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Unit 10 If you go to the party,you'll have a great time! 第二课时 Section A (2a2d) 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。每空一词。 1 . Mr. Green says he must go to the _______( 会议 ) because it's important. 2 . Last month we ___________( 组织 ) a concert in Park Sports Hall. 3 . Mom bought a ___________( 巧克力 ) cake for my birthday party. 4 . Here are some ________( 录像带 ) and you can use them for teaching. 5 . Let's _______( 点菜 ) some food from the restaurant for lunch. meeting organized chocolate videos order 二、单项选择。 ( )6.Half the class ________ from Guiyang , and they all can swim. A . is B . are C . am D . be ( )7. — ________ will we have the class meeting? —Let's have it today. A . When B . What C . How D . Why ( )8.Vince and Jake are talking about how ________ a class party in the classroom now. ( 易错题 ) A . have B . having C . to have D . to having B A C ( )9. — What bad news! —Yes.It made Mary ________ sad ________ say a word. ( 原创题 ) A . so ; that B . enough ; to C . too ; to D . such ; that ( )10. — We are busy on weekdays.Let's have a party on the weekend. —________. A . Catch you then B . That's a good idea C . That's right D . Sure , I'd love to C B 三、情景交际:从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 ( 有两项多余 ) A : Hi , Alex.I want to have a class party.Can you help me prepare for it? B : Sure , Lily.So when should we have the party? A : 11.____ B : No , I don't think that's a good idea.If we have it today , most of our classmates won't come.12.____ A : OK.Let's have it tomorrow. B : Hmm...13.____ So our friends will leave early to study for the test.Let's have it on the weekend. E F G A : Good.Let's have it on Saturday afternoon. All of us can meet and watch a movie. A . No problem! B . There w as a test yesterday . C . Some students w ill be bored . D . Let ' s play soccer tomorro w . E . Let ' s ha v e it today after class . F . Today w e ha v e so much home w ork to do . G . There w ill be a test the day after tomorro w . B : No , I don't think we should watch a movie.14.____ Let's play party games. A : OK , good idea.Can you give me some ideas for party games? B : Sure , I can do that.And can you make some food for us? A : 15.____ C A

