll go to the business waiting room, where there's free drinks and food.‎ M:Do you ever buy something for your family or colleagues?‎ W:Normally I buy stamps for my father who is a stamp collector and clothes for my fashionable mother. I always get some souvenirs and local food for my colleagues.‎ ‎(Text 9)‎ M:Let's go to Hawaii for our vacation! I've heard that people can go hiking inside a volcano there.‎ W:Hmm, that sounds a bit too wild for me. Besides, it's really expensive to fly there.‎ M:OK. What about Thailand? It's cheap to fly there. The food there is delicious and the beaches are supposed to be fantastic.‎ W:Yeah, but isn't summer the wet season in Thailand?‎ M:Oh, I haven't thought about that.‎ W:Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we go to Holland?‎ M:Holland?‎ W:Holland isn't like other places in Europe. In Amsterdam, you can take boats around the city's canals and ride bikes everywhere else. There are also many famous museums there, and the forests and beaches are only a couple of hours away by train.‎ M:Well, that does sound nice. I do really intend to take a boat to visit the city. But I'm sure it's expensive to get there from here.‎ W:Actually there are some amazing deals on flights to Europe right now. They really want to encourage tourists to go there.‎ M:Let's go online and see how much it will cost. If we can find a good deal, we should buy our tickets and start planning right now.‎ ‎(Text 10)‎ ‎(W) People always want to be popular. But if you are a high school student, and if you have watched John Hughes' movie, you will know — something is more important than being popular.‎ Teresa is a high school student from America. Three years ago, she first discovered Myspace, a social networking website. She spent hours a day finding cool pictures and music to ‎ make her page look more beautiful. And for a long time, she competed with her friends to see who had the most friends or mostvisited page.‎ However, the more Teresa used the website, the less she was interested in only being popular. She started using her time talking with friends, and going more deeply into her personal interests. As a beginner in taking pictures, she put her best pictures on the site and looked for advice from good photographers. At the same time, she began to get in touch with the students of the colleges she wanted to go to. And she even began putting some of her own creative writing on the website and would ask for advice on homework from her friends. “I have more fun in my life,” Teresa says.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 (满分35分,限时30分钟)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Go Orange for Orangutans(猩猩)‎ Join us to raise £50,000 to help save orangutans and their forest homes. Orangutans are one of our closest relatives. We share over 96% DNA with them and yet we're destroying their homes. Their numbers are falling and if we don't act now they could disappear within our lifetime.‎ It's really easy to Go Orange for Orangutans. Simply pick a day,choose your way to Go Orange and donate £1.100% of your donation will go directly to help this unique and endangered species in the wild. Follow our links below for ideas,advice and inspiration. See what previous supporters have done and get planning.‎ Why Go Orange?‎ One of our closest relatives badly needs our help. Find out why it's so important to get involved today in Go Orange for Orangutans.‎ For Schools We've created lots of useful resources to make it easy to get your whole school involved whether it's a primary or secondary school in England or Wales.‎ Register (注册) for Go Orange Getting started is really easy. Just register your interest today and we'll be in touch to help support you all the way.‎ Free Fundraising & Information Pack To help you get started we've put together a free fundraising and information pack.‎ In the Field Read our blogs from the field and learn how the money we raise helps to save orangutans in the wild.‎ Orangutan Jungle Run Play our fun and free Orangutan Jungle Run game and help us spread the message to help ‎ orangutans in the wild.‎ ‎21.The purpose of Go Orange for Orangutans is to________.‎ A.provide habitats for wildlife B.keep orangutans from dying out C.donate large sums to poor schools D.raise money for studying orangutans 解析:选B 细节理解题。由第一段可知,这项活动的目的是为了保护猩猩,以免它们灭绝。‎ ‎22.Who would most probably click on the second link?‎ A.A nurse who wants to donate £1.‎ B.A runner who wants to join the free run game.‎ C.A clerk who wants to register for the campaign.‎ D.A primary school headmaster who wants to help.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。由For Schools部分的介绍可知,这个链接是针对中小学校的。‎ ‎23.If you want to know how the donated money is used, which link should you click on?‎ A.Register for Go Orange.‎ B.Free Fundraising & Information Pack.‎ C.In the Field.‎ D.Orangutan Jungle Run.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由In the Field的内容可知,本链接可以帮助大家了解善款是怎样用来帮助猩猩生存的。‎ B Neither rain nor snow nor the dark of night can separate Tennessee postal carrier “Mailman Mike” from his 4andahalfyearold friend Carter Lawson — or keep them from their appointments.‎ For the past nine months, the two have teamed up every day in the preschooler's Knoxville neighborhood for a few minutes of delivering mail together and chatting with fellow neighbors. Lawson wants to be a mail carrier when he grows up, and in an inspiring story, his mom told us how mailman Mike Crenshaw has been a role model to her son.“Anyone could just be like‘Go away, kid’, but Mike has really gone out of his way to talk with Carter, ” said Cassie Lawson of the United States Postal Service carrier. Little Carter even got his own uniform to match Mike's.“It's been really cute. I just couldn't believe he got a full mailman's costume,” the postal service employee said.‎ ‎“Every letter carrier has stops he looks forward to and this is the one I look forward to every day,” said Mike. “He's the end of my day, and the best part of my day. Not because it's the end, but because he's such a cute little guy. ”‎ The man and the little boy's connection isn't a surprise to Fredric Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers. “Kids respond to mailmen because letter carriers are a friendly, uniformed part of the neighborhood who bring something to their house every day, and are someone they come to recognize and trust,” Rolando said. “It's the same for the elderly, but in addition, letter carriers may be the only person they communicate with all day.”‎ 语篇解读:本文为记叙文。立志长大成为邮递员的男孩和邮递员成为了好朋友。孩子的梦想值得尊重,而邮递员的工作也给人们传递了友谊和信任。‎ ‎24.Mike Crenshaw meets Carter Lawson every day to________.‎ A.play with the boy B.get mail from the boy ‎ C.listen to the boy's stories D.send mail together with the boy 解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段“...for a few minutes of delivering mail together and chatting with fellow neighbor.”可知,他们两个人每天会面是为了一起送邮件。‎ ‎25.Why does Mike Crenshaw like the last stop of his day?‎ A.It is where he lives.‎ B.It is where he is paid.‎ C.He wants to be with Carter.‎ D.He can finish his work by then.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第三段“Not because it's the end, but because he's such a cute little guy.”可知,他期待最后一站是因为他想和那个可爱的孩子在一起。‎ ‎26.What can we infer from Fredric Rolando's words?‎ A.Mailmen are usually not well respected.‎ B.What letter carriers do is not just sending letters.‎ C.The elderly don't like communicating with others.‎ D.People should learn to recognize and trust each other.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。由最后一段可知,邮递员不只送信,还与人们交流,获得小孩的信任,甚至有可能是老人们唯一的交流对象。由此可知,他们送的不仅仅是信。‎ ‎27.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.A letter carrier is praised for helping a kid B.A mailman makes a little boy's dream come true ‎ C.Every letter carrier has stops he looks forward to ‎ D.The importance of letter carriers cannot be ignored 解析:选B 标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了邮递员帮助小男孩实现梦想的故事。‎ C If you're planning on travelling, there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey.‎ First of all, always check and doublecheck departure (起程) time. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once I arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and I thought she had said that the plane left at 10:50. When I arrived at the airport, the clerk at the departure desk told me that my flight was closed. Therefore, I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an important meeting.‎ The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit cards, it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency (货币) with you when you arrive in a country. This can be necessary if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. A few years ago I was sent to Tulsa‎, ‎Oklahoma. I flew there from London via (经由) Dallas, with very little time to change planes in between. I arrived there at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed. The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi and because I had no dollars, I offered to pay in pounds instead.‎ ‎“Listen! I only take real money!” the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to borrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was embarrassing (令人难堪的).‎ The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave. I feel sorry for some of my workmates who travel in heavy suit and raincoats in May, when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during the day.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章就旅行时需要注意的问题提出了自己的建议,如确定起程时间、携带一定数量的当地货币以及确定目的地的气候等。‎ ‎28.According to the passage, the driver was angry because______.‎ A.the author gave him false money B.the author did not give him the local currency C.the author did not give him money D.the author had no enough change 解析:选B 细节理解题。作者午夜抵达,银行已经关门,作者没办法把英镑兑换成美元,用英镑付打的费,而当地的流通货币是美元,司机生气原因自然就在于此了,所以选B。‎ ‎29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.The author tells people to choose warm places as their travel destinations.‎ B.You don't have to take credit cards when travelling.‎ C.You should know more about the weather of the place you'll visit.‎ D.You should take enough change when you travel to other countries.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。由最后一段可知C项正确。‎ ‎30.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.A few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey.‎ B.Always check and doublecheck departure time.‎ C.It is important to have the local currency with you when you arrive in a country.‎ D.To find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave.‎ 解析:选A 主旨大意题。本文第一段已经明确主题:“... there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey.”,接下来的段落做了详细说明,故选A。 ‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Top tips to be safe while traveling alone You can be safe while traveling alone if you follow the tips below:‎ ‎___31___Traveling is quite distracting (令人分心的) and thus you are likely to leave behind one or two items on the café table or in the restaurant. Losing your credit cards or even your jacket can create trouble for you.‎ Separate all sources of money. Are you in the habit of carrying all sources of money together? Never do that while traveling. __32__ It is better not to carry them all in person. If you lose your cards on the way, it is difficult to get replacements.‎ ‎__33__ Conduct research on the destination before you pack your bags and start traveling. Use online information to find how safe the place is. Find whether there will be any festival during that time. No doubt these events are great, but you need to remember that if you do not book hotels in advance, you may fall into trouble in festive seasons.‎ Avoid cultural mistakes. Every destination has its own specific set of traditions and customs. Travelling is one of the best ways to learn more about tradition and culture, but take steps not to make cultural mistakes. __34__‎ Note all local emergency numbers. __35__ Save the number of your embassy if you are traveling abroad, the local police, fire stations and the nearest medical facilities.‎ A.Choose destinations with care.‎ B.Never carry your wallet in your back pocket.‎ C.Keep at least one of them in a different place.‎ D.Make a habit of looking back as often as you can.‎ E.You need to have some contact numbers stored in your phone.‎ F.Being without money is certainly not fun when traveling alone.‎ G.Even if a gesture appears normal to you, it may not seem so to the locals.‎ 答案:31~35 DCAGE 第三部分 语言运用 (满分45分,限时30分钟)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I have been a member of an organization. This organization fights for the protection of __36__ rights. As a result, we may __37__ from special discounts and offers. __38__, when we could get special charges on gas and electricity bills a year ago, I __39__ to join a group and take advantage of lower __40__.‎ I must say that I felt quite __41__ with their customer service, because there were no hard selling (硬性推销) practices. So when I got a __42__ from them, summarizing their actions and the benefits I got thanks to them, I __43__ to it. Though there was a field __44__ one could ask about his/her file or ask a question, I wrote: I don't have any __45__ but here is some feedback (反馈) for you.‎ And I __46__ the people and the team who worked hard and __47__ their customers well. I said how I appreciated their __48__ and the money that they had helped me save. The following day, the manager answered my letter and said that she had forwarded it to her __49__ and she thanked me for my __50__ words.‎ Sometimes, we take it for granted that everything has to be perfect for us and we __51__ high quality prices and service. However, don't __52__ to thank those people who try to make this __53__. More importantly, we are __54__ to do it more often, as well. In other words, we ought to care for people who do care for us. __55__ should it be a onewayticket relationship?‎ 语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文。作者受他人恩惠之后所写的一封感谢信让他意识到:人需要相互关爱。‎ ‎36.A.strangers'       B.employers'‎ C.producers' D.consumers'‎ 解析:选D 由“special discounts and offers”可推断,此处应指消费者的权益。‎ ‎37.A.suffer B.benefit C.learn D.hear 解析:选B 由下文“summarizing their actions and the benefits I got”中benefits的提示可判断选B项。‎ ‎38.A.Besides B.Instead C.Therefore D.However 解析:选C 作者可以从中受益,因此决定加入组织。‎ ‎39.A.decided B.used C.struggled D.had 解析:选A 参见上题解析。‎ ‎40.A.qualities B.donations C.wages D.prices 解析:选D 由“special discounts and offers”可推断此处应指低价。‎ ‎41.A.disappointed B.satisfied C.familiar D.patient 解析:选B 由“because there were no hard selling practices”可知,作者对他们的服务很满意。‎ ‎42.A.call B.present C.letter D.report 解析:选C 由下文“the manager answered my letter”的提示可判断选C项。‎ ‎43.A.replied B.referred C.turned D.wrote 解析:选A 由下文“I wrote”可知,作者回复了它。‎ ‎44.A.which B.while C.unless D.where 解析:选D 由“a field”可知,此处指地点,用where。‎ ‎45.A.complaint B.question C.suggestion D.comment 解析:选B 由“one could ask about his/her file or ask a question”的提示可判断选B项。‎ ‎46.A.encouraged B.rewarded C.thanked D.comforted 解析:选C 由下文“how I appreciated”可推断,作者感谢他们。‎ ‎47.A.served B.treated C.knew D.awarded 解析:选A 由上文“I felt quite __41__ with their customer services”可推断,此处指他们为顾客提供了很好的服务。‎ ‎48.A.supports B.opinions C.strengths D.efforts 解析:选D 由“the team who worked hard”可推断此处指他们的努力。‎ ‎49.A.family B.team C.boss D.friend 解析:选B 由上文“the people and the team”中team的提示可判断选B项。‎ ‎50.A.exciting B.loud C.kind D.defending 解析:选C 由作者的写信内容可判断其言辞是友善的。‎ ‎51.A.expect B.get C.offer D.enjoy 解析:选A 由“we take it for granted that everything has to be perfect for us”可推断,此处指我们期待优质的服务和优惠的价格。‎ ‎52.A.ask B.promise C.fear D.forget 解析:选D 不要忘记感谢那些使我们的期待成为可能的人。‎ ‎53.A.necessary B.possible C.normal D.natural 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎ ‎54.A.reminded B.allowed C.supposed D.forced 解析:选C 由“we ought to care for people who do care for us”中ought to 的提示可判断选C项。‎ ‎55.A.Why B.How C.When D.What 解析:选A 我们应该关爱那些关爱我们的人,为什么只让别人关爱我们而我们却不去关爱他们呢?由此语境可判断选A项。‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ In India, a lot of elephants aren't wild. Instead, they are domesticated (驯养的). They aren't kept as pets, __56__ as working animals. Every working elephant has its own keeper. An elephant and its keeper meet for the first time when they are both young. __57__ (develop) a strong and lasting relationship, the elephant and its keeper grow up together. In fact, __58__ (they) relationship continues for the rest of the elephant's life — perhaps 40 years. Lots of elephants work in the forest, __59__ (move) heavy trees after they are cut down. Some give rides to tourists, or carry people during __60__(celebrate) and festivals. Keepers try to take good care of their elephants, feeding them well and giving them __61__ bath at the end of the working day.‎ Another animal __62__ is treated in a special way in India is the cow. Cows are __63__‎ ‎ (protect) animals, so they aren't kept on farms or killed __64__ food, although people do use their milk. So in India you can often see cows walking around in a town or city, and nobody tries to control them. If they sit down in the middle of the road, people __65__ (usual) try to keep away from them. Do you think it's interesting?‎ ‎56.but not ... but ...是习惯搭配,意思是“不是……而是……”。‎ ‎57.To develop “To develop a strong and lasting relationship”是不定式短语作目的状语。‎ ‎58.their 空格中所填单词在句中作定语,修饰名词relationship,需用形容词性物主代词。‎ ‎59.moving “moving heavy trees after they are cut down”是现在分词短语作状语,表示方式。‎ ‎60.celebrations 空格中所填单词在句中作介词during的宾语,需用celebrate的名词形式。‎ ‎61.a give sb. a bath意思是“给某人洗澡”。‎ ‎62.that/which 关系代词that/which修饰先行词animal,引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。‎ ‎63.protected protected animals意思是“受保护动物”。‎ ‎64.for for此处表示目的。‎ ‎65.usually 空格中所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词,需用usual的副词形式。‎ 第四部分 写作 (满分40分,限时40分钟)‎ 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)‎ 出国旅游可以让你体验异国风情,领略外国文化,但是出国之前要做好充分的准备。请你根据以下要点提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍出国旅游前应该做的准备工作。‎ ‎1.准备几份护照的复印件;‎ ‎2.了解当地气候和风俗习惯;‎ ‎3.准备好旅行指南。‎ 注意:1.词数80左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考范文:‎ As we all know, traveling abroad benefits us a lot. However, before our traveling, we must make careful preparations for it.‎ First of all, bring several copies of your passport. If your passport gets lost, make sure that you can still get back or prove your citizenship. Secondly, it's important to study the local climate and customs. Familiarizing yourself with sensitive issues is also essential. In addition, you'd better get some guidebooks, which usually include maps, key words and phrases. In conclusion, only if you prepare well can you enjoy a pleasant journey abroad.‎ 第二节:概要写作(满分25分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Why do parents have such a difficult time to communicate openly and honestly with their teens? For this, there are many reasons but most of them stem from not being able to properly understand their teens. It is a dangerous gap because parents will have to communicate with their teens about a wide variety of issues during the most important years of their lives. Thus, parents must know how to communicate openly and honestly with their teens. ‎ ‎ Here are a few tips to make communication easier between parents and teenagers.‎ As parents, you should listen to what children said carefully and pay much attention to it. Make them feel as if their views really matter, which not only helps your discussions with your teen but brings you closer to him. Meanwhile, try to remember some of the negative feelings you experienced as a teenager and apply it to your teen's situation. Never make negative remarks to your teen about what she has said or done. Remember how much courage it would have taken for your teen to come and talk to you about his personal issues. So listen respectfully. If your teen is unusually angry, it may be time to spend a bit of quality time with your teen to determine what is wrong and where it is coming from. ‎ ‎ It is, therefore, necessary for parents to strive to keep lines of communication open at all times with their teens. Try to remember what it was like to be a teenager and how vulnerable (脆弱的) you felt. Then you will be well on your way to helping your teen communicate more openly and honestly.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考范文:‎ There are various reasons for a difficult communication between parents and their teens.(要点1) Here are some tips:Try not to talk down to your teens.Imagine what it would be like to be a teen.Listen respectfully to your teens. Don't ignore your teens' feelings.(要点2) As long as you keep lines of communication open and remember what it was like to be a teenager, you will be well on the way to communicating with your teens.(要点3)SS

