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Unit 10 If you go to the party,you'll have a great time! 单元同步阅读能力提升 一、完形填空。 Do you have any worries ? Zhang Lin , a fourteenyearold girl from No. 29 Middle School , has a lot of __ 1 __ these days. Zhang Lin has a hard time with her English and math , __ 2 __ she often fails ( 不及格 ) her exams.When she gets bad grades , her mother gets angry __ 3 __ her.Zhang Lin doesn't want to talk with her mother and she thinks her mother __ 4 __ understands her.What can Zhang Lin do about this ? She is very worried.She believes the worst thing is to do __ 5 __ . So Zhang Lin __ 6 __ to talk to her friends.But she worries that if they know that , they will laugh at her.If so , she will certainly feel __ 7 __ . Also , Zhang Lin is crazy ( 迷恋的 ) about a movie star.She wrote a letter to him , but she is __ 8 __ to send the letter to him.She wants to tell her father about __ 9 __ letter , but she thinks her father will criticize ( 批评 ) her.If her father __ 10 __ she likes a movie star crazily , he will be angry. No one can help Zhang Lin to solve her problems.She doesn't know what to do.Who can help her? ( )1.A.ideas B . Worries C . time D . homework ( )2.A.so B . but C . though D . unless ( )3.A.to B . for C . from D . with ( )4.A.often B . Sometimes C . never D . always ( )5.A.something B . Anything C . nothing D . everything ( )6.A.asks B . decides C . stops D . refuses ( )7.A.more B . less C . better D . worse ( )8.A.afraid B . sure C . ready D . able ( )9.A.your B . their C . his D . her ( )10.A.knows B . will know C . knew D . is knowing B A D C C B D A D A 二、阅读理解。 Jenny was new in this city.She didn't have any friends , and her classmates didn't seem friendly to her.Sometimes she complained to her mother , and her mother always said that she could get used to that and everything would be OK. A card arrived on Monday : Come to Melissa's 10th birthday party.Jenny was excited to receive the card.She didn't know Melissa very well , but she was glad to know that Melissa wanted to be her friend. Jenny put the card into her schoolbag.After dinner , she showed it to her mother. “ It's a swimming party , Jenny , ” her mother said.Hearing that , Jenny began to read each word.She stopped when she read where it would be : the Elm Street Pool. Jenny didn't even have a bathing suit.She liked skating.She played baseball.She was good at playing chess.But in her mind swimming was for ducks , and she wanted no part of it. “ This might be a good time to learn to swim , ” her mother said. “ I can take you to the pool every day after school.I think you will like it. ” The idea of swimming scared Jenny.However , when she thought that she could make a lot of friends , she decided to have a try. ( )11.What does the underlined word “complained” mean in Chinese? A .抱怨 B .炫耀 C .解释 D .祝贺 ( )12.How did Jenny feel when she got the invitation? A . Worried. B . Happy. C . Angry. D . Unhappy. ( )13.What CANNOT we know about the party from the text? A . What the guests would do at the party. B . Why Melissa was going to have the party. C . Where Melissa was going to have the party. D . When Melissa was going to have the party. A B A ( )14.What was Jenny's problem? A . She wasn't able to swim. B . She didn't have a beautiful dress. C . She wasn't Melissa's good friend. D . She didn't know the way to the party. ( )15.What can we learn from the text? A . Jenny didn't have any hobbies. B . Jenny would learn to swim for the party. C . Jenny's father would teach her to swim. D . Jenny would go to the party with her mum. A B 三、任务型阅读。 ( 原创题 ) Students these days often have a lot of worries.Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork , and sometimes with their friends.What can they do about this ? Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing.Laura Mills , a teenager from London , agrees. “ ① Problems _ and _ worries _ are _ normal _ in _ life , ” says Laura. “ But I think talking to someone helps a lot.__ A __ we talk to someone , we'll certainly feel worse. ” Laura once lost her wallet , and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn't have any money.She just kept thinking , “ If I tell my parents , they'll be angry ! ” In the end , she talked to her parents and they were really understanding.② said , her , he , dad , himself , sometimes , made , careless , mistakes .They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. “ I will always remember to share my problems in the future ! ” Laura says. Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.He feels the same way as Laura.“It is best not to run away from problems.We should always try to __ B __ them. ” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.This person doesn't need to be an expert like himself.Students often forget that their parents have more experience , and are always there to help them.In English , we say that sharing problems is like cutting it in half.So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it! ( )26.A.friends B . Mistakes C . invitations D . promises ( )27.A.myself B . yourself C . herself D . himself ( )28.A.to B . with C . for D . at ( )29.A.something new B . new something C . nothing new D . new nothing ( )30.A.unless B . though C . if D . so ( )31.A.careless B . glad C . upset D . tired ( )32.A.jokes B . tapes C . songs D . exams ( )33.A.money B . advice C . questions D . steps ( )34.A.service B . Culture C . discussion D . experience ( )35.A.solve B . accept C . stand D . improve B D C A B C A B D A 六、阅读理解。 Dear Lisa , It happened again this morning.My neighbor threw rubbish ( 扔垃圾 ) into my garden.It was the fourth time.I was so angry.Yesterday I threw it back into their garden , but it didn't make any difference.I don't know why they did that.They are new here.I don't really want to argue with them.In fact , I would like to be friends with them.What should I do? Yours , Amy Dear Amy , I understand how angry you feel.I think you should go and say hello to them.Why don't you invite them to your place to take a cup of coffee ? If you do this , they will be glad.Then you can talk about the rubbish with them.They will not do the same thing.Do you think so? I'm looking forward to your good _ news . Yours , Lisa ( )36.Amy felt ________ because of what her neighbor did. A . angry B . thankful C . sad D . glad ( )37.Amy wanted to ________ her neighbor. A . say hello to B . hang out with C . argue with D . make friends with ( )38.Lisa is trying to ________. A . teach Amy how to throw rubbish B . help Amy solve her problem C . invite Amy for a cup of coffee D . ask Amy to help clean her garden A D B ( )39.What does the “ good news ” refer to ( 指的是 )? A . Amy makes her garden clean again. B . Amy makes her neighbor move away. C . Amy invites her neighbor to her party. D . Amy gets on well with her neighbor. ( )40.What can we learn from the material ( 材料 )? A . Lisa is Amy's best friend. B . Amy has a beautiful neighbor. C . Lisa advises Amy to be friendly. D . Amy is new to her place. D C 七、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空 , 使短文完整、通顺。 ( 原创题 ) try , normal , w orry , keep , w ith , a w ay , or , ad v ice , sol v e , understanding Lisa is Alice's best friend.When she has 41. , she always tells Lisa about them.Lisa is very 42._____________.She always helps Alice to 43._____ all her problems.When Lisa has problems 44._____ her schoolwork or friends , what does she usually do ? worries understanding solve with Well , she never runs 45._____ from the problems.She always 46.____ her best to solve them.Sometimes she shares her worries with Alice.Sometimes she tells her problems to parents 47.___ teachers.She thinks their 48._____ is very helpful to her.Lisa also thinks that people shouldn't 49.____ their problems to themselves.She always says ,“ Problems and worries are 50._____ in life.Talking to someone can help a lot. ” away tries advice or keep normal

