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module 2 (三年级起点)外研版四年级英语下册单元全套课件 外研版·英语·四年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 2 Unit 1 London is a big city. 第一课时 A: What’s this…? B: It’s a/an… A: Is this your… B: Yes,… /No,… 说一说: This…is… tall short 说一说: This…is… big small This panda is short, but that one is tall. This ship is big, but that one is small. ship: 船 by ship: 乘船 This ship is very big. ship boat 较大一点的船 小船 Listen and fill. 1. This panda is _______, but that one is _______. 2. This ship is _______, but that one is _______. short tall big small Practise. 用句型“This… is… but that one is…”造句。 Look and answer. 1.What’s this? It’s a book. 2.What’s the book about? It’s about London. What’s this? It’s a book about London. It’s very nice! Oh, London is a big city. Yes! Very big! Ooh! What’s this? It’s Buckingham Palace. It’s very big and very beautiful. Yes, it is! Is it your house? No, it isn’t. Whose house is it? It’s the Queen’s house. This is my house! It’s small. But it’s very beautiful too. And it’s close to the Queen’s house. Try to answer. 1.Which city are they talking about? London. 2. Is Buckingham Palace big? Yes, it is. 3. Whose house is it? It’s the Queen’s house. 4. Is Amy’s house beautiful? Yes, it is. (London) (Buckingham Palace) (the queen’s house) city: 城市 复数:cities Beijing is a big city. beautiful: 美丽的 This is a beautiful flower. whose: 谁的 Whose pen is this? close: 近的 be close to…: 靠近…… My home is close to my school. What’s this? It’s a book about London. It’s very nice! Oh, London is a big city. Yes! Very big! Role play. Ooh! What’s this? It’s Buckingham Palace. It’s very big and very beautiful. Yes, it is! Role play. Is it your house? No, it isn’t. Whose house is it? It’s the Queen’s house. This is my house! It’s small. But it’s very beautiful too. And it’s close to the Queen’s house. Role play. 译一译。 城市 _________ 美丽的 ___________ Buckingham Palace __________ 谁的 _________ queen _________ 近的 _________ I can do it! whose beautifulcity close 女王 白金汉宫 选一选。 I can do it! ( ) 1.This is a book ____ China. A. about B. in C. for ( ) 2.-What’s this? - ____ a train. A. It B. It’s C. This is ( ) 3.- _____ house is it? -It’s the Queen’s house. A. Who’s B. What’s C. Whose A B C 重点单词:ship, short, tall, big , small, beautiful, city, whose, close 重点短语:be close to 重点句式:-What’s this? -It’s… -Is it your…? -Yes, …/No, … -Whose… is it? -It’s… 1. 熟记本节课所学的单词、短语和句型,必须 会听、说、读、写。 2. 将Listen, point and find “big, beautiful, small”. 朗读流利。 Homework 第二课时 Clue 1: It’s a house. 柯南游戏 Clue 2: It’s big. Clue 3: The Queen lives in it. (Buckingham Palace) London is a big city. My house is very small, but it’s beautiful. Listen and fill. 1. London is a _____ city. 2. My house is very ______, but it’s __________. big small beautiful This is a picture about my house. My house is very small, but it’s beautiful Can you introduce your house to us? Practise. Introduce your house. This is… It’s… My house is…, but… A: This is a book about London. B: It’s very nice. 译一译。 伦敦是一个大城市。 I can do it! 1. London is a big city. _____________________ 2. 我的房子很小,但是很漂亮。 ____________________________ 3. This is a book about London. ______________________ 4. 它是谁的房子? ______________________ My house is very small, but it’s beautiful. 这是一本关于伦敦的书。 Whose house is it? 补全对话并表演出来。 I can do it! A:_____ B: It’s a photo(照片) of my village(村庄). A: Is it your house? B: _____ A: _____ house is it? B: It’s my friend’s house. A: Wow! It’s so beautiful. B: Look! This is my house. It’s too small. A: But _____ A. it’s nice. B. Whose C. No, it isn’t. D. What’s this? D C B A 重点单词:ship, short, tall, big , small, beautiful, city, whose, close 重点短语:be close to 重点句式:-What’s this? -It’s… -Is it your…? -Yes, …/No, … -Whose… is it? -It’s… 1. 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。 2. 向家人介绍北京或伦敦。 3. 结合本课内容创编一个新对话,并表演出 来。 Homework 外研版·英语·四年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 2 Unit 2 It's very old. 第一课时 This is… It’s… Tiananmen Squarethe Great Wall the Bird’s NestXiangshan Park Who has been to the Bird’s Nest? What is the Bird’s Nest like? This is my home. It’s old. This is my home. It’s very famous. Try to fill. 1. This is Big Ben. It’s my _______ (家). It’s _______. 2. This is the Bird’s Nest. It’s my _______ (家). It’s very ________. home old famous home old: 古老的 This is an old town. 拓展: old还可表示年老的 The man is old. famous: 著名的 Beijing is a famous city. Free Talk. Do you know any sceneries in London? the Thames泰晤士河 the British Museum 大英博物馆 the London Eye 伦敦眼 Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂 Free Talk. Do you know any sceneries in London? Big Ben 大本钟Hyde Park海德公园 Tower Bridge 塔桥 Free Talk. -How is Big Ben? -It’s… Free Talk. -How is Hyde Park? -It’s… Free Talk. -How is Tower Bridge? -It’s… Amy: This is Big Ben. It’s very old. Lingling: And it’s very tall. Amy: This is Hyde Park. Lingling: It’s very beautiful. Amy: And this is Tower Bridge. It’s very famous. Lingling: And it’s very beautiful too. Try to answer. 1. Big Ben is very _____ and very _____. 2. Hyde Park is very__________. 2. Tower Bridge is very ________ and very __________ too. beautiful tallold famous beautiful A: It’s very old. What is it? B: It’s the desk. The desk is very old. Practise. It’s a bag. It’s very new. Practise. They are bags. They are very new. Practise. It’s… It’s very… They are… They’re very… 译一译。 1.古老的________ 3.美丽的____________ 2. 有名的_________ I can do it! 4. Big Ben _______ 5. the Bird’s Nest _______ 6. Hyde Park _______ 7. Tower Bridge _________ old famous beautiful 大本钟 鸟巢 海德公园 塔桥 选一选。 I can do it! 1. 你要向别人介绍海德公园时,你可以说:______ A. Hyde Park is very famous B. Hyde Park is in China. 2. 当有人问你伦敦很有名气的古钟是什么时,你会说:______ A. It’s Big Ben B. It’s the London Eye. 3. 当有人问你“像塔一样的桥叫什么?”时,你应该说:_______ A. It’s Tower Bridge. B. It’s Big Ben. A A A 重点单词:old, famous, beautiful 短语:Big Ben, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge 重点句型:This is my home. It’s old. This is my home. It’s very famous. This is Big Ben. It’s very old. And It’s very tall. And this is Tower Bridge. It’s very famous. And it’s very beautiful too. 1. 熟记本节课所学的单词、短语和句型,必须 会听、说、读、写。 2. 将Listen and say. 朗读流利。 3. 用句型”This is… It’s very…”向爸爸妈妈介 绍一个你喜欢的地方。 Homework 第二课时 This is… It’s… London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. Sing and play a game. LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. A: It’s a big city. What is it? B: It’s London. London Buckingham Palace Big Ben Hyde Park Tower Bridge 一名同学准备一样东西,其他同学猜一猜他所准备的是什么。 Is it big/small/long/short…? Yes/NoIs it a pen/an eraser? Make a poster about your hometown and introduce it to the class. This is Chengdu. It’s big and beautiful… 选一选。 I can do it! ( ) 1._____ is Beijing. It’s very beautiful. A. This B. These C. Those ( ) 2.The Great Wall is old _____ long. A. too B. and C. in ( ) 3.-Is it very famous? -_____ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am C. No, it is. A B A 选词填空。 beautiful, house, London, old, in 1.______ is a nice city. 2. Big Ben is _____, but the Bird’s Nest is new. 3. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s ______. 4. This park is very ______ in spring. 5. Tower Bridge is _____ London. London old house beautiful in 介绍两个你熟悉的城市,下面的词汇会给你帮助。 nice, famous, old, beautiful, big ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 重点单词:old, famous, beautiful, city 短语:Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge 重点句型:-It’s a big city. What’s it? -It’s London. It’s big and beautiful. 1. 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。 2. 将活动四的歌曲唱给自己的妈妈听,并与 同伴玩“伦敦桥”的游戏。 Homework

