牛津译林版七年级下册《Neighbours》(Period 5)课时训练

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牛津译林版七年级下册《Neighbours》(Period 5)课时训练

Unit 2: Neighbours Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills Name_______Class_______ 【基础训练】 I. 汉译英 1. 离……远 far away from 2. 乘火车 by train 3. 在将来 in the future 4. 听起来像是个好主意 sound like a good idea 5. 在镇中心 in the town centre 6. 她的哥哥 her elder brother 7. 擅长绘画 be good at drawing 8. 做一名艺术家 be an artist II. 根据句意提示在句中的横线上填入表职业的名词。 1. Every day I have to send some letters to some people. I am a _______. 2. We help doctors and patients. We are _______. 3. She works at a TV station. She meets pop stars. She is a _______. 4. Thieves are afraid of them. They are _______. 5. Henry works at a hospital. When people are ill, they usually go to see him. He is a _______. [答案]. 1. postman 2. nurses 3. reporter 4. policemen/police 5. doctor 【巩固提高】 III. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. They ________ (finish) the work in two weeks. 2. How long ________ it ________ (take) to get there tomorrow? 3. Old people enjoy ________ (stay) in quiet places. 4. Tomorrow is Sunday. Lily ________ (visit) her grandparents. 5. _________ it going to _________ (be) hot tomorrow? 6.--- What _________ you _________ (do) this weekend? ---I’m going to play volleyball. [答案]1. will finish 2. will; take 3. staying 4. will visit 5. Is, be 6. are, going to do IV. 句型转换 1. We shall meet at the school gate at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. (对划线部 分提问) ________ ________ we ________ at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon? 2. I’ll tell the news to you at once. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you ________ the news to me at once? 3. Millie and Sandy are going to buy vegetables this afternoon. (改为一般疑问 句) ________ Millie and Sandy ________ ________ ________ vegetables this afternoon? 4. We shall go to the new swimming pool next Sunday. (改为一般疑问句) ________ we ________ to the new swimming pool next Sunday? 5. My uncle works in a restaurant.(对划线部分提问) your uncle work? [答案]1. Where shall meet 2. Will, tell 3. Are, going to buy 4. Shall, go 5. Where does 从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话。 A. Sometimes it’s too boring. B. I work in the post office. C. Are you a shop assistant? D. But sometimes it’s very busy. E. I sell computers. A: Sonia! (1)__________? B: Yes, I am. A: What do you sell? B: (2)__________ A: Do you like your job? B: Not really. (3)__________. I want to be a doctor. A: A doctor? It’s interesting! B: Yes, I really want to be a doctor. What about you, David? What do you do? A: I’m a postman. (4)__________ but I want to work for a magazine as a reporter. B: A reporter? Why? A: Well, I want to talk with all kinds of people. B: Oh, it’s exciting. (5)__________ [答案]1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B D 【拓展延伸】 阅读理解 Steve Parkinson from Australia is coming to study in Britain. Mrs. and Mr. White have come to meet him at the airport. Mrs. W: There he is. Steve! Steve! Oh, he can't see us. There are so many people. Steve! We are here. Steve: Hello. There you are. What a crowd! Good Day. Mrs. and Mr. White. Mrs. W: Hello. Do you have a good journey? Is it a comfortable flight? Does everything go all right? Mr. W: You must be very tired. Your hotel isn't very far from here. We booked (预 订) you a hotel in the city centre for tonight. Steve: Oh, fine. Thank you. Mr. W: Well, we’d better go and find a taxi. Mrs. W: Let’s go by underground. There’ll be a long queue (队伍) for taxis and the bus will take long time at this time of day. There is a underground station near the airport. Steve: OK. That’s fine. But I should change some money. Is there a bank here? Mr. W: Yes, there is. You go through the second door on your left. It's in the far corner. Steve: Thanks. It shouldn’t take very long, but I must get some English money. Second left, right? Mr. W: Yes, then it’s in the corner. ( )1. How does Steve come to England? A. By taxi. B. By underground. C. By plane. D. By bus. ( )2. Why does he come to England? A. To study in England. B. To visit England. C. To meet Mr White. D. To meet Mrs. White. ( )3. Who will stay in a hotel tonight? A. Mrs. White. B. Mr White. C. Steve. D. All of them. ( )4. Why don’t they want to take a taxi? A. There is no taxi. B. They don’t like taking taxis. C. It takes too much time to go to the hotel by taxi. D. There’ll be many people waiting for taxis. ( )5. What does 'What a crowd!' mean? A. Surprise! B. So many people here! C. Too noisy! D. Beautiful weather! [解析]1. C 根据 Is it a comfortable flight? 2. A 根据短文第一句 Steve Parkinson from Australia is coming to study in Britain. 3. C 根据短文中 We booked (预订) you a hotel in the city centre for tonight. Steve: Oh, fine. Thank you. 4. D 根据 There’ll be a long queue (队伍) for taxis. 5. B 句意理解题。根据上文的 There are so many people. 可知。

