牛津上海版(深圳)四下《Smell and taste》练习题1

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牛津上海版(深圳)四下《Smell and taste》练习题1

Module 1 Unit 2 Smell and taste(A ) Ⅰ.想一想,用所给的字母组成单词。 钏 l 亍 i… Ⅱ.你能写出这样的合成词吗? 例:water + melon = watermelon 1. + = . 2. + = . 3. + = . 4. + = . 5. + = . Ⅲ.选择填空。 ( )1.How it taste ? Is it sweet or sour? A.does B.do C.is ( )2.Is it a pen a pencil? A.and B.with C.or ( )3.Look at it.It’s yellow.Touch it.It’s soft.Smell it.It’s nice.Taste it.It’s sour.It’s a A.strawberry B.watermelon C.lemon ( )4. grapes are sour.They’re not sweet. s b y t r r e a r w w m n o a e e l r t g a p e r e t m u i n o t h e s A.This B.Those C.That ( )5.--Does the fox like the grapes? --Yes,he . A.do B.doesn’t C.does Ⅳ.看图,读一读,填空完成句子。 1. --Close your eyes.Smell this.Is it strawberry juice grape juice? --It’s . 2.--Close your eyes. his.What is it? Cake bread? --Is it bread? --Now taste it. How taste? --It’s .It’s a . V.选词填空。 cannot eat fox sad round sweet One day , a hungry and thirsty sees some nice grapes . He likes grapes.They are purple and .But the grapes are high.The fox get and eat them.A bird can the grapes.She likes the sweet grapes.They are yummy.The fox is and angry.He says those grapes are sour.They are not . Ⅵ.画一画你喜欢吃的食物并介绍一下吧! 参考答案 I.1.strawberry 2.watermelon 3.grape 4.minute 5.those II.bed+room=bedroom school+bag=schoolbag black+board=blackboard class+room=classroom pencil+box=pencilbox Ⅲ.1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C Ⅳ.1.or;lemon juice 2.Smell;or;does it;sweet;cake V.fox;round;cannot;eat;sad;sweet Ⅵ.略

